Chapter Seven:
Growing Up
The thought of his daughter growing up terrified him. He would literally want to hyperventilate when the thought of her and that boyfriend came to mind.
That boyfriend, he repeated. How can I even trust him with something so precious when he threw it away before? Why would I hand my daughter over to him? But I was the one who said they should move in together? The only reason I said that was because that's what Mebuki would have said.
I don't know how you expect me to do this on my own, Mebuki. It's amazing that I've survived this long without you. It's only because of Sakura that I have.
Kizashi continued to dry and put away the dishes Sakura had forgot as the rain started to pour outside.
And now I have to set her free. I have to let go of her, he decided. She's my daughter, our daughter, and its time that I realize she's no longer a child anymore.
But no matter what she will always be my little girl. No matter what happens I'll always be there for her. I will always come to her rescue. She will always be my princess.
How can I trust this boy, though? How can I just put my princess into his hands?
I know this isn't a passing phase or even just a first boyfriend situation. No, this is something more. This is, no matter how I want to put it, this is love. This is a love like our love, Mebuki.
Then that should be reason enough for me to trust him, Kizashi sighed. If this boy loves our Sakura like I love you then I have no reason to worry.
But I swear to Kami if something happens to my little Sakura, I will kill him.
There was a knock at the door.
Sakura must of forgotten her keys, again, he said making his way over to the door. The wash rag was still in his hands as he opened the door.
"Hello?" He greeted the empty stairway. "Sakura?"
"Mr. Haruno!" The neighbor, Miss Yao, yelled from her door.
Kizashi quickly started to run down the steps and slammed in Miss Yao's front door.
Inside there stood two people, a woman and a man, holding a blade to Miss Yao's throat.
Miss Yao being in her late sixties or early seventies had really no ability to defend herself and had no choice but to give in.
The man was holding her and the blue haired woman was pressing the three sided blade to Miss Yao's throat.
"You have two options," She started, staring at me. "Come with us and the woman lives or try to fight us and she dies."
"Please just let me go," The woman begged. "What would a poor old lady like me do to you?"
"Shut up!" The woman instructed. "Now, you, make your decision."
Kizashi looked around the room with just his eyes and found no way out of this situation. Looks like I have to comply with their wishes, he said, defeated.
"Okay," Kizashi said. "I'll go with you just let the woman go."
"Put these cuffs on him," The woman said to the man. He let go of Miss Yao, letting her fall to the floor, and walked towards Kizashi. "And put that cloak on him, too."
After he was handcuffed and the cloak was slung over his shoulders in order to hide the shining silver ties, the woman smiled.
"Satisfied?" Kizashi asked, looking at her face.
"Not yet," She laughed. "Look at me woman."
Miss Yao looked up at her, the woman's black eyes ablaze.
"I was always taught to respect my elders, but," She looked back up at me. "That was the old me. Say hello to the new me."
Then the blade that was still balanced at her throat, slashed through the woman's pale skin. Miss Yao's eyes enlarged as she hit the ground with a loud thud.
"You said you wouldn't kill her!" Kizashi spat.
"I lied," She laughed. "Now, we should get going. Don't wanna be late for the big show!"
"Big show?" Kizashi asked, as the started down the door. "Where are you taking me?"
"To a light show," The man said seriously. "You might not enjoy it, but we will."
"And don't try any funny business either," The woman slapped Kizashi's shoulder. "Or we will kill you, too."
Kizashi had no choice but to give in. I have to live no matte the cost, h decided. My daughter needs me. Besides I haven't seen her grow all the way up yet.
"We don't even know their names!" Tsunade argued. "How do you expect me to send out a search party when there's not even a name to give out? Much less a decent photo idea."
"The woman has bright, neon blue hair!" I retorted, slamming my fist down on the table. "How many people do you know with bright blue hair?"
"Quiet a few actually," Tsunade motioned for Shizune to give her the next set of papers. "Besides didn't Hinata's father send out a party already?"
"He did, but they came back empty handed," Naruto answered. "They just found some three sided blades in the riverbed."
"There you go," Tsunade said. "That just furthers my point. There's nothing else we can do right now and to be honest I can't spare any more men. I have to get the repairs done, we still have fifteen percent of the population without a home of their own. I have to think of it in that perspective. In sorry, Sakura, but there's nothing more at this point I can do."
"But what if I told you that they're not just after Hinata because she's a Hyuga?" I said. "What if I told you it's because she's Naruto's girlfriend?"
"Alright, I'm listening," She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the desk. "Intrigue me."
"Do you remember Jolly or Franz Hiki? The man from the Land of Winter mission?" I asked.
She nodded.
"I believe that these people are his mother and brother," I told her. "And they're here for revenge."
"How do you know it's them?" Shizune asked.
"Just a couple of reasons," Kakashi said. "The blades they use are only from the Land of Winter."
"She referred to someone known as the Prince of the Black Market," Sasuke said. "That another nickname for Jolly."
"She even said she was here for revenge," I said. "She said that they were using Hinata to get to Naruto."
"So," Tsunade thought for a moment. "If they're not attacking you directly then they're going to attack you through other people. People like your dad, Sakura."
"Dad," I said, quietly. "I have to go. I have to go check on him."
"Sakura!?" Naruto called after me. "What about the search?"
"It'll have to wait," I heard Sasuke tell him. "We'll be back as soon as possible."
Dad, I thought. Please be okay.
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