The next day in school Izuku was luckily normal again, not trying to jump out of windows or run straight into walls at top speeds. So, that was good.
Around lunch after Aizawa's lesson ended Izuku calmly walked to Todoroki's desk with a small notecard that read, Do you still want to see your mom?
Todoroki read it with surprise, he almost forgot about that. He simply smiled at him and nodded, "If you still want to come the offers up." Izuku smiled back and nodded, heading back to his desk to get out another sheet of paper and headed out of the class, not even waiting for Todoroki, Iida, or Uraraka who he normally ate with.
Izuku shuffled down UA halls to find the teacher's lounge, walking in there like he owned the place. Some teachers knew of his existence, so he was greeted by a few of them.
"Hey Zuku." Dad called him over. Izuku waved slightly and handed Papa a paper, knowing he'd only get permission for him, Aizawa would probably over think the invite from Todoroki. Papa read through the note and chuckled, lightly ruffling his hair.
"I'll drive you." Izuku beamed and Dad was much in confusion. "And there's nothing you can do to stop us." He added in a matter of fact type of way after turning to Aizawa, he handed him the paper to let him read through. He looked like he had mixed emotions but ended up grumbling and handing the paper back to Hizashi without a word said to them. Izuku waved them goodbye and left to go to lunch.
He sat down with a Gogo Squeez and happily drank it, indiscreetly leaning on Todoroki's side. No one noticed besides the human pillow himself, he said nothing but his cheeks tined pink which was words in itself. He didn't look up from his soba for a second. Uraraka soon noticed his arrival and was quick to include him in the conversation. She turned to Tsu and hugged her about something Izuku never caught, but he did not miss the girl's ears turning red as she went, "Kerro?"
Soon the weekend came by quickly, Todoroki was visibly getting more nervous closer Saturday rolled around. Izuku was able to speak by the end of the week as well, he got his cast off but still often drank apple sauce. Papa drove him to the hospital as he promised, dropping him off at the front where he met with Todoroki. As a form of comfort Izuku looped their arms together as they talked to the receptionist and got the room number and floor.
"I mean, what if she hates me?" Todoroki rambled, "I mean, I haven't seen her in what, six years? Wait- no, ten years! She could have been plotting my death since she got here or-" Izuku nudged his side. He looked down at him, he had a comforting at calm smile. He slipped his arm out of the loop to grab the halfie's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"I-It'll be fine, T-Todo-chan." He reassured. They took the elevator which left Izuku pale. Mumbling Never again you mechanical box. Probably referring to the elevator. They walked down the hall slightly, searching for a sign that said Rei Todoroki. Soon they stumbled upon it, Todoroki standing in front of it for several seconds.
Izuku motion him forward, letting go of his hand and brought it up in a knocking position for him and let go. He hesitated for quite some time before knocking softly twice, hearing the sweet voice of, "Come in." Izuku smiled and pushed him to open the door but hung back so he could only be seen.
Rei was as beautiful as ever, her hair was a wonderful shade of winter snow and she looked out the window with her hands folded on her lap as she sat on her bed.
"M-Mom?" Her head whipped at Todoroki's voice.
"S-Shoto?" She gasped, tears welling up in her eyes, she stood in one swift motion and with shaking hands, hugged her son. He looked surprised, but melted into the hug spilling tears of his own. "Y-You're so grown u-up!" She laughed with a choked voice.
"I missed you so much." Todoroki smiled, a real genuine smile. They pulled out of the hug.
"I expect to hear stories, you made it to UA! I watched you in the sports festival!" She cheered, smiling even more.
Todoroki seemed to remember Izuku, turning to see him smiling warmly at the display in front of him. "I have a story already." He grinned, pulling Izuku into the room. Rei squeaked happily and told them to sit down. Her room had a table with three chairs across from her bed, she sat on the bed as the boys took the chairs.
"H-Hi Miss." Izuku chirped quietly but shyly.
"Call me Rei, dear!" She beamed. "Who is this adorable little thing Shoto?" She said turning to her son, Todoroki blushed slight and it didn't go unnoticed. "Oh! Is he your boyf-"
"No!" He all but screeched. Rei laughed.
"I see, so not yet-"
"Mom!" He tried calming his face, "This is Deku."
Izuku sat oblivious but happy with a curious expression looking in between the two. Rei realized and laughed more.
Soon Todoroki jumped into multiple stories, mostly about Izuku which he responded bashfully to. Izuku was comfortable with telling her some of her past, she quickly recognized him from All Might's fight and held a new heart of pity for the boy. Todoroki shared how Izuku convicted him to use his fire, Izuku just scratched his cheek thoughtfully and the first time they met with the random macron bag. It seemed to spark a remembrance as he turned to his bag and brought out two fresh bags and gave one to Rei and on to Todoroki. They both laughed.
Soon Todoroki talked about his life at home, Izuku already knew most of what he went through was thrilled to hear his sister was there for him.
"Is s-she pretty?" Izuku asked tugging on Todoroki's sleeve, "F-Fuyumi mean wi-winter beauty so-" He giggled slightly. "Mi-miss Rei is pr-pretty."
"Thank you dear." Rei beamed, then she looked at Todoroki, "Next week is your dead line- I expect him as my son in la-"
"Todo-chan?" Rei squealed at his nickname, "T-Time?" He showed Izuku his watch, he nodded and held up seven fingers. Oh right, Aizawa wanted him home by 3:30, it was 3:23 right now. He notified his mom, she was sad to see him go and was quick to ask how long Todoroki was staying.
"Till the old man drags me back." He smirked in reply. Rei smiled cheerfully.
"Will you visit again, Deku?" She asked kindly. Deku nodded.
"I-If Todo-chan wants." He looked up at the haflie as his mother also stared at him.
"Uh, sure?" The two cheered, he smiled. "It's a plan then."
Soon Izuku really did have to go,, waving the two a goodbye.
{1173 Words}
"Shoto, if he's not my son in law by the end of the week-" Rei started when Izuku closed the door behind him.
Todoroki just drowned in embarrassed dread. "He might not even like me."
"Oh plEAse. Todo-chan? He can't not like you!" Rei pushed. "Well, at least do you like him?" Todoroki paused and buried his face into his hands.
Rei squealed again.
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