Chapter 7
Y/n POV:
I watch Hercules and Jack fight each other. Hercules has a lot of wounds and bleeding a lot but use his 12 labors attack on Jack. Jack keep throwing knifes and knifes at Hercules but he gotten hurt when one of his knifes flew back from Hercules 6 labor of Stymphalian Birds which cut the wires Jack standing and he fall.
Jack pull one of his knifes from his thigh then his wounds heal. Seems like he use my healing potion before he go to his round, that's good. Jack keep use his attack on Hercules but Hercules keep on dodging his attacks and fight back.
"Sis" I look down at my brothers "Hungry" I look over at Brunhilde "Hey Brunhilde, we're getting something to eat. We'll watch the fight while eating." She nod her head. I snap my fingers twice til a portal appeared right front of me, I grab my brothers hands and walk through the portal.
Once we made it through the portal we stood front of Heavenly Restaurant. It's a popular restaurant in heaven. We walk in meeting a cashier deity who didn't look up but scrolling on his phone. I fake cough to catch his attention but didn't look up.
I fake cough again but still didn't look up, I speak "Excuse me, are you gonna treat your costumers?" The deity scoff "Hey, look we're close and-" he didn't finish his sentence when he finally look up at us.
"Princess Y/n! Welcome to Heavenly Restaurant! May I take you-" "You must know your place when greeting a costumers. It's rude to talk back to them." I glare at him to give this punk a lesson. He turn pale and spoke back "My apologize! I promise to be good! Please don't kill me!" He beg.
"I'll let you go but only you behave or else you'll be on my death list. Now then, table for three." He nod his head and lead us to the table. I summon the screen board see Hercules and Jack the Ripper are still fighting.
We order about thirty food because my brothers eats a lot. I ate few plates I order and my brothers eats the whole plates they order.
"Y/n!" I look over who call my name and see one of the four sages, Buddha. He walk toward us where we sit and sat down next to me. "Whatcha doing here?" "My brothers got hungry so we stop by while we watch the match." I answer.
"Alright, by the way, wanna go on a date?" I sigh from his question. I ignore the aura from my brothers because I know what they're planning, they plan to hurt him because if every god ask me out or touch me, my brothers will kill them.
"Brothers, if you finish your food we'll order a lot of desserts." Their expression change from rage to joy. "Okay big sis!" They continue eating their food. I look back at Buddha "And no Buddha, I'm not interested. You keep asking me out to go on a date with you." I took a sip of water.
"Oh come on, just one, I couldn't help it because your beautiful." He wrap one of his arm around my waist and place his chin on my shoulder. I nudge his chest to back away from me "Sorry but no." He look at me with those damn puppy eyes. I ignore him and continue watching the match.
When the match is over, Jack won and Hercules lost. "I gotta go, brothers, wait here for a moment, I gotta help Jack, behave to Buddha." I open the portal walking in to help Jack.
Narrator POV:
The gods are throwing some rocks at Jack, one of the rocks at to hit him but a hand caught it. Jack look up who caught the rock only to meet Y/n. She throw the rock away and carry Jack in her arms heading to the medical wings. Once they're in the medical wings, Y/n place Jack on the bed gently and use her healing ability to seal the wounds. "Seems the potion worn off. You did a great job out there Jack." She smile at him.
Jack smile back at her "Thank you my lady. By the way, would you like to have tea with me after I finish resting." Y/n sigh softly "Sure, later. I be going now. Rest well Jack." She walk out the medical room heading back to Heavenly Restaurant to pick up her brothers.
Her grab her phone feeling it vibrate in her pocket. She answer it "Hello?" "Hey Y/n! I'm at the greenhouse with your brothers. I decided to take them here." "Okay, I be there. I'm gonna pick up my brothers." She put her phone back into her pocket and head to the greenhouse.
Once she made it to the greenhouse she saw Buddha, Sasaki Kojiro, two other humans, and her brothers are fighting the 7 lucky fortune, and Loki. "ENOUGH!" They stop hearing her shout and look at her. "Really guys, all of you are gonna waste energy. Save it for the match." She scoff.
"Big sis!" Her brothers run toward, she pick them up into her arms. "Ah! Hello Y/n!" Sasaki smile at her. "Hello Sasaki, how are you feeling today?" Y/n ask. "Feeling great, thanks to you Your a lifesaver." Y/n smile at him.
"What?!! She working along side with the humans. Your gonna be-" Y/n shift her eyes to Ebisu glaring at him. Ebisu feel his spine shiver from Y/N's glare "Gonna be what? Your gonna kill me? Remember that my father and I hurt you since long ago. You try to hurt my mother since my father marry her. You thought she a maid but you Ebisu yell at her because she apologize to you after she bump to you. But my father and I almost kill you, so remember this. Don't mess with my mother or there will be death for you. Got that?"
"Wait, Ebisu almost hurt our mother?" Her brothers ask. "Yes, he did almost hurt our mother. You weren't there when you both of you weren't born yet." The brothers look at Ebisu glaring at him. 'Shit! How could I forgot! I did almost hurt Y/N's mother since long time ago!'
"Oh and one more thing, since your try to hurt our mother, you try to hurt my younger siblings who are inside my mother! She was pregnant and you didn't know!" Y/n growl. "What!?!?! I didn't know she was pregnant! I mean-" "Enough!!!" Y/n sigh heavily and calm herself "Now... walk away you lucky gods. This fight is now over." The 7 lucky gods scoff and walk away exiting the greenhouse.
"Your such a bumper." Loki tsk "Careful what you said Loki or else you'll be my brothers new play toy. Remember they almost tear you apart when you try to scare them." Loki shiver remembering what he done to the brothers and almost got kill by them. He flew away in such speed.
"Damn, now that's a badass goddess." Buddha chuckle. "By the way, Y/n remember you wanna hang out with me." Sasaki said. "Later, I'm going with Brunhilde, there's a fifth match coming up so I gotta help her to find the strongest human. Bye fellas." Y/n walk away exiting out the greenhouse.
Y/n walk into the guest place her brothers on the couch, she snap her finger as the portal open and stick her hands in. Then she pull her arms back reveal Hercules, Hercules wide in shock that he's alive. He look behind see Y/n. "Wha.... Why?" Y/n gave him small smile "Because you save the humans from the god a long time ago since you were Alcides. And you help the gods and stop any monsters. So I brought you back because your a hero."
Y/n grab her brothers into her arms, she about to walk out but she felt a hand on her shoulder. She look over at Hercules "I... thank you." Y/n nod her head and exit out the guest room leaving Hercules alone in the guest room.
Y/n POV:
I walk in the hallway to find Brunhilde, I found her in the hallway with Göll and they stood front of Japanese sliding door. I call her out, she saw me and wave at me. I walk toward her "So... you found the strongest human already. Who is it?" I ask. "You'll see, but first take off your shoes."
I put my brothers down and take off my combat boots, my brothers did the same. We walk in the room see it more Japanese style and there's a lot of plates laying around. I heard a sound and it sound like a.... snore?
Once we reach the last room, we meet a lot of m female naked nymphs who are sleeping the giant man who is naked too, at least his private is cover. My eyes caught something on the wall, it's a handprint.... a sumo handprint.
"HEY! GET YOUR ASSES UP!!!" Brunhilde shout causing all the female nymph's wake up and run out the room. The giant men groan tired, he sat up and look at us. "I was having a great nap, but you came in and disturb." Then he grin and jump right above us. Before he get closer Brunhilde stop him with one arm holding his chin.
Brundhile told us this man name is Tameemon Raiden, the strongest sumo in history. Raiden tease us but Brunhilde called out her sister, Thrud. Thrud barge in and Raiden is shock "She hot!!! I always have a thing for big women!!!" He hug her. Thrud was shock and said she doesn't play any games from him.
"I was being deadly serious." Thrud serious face turn into maiden from his words. "Your such a lech." Thrud said look away from him with a blush on her face "Yeah, I get that a lot. Now come on, I want you to be one with me." Then Thrud völunder with Raiden.
I look at my phone to see who's next in fifth match, the god name appeared and it said.... Shiva, God of Destruction. "Oi! Raiden, your fifth match is gonna be with Shiva the God of Destruction." I told him. "Alright! Let's get going!" Raiden exit out the room.
I follow Brunhilde to watch the fifth match, plus we had four wins and the gods had zero wins. I hope we able to get a lot of wins, if not, the humanity would be destroyed.
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