Body Gaurds
The class has been realizing some people around campus have been teasing Izuku about different things, like his height, his name or how he doesn't speak to anyone he's not familiar with. He hasn't mentioned it but ever since he wore his Eraser merch it's gotten worse. So now the class has put the two most overprotective people with him for walking around the halls...
said 'class' was Aizawa. Izuku didn't actually know of this either.
Those people were Todoroki and Shinso.
Now, you may be wonder: "WhY ToDoRoKi???????? I tHoUgHT AziAwA hAtEd HiMeeeE???"
WELL my dear readers. Its not exactly hate. After all, why would you hate your child's future boyfriend?
Anyway, despite Aizawa's hesitation he knew the half n' half would be there, after all his feelings were quite obvious to everyone besides the haflie himself... and Izuku. Not to mention they are always next to each other anyway.
"Hey Deku-kun?" Todoroki called to the little bean with Shinso trailing close behind him. Izuku turned his head and hummed in acknowledgement. "Can I- uh- we walk with you?" He nodded happily. Todoroki started walking on his left side while Shinso walked on his right. Most people in the halls with snickered towards him or this one dude,
"Why you walking with that looser?" He and his grouped laughed, Izuku shrunk in on himself and looked at his forever red shoes.
In an instant Todoroki had an icicle pointed at his throat with even colder eyes pointed in his direction. "Oops. My hand slipped." Shinso snickered and tugged Izuku along, Todoroki not even sparing a glance at the others around him.
They got to the class just fine and no matter what the guy that was attacked said the teachers refused to do anything to Todoroki. He was protecting the bean which meant if they did do anything Aizawa would be on them in a second.
Ever since then many people backed off seeing that he now had two unforgiving bodyguards, though whenever he was alone people would pounce harsher. Picking on a shy and vulnerable person wasn't even cool, especially in a school full of heroes and heroes in training but maybe they did it to feel powerful or get their frustrations out. Who knows?
"Why don't you even fight back, you wimp." The tall second year sneered as they shoved the lone Izuku into a wall, pinning him by the neck. Izuku was scared... he was terrified of snapping again... killing someone again; so he didn't fight back. He let his eyes sting and didn't bother to fix not being able to fight back. This reminded him of Tomu-chan... he just hoped the second year wouldn't touch him like he did. "You're in the hero course? Don't kid yourself, you're their out of pity."
Izuku's vision started to dampen, growing dark around the edges. His chest hurt but he didn't want to do anything. He didn't want to snap! He didn't want to be what Father said he was, a monster.
"I should be in your place, you stole that spot from me!" He sneered, "You really are a Deku." Finally he let go, dropping Izuku to the floor. He coughed and wheezed sharply. It was refreshing to have air again. He rubbed his throat tenderly, looking up at the second year with scared eyes. He spat down on him, narrowly missing his eye. Izuku felt revolted but didn't do anything till he left.
Izuku stepped out of the bathroom and realized lunch was over, he didn't even make it to the cafeteria to eat. He sighed, this bruise was going to be a pain to hide... unless he went to recovery girl. But then he'd be late to class and would still have suspicion on his part, not to mention recovery girl would no doubtfully tell his Dad. He decided to go back to class, keeping his head down so no one would see the bruise.
Why did his neck always get bruised?
When he got to his desk Shinso was automatically by his side. "You okay? I heard from Todoroki you weren't at lunch."
"Oh I ate with Papa, sorry I forgot to tell." He lied with a smile. Shinso looked uncertain but still nodded and went back to his desk. Izuku let out a relived sight, he didn't see his neck. Soon Aizawa came in and started the lesson and all was well. The bell was just about to ring, signaling the end of the day. He looked around the room, spotting Todoroki staring at him with a concerned gaze. He smiled at him with a small wave and looked back at Aizawa quickly.
"Ok, class dismissed." Right as he said that the bell rung. Izuku had his stuff prepacked and quickly headed for the door, not letting his 'bodyguards' catch up with him. They were tall and he was short, if he had to look up they'd no doubtfully see his neck.
Soon he got to his dorm room, heading for a first aid kit to treat his throat. It wasn't swelling which is good, just a dark bruise. Luckily he had some foundation that matched his skin color- don't ask why- and spread it over his neck covering up the bruise but leaving a painful sting. He then went down to the main room to see his brother and Todoroki talking with worried expressions. When they saw them they quickly walked over to him.
"Why did you leave so fast?" Shinso demanded.
"I had to use the bathroom." Izuku lied with another smiled. Shinso was fooled and told him to let them know before he left so fast but Todoroki didn't seem to buy it.
"The bathrooms down here, you went up to your dorm." He said, eyeing Izuku down. It was hard to lie to Todoroki...
"Um, I dropped my stuff off." Izuku muttered. Todoroki sighed and dragged him to the stairs and brought him to his dorm. "Wha-?"
"What happened? No one else is here and I know your lying." Todoroki sat down on his futon and patted next to him, Izuku hesitantly sat down.
"Nothing." He lied again. Todoroki huffed and softly glared down at him.
"You've been acting weird since we left for lunch. You always tell me were you're going and you didn't. Ever since you got back into class you didn't look up. I'm not dumb, Deku-kun." Izuku held back a cringe. Was he really that easy to read? Izuku pouted slightly and slumped onto Todoroki's lap looking up at him from there. His face was slightly surprised and pink but quickly regained his composure. "What happened?"
"Mean person." Izuku mumbled, unwanted tears welled in his eyes. Which he tried to blink out which just made them spill over. Todoroki frowned deeply, he sat Izuku up and cleaned off his tears.
"I'm sorry, I should have been there." He apologized, mentally cursing himself for letting his Izuku cry. Wait- not his Izuku but uh- he is not his! Todoroki mentally cursed himself again for his weird train of thought.
"S'fine..." He nuzzled into his hand causing Todoroki to flush more but chose to stroke his cheek. Izuku giggled softly and smiled at him.
He promised himself Izuku would never get hurt again and that ass that hurt him would be frozen to a wall if he ever crossed him.
{1248 words}
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