III. In the brink of death
WARNING: Bloody scenes ahead.
PS: If you dare attack me on how Gods was perceived in this story, may I remind you that this story is a work of fiction.
The classroom was quiet, only the sound of the teacher talking about literature could be heard as well as hushed chattering of the students talking about the topic or drifted attention from something else. A student near the window scribbled to his notes as he tapped his shoes to the legs of his desk. Unlike his other peers who sometimes eat candies secretly while the teacher is not looking, Shin is hungry.
Sighing, Shin placed his pen on his deck, throwing a glance to the outside of the classroom's window. Sakura trees were blooming although even with their beauty, people below didn't seem to appreciate them because of their busyness. Students below are in their respective PE outfits, blue longsleeves with white and black straight lines on their sleeves paired with blue pants with the same design. They're doing jumping jacks, a teacher in a white shirt was there to supervise them, holding a whistle.
But what's more intriguing about the scene before him is a small creature beside a female student mimicking the exercise. It's size is like that of a puppy, it has long puffy brown fur, dog paws, a fluffy tail and plump cheeks. But what makes it far more different than a dog is that it looks like a racoon, with dark fur wraps around their eyes. The creature is a tanuki. It doesn't seem to pose harm because it seems happy doing its exercise routine.
Shin focused his gaze on the tanuki only to notice that it emits a faint yellow aura that connects to the female student behind it. It seems to be attached to the female student who seems oblivious to the creature with her.
It's either this tanuki haunts this female or it guards her.
Clichè as it may seems to other humans, not all youkai harms people, there's youkais who is friendlier than normal humans or there's others who are just mischievous or playful, although they may leave you in an embarrassing situation if they see you seemed fit to be cursed. Tanukis are one of those playful creatures but they are also creatures who value trust.
The tanuki that's in the school right now seems young, a hundred years old probably, that's Shin estimation and it can only mimic a form of a child.
Sighing once again, Shin closed his notebook. "As long as this guy won't pose any harm to anybody, then it can stay, " he whispered, still staring at the creature who's now doing a stretching.
Moments later, Shin caught the tanuki staring at him, it blinked repeatedly as if it's shocked that he could see it. It danced, shaking its hips to make sure that his attention was really on it. Shin didn't show any expression on his face, he also faked yawning to cover himself so that he could see the creature. Normal youkai or those weak ones will not be able to smell his true scent, they'll just see him as a clairvoyant or a shaman.
The tanuki frowned, Shin stopped himself from grinning. But Shin never expected what the tanuki had done next...
It raised its middle finger in his direction then blew him raspberries.
Shin's face frowned, making the tanuki bring its little thumb down which means "go to hell".
Shin, finding it so disrespectful especially from someone much younger than him, glared at the tanuki, his fist clenched. He pointed his fingers at the creature only for it to turn its back on him and wiggled its butt.
A fried tanuki isn't bad to sate an annoyed and hungry fox like him. Forget what he said that it can stay!
The school bell rang indicating that the class had already ended and it's already lunch time. Right after they send their farewells to their teacher, Shin burst out of the room, startling his classmates.
With a goal in mind-to fry a tanuki, Shin walked to the hallway, with his fist clenched, a small smirk plastered on his lips. He had some issues with tanukis before that small annoyances they do to him already makes his blood boil.
Students from other classrooms also started to exit their rooms to buy lunch, some students upon seeing Shin, smiled at him and waved their hands. One female student, with chestnut hair tied in pigtails, made her way towards him, carrying a bento box wrapped around a lavender colored scarf. Her expression shy, ears red. Upon seeing her, although he's in a hurry to beat a very tanuki's ass, Shin smiled at the girl.
The girl offered the bento box to him and bowed. "Ano... eto... Please accept this Mikagami-senpai. Thank you for helping me on choosing the best flowers for my mother, " the girl stuttered, taking a deep breath, she continued, "I really appreciate it! " her voice still shaken, she bowed again.
Shin took the bento box from the girl and smiled. "Thank you, Yue-san! Glad to help. " Upon saying it, the girl immediately excused herself and ran away.
Sighing, Shin stared at the bento box. He already has one, given by his mother but he dares not complain about free food, especially when he's just a simple man with a ridiculous big appetite.
Before he could even take another step to finally pursue his prey, someone again came in his way, putting their arm around his shoulders. The person has the biggest grin plastered around his face. Sighing again, Shin faced the intruder.
"Yow! Rei-kun! Pretty popular again to the ladies, ae? Helped again? You're too kind, I'll even build you your own shrine! " The man who called him by Rei-kun-a nickname this person came up to, patted his back and laughed.
Using a deadpan expression, he replied, "Hotaru-san, stop calling me Rei, I told you already... and, what do you need? " Shin tried to sound calm because this person's energy is like a ball of fire from a raging volcano, too vibrant and somewhat annoying.
Hotaru actually resembled that tanuki in many ways. Brown messy hair with a red and green checkered bandana, round face and mischievous eyes. Shin always wonders if there's moments where this person will be out of energy. When that time comes, it's a miracle brought down by the heavens.
Hotaru's eyes sparkled and he did a peace sign. "No! Rei-san is Rei-san! I was about to talk to you but you hurriedly went out of the classroom. I just want to tell you that I finally got the guts to do divination to other people during weekends! And I was so happy that I was able to help them sort out a problem! " Hotaru's voice sounded so excited as he retell his happy tale, if he could, he'd even do a happy dance.
Shin couldn't help but to smile upon hearing what Hotaru said. He had helped Hotaru before when his health deteriorated when an oni haunted him. After that incident, Hotaru keeps on calling him Rei because he can see spirits and he helped him "purify" his spirit. And ever since then, Hotaru became interested in these sorts of stuff and keeps on annoying him to teach him and because Hotaru regards him as his best friend.
Shamanism and magic is common in this era unlike before, although, not all are given the grace to have the ability even those who are seated on the higher seats. It's either you are lucky and talented enough to possess it or you'll be like the folks who cannot see nor protect themselves from the evil youkais. Thus, death rates are higher this time, to solve it, the government hires those who have the abilities.
"Good for you! But be sure to avert yourself from danger, don't be too cocky or excited. " He raised his index finger, lecturing Hotaru whose face resembles that of a puppy getting orders from their master.
Hotaru made a salute gesture. He then fished something from his pocket and handled it over to Shin. It's a small golden bell with a talisman for protection. "It's a new one! From Itsuki-sama! Figured you also need this because you can see spirits. " Shin received the protection and placed it on his bag.
Although he doesn't need protection... Rather, those who dare harm him need protecting instead.
Itsuki is one of the most renowned shamans during this era and this person happened to be their classmate who they never saw in person because they're always on their job and the school permits because of the backing of the government.
Requirements are just given to their representative whose name is unknown. A shady looking guy in all black probably aspiring to be a ninja because of how they're acting.
Shin bowed to Hotatu and waved goodbye, he still needed to catch that tanuki. "Thanks for this! See you! " Bewilderment was etched on Hotaru's face when his friend left him without even letting him bid goodbye too.
'Rei-kun is really a weird guy. '
Shin looked from left to right to try finding the tanuki, the PE class that had been there before already had been dismissed yet he can still smell the presence of the rascal in the vicinity. The wind was a little hasty that day, eagerly blowing its kisses to his face as well as the sakura petals dancing in the sky.
He arranged his hair that had been blocking his view as he walked, trying to track down where the rascal had gone.
He should've just let this pass but his kitsune blood tells him to hunt his prey, animalistic instincts couldn't be controlled because such is the way of nature.
Shin raised his index finger, a gust of wind appeared from that finger. Closing his eyes, he let the sound of the wind aid his hearing. Rustling sounds from the grass alerted him, brown fur carried by the wind landed on his palm, he grasped on that piece of fur and enveloped it in his purple aura.
"Wind here my plea, track those who escape from your might so that they'll be able to be binded in your bidding! '' The wind started to encircle him as he chanted, soon it started to spread throughout the place.
He heard a rustling sound from the sakura tree near the school fence surrounding the soccer field. Smiling to himself, he walked towards it. "Bingo! "
He saw the same little rascal bound by rope made of wind, it is trying to break from its captive, wiggling itself from the rope, trying to use its strength or even biting the rope even if it's futile because wind won't break with sheer force.
Shin laughed and sat by the grass near the creature. "That's useless, you won't break it in that manner. " He grabbed the creature by the neck and faced it towards him.
The creature then started to trash some more and gave him a death glare. "You're that weird blonde! Let go of me! I'll curse you! I'll curse you! " Judging from its voice, Shin can tell that the tanuki is a young boy.
Shin pinched the creature's cheek as he looked at it dead in the eyes. "If you didn't show disrespect, I wouldn't have captured you. If you can do it to me, I am sure you're doing worse to other people. " The young youkai stopped trashing from his grasp, shoulders low, eyes sad.
But Shin knows better not to trust a scheming tanuki.
"If only I am capable of tricking people to death, I'll do it. I hate being young and useless. I'd probably kill you too! " The young youkai's voice started to shake, its mouth trembling.
Shin laughed at the tanuki's last sentence. "You're too young to kill me, brat. I won't let you hurt people, either you scream away or you'll get lost forever. Pick. " Placing the tanuki on his lap, he tapped its head which in turn the brat tried to bite his hand.
"Humans are evil just like you! You should all rot and die! " Shin laughed at what he heard, not because it's funny but somewhat he heard it from somewhere.
Tsubaki couldn't contain his tears from falling, his heart was too heavy with all the emotions. The pain from his wounded leg seemed bearable than what stabbed his heart. His once home, his parents' shrine, was now in shambles. The once koi pond was filled with dead fish-as if it entails what had taken over the place. The shoji doors were wrecked as if lightning forced its way in.
He felt his legs trembling, until he found himself sitting on the floor, staring at the scene before him-wishing that it's not real.
He remembered his mother before the event, running frantically. She told him to never come out from his hiding place, she hid him in the sky, temporarily making him a star. To replace him, so the gods will not find out he's still alive, his father found a dead black fox, and they enchanted it with magic to resemble him.
He asked his mother before why things were happening when they don't even have any sins to deserve it.
But his mother just replied with a sad smile, "Sometimes, people's biases can make them blind, they won't listen to the truth because they have their own. Even divinities possess these traits, not just humans. " His mother messed up his hair and hugged him tightly.
"I am sorry that we cannot be with you forever. I am sorry if we are breaking our promises to you... Please, live. Live and be happy even though we aren't with you. " His mother faced him, eyes filled with tears. She wiped away his tears. He looked at his dad who stood at the door with a sword in his hand, his dad was also crying.
His dad dropped his sword and approached them, he hugged them both. "I cannot accept these... " Tsubaki tearfully murmured. His heart started to spur hatred, a thirst to seek vengeance bloomed in his heart. He couldn't believe that Gods should be on the side of justice but they were blinded because they sided with a human whose soul was the one drenched in sin.
His dad and mom were condemned for the sin of harming a human. Harming humans is a taboo and once a god violates this-they're hunted to die or live but forever hunted and called an evil god. But his parents didn't harm a human but the human had harmed them instead. When his parents refused to give blessings to a samurai because of his arrogance, he harassed the shrine whenever he could, unafraid of divine retribution because he knows he cannot be harmed.
But one day, when this samurai got seriously wounded in battle and was rendered useless afterwards, he pleaded to the God of War, Gyokko, to punish Tsubame and Kirio and blamed them that it's their fault that he got beaten up in battle because they didn't give him a blessing. He pinpointed at them to cause his misfortune because they hated him-thus they are the cause why he's harmed. The God of War was favored by the majority of the other gods-they didn't listen to Tsubame and Kirio and wanted them dead.
"Humans... Gods... I want them all to rot and die. " That was the oath that Tsubaki made to the destroyed shrine. He picked up himself and held tightly to the fan his mom gave him before they hid him.
And it didn't last long, just a few decades for him to realize his goals. He was feared by humans, their blood drenched in his claws. He received the ire from the Gods when he killed Gyokko and made his soul a nourishment to his power. He will blow them away even if they get scattered in shreds...until they know the sins they have.
His memory was still fresh when he came to harvest Gyokko's life, it was after he killed the samurai. The God was boasting how Tsubaki will suffer the worst death imaginable-he underestimated him, thus giving him chances.
God insulted him and he took it all, waiting...waiting...for the chance for him to bite back.
He damaged his core-the God's life, but he didn't end him still. He cut open his flesh with Kirio's sword, one by one as he was writhing in pain, he then burned his body with his fox fire, although his core damaged, he can still heal himself-so the cycle continued.
The joy he felt when the once mighty God of War was filled with agony and fear was immeasurable.
"How dare you harm a God! You will be punished by the heavens for your crimes!" The weak God, spat, still arrogant even though his condition worsened.
Tsubaki laughed loudly. "You don't have the right to talk about justice when you don't even give fair chances for all. " With hand engulfed with fox flame, he drilled a hole to where God's core lies. He watched it as it burned from his flame as well as the look of pure horror from God.
That one last look was the best among all...when he introduced himself as Tsubame and Kirio's child-the face was filled with shock...and regrets.
Whether it's the regret from the thought of him being still alive or regret that he made the wrong choice of doing his parents wrong, Tsubaki doesn't care.
Waking up from his reverie, he cast his gaze again at the tanuki. "Don't do something you'll regret eventually, little one. The outcome of revenge is like karma, it may bring you glory but it also comes with the bitter taste of regrets and defeat, it may come off swift but the deadliest is when it awaits your most vulnerable feat. " Changing his mind, he released what bound the tanuki, he messed up its hair, leaving the creature confused.
"You're human, aren't you... But why... " he cut off what the creature had to say by placing his index finger to his lips.
But before the tanuki could reply, an arrow was seen coming to pierce the creature but Shin was much faster, catching it with his hand, he threw it back to the bush it came from.
Rustling sound could be heard until a figure of a woman in a pink school uniform and red skirt emerged. Her eyes sharp like an eagle's talons, lips shut in a frown, in her hands are bow decorated with floating talismans. Her silky raven hair danced in the air—danger courts to those she sees as her enemy.
If this is like some clichè book he has read, Shin would probably grow hearts on his eyes the moment he saw this woman but all he could say the first time he laid his eyes is that he knows she's a total ass.
The woman glared at him, arrows pointed at him. "Hand that youkai over, human or a little pain will persuade you. " Her voice boomed with authority but Shin didn't waver.
Instead, Shin smirked.
So even a shaman of this caliber cannot uncover his secret.
Sakura - cherry blossoms
Tanuki - a youkai resembling a raccoon dog. Often mischievous and tricks people.
Oni - demon
Senpai - senior
Thanks for the owners of the references I used.
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