Camp Mayhem Part 2
{Please read previous A/N
Edit: i deleted it so don't worry bout it}
Izuku came out for dinner feeling better, eating with Todoroki this time. He was happy to see Kota also eating dinner, just further away from everyone.
They decided to do a test of courage, 2-B will be hiding throughout the forest on a certain path and tries to scare class 1-A then after 20 minutes the classes would switch. It sounded all fun and games, 1-A was divided into pairs and Todoroki was Izuku's partner which they were both quite happy about, though only one showed it. They were about the eighth pair to go out, Izuku held his sleeve like his life depended on it. Soon, though, they noticed a strange purple fog wisp around, layering up on the ground a couple feet high. Izuku started to get light headed, quickly realizing that it could only be from the fog.
He coughed several times, gaining the attention on his pair and they both stopped walking. Todoroki seemed to understand when Izuku covered his mouth with his shirt and hand with a feverish look, copying him as quick as he could. The purple fog only started to grow, licking at their knees and rising more by the second.
"What's going on?" Todoroki asked, though his voice was muffled. They both started running off into the direction that the fog thinned, where they met Bakugo and Shouji. Taking a second glance Shouji was holding a passed out Tokoyami and a weird body bag was on the ground.
"Oi! Half n' Half, Deku! Villains are attacking." Izuku's eyes widened and he stilled slightly, but remembered the chances of them being the same were slim, the body bag -- which was actually a villain, was never in the place he was at.
But something that he did remember is that Kota ran off before the test of courage started, he could be in danger. Automatically he grabbed Todoroki by his sleeve and started running off to the direction of his hideout much to the confusion of everyone.
Izuku saw Kota on the ground and he saw a figure in front of him, it ripped off a cloak to reveal a more famous villain, Muscular, getting ready to punch little Kota.
Izuku had never ran faster in his life.
He let go of Todoroki now that he saw what was going on and pumped his legs as quickly as he could and scooped the little boy out of the way just in time, Muscular let out an enraged growl and glared over at Izuku. When he recognized Izuku, his expression fell to one of glee, "Oh! You're on the list."
"It's y-you?" Kota asked in a quivering voice, even his body was shaking. Izuku smiled warmly at the kid before carefully setting him down and stepping in front of him protectively.
"Oh? So you're going to play hero now?" Izuku didn't know what he meant by that, but still held a small glare at the villain, much like in other situations the light drained out of his eyes and he found his voice.
"A hero is all I ever wanted to be." A glacier of ice few past them and froze the villain solid, he glanced behind him with a thankful look.
"You okay, Deku-kun?" Todoroki huffed, trying to catch his breath from being dragged so fast.
"M'fine-" The ice quickly shattered, Muscular's body had strands of flesh dancing around him, he laughed again, jumping right into taunting Izuku.
"How disappointing..." He looked at the three boys with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "First you run away, leave Handy alone and then join the heroes? How ungrateful can you get." Izuku freezes. There's no way.
"No- You're-"
"Ohho, so you do remember him. He was even nice enough to gather new recruits to fetch you, he said unharmed, but... accidents happen, right?" A devious grin split his face, "He won't mind if you have a couple broken limbs, right little Izuku?"
"Deku, what's he talking about?" Todoroki pulled him back in a worried manor, though Izuku couldn't answer, he was almost on the brink of a panic attack just by the realization that he could possibly be going back.
Not to him -- and not to father. No-no-no-he-he couldn't. He won't go back. Izuku dug his nails into his hair and tried breathing, unaware that he was mumbling the whole time. Todoroki was fighting in front of them, Kota was trying to shake him with tears in his eyes
Izuku blinked a couple times, he can't go back. Todoroki and Dad both promised. He was safe.
"What are you saying!" Todoroki's arm erupted in flames, he was a few paces ahead of them and screamed to Muscular.
"He never told you? The league has great plans for him, ones I sadly can share, but we need the little brat back. Shigaraki will be pissed if we can't get him." Muscular's grin was even wider with sadistic energy, loving the frustration and anger coming off of Todoroki.
"I can't go back."
In an instant Muscular was slammed into the side of the cliff with a deadpanned looking Izuku right in his place holding a raised fist. His eye's were dark and clouded over, "Todo-kun and Dad said I don't have to go back, they said I won't go back. So I won't. I won't." His voice seemed to chill the air, it was childish but held no emotion.
"Shit, this is what Handy was talking about." Muscular hissed under his breath. "Talk about terrifying." He heaved his body up, standing with a grunt.
Izuku simply snapped off a rather sharp shard of ice from Todoroki's glacier, pointing it towards Muscular in an unsteady way, "Your quirk generates muscles, doesn't it?" His eye's were calculating and cold. Muscular didn't respond, instead launched forwards at an alarming speed. "A bad thing about that it-" He ducked and sliced the muscles on his legs just as fast as Muscular took off, causing the villain to automatically crumble onto the ground with blood spilling out at fatal speeds, "Your veins are closer to the surface of you're skin."
Nothing, nothing was in his voice besides a cold undertone. His posture was sloppy but perfect at the same time, somehow letting free movement but strong attacks.
It was terrifying, it seemed like a switch, much like Stain's intensity and terror Izuku had similar aspects. Though he didn't have to really speak, his eyes and fighting was enough. Both Todoroki and Kota sat frozen by each other, watching Izuku slowly approach the villain with taunting steps.
"I wouldn't move if I were you," His voice was barely above a whisper, "You'll just bleed faster." He raised his arm up, seemingly going to stab the villain with a promising kill intent. Muscular was already drifting into an unconscious state, why kill him now? Something was wrong. This wasn't the Izuku class 1-A knew well and loved, this- this was a killer.
"Deku!" Todoroki shrieked just in time, Izuku was snapped out of -- that terror, and collapsed to the bloody ground. Light flooded back into his eyes and he seemed mortified.
After a few seconds Izuku hunched over and let out a choked sob. His bloody body was shaking, his shoulders bounced up and down as he cried.
It was another couple seconds when Todoroki was able to regain his composure and hesitantly approached Izuku, crouching down to pat him on the back a few times. He caught muffled words, I'm a monster, and, Father was right. There was more but Todoroki didn't want to wait around for someone to come and attack them again. He glanced back over to a shaking Kota with a pitying expression.
"We need to get back to the camp." Todoroki whispered slightly, scooping Izuku up into his arms bridle style. "Kota, can you climb onto my back?" The small child complied, slowly latching onto him. Todoroki set off in a small jog, everything seemed to calm down at far as he could tell, the forest was eerily quiet.
Just as he arrived Todoroki was about to collapse. Both class 1-A and 2-B were huddled in the main room, none talking. When the three tumbled into the room Aizawa automatically jumped up when seeing his bloody son while the pussy cats jumped Kota to examine him.
"What happened?" He hissed with a stressed expression, cradling an unconscious Izuku in his arms.
"Don't worry-" Todoroki huffed, "None of the blood's his."
{1413 words, wowee}
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