First Steps.
" That's right Sasuke you can do it."
A voice of a familiar person was encouraging her youngest child to walk he's almost doing it.
"You can do it baby, Mommy has faith in you!"
The toddler slowly got on his feet and he attempted to take a step but he fell on his rear which made the baby start tearing up.
"(I can't do it.)"
"Aww, don't cry."
"Don't pick him up if he wants you comfort he can walk to you."
A familiar deep gruff voice had scoffed.
"As a member of this family and also this clan we provide results not failures you know this Mikoto."
"Fugaku, he's just a baby and your son he'll walk when he's ready."
Mikoto picked up her youngest and she started patting his back.
"Don't worry Sasuke you can do this mommy beileves in you."
A door was heared being opened.
"I'm home."
"(He's here...I don't want him to be disappointed in me too.)"
"Welcome home."
Mikoto placed the baby on the floor.
"Evening mother, father."
The older boy bowed to both his parents.
"(I can do this, I need to do this for him.)"
The toddler stood on his feet again and he slowly started taking steps towards the older boy.
"(I want to be able to keep up with him, my big brother, my..)"
Everyone turned their heads towards the toddler.
"He's doing it, my baby is doing it!"
Mikoto started swelling with pride.
"Come here little brother."
Itachi held his arms wide.
Sasuke was almost there in his older brother's arms.
"You got this, almost there."
Itachi said.
The baby was within reach of his older brother but before he could come into contact with the elder sibling everything went dark as Sasuke woke up with a blonde toddler of his own staring down at him.
The toddler squealed with delight now that his daddy was now finally awake.
"Good morning kid."
Sasuke picked up his adopted son and held him up high which made the toddler start laughing.
"Ha ha ha ha!!"
Sasuke stared at the blond child he was holding he noticed the child was getting bigger in the three months him and his team had been staying in the leaf village Naruto was growing up right before the Uchiha's eyes and as more time pass Sasuke has noticed that the toddler is looking more like the old Naruto everyday and he even has some of his late friend's personality quirks such as the toddler's love for ramen and how goofy the boy can be sometimes. It haunted the dark haired teen but Sasuke figured it was his guilt talking.
"Alright let's get up, you need a change."
Sasuke carried his adopted son to the changing table and he took off the soggy diaper.
"I should change your name to water hose, you practically pee through your diapers."
After Sasuke changed the toddler's diaper he started walking towards the kitchen.
When the Uchiha made it to the kitchen he saw his teammates doing their usual routines Karin and Suigetsu were at each other's throats while Jugo was calmly eating a bowl of rice.
"You two that's enough."
Sasuke said as he glanced at the two teens.
"Good morning Sasuke I made breakfast."
Karin presented a plate of rolled omelette and bowl of rice.
"It looks good thank you Karin"
Sasuke took the plate and he sat down at the table setting Naruto on his lap.
"(That looks really good.)"
Naruto grabbed one of the rolled omlets and he shoved it in his mouth.
"Kid, slow down."
Sasuke scolded the child.
"The kid is just a black hole with blond hair and a diaper."
Suigetsu joked at the toddler.
Naruto let out a loud burp.
A few seconds had passed.
"Ha ha ha ha!!"
Suigetsu started laughing loudly.
"This kid is a riot!"
Sasuke sighed.
"We need to teach you manners."
Naruto ignored Sasuke and he grabbed another rolled omelette and he proceeded to scarf it down.
"Naruto really does have a big appetite for a baby."
Jugo smiled as he rubbed the top of Naruto's head.
"Ju Ju!"
Naruto raised his arms up to the large teen.
"Here hold him for a second."
Sasuke handed the baby to Jugo.
Naruto hugged the teen.
Jugo felt nice, the kid had always made his day better.
"Does any of us have any missions today."
Karin asked the group.
"I haven't gotten anything yet."
Sasuke said as he started eating.
"Same here."
Suigetsu added.
Karin looked at Jugo and asked.
"How about you?"
"Same thing, I don't have any missions today either I was just about to go to the backyard."
"(Wait, so Dad, Ju ju, Rin Rin, and Getsu don't have to leave today that means they can all play with me today this is the best day ever!!)"
"Dada pway Dada pway!!"
"Apparently the kid wants to to play, does daddy know any fun activities."
Suigetsu teased the Uchiha.
Karin tried to punch Suigetsu but her fist went through his liquid body.
"Hey idiot stop teasing Sasuke!"
"I can't help it, there's not much else to do around this place."
While Karin and Suigetsu started arguing again Sasuke stood out of his chair with Naruto in his hands and he walked to the living room.
"(Wait I wanted to see them argue they're funny.)"
Naruto babbled.
Sasuke sat on the couch and he placed Naruto on the floor and he turned on a cartoon.
"Alright kid you like this show don't you."
Sasuke said to the child.
Naruto's eyes were glued to the screen for a short time until he started getting bored he really wanted to play.
"(Sasuke I don't wanna watch T.V anymore why don't you play with me.)"
Naruto grabbed onto the couch cushions and he slowly stood himself up and he started tugging on Sasuke's pants leg.
Sasuke looked down at the toddler looking up at him with pleading eyes.
The teen sighed.
Sasuke left the living room and he quickly came back with a couple of toys.
"Look play with these, now don't bother me."
Sasuke sat back on the couch.
Naruto started tearing up.
"(Daddy...don't ignore me.)"
Naruto started sniffling.
Sasuke saw Naruto's teary eyed face and it was familiar to him.....
"Daddy play with me!"
A younger Sasuke said.
Fugaku took a long sigh.
"Sasuke go do something productive you're an Uchiha start acting like it."
Sasuke continued to look at Naruto's saddened face.
"..... Okay fine, we'll play whatever you want alright."
Sasuke sat on the floor in front of Naruto.
"(Really you'll play with me, sweet!!)"
Naruto held up a toy boat up to Sasuke.
"You want to play with the boat, alright."
Sasuke took the boat and Naruto grabbed his stuffed frog plush.
Naruto made the toy frog attack the boat in Sasuke's hands.
"Well ain't he the violent one....I blame Karin."
Suigetsu walked into the room and he grabbed the T.V remote and started flipping through the channels.
"(Oh, Getsu can play with us now.)"
Naruto crawled to Suigetsu and he grabbed onto the teen's leg to lift himself up.
"Gesu pway."
The toddler looked up at the teen with pleading eyes.
Suigetsu sighed he couldn't say no to that face.
"Fine whatever."
Suigetsu then sat on the floor.
"Okay what are we playing?"
"Whatever he wants to play."
Sasuke replied.
"(Let's can play with the doggy)"
Naruto held up the dog plush to Suigetsu prompting the teen to take it.
"Okay, I'm the what?"
Naruto took his frog and he started making it fight with the dog plush Suigetsu was holding.
"Now he's attacking me."
"Better you than me"
The dark haired teen sneered.
"Geez, why so harsh man?"
"Maybe because you teased him."
Karin entered the living room and she sat next to Sasuke.
"And you're lucky he hadn't killed you yet, ain't that right Sasuke."
Sasuke continued to play with Naruto ignoring Karin advances.
"Ha, shot down"
Suigetsu snickered.
Karin picked up a toy turtle and she was prepared to throw it at Suigetsu.
"(Hey, Rin Rin playing too?)"
"Rin Rin rawr!"
Naruto crawled to Karin and he made his toy frog attack the toy turtle.
Karin looked down at the child.
"Aww. He's too adorable!"
Karin then started playing with Naruto.
Both Sasuke and Suigetsu we're surprised.
"I thought you didn't like babies Karin."
Suigetsu teased the red head.
"Well.....our Naruto is different he's not like other babies ain't that right."
Karin started tickling the baby which caused the child to laugh.
"Ha ha ha ha!!"
"(Dob dob I give up I give up!)"
Karin ceased her tickling of the child.
Jugo rushed into the living room.
"I thought I heared screaming."
"No, it was just the kid, we were just playing with him."
Suigetsu told the orange haired teen.
"Juju pway."
Naruto held up a toy for Jugo to play with.
Jugo sat down on the floor with everyone else and he accepted the toy from Naruto.
Naruto made his frog attack the toy Jugo had.
"He's really going at it ain't he."
Jugo smiled at the child's antics.
"He's been like this for a little while now."
Sasuke said.
"(Okay I'm tired of toys I wanna play something else.)"
Naruto covered his eyes.
All of the teens stared at the baby.
"Is the kid okay?"
Suigetsu asked Sasuke.
"Naruto did you hurt yourself?"
The Uchiha asked the baby.
"I don't think he can give you a answer."
Jugo told the Uchiha teen.
Naruto uncovered his eyes.
The toddler then covered his eyes again.
"Oh, he's trying to play peek a boo."
Karin said.
"Really let me give this a try."
Suigetsu covered his eyes.
The baby cooed in curiosity.
Suigetsu uncovered his face.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Naruto laughed at the surprise.
"(I thought you were gone but then you pop out again!)"
"Move over Suigetsu let me try."
Karin covered her face.
"Rin Rin?"
When Kairn uncovered her face she made a funny expression and this made the baby laugh ten times harder compared to when Suigetsu did it.
"Even the baby thinks I'm better than you."
Karin taunted the white haired teen.
"Well top this."
Suigetsu and Karin continued to play peek a boo with the child both of trying to make a funnier face to try and one up each other.
"Karin, Suigetsu."
The two teens turned their heads towards Sasuke.
Naruto looked at his father figure.
Sasuke covered his face and a moment later he uncovered it and he made a attempt to make a funny face.
Everyone even Jugo stared at the the black haired teen with a shocked expression.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Naruto grabbed the Uchiha's cheeks and he started pulling them.
This made Karin and Suigetsu laugh loudly.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha this kid is something else!"
Suigetsu said in-between his laughing fit.
"He even got Jugo to grin."
Karin said.
Naruto looked at the four teens in front of him they were all together for once smiling and laughing this is what it felt to have people that love him unconditionally this was his family now.
"(I...I have a family.)"
{Knock Knock}
"I'll get the door."
Jugo opened the door and he was greeted by Sakura and two anbu shinobi one with a fox mask and the other with a dog mask.
"The Hokage has a mission for you all."
Said the elite shinobi as he handed a scroll to Jugo.
"And I'll watch the child."
Sakura said.
"Well looks like playtime will have to be cut short"
Sasuke got up and went to go put on his shoes.
"Aw man I really was hoping I had a day off."
Suigetsu went upstairs to grab his shoes and his sword.
"(Wait where y'all going we were having fun don't leave.)"
Naruto started whimpering.
Sasuke picked up the blonde toddler.
"It's okay Naruto we'll be back I promise then we'll play some more."
Sasuke handed the child to Sakura.
"Da da."
"It's okay Naruto your daddy is going to come back."
Sakura rubbed the child's back
Suigetsu and Karin came down the stairs both of them dressed in their ninja attire.
"Is everyone ready?"
Asked the dog mask Anbu.
Sasuke replied.
Sakura placed the child on the floor near his toys she then walked towards the group to give them a briefing about their mission.
While everyone was talking Naruto was sad he didn't want his family to leave again they are almost never all together anymore.
"(No, they can't leave yet.)"
Naruto slowly started crawling towards Sasuke.
"And that's it a simple retrieval mission. You will be accompanied by these two Anbu."
Sakura said to the group.
"If we do this fast enough we all should be home by tonight right?"
Sasuke asked the pink haired Kunoichi.
Sakura replied.
Sasuke nodded and he started walking towards the door.
"(He's leaving I won't make he can't leave yet)"
Naruto slowly started standing himself up and he slowly started taking steps towards Sasuke.
"(I got this, I'm almost there)"
Sasuke opened the door and he was preparing to step out.
"(No don't leave!!)"
Sasuke turned around and what saw made him froze.
"Naruto you're."
"Well crap the kid is walking."
Suigetsu choked up.
"Stop stalling let's go."
The dog masked anbu demanded.
"Wait give them a moment."
Sakura said to the Anbu.
Naruto was starting to lose his balance.
"C'mon you got this kid!!"
Karin shouted.
"We believe in you Naruto."
Jugo said.
"Don't give up on us!!."
Suigetsu shouted at the blond toddler.
"(I think I'm gonna fall)"
Naruto started wobbling.
"You almost got it Naruto!!!"
Sakura shouted.
{Sniff Sniff}
"Fox you're not crying are you?"
Asked the dog mask anbu.
"It just so sweet."
Said the fox mask anbu.
"(They're all cheering for me but I can't do it)"
Naruto fell on his rear.
"Oh no he was so close."
Karin sighed.
"Well kid you tried don't worry about it."
Suigetsu started walking towards Naruto but Sasuke placed his hand in front of him.
"Naruto try again."
Naruto looked up at his surrogate father.
Sasuke looked at the boy and he saw a younger version of himself his father wasn't the most supportive person but Sasuke would be different.
"I know you can do this Naruto."
"(He beileves in me)"
Naruto thought to himself.
Sasuke opened up his arms.
"Come on Naruto, come to Daddy."
Sasuke fatherly instincts took over as he radiated a warmth he had never gave off before this gained the surprised stares of everyone in the room.
Naruto slowly stood himself up and he started walking towards Sasuke again.
"(I can't let everyone down I can do this, believe it!)"
Naruto slowly started taking steps again.
"(You're almost there Naruto, just a few more steps)"
Sasuke thought to himself.
After taking a few more steps Naruto found himself in Sasuke's embrace.
"Cha, he did it!!"
Sakura shouted.
The pride Sasuke felt in his surrogate son was immeasurable.
"Daddy's proud of you son."
Sasuke whispered to the child.
"He actually did it, good job kid."
Suigetsu rubbed the child's head.
"Alright that's enough we have all kept the Hokage waiting long enough let's go."
The dog mask anbu said.
Sasuke sighed he didn't want to leave especially now but he had a job to do.
"I'm sorry Naruto I have to leave but I will come back I promise you."
Sasuke handed the toddler to Sakura.
"Well be back kid we promise and when we do I'm making us all some ramen for dinner tonight as an celebration."
Karin said as she left the house.
Sasuke left the house with the Anbu.
Naruto waved goodbye.
"Don't worry kid, your daddy is gonna comeback in no time."
Sakura placed the child on the couch and pulled out a scroll from her pocket to start writing about the events that had just transpired.
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