Momo: Todoroki! Where are you?
Todoroki: Visiting my Mom, what's up?
Momo: Just wondering...
Todoroki: I'm concerned
Read: 3:28
She didn't respond which frankly worried him, in fact she left him on read.
(Insert angri Todo here ಥ—ಥ)
Todoroki only glared absently, turning his head back up to his mother.
"Do you have to go?" He asked, a little bit of disappointment in her voice. Todoroki sighed.
"..probably. Knowing what Momo could be planning.. she's probably found the formula for an atomic bomb or something.." Todoroki groaned out a sigh.
His mom giggled innocently, "Okay, okay.. goodbye dear~" she stood up to walk him to the door.
"Where is Momo..?" Was the first thing he asked as he walked through the door. Jiro was the first to respond, sitting up on the couch.
"With Mina and Uraraka I think."
Todoroki groaned outwardly, what have they done now??
Someone ended up jumping him when he gave up and went back down to the living room. From the chaotic giggling, he quickly found it was Mina.
"What are you doin-"
His arms were held behind his back and a blind fold was shoved over his eyes.
They giggle more, shoving him into.. the elevator buy the sound of it. Todoroki squirmed and tried breaking out of the grip but ultimately failed.
"What's happening—"
"Shoosh! It's a surprise!!" Momo chimes in, she was here too?!
He let out a long sigh... "..just don't kill me?"
"Oh.. we won't! Well not physically-" Uraraka said this, someone smacked her on the head.
"Don't spoil!"
It was mina..
Oh no.
What was happening—
The elevator clicked open with a ding and he was shoved out and dragged along a hall.
Was this his dorm room floor?
Mentally Todoroki was just trying to figure out what the fuck was going on right now. The three chaotic girls of the class were all leading him somewhere while he was blind folded...
"..at least tell me where we're going."
The silence following was mixed in with muffled snickers.
This did not help his anxiety.
Soon he heard a door open and he was promptly shoved in, the door following just as fast behind him.
He tumbled on the floor with an oof and then heard a...
A meek whimper.
He quickly took his blindfold off.
So maybe he shouldn't have.
A bright blush flooded through his body.
Izuku was on his bed, blindfolded and in a maid dress.. his hands were tied behind his back and there looked to be....
There was.. uh.. lube on the desk.
The poor bean didn't even look like he knew what was happening or what they were just set up to do.
Todoroki you are meant to do something right now.
Todoroki hesitantly crawled into the bed with Izuku. The boy tensed, "D..Deku?"
"Oh! T-todo-chan!" His face flushed bright red under the mask which Todoroki found adorable. "Uh-uhm- the others m-made me wear this and uh-.."
Todoroki took a hold of the ropes and started to untie him. "Yeah they're just.. weird." and fucking perverted.
Izuku relaxed knowing he was getting out.
It was silent for a few seconds until Todoroki slid off the blind fold on Izuku for him. Now Izuku was just in the maid outfit.
"I-If you want I can lend you some clothes so you can... get out of that. It looks uncomfortable." He said rather shyly.
Izuku brightened at the idea and gladly took the opportunity, skipping to his closet and shuffling through his clothes like they were interesting.. this fact kinda made him blush. The mean moved off to change in the bathroom, for now leaving Todoroki alone to his thoughts.
...should he?
Everyone was practically pushing him to.
Izuku came out of the bathroom with one of Todoroki's various hoodies on. This didn't do much to help his nerves.
"..h-hey.. Deku?"
He sat down on the futon with a small amused huff before turning to Todoroki with wide, curious eyes. He felt the urge to look away but steeled his nerves and smiled softly.
"...I.. well.. you see...
I've kinda...
l I k e D y oU f o r a w h I L E?"
His eyes were now shut tight, face bright red, the blush traveling down his neck.
Inside his head he was waiting for rejection.
The silence was broken by a squeal mixed with a squeak. Next thing he knew was Izuku hugging him tightly.
"Me too! Todo-chan!!" He was gleeful, a wide smile cracking his face. Todoroki stared in shock before grinning himself, hugging Izuku back.
"You want to go out tomorrow then?"
"Like a date!?" Todoroki nodded in response.
"YES!" He giggled excitedly, moving back to kiss Todoroki's cheek gently.
And now he's dead. Good job Izuku.
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