Sasuke was outside the ninja academy a bunch of his classmates were sparring today he was looking at everyone analyzing their height,weight, and build to see if he was able to take them on he had overlooked one kid though, the Uzumaki child he never knew why everyone avoided him,but he saw his skills they were nothing compared to his own so he should not pay that much attention to him.
"Okay next up is Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha."
Iruka announced to the whole class
Sasuke merely scoffed, this was going to be an easy fight, he wouldn't even get the chance to test himself.
Naruto and Sasuke walked up to meet at where Iruka was standing.
"Now before we start I need you to interlock fingers with each other."
Sasuke held out his fingers.
"Good and Naruto you do the same... Naruto."
The blond child was distracted by something else entirely
The two boy's Sensei shouted
"Yeah Yeah." Naruto said as he casually dismissed Iruka's yelling.
Iruka sighed
"It only takes one yes Naruto."
Was all Sasuke was thinking to himself
"After a Victor has been decided the two shinobi will interlock fingers which is called the unison sign to signify the bond all shinobi share."
Both the two boys got into their respective battle stances.
"Now begin."
Before the blond child knew what hit him he was on the ground.
("Just a loser.") Sasuke thought as he got up and rushed himself off Naruto got up and the two boys had a glaring contest but Sasuke blinked and then all of sudden he was not a child and he was not at the academy anymore he was in his home and he had something in his hand it felt squishy and wet.
"What is this?"
Sasuke looked closely at the mysterious object in his hand and upon closer inspection it was a red beating object...there was an odor of blood it, this was when Sasuke realized he was holding a heart.
The teen gasped as he turned extremely pale and immediately drop the heart but when Sasuke had looked up, he saw a blood trail leading to a baby's crib and he saw a horrible scene , there lay a lifeless blond toddler with a gaping hole in his chest
Sasuke picked up the toddler's lifeless body and he started crying, his redemption, his new goal, his...son, he had killed him he killed Naruto again.
"All your fault."
Sasuke looked up and he saw Naruto was no longer dead as he was if he wasn't a bloody mess a few moments ago.
"All your fault."
Naruto's voice started becoming distorted as he sprung up and started turning into a grotesque monster with claws and fangs like sharp blades and it lunged at sasuke clawing flesh off his body and digging his teeth into the raven haired teen.
"Get off!!"
Sasuke pulled the monster off of him and threw him onto the floor the Uchiha had activated his Chidori.
"Naruto.. please don't make me do this."
Sasuke had tears flowing from his face as he continued to hold the raging monster Naruto has become.
Your fault, Your fault, you killed him, your fault!!" The beast changed these words as it kept on trying to swipe at Sasuke with its claws.
Sasuke closed his eyes as he started lowering his lightning coated hand towards the beast but before he could slay the monster that was Naruto he vision blurred and he closed his eyes and this time when he opened his eyes he was on his bed above a sleeping Naruto his son with his Chidori charged hand mere centimeters away from the toddler's chest.
Sasuke quickly dispersed his jutsu and he frantically backed away from off the bed.
Sasuke was panting he almost killed his son, he's a danger to his own child the one he promised to protect.
Naruto was awakened by all the noise Sasuke was making.
The toddler sat himself up and he rubbed his eyes to see his father on the floor.
"Dada fall down." Said the toddler as he giggled a little
"You're alive right, this isn't another nightmare is it?"
Sasuke asked himself as he stay crying again.
"Dada sad."
Naruto said as reached for Sasuke but, the teen quickly backed himself into a corner away from the child.
Naruto slowly made his way off the bed, once he was safely on the ground he slowly walked towards the panicking Sasuke
Naruto flinched from the shouting, he never heard his dad do that before.
"(Daddy you're scaring me) Dada?"
Naruto said as he started tearing up.
Karin busted the door open as she rushed into the room with a kunai in her hand.
"Sasuke what's wrong!?."
Karin went to Sasuke's side.
"I'm dangerous I almost."
Sasuke pushed karin aside and he ran outside.
Naruto called out to the teen, as he started crying.
"Oh no."
Karin picked up Naruto
"I gotta wake up the guys."
Karin had woke Suigetsu and Jugo up by banging on their doors.
"What is it, why are we getting up so early." Suigetsu asked.
"It's Sasuke he ran off and I don't know where he is."
Karin replied
"He just ran away, did he say why?" Asked Jugo.
"He just called himself dangerous and he ran off." Karin replied
"In that case we need to split up and we'll start looking for him so that way we'll cover more ground that way." Said the orange haired teen.
"We don't know a lot about this place should we go grab that pink hair chick for help?"
Suigetsu asked only to be met with Karin's glare.
"Of course not, we....we can't trust here." Karin said.
"Karin is right we can't risk us being caught we'll be traitors." Jugo replied.
"Hn, you got lucky this time Karin." Suigetsu said.
The group went outside so they can begin their search.
Naruto started sniffling as tears started to flow from his eyes.
"Karin, the kid is about to cry." Said Suigetsu worryingly.
Karin started patting the child's back in hopes of getting him to calm down.
"Shh hey Naruto don't cry we're gonna find Sasuke okay."
"F fi Dada?" The toddler asked
"Yeah don't worry we'll find your dad promise." Suigetsu said as he rubbed Naruto's head.
"Alright we should start looking I'll take the north, Karin you'll do south where the training fields are at and Suigetsu you'll handle east."
The three teens nodded and they went their separate ways.
While three teens were searching, had continued to run until he made his way to the training field.
The young Uchiha was panting, he had been running for so long.
"Who's there show yourself!!" Sasuke shouted out
Sasuke turned around to see a figure a few feet away from him and upon closer inspection Sasuke recognized the person.
"N n n Naruto?"
"In the living breathing flesh that was until you killed me. Naruto said as he started shambling towards Sasuke
"I I'm sorry." Sasuke said.
"Sorry?.. apologizing won't work Sasuke you see this."
Naruto unzipped the top half of his jumpsuit to reveal a bleeding hole in his chest.
"You did this to me!" Naruto shouted
Sasuke fell to his knees, he couldn't fight his guilt anymore
"Forgive me."
"You know there is one way for you to fix this." Naruto kneeled in front of the broken Sasuke.
"H how?" Sasuke asked
Naruto face turned into a sickening smile
"Die..just end your suffering no one will miss you."
"You're just a traitor remember and hell everyone hates you for killing me they may even celebrate your death so no one will be sad."
Said Naruto
"You're right.... I'm just a burden to everyone and everything."
Sasuke stood up and his Chidori started activating in his hand.
"I killed you and then I almost killed the son...I don't deserve to live."
Sasuke shot his Chidori into the sky, the moonlit night sky became shrouded in dark clouds.
"Yes do it." Said the apparition of Naruto.
Sasuke was determined to end his life and his suffering just like his told him and as second passed for the first time in months his mind felt clear and the bloody apparition of Naruto was disappearing as he was getting closer to ending this life, he could finally be free from guilt, meanwhile his friends were still looking for him, hoping the teen wouldn't do anything drastic
"That's weird why would it rain now."
Karin asked as she looked up at the night sky.
Naruto merely whimpered be felt something was off and he didn't like it one bit.
"Shh hey no crying we will find him." Said the red haired teen as she tried to comfort the toddler.
A loud boom was heard as it started to rain, Karin quickly ran under the pavilion of a building to protect both herself and Naruto from the rain.
"I guess I should've grabbed a rain jacket can't have you getting sick or your daddy would kill me."
Karin started looking around for something to shield her and Naruto from the rain, she then noticed a trash can.
"That'll work."
Karin removed the lid from the trashcan and she used it to shield herself and the child from the rain.
There was another thunder clap and Karin noticed what seemed to be electricity emitting from near a forest.
"Isn't that where those training fields are "
Karin asked herself as she started running towards where the electricity was gathering.
While Karin was running to the source of the electricity Sasuke had finished preparing his jutsu, finally his pain, his guilt can finally go away
Sasuke turned his head towards Karin
"What are you doing we were worried." Karin shouted with tears in her eyes.
"I'm ending it Karin, I'm ending everything the guilt, the voices in my head, illusions, and the danger of my continued all ends tonight...I recommend you stay back."
Sasuke said in a disturbingly calm matter.
"Hey Sasuke!"
Jugo and Suigetsu ran into the scene.
"Hey man what are you doing, you're gonna have us in trouble for all this mess." Suigetsu yelled.
"Apologies but this is something I have to do."
"Sasuke this is not the answer, your death would only cause more problems the heartache from your friends...and the kid."
Jugo said hoping to convince Sasuke to not follow through with his decision
Sasuke stayed silent, unable to come with any words this was supposed to be easy no one was supposed to show up and try to stop him.
"Jugo's right don't do it, this isn't the answer what about us your friends."
Karin said desperately.
Sasuke merely looked down and he closed his eyes when he opened them he activated his newly attained Mangekyou sharingan and he stared down Karin.
"I have no friends Kairn...I was just using you three so I could kill Itachi remember...I walk in darkness and it's a path I was always meant to walk alone."
The three other teens were put under the effects of Sasuke genjutsu and they all became silent.
Sasuke sighed, it was quiet again, that made things easier.
Naruto called out to his father figure.
Sasuke saw his son staring at him with tears in his, this was enough for Sasuke to lose his hold on his genjutsu.
"If you walk and darkness and you're just using us that's fine but what about Naruto he clearly sees you as his dad how do you think it would be like if you killed yourself now right in front of him!"
Karin yelled at the teen.
"If not for us, do it for him." Jugo added.
Sasuke started tearing up again.
"I'm sorry everyone."
Sasuke had made a beast made of pure lightning and he had brought it down with the intention of it striking him.
Naruto shouted with his arms outstretched to Sasuke.
Sasuke closed his eyes as he awaited oblivion.
"You're not getting off that easy."
A figure jumped in front of Sasuke
[8 Trigrams Palm Rotation]
The two attacks collided causing an explosion.
"Behind me!!"
Jugo stood in front of Karin and Suigetsu and he quickly created a barrier using his flesh to protect him and his friends from the force of the explosion, the orange haired teen barely managed to generate enough flesh to hold up his flesh shield but soon the pressure from the explosion was gone.
"I think it's over "
Said Jugo as he was feeling faint from exhaustion.
"Whoa big guy."
Suigetsu caught Jugo and helped him to his feet.
"Thank you."
Karin shouted as she ran to the raven haired teen laying on the ground
"Sasuke why!!" Karin shouted as she laid her head on Sasuke's chest to hear he was still breathing.
"I'm not dead." Sasuke said.
Naruto started crying, his tears fell on the teens face.
"I'm sorry...Naruto."
Before blacking out Sasuke wiped the tears off of Naruto's face..............................
(Sixteen hours later)
Sasuke had woken up all he saw was pure white.
"Is this hell?" Sasuke asked himself
"Nope you're somewhere even hospital."
Sasuke turned his head and he was Tsunade sitting next to him.
"I'm definitely in hell." Sasuke replied
"You're not in a position to make jokes." Replied the Hokage.
"Why am I alive?" The teen asked
"Hinata Hyūga." Tsunade answered.
"Hinata Hyūga....she saved me? Sasuke asked curiously
"Yes I was just as surprised."
Sasuke turned away from Tsunade
"Why didn't she let me die, I deserved to."
Tsunade sighed
"Well you're not allowed to kill yourself just because you feel bad, you will live with what you have done, also you almost left that baby behind with no father figure in his life....the one you promised to raise."
Shizune walked into the room.
"Lady Hokage."
"Yes Shizune.
"There is a group of visitors outside right now, wanting to visit Sasuke."
"Okay bring in Sasuke's group only." Said the Hokage.
"Yes ma'am."
Shizune left the room and she came back with Karin, Jugo, Suigetsu whom of which was carrying Naruto.
Sasuke turned his head towards the child.
"I'm so glad you're okay." Karin said happily
"Dada Dada!!" Naruto started whining as he reached out to Sasuke.
"Here this kid would not stop talking about you all day."
Suigetsu placed the toddler on the bed with Sasuke.
Naruto hugged Sasuke and he cried into the teen's hospital gown.
"Hey kid this is a gown not a snot rag." Sasuke said as he rubbed the child's head.
"Daddy." Naruto said as he had his snot, spit and tears trailing from Sasuke's gown.
"Oh kid you got you boogers all over me." Sasuke said.
Jugo grabbed a tissue and he started wiping the toddler's face.
"He was really worried about you Sasuke, we all were."
"Dada go home?" Naruto asked.
"I don't know Naruto"
"You can go home tomorrow but right now you need your rest that jutsu you used took quite a bit of chakra from your body and your injuries from the explosion doesn't help either." Said Tsunade
"I'm sorry."
Sasuke turned his head towards his group.
Karin asked.
Sasuke sighed.
"For being selfish, for acting out of cowardice, and for the things I said to you all. Not only do I have to live with the guilt of what I have done, I have a child who needs me now and I promised I would give him a life that the original Naruto never had and how can I do this if I were to die."
Sasuke struggled to sit himself and he bowed.
"I ask for your forgiveness."
Everyone was shocked they never seen Sasuke swallow his pride to do this before.
"You're already forgiven." Jugo said.
"I'll always forgive you Sasuke."
Karin replied
"You used your Sharingan on us you bastard, that wasn't exactly fun you know." Suigetsu shouted.
"I know I apologise and I will do everything in my power to personally atone for my actions when I am able to."
"I forgive ya then, but you owe me one." Replied Suigetsu.
"Anything in you power to atone...then we can go on a date Sasuke!" Karin said happily.
"To willingly date someone like you is beyond mankind's power Karin." Suigetsu said to only be met with Karin attempting to slap him but of course her attack kept on phasing through his liquid body.
"You're a jerk you know that!!" Karin yelled.
"No fighting in my hospital!!" Tsunade shouted as he stared down the two teens.
"Yes ma'am!"
Suigetsu and Karin said in unison as they bowed in forgiveness to the Hokage.
Sasuke snickered a bit.
"Why are you laughing at our suffering!"
Suigetsu shouted.
"Hey leave him alone, he already apologized didn't he!" Karin shouted at Suigetsu.
Seeing the scene before her Tsunade smiled.
"(I may never forgive him for what he's done...but I can at least respect him for what he's doing now.)"
Tsunade thought to herself.
"So how long was I out for anyways?" Sasuke asked
"It has been like sixteen hours the day is almost over." Karin replied
"Sixteen hours." Sasuke repeated surprised.
"Yeah it's about seven o'clock real soon you were knocked out for a long time." Said the white haired teen
"And in the time you were passed out someone drew you a picture right Naruto?" Karin looked down at the boy
"Me gif id ta Dada." Naruto reached his hands to his diaper bag.
Kairn dug through the diaper bag and she handed Naruto his drawing and the boy presented it to to the teen. It showed a black scribble and an orange scribble
"What is it?" Asked Sasuke
Id dada an id me an me dada pway.
"As soon as I get home me and you will play all you want." Sasuke rubbed the child's head
"Dada pway Dada pway!." Naruto bounced on Sasuke in excitement.
"Easy there kid"
Sasuke said holding in his pain.
"We should probably let you rest Sasuke you must be tired.
Tsunade said.
"Yeah a little bit." Sasuke answered.
"We should probably let you rest then, come on you three we're going home." Jugo said as he picked up Naruto.
"Time for us to leave Naruto."
Naruto began to squirm in Jugo's arms
"Naruto go home I just need to rest for a little bit."
Naruto started sniffling
"I will see you tomorrow I promise."
Sasuke poked the toddler's forehead.
"Otay." Naruto replied.
"Come on kid I know what might perk you up, you want some ramen?"
Suigetsu asked the boy which caused Naruto to smile.
"Ramen?" Tsunade said curiously.
"Yeah the kid loves the stuff we fed it to him a while back and he just insisted on having it everyday."
Sasuke said
"Anyways we should get going."
Jugo said.
"We'll see you tomorrow Sasuke." Karin said
"Bye bye Dada."
Naruto waved.
The group left the room.
"I'll leave too and I'll come back to check up on you in an hour."
Tsunade left the room.
Sasuke laid back down and he closed his eyes a few moments later he opened them and he saw the apparition Naruto again.
"You think you deserve peace, you'll never be forgiven."
Said the illusion.
"I know but I will no longer run from my guilt I will embrace it, and fully take responsibility for my actions." Sasuke said as he went back to sleep.
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