Hey Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad-
Well Izuku was repoed from the dorms while everything was chaotic. Which is really all the time but this time Shoto was involved and it was getting too loud for the bean so Aizawa came to the rescue.
Let's just say he didn't know about the picture, if he did, he'd also be apart of said drama, probably trying to ring Shoto's neck.
Izuku hasn't been at home in a long time! So when he saw his Papa and Dad (Aizawa was laying in Hizashi's lap soundlessly) together on the couch grading papers and Shinso playing with their cat silently with absolutely no one talking to eachother or communicating in any way-
Well it was both familiar and extremely boring.
He tugged on his Dad's sleeve, a bit of a pout showing through on his face. Aizawa looked down at him, "Whassup Izuku?"
He struggled but eventually quietly muttered out, "Bored.."
Aizawa sighed and set his papers aside and sat up, Hizashi shifting a little so he could.
Izuku smiled a little, skipping over to the kitchen where he excitedly (with one hand) started getting some milk out, and the eggs.
"..what are you doing..?"
"..m-macrons..!" He cheered quietly, voice hurting a little though. He cringed softly and made a small hum of discomfort as he rubbed his throat a little.
Aizawa sighed, "You want me to help you then?"
Izuku nodded eagerly.
He sighed again.
Izuku beamed at him, any complaints Aizawa has melted away like that.
The green bean shook his head and held up five fingers then pausing to add one more, saying six.
"Dang how many are you making Izuku!?" His father hissed as he cracked six eggs into a huge mixing bowl.
"..c..class.." Enough for the whole class. Oh dear.
Aizawa said nothing against it though, this always made Izuku happy. Making others happy made him happy.
So, an hour of chaos went by quickly: a 30 year old man getting yelled at by a practically mute fifteen year old green bean for doing the wrong things, the rest of the family coming to join after the two started having a flour food fight, and ending with Izuku steadily decorating the cookies with one hand while Aizawa was laying on the floor with a pot on his head, soaking wet. Don't ask how.
In fact I know you will ask so I'll just tell you.
So basically Aizawa was kept going behind Izuku and eating the ones he kept decorating. That did not go well with the bean. After he caught him he grabbed the pot with water (they washed them before and it still had water in it) and splashed it all over his Dad, then he slapped the pot on top of his head.
Aizawa just laid down on to the floor in defeat.
Soon, another two hours since it was hard to decorate 100+ macrons with one hand and they were finally finished.
Though, thanks to Aizawa, there was an uneven amount so all the extras went to Shoto.
The next day at school, he passed out the little macron bags with a beaming grin. Just because he was a bit disabled doesn't mean he couldn't make them~
Of course everyone noticed Shoto had like, seven extra, but Izuku snacked off his bag so no one said much.
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