It was nothing but pure darkness there was no light in sight just nothing but the cold air passing blowing
"Am I dead."
"I had so much to do, I had to be there for the kid."
"But at least the kid will be safe here right?"
"What was that...who was that?"
"Wait....was that the kid."
"Hey guys get over here I think he's waking up"
"Who is that?"
"Thank god he's not dead."
"Is that a girl?"
Sasuke slowly opened his eyes so his vision could adjust to the light.
Sasuke memories suddenly flooded back to him he remembered everything that had happened.
"Where are we...what happened?"
Sasuke asked his group.
Naruto reached his hands out towards Sasuke.
"The child has been so worried about you."
Jugo handed the baby to Sasuke.
"Hey Naruto you know you're kind of a loud mouth you know that right."
Naruto buried his face on the Uchiha's bare chest.
"So, what happened?"
Sasuke looked at his teammates again.
"Sasuke that Hokage woman kicked your a**."
Suigetsu sneered only to be hit by Karin.
"Shut up Suigetsu!!"
Karin cleared her throat
"We thought she was gonna kill you and we were gonna stop her but her guard made all three of us even Jugo blacked out."
"But after we woke up here and the Hokage was healing you after that she threw us this key and said welcome home."
Jugo handed Sasuke the key he received from Tsunade.
Sasuke looked around him and saw the decorations that adored the house he recognized it anywhere.
"She put us in the Uchiha district."
Sasuke tried to stand up but he winced at the pain that shot through his body was still somewhat sore.
"Hold on Saskue."
Karin held out her arm Sasuke and the Uchiha bit her his wounds were soon healed and he was able to move properly now.
"Thank you Karin."
Sasuke said the the red haired teen.
Karin blushed.
"It was no problem Sasuke?"
{Knock Knock}
"Who could that be."
Sasuke asked
"Allow me to get it."
Jugo opened the door and he saw Sakura standing outside.
"Sasuke it's for you."
The dark haired teen handed the child to Karin and he then got up and he made his way to the front door to greet Sakura.
"Can I come in?"
Sakura said to the Uchiha.
Sasuke stood aside and he let Sakura enter the house.
Sakura stood in the center of the room so she could grab the attention of everyone.
"Okay so I have a message from the Hokage about your stay here in the Leaf Village starting with what you guys have to do around here."
"Does this mean we have to get boring jobs."
Suigetsu said as he displayed his lack of interest.
"You all will doing some of the more dangerous missions if they were to arise while also doing community service around the village."
"So it's basically some kind of house arrest?"
Sasuke said slightly irritated.
"Yes and no you can still go around the village that was one of Naruto's last request."
Sakura intentionally put extra emphasis on the fact Naruto wanted to come back to the village, this made the teen even more guilty.
"So, here's the things that have to be done starting with your first assignment you will need to give all of the information of the whereabouts of Orochimaru to Lady Tsunade."
"I killed him."
Sasuke said bluntly.
"Wow okay then you pretty finished you're first five missions then in that what about the location of his various hideouts."
Karin smirked.
"Actually I have the information for all of his hideouts."
"Heh these missions are easy you leaf people gotta give us something harder."
Suigetsu taunted the pink haired Kunoichi.
"Okay fine I have a hard one for we know Orochimaru likes to experiment on people so we samples of his curse mark experiments."
"You have that to don't you."
Sakura asked the group.
"Orochimaru experimented on big guy and me for a long time."
Suigetsu put his arm around Jugo.
"If I can be cured of this curse I will willingly volunteer."
"Well you guys have the information we need I guess you all can rest for now until something pops up."
Sakura turned around to leave but before she could open the door.
"Sakura wait I need to ask some questions."
Sasuke called out to the kunoichi.
"What is it."
Sakura turned to face the Uchiha.
"Everyone give us some privacy."
Sasuke command his group to leave the living room.
Right before everyone left the room Naruto reached his arms out towards his surrogate father.
"I'll take him."
Jugo handed the baby to Sasuke and he left the room.
"Does anyone know I'm here Sakura?"
Sasuke asked the his former comrade.
"People are aware that you're here all of our old classmates hate you despite...the incident being a accident....I suggest you avoid them for a while I can't guarantee you'll be safe around some of them."
"And what about you how do you feel about me right now."
Sasuke stared at Sakura.
"I will never forgive you Sasuke and I have to fight back the urge to grind you to dust but, I have a job to do and you have a kid to care for.....just don't do anything stupid and we'll be just fine."
Sakura started walking towards the front door but she stopped.
"By the way....stay away from Hinata Hyugga she had romantic feelings for Naruto and I feel if she sees you she won't be too happy."
Sakura slammed the door shut leaving behind nothing but silence.
Sasuke sighed and he wondered will the kid be able to have a peaceful life here.
"Yo Sasuke check this out!"
Suigetsu shouted from upstairs.
Sasuke walked upstairs to see his group looking at the hallway.
"Look at all these rooms I call this one it has its own bathroom and it's the biggest."
"No, that will be my room."
Sasuke walked into the room and he closed the door behind him.
"Hey I already called it jerk!"
Before the white haired teen could open the door Sasuke opened the door with his Sharigan spiraling in his eyes.
"You have an issue Suigetsu."
Sasuke stared at Suigetsu intensely.
"Nope no problem here."
Suigetsu stepped back and he went to the room adjacent to Sasuke's room.
Sasuke closed the door behind him and he deactivated his sharigan it was starting to hurt him a lot more than it usually does
"What's wrong with me?"
Sasuke started panting.
Naruto was worried for Sasuke again.
The teen placed the baby on the bed.
"Don't worry Naruto I'm fine just having a headache."
"You probably don't understand me though."
Sasuke got up and he laid on his bed next to the baby.
"Maybe I just need to rest for a little while longer."
Sasuke closed his eyes hoping some sleep would cure his headache.
Naruto started patting his surrogate father's face.
"Looks like sleep isn't a option for now is it."
Naruto crawled on top of Sasuke's chest and he started play with Sasuke's face the baby found joy in this.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Naruto then began to squeeze Sasuke's cheeks together.
Sasuke sighed as he held the child up in the air.
"Okay kid you need a hobby or something."
Sasuke said to the child not expecting a response back.
Naruto said to Sasuke.
"Did you just...speak?"
Sasuke looked at the toddler somewhat in awe.
"Dada pway!"
(Come on dad....I mean Sasuke don't be boring let's play something.)"
Naruto started giggling as he reached his hands out towards Sasuke.
"Why do you have so much energy don't babies like to sleep all day."
Sasuke smiled at the giggling child.
"Hey kid you wanna do something fun?"
Sasuke asked the child in his hands.
Sasuke lightly tossed the baby in the air and he caught him.
"Ha ha ha ha!!"
(Again again!)
Naruto squealed with excitement.
"Oh so you like that huh."
Sasuke tossed the baby in the air again and he repeated this for a few more times until Sasuke grew weary of the game.
"Okay that's enough."
Sasuke placed the child next to himself.
"I need to rest maybe my headache would disappear."
Sasuke closed his eyes in attempt to fall asleep.
Naruto stood himself on his knee and he started to pat Sasuke's face.
"What do you want kid?"
Naruto's stomach started growling he was hungry.
"Num Num."
"You're hungry me too."
Sasuke got up from his bed he wasn't going to get any sleep with the kid around anyways.
"I think we need to send Karin out to get us some food...I think it'll be too dangerous for me to go outside."
Sasuke picked up the child and he went to hallway to be greeted with three doors one of which had note that read.
["Keep Out except for Sasuke".]
"(That was fast)"
Sasuke thought to himself as he knocked on the door.
"Karin I need you.."
The red haired woman quickly opened the door.
"Yes Sasuke you...need me."
Karin tried to make herself look seductive.
"I need you to get us some food I don't think it's safe for me to go out."
Sasuke said to the kunoichi as he pulled some money out of his pocket.
"Here's some money get something cheap."
"Fine I'll be back."
Karin left the house to buy some food for the team.
Sasuke looked down to the child he was holding and he noticed the baby was a little dirty.
"Kid I don't think I bathed you yet... you're getting a bath."
Sasuke went to the living room to find the bag full of baby clothes he bought weeks ago and he grabbed another diaper.
"Let's go give you a bath."
Sasuke carried the baby into the bathroom and after giving Naruto a bath he carried him out and placed him on the living room couch.
"Let's watch something on T.V maybe there's something on here that will keep you preoccupied."
Sasuke found some a cartoon on the T.V and he noticed the baby was fully entranced by various antics of the cartoon characters.
Sasuke slowly started dozing off until he heard a knock on the.
"Sasuke it's me I got the food."
Karin said from the other side of the door.
The Uchiha teen opened the door and Karin walked inside with two bags in her hands.
"Hey I got the food and we saved some money."
Karin placed the two bags down carefully.
"Good go call Jugo and Suigetsu we all need to talk anyways."
Said the Uchiha.
Karin went upstairs and moments later she came back down with the other two teens of the group.
"Sweet I was starving."
Suigetsu pulled out one of the bowls of ramen and he started eating.
{Sniff Sniff}
Naruto started sniffing the air.
(Wait is that ramen!")
Naruto started slid off the couch and he crawled over to Suigetsu and he looked at the teen with pleading eyes.
"What kid you can't have my food."
Suigetsu looked at the child's eyes he looked like a puppy.
Suigetsu sat down on the floor and he fed the child one of the noodles.
"Wamen moe wamen!"
Naruto said as he continued to be fed by Suigetsu.
"The kid talks now!?"
The white haired teen was surprised almost happy.
"Yeah....he really likes ramen doesn't he."
Sasuke felt a sharp hit of grief hit his heart once he said that.
"He must've had a lot a ramen before you found him Sasuke."
Jugo said as he continued to eat his food.
After dinner Sasuke brought himself and the baby back to his room. Once he put the baby to bed he couldn't help but stare at the child.
Was this baby a reincarnated Naruto...no it the baby is too old to be reincarnated to be someone he knew.
Sasuke felt some kind of pain on his eyes and he noticed something some was trailing off his face.
"What the?"
Sasuke touched his face and he noticed that it was blood so he ran to the bathroom to see what's wrong with his eye to notice his sharigan was activated but it looked different.
"What happened to my Sharigan it looks like... Itachi's....
Sasuke had a flashback to the Uchiha clan slaughter he remembered how Itachi got his Sharigan by killing his best friend and that was what Sasuke had did.
Sasuke started crying tears of blood...he was a monster.
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