A/N +mini story
{Well, thank the coronavirus..
I've been stuck at home and all that like y'all are, I'll be updating this book soon, I swear!!!
For now, to make up for my absence, have some drawings and a short story I at one time uploaded and then took down because I didn't think it was going anywhere (so some of you may recognize it)}
{And just to be clear, this has nothing to do with the Recovering story/plot line/anything}
The castle stretched far above the clouds, the ground covered in a thick sheet of fog only about three inches high.
It was just a normal day up in heaven, the pearly gates wide open, welcoming any person in the cloudy realm. It was peaceful, vibrant green grass with morning due on every blade, masked by the fog covering the scenery. The trees were luscious, even a richer green than the grass; they held fruit by strong branches, kids seeing who could climb the highest in them. Their wings and halos barely got in the way, if they fell, they'd just pick themselves up midair with a few beats of white, clean feathers. Pure giggles echoed through the air, the town bustling with angels everywhere, living in the afterlife better than they ever had on Earth.
It was a peaceful evening, a steady temperature that was neither hot nor cold.
Indeed, all was a normal day in heaven.
There was one boy, his round cheeks dotted with a spray of beautiful freckles; big, emerald, doe eyes with dark, long eyelashes; green unruly-curled hair and a small little figure. He looked thirteen, though in truth he was closer to being... hmm, 638 years old? Was it? By now, he had forgotten.
This was Izuku Midoriya, one of the oldest angels in heaven, and the purest of them all too. Everyone respected him despite his young form and nature. His gentle smile graced all that were gifted one, eyes blinking in innocent curiosity at things around him. He was never greedy for this attention though, normally basking in the sunlight off in the meadow at the feet of a jagged tipped mountain, alone.
He had many friends, sure, but deep down he didn't think anything of them. They could easily move on from him, he wasn't one to get attached to people, but he was equally nice to all that spoke to him. The only sin he had ever committed when he was alive was the fact he ended his own life.
Though, all knew that he was the kindest soul around.
Izuku was often found in the meadow, gently picking flowers, weaving them together into a crown. His smile was absent with content silence, fingers delicately tracing pastel pink petals before, with a small, wind-chime like giggle, he placed it on his unruly green curls.
He smoothed over his gentle-gold robes, feeling the silky material they were made from. From his neck hung a golden necklace, small metallic beads strung along the metal plates. Though, it hardly weighed down his elegance, posture delicate but confident.
Izuku Midoriya was defiantly one of the purest and innocent creatures in heaven... so how did he find himself here?
His innocent curiosity led him to the mouth of a cave, the familiar green of plants and the fog hugging the ground, absent from the scene the closer he approached. For once in his fragile heart, he felt a little scared.
His legs trembled lightly as his eyes were blown wide with wonder, small foot lightly taking a step forward as his wings wrapped around him gently for protection.
His shy nature made him jumpy at new things, fear trickling into his mind the further he ventured into the dark cave. Though, his halo's gentle-gold glow lit everything up lightly.
"M..m-maybe I..I should go b-back.." Izuku's small voice quivered like a fawn's, logically, he shouldn't have even went near the cave. Even the odor in the air wasn't fresh like he was used to, it smelt toxic and earthy as well as stale.
Though, as they always say, curiosity killed the cat, as his feet took him further into the earth. He found it a little hard to breathe with the thick air, though pushed more until the terrain vastly opened up into a gaping cavern.
"W..woooowh.." The angel awed out, wings fluttering down to his sides so he could move around easier. The glow from his halo was enough to gently illuminate the captured, underground world he found, red soil and brown roots hanging from the ceiling.
A gentle breeze of fresh air filtered in from where the greenet came from, the mouth of the cave. He almost thought it was the cause of a noise filling the air, but he realized he was wrong after a moment of listening closer. From the left, a feint whisper of a musical note rang out, it was deep and low, but Izuku's sensitive ears picked up anything. It was... hypnotic almost.
Izuku found himself wandering over, the same innocent curiosity leading him further down the rabbit hole, but now that gentle tune as well.
He swallowed thickly before his petit, child-like voice hesitantly spoke out to join the whistle. "H..hello..?"
The tune cut short the moment he spoke. Izuku hurried around the corner, a small pout over taking his face at the loss of pretty noise. There was quite a cliff in front of him, he had to skid to a haul before he almost fell, wings beating him upward as he yelped a little in clumsy surprise. Still, he looked up with the same pout to call out to whatever the pretty noise was.
"W-wait..! I-" The words died on his tongue, a small taste of bile reaching his mouth as he saw something he never thought his green eyes would ever lay upon.
His gentle heartbeat kicked off as he felt his body freeze in place, breathing getting caught in his chest as fear took a strong hold of his body and mind.
Izuku stared into heterometric eyes: on the left an alarming, gorgeous blue and the right, a calming ashen-brown color's reflecting the same shock he had, though the fear absent from them. Instead, an emotion Izuku didn't recognize were woven into those contrasting colors.
These eyes belonged to a demon.
He also had mismatched hair, splitting half way down the middle of his head, the right a pretty white and the other a blood-like red. His left, blue eye was covered in an odd looking scar, it traveled down to his jaw line. Though, it hardly took away from a dangerous beauty this figure held.
He had medium sized, grey horns framing his face, a blank expression only hinting at shock. His body was defiantly bigger that Izuku's, he looked around 17, but in the after life, looks were nothing to look at if you wanted to determine someone's age.
He had a black leather jacket and torn white shirt tucked loosely into black ripped jeans. A tail curled around his ankle as he leaned against the earthy wall.
Izuku shook like a fawn, trying to get his body to move as the demon across from him kicked off the wall, walking a bit closer to the edge of the cliff apposing the distance from the angel's.
"My, my..." His voice was deep, low and hypnotic. It sent a shiver through Izuku's body, though his mind was already craving to hear more of the noise. "What's a little creature like you doing down here at the edge of hell~?"
'H-Hell?!' Izuku's face was no doubtfully pale with terror, he couldn't move or speak, this individual across the space between them clearly expecting an answer.
The demon licked his lips in a slow motion, revealing the fact that he had a tongue piercing. He looked like a hungry predator staring down it's next meal. Which was Izuku in this situation. His scaly tale flicked to side to side sharply, the tip of it shaped into a spear like angle. "Don't tell me you're too pathetic to fuckin' speak."
Izuku flinched at the curse word, his virgin ears ringing just by hearing it.
"I-I-I-..!" His small voice quivered too much with fear, tears springing to his eyes as the emotion overwhelmed him. He took a small step back towards heaven.
The demon merely raised a brow before sighing, going back to leaning on the wall. "All you angels are too perfect to talk to a demon, eh? I see how it is. keep living your perfect life you lucky bitch and just leave me here."
The sour note in his voice didn't compare to the undertone of pain Izuku heard, and in that moment, Izuku's mind clicked into worry. His fear practically dissolved.
"S..sir..?" He managed to quiver out, still nervous as he took a step forward. "A..are you a-alright? Y..you sound... s-sad.."
The demon seemed rather surprised, head snapping back up to look at Izuku. "Th' hell? You ain't scared?"
Izuku paused. "N..no, I am.. s-sorry.." An angelic giggle parted his lips in a nervous manor. "B..but you sound upset, a-and I don't like w-when people are s..sad!"
The demon stared at Izuku like the angel grew another head. The greenet realized demons must not hear sympathy often.
Though, in truth, he hadn't heard such a beautiful noise before, even his tail coming to a stand still as his mind replayed the noise over and over again.
His voice snapped him out of it, mouth moving before he had the chance to catch what he was about to say. "Shoto." His eyes widened as he found himself following his heart instead of his head for a change. "..My name. It's Shoto.."
Izuku beamed brightly at this, tripping on his own words as he stuttered to give his own name out. "M-M-my name i-is I-Izuku!"
He giggled lightly again as he threw his arms up over his head in a grand type gesture, giving a wide smile.
Shoto had to blink not to be blinded with how much bright this angel was. He hadn't seen the word in hundreds of years since he's died, but Izuku made him suddenly think of it.
"Izuku.." His deep, silky voice echoed the name, loving how it rolled off his tongue.
The angel clearly surprised to hear his name spoken in such a manner, and from how the blood rushed to his cheeks, he seemed as equally as flustered too. His arms flew up around his face and shielded it, hoping his blush wasn't spotted.
"M-mhm!! N-nice to meet y-you Sh..Shoto!" His innocent voice chirped these words happily, though embarrassment underlined his stutters now. The demon's eyes focused on him sharply without the angel's notice, scanning his little body and zoning in on him.
Little did Izuku know, from the moment the greenet spoke his name, Shoto was already addicted.
They spoke with each other for about three hours, Izuku doing most of the chatting and, even near the end, flew over the gap to delicately place the flower crown on Shoto's head. Though, he kept his distance, still a little unsure of what the demon would do if he got hold of him.
Shoto chuckled a bit which sent Izuku into another nervous fluster, he flew back over to his side of the cliff, trying to figure out the explanation of these butterflies in his tummy...
He glanced up at the haflie, realizing he was probably being weird since Shoto was staring. He struggled to find something to say, but eventually grinned lightly and stuttered out. "Y-you l-look pretty w-with the c-crown!!"
Shoto seemed surprised by this compliment, the first good thing said about him in a long time making Izuku seem like a god to the demon.
"Th..thank you, Izuku." He smiled genuinely, though it was crooked and charming.
It just sent Izuku into another nervous fluster.
This happened a lot, it maybe went on for a week as they kept coming back to their spot to talk to each other, soon, though, Izuku kept forgetting about everything but Shoto. He lost track of the time, forgot about how bad it was for an angel to be talking with a demon. he just.. found himself never wanting to leave Shoto.
Izuku had to go back as he realized after a moment of how late it probably was. He was never normally out past dark, he lived in the castle too. He most likely missed dinner too... the King, God, whom he had dinner with along with all the other angels must be worried..
"A-ah.. Sh-Shoto, I kinda have to go.." Izuku frowned lightly, unlike others he's spent time with, he actually found that he didn't want to part with the demon quite yet. Being underground made it feel like time was merely inching along, though Izuku knew better from how tired his body was getting it must be hours since they met.
The demon remained calm on the inside, but his mind was snapping violently. 'Who is taking Izuku from me?! He's mine.'
"Oh? Why?" He rather boldly demanded externally while he ignored his mind.
"I-it's getting late... I-I can feel it, I-I'll come back t-though!" Izuku added near the end, hoping the demon would want to see him again like Izuku wanted to see him.
Shoto seemed to relax at this news. "Late, huh..? Man, it's been some time since I've heard that phrase, Hell has no sun."
Izuku gasped in utter horror. "So it doesn't have plants?! O-or nice mornings?! T-that.."
He couldn't imagine a place without nature, already finding the cave they were in quite life draining.
Shoto seemed amused by his sudden outburst, his sharp-nailed fingers delicately reaching up to take ahold of the flower crown and bring it down for further examination. "Mhn.. it's been a long time since I've seen these colors either heh.."
Izuku stood from his spot on the ground and puffed out his cheeks in determination, clenching his little hands together. "Th-then I'll bring you a f-flower crown everyday!!"
The haflie chuckled once more with another smile, it made Izuku feel like he was melting.
"That.. that would be really cool.."
Izuku nodded several times as he hopped from foot to foot in excitement. "Th-then I'll b-bring a blue one tomorrow s-since today I brought a pink!! A-and the next I can make a purple, and a yellow and then I can do a red one a-and--!"
He started mumbling of what types of colors Shoto might like while the demon smiled lazily at him, just admiring the angel.
"-..and t-then I could bring you one!!"
"..what?" Shoto almost felt bad from having to ask, but Izuku was mumbling far too quickly for him to understand. he got a pout in response.
"I said I can get a pot and t-then bring you a flower!! O-or a fruit bush o-or maybe-" He caught himself before he could mumble again, this time looking at Shoto. "Do you like s-sweets? I could bring you a fruit p-plant if you do! Oh- oh-! I could also bake you s-something!!"
The demon chuckled, "I can't say that I've had something sweet in a long time, I wouldn't mind it though."
Izuku beamed happily, "That s-settles it! I-I'll bring you fruit a-and a sweet a-and a flower crown!"
Shoto grinned. "Sounds good... you'll be back then?"
Izuku eagerly nodded, "Wh-what time are you gunna b-be here at?!"
Shoto lazily shrugged, though his mind answered in a heartbeat. 'Anytime if it means seeing you.'
"..anytime really." He settled with. The smile he earned in response made his words worth it.
Izuku hurried back to the castle once he realized it was past sun down, panicking a little. He's never been out past eight p.m., so to only get home at ten was vast from normal.
"Izuku! Thank goodness, we thought something bad happened!" The Queen bombarded the greenet with a hug the moment he stepped in through the door. She cupped his freckled cheeks and looked at him with concern, examining him for injuries. "What happened?!"
Izuku giggled a little, though realized something.
Talking to a demon is a sin.
"I-I'm fine, Miss!" He spoke, suddenly a little nervous to go back and meet Shoto again... but he had promised. It was also a sin to break a promise.
"Why did you come in so late dear?!" She pried more, not expecting heaven's purest child to have sinned.
Izuku was trying to figure out what to say, and to his horror, words slipped past his lips before he could think better. "I-I just fell asleep I-in the meadow!"
He just lied to the Queen of Angels.
He just... wanted to see Shoto again, so bad. So bad he lied.
And what was worse- is the Queen believed him. it made him overwhelmed with guilt, but he dared not to let it show. "Oh, for heaven's sake, if you feel tired come home!"
He giggled through gritted teeth, "I will!"
The next day, he was back with Shoto.
"A-and then I-I lied to her!! I-I feel l-like s-such a bad person!" He told what happened through hiccups as he tried clearing away the tears that fell from his eyes.
It hurt so much to watch him cry, Shoto wanted to kill the Queen, though he knew that's not Izuku's problem. The problem was that talking to him was "a sin" and lying was "a sin." She made her fucking cry, she deserved death. "Izuku, I'm sure even if she found out, she'd forgive you."
Izuku softly whimpered, though considered his words. "..well.. s-she's the Qu-queen of saints.. a-and I sinned t-twice in one d-day!" another soft cry escaped him.
Shoto couldn't take it this time. "Izuku, come over here."
The angel was taken aback by this sudden command, but didn't really question it. Somehow, in just one week, he went to trust this demon more than he had any other angel. Maybe it's because it was okay to tell him about his sins and not get in trouble for it.
He picked up the small basket he had with him and flew over nervously, his feet landing for the first time on the soils of the edge of hell.
Little did he know, both God and Satan sensed this at the same time.
Shoto pulled him in the moment he could, slightly surprised on how soft his skin was. Izuku spilt into his lap, the demon's arms wrapping around his tiny frame as he rubbed comforting circles into the crying angel's back, just in between his wings. The feathers were so silky...
Izuku was surprised by this, how warm Shoto was, how much.. muscle.. he had... but most off, he was surprised a demon was trying to comfort him. He let himself cry into Shoto's chest until he felt better, now just tiredly snuggling into the demon.
The halfie's hand slowly wandered from his shoulder blades to the smaller feathers on Izuku's wings, pleasantly surprised by the softest thing he's ever felt. Izuku's body tensed up in his grip at the sensation.
The greenet wasn't sure if he liked this... it made his body feel hot and tingly. The more Shoto played with his feathers, the hazier his mind got. Soon, a soft mewl escaped his lips, frankly, turning Shoto on from the moment he heard it.
Izuku shivered in Shoto's hold as the friction of his feathers only increased, the unexplainable sensation flooding through his body making him feel weak, limbs turning to jelly as he mewled a little again...
But before anything more happened, a bright, white light flooded around Izuku's body, the sensation that Shoto gave him disappeared in a second as dread set it. The demon's hands fell to holding Izuku's shoulders, calling out to him in surprise.
"I-Izuku-?! What's happening-?"
Izuku's eyes sprouted tears, "G-God's c-calling me.. I-I.. p-probably got c-caught..."
He leaned in a bit more, "I-I might n-not be able to s-see you again!"
Izuku whimpered at these words, Shoto's jaw opening agape.
"But-" The haflie started, though was cut off as something warm pressed against his lips. His eyes widened more as he tried comprehending what exactly that warmth was.
Izuku's... lips.
An angel was kissing a demon.
This was nothing short of forbidden love. Being gay is a sin. Loving a demon is a sin.
Though, before Shoto could respond and kiss back, Izuku's form was whisked away by God's power and disappeared from Shoto's hold.
Izuku spilt out on the floor, already feeling the enraged aroura in the air. His trembling figure looked up, only to realize he was at God's feet, the man above him glaring down at him sharply.
"Would you like to say anything, Izuku?" His voice was dangerously toned, the same voice that would say his name so fondly now speaking it with venom.
The greenet sobbed heavily, choking out apology after apology. "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry!"
"You used to be so innocent, then you go and sin so heavily, what has happened to you, boy?!" God bellowed out with a hiss. "This shall not go ignored!"
Izuku choked on his own spit.
"Your wings and halo shall be removed, sending you back down to earth!"
"Wait- no- please!!" Izuku hiccupped out, voice thick from crying.
"Oh? You dare defy my word?"
Izuku couldn't let this happen... he... he... "I.. I-I can't I-I n-need to see him! P-P-Please!"
"Shoto! H-he's.. I-I.." He cleared his face and stood up, forcing himself steady. "I love him! He's a demon but I love him!" He stressed 'him.'
God only looked at him with disgust. "Then... you can see him down in hell."
In the next moment, Izuku's eyes flashed white and black, back feeling lighter all the sudden before it hit rough, jagged ground.
He whimpered, eyes blinking in a daze as he peered up at a red-brown dirt ceiling... the cave.
Izuku's eyes shot open in an instant, pain rocketing though his body as he shot into a sitting position. He heard a familiar voice at his side in an instant before a pair of hands was on him.
"I-Izu?! Are you okay?" Shoto.
Izuku started sobbing with relief as he clung to Shoto, tiny hands grabbing the loose black shirt he wore. his head hurt so much, everything was darker than he remembered.
It took him several minutes to calm down, the demon soothing him the most he could. "Sh.. sh... it's okay, alright?"
Izuku's sobs melted into silent crying, whipping his fance as he clung tighter to Shoto. "H-he was g-gunna s-send me to E-earth! I-I b-backtalked h-him and h-he sent me here..."
Shoto smiled lightly, tilting Izuku's face up before delicately connecting their lips, living for the contact.
Izuku was taken aback but melted into it, almost starting to cry again. After they pulled away, Shoto ran his hand through Izuku's hair. the fallen angel's hair.
"Then... I guess you could say.. you fell for me..~"
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