Continuing The Cycle
Sasuke woke up to see Naruto was peacefully sleeping on top of him while the baby's drool trailed from his mouth and onto Sasuke's chest.
"Does this kid sleepwalk..... sleep crawl?"
Sasuke carefully got out from his bed and he walked to his bathroom and he began to look at his reflection more importantly his eyes. Sasuke still saw the trail of blood from his eyes and it sent a grave feeling down and to the pit of his stomach.
"Do I really have them?"
Sasuke activated his sharigan and sure enough his eyes went from his usual three tomoe sharigan to his Mangekyo Sharigan.
"I don't want these."
Sasuke looked at himself in the mirror and his hand was slowly reaching for his eyes.
"These are the eyes of a murderer."
Sasuke hands continued to inch towards his eyes his dreaded eyes the ones that mark him as the killer of the one who was closest to him.
Sasuke was brought out of his daze and he quickly placed his hand back on the sink.
"Dada dada dada!!"
Sasuke walked out of the bathroom to see Naruto was awake and he was frowning.
"(Hey I'm cold and my butt is wet you need to change me)"
Naruto started to whine loudly.
"Okay kid I hear you stop being so loud."
Sasuke gently pushed the baby on his back and he began to change Naruto's diaper.
"Kid we need to stop giving you so much juice you're gonna pee through these diapers soon enough."
Said the Uchiha.
"(Well I get thirsty and that Suigetsu guy keeps on giving me juice").
"Dada meanie."
Naruto pouted.
"I'm not mean I just don't like changing diapers every ten seconds."
Sasuke stomach was growling.
"Guess it's time for breakfast."
"Guess you're hungry too huh kid."
"(Yeah, I'm starving.")
Naruto whined.
After changing the wet diaper Sasuke picked up the child and he made his way downstairs to the kitchen.
"Alright let's see what we got."
Sasuke opened the refrigerator door and he saw nothing in his fridge.
The Uchiha sighed.
"We should probably go grocery shopping?"
Sasuke to the child he was holding not really expecting a answer.
"(Yeah you need to buy some food I'm starving.)"
Naruto started whining.
"I know kid, I know."
Sasuke closed the refrigerator and he looked into the cupboard to see several packs of instant ramen.
"This will do for now."
Sasuke grabbed a pack of instant ramen and he set it aside to grab a tea kettle to boil his water. Once he put the tea kettle on the stove top Sasuke leaned on the on one of the counters while he sat Naruto on the counter top and he started staring at the child.
"(Hey weirdo why ya staring at me?)"
Naruto started to pulling on Sasuke's cheeks.
"Kid, you know you look so much like him it's almost like you're his son."
Sasuke felt a pain in his chest he's still felt the guilt it's eating him alive.
"(Who I look like dad?)"
Naruto cooed.
"He was gonna be the hokage but I took that away from him."
Sasuke sighed.
"But...I'm gonna make it up to him."
Said the Uchiha.
The tea kettle started to make a high pitched whistle indicating the water was at boiling point.
"There goes the water."
Sasuke grabbed the plastic handle of the tea kettle and he poured the scalding water in the ramen cup.
"And now we wait."
Saskue leaned his back on the counter.
After the three longest minutes for the two boys Sasuke uncovered the ramen cup and he grabbed his chopsticks and he started to slurp up some of the noodles.
"(Hey don't eat it all I like ramen too!!)"
Naruto started sniffling.
Sasuke took a small amount of noodles and he fed it to Naruto.
"You must really like ramen, to be honest I can't stand them."
Sasuke said ate more of the noodles.
"Moe moe dada!!"
Naruto said as he reached his hands out to the cup of ramen.
"You must really like this stuff."
After eating some more noodles he fed the rest of the noodles to the child on his lap.
"Moe dada moe!."
Said the baby.
"You ate all of the noodles there is not anymore left."
Sasuke showed Naruto the ramen cup that held only beef broth.
Naruto took the cup and he started drinking the ramen broth completely taking Sasuke by surprise.
"Kid no it's hot!"
Sasuke took the cup from the toddler to only see that it was empty.
"You slurped all of it up you must love ramen don't you."
"(It's so good.)"
Naruto reached his hands out towards the cup.
"There's no more we ate it all."
Saskue said to the hungry child.
"(No more.)"
The child started crying he wanted more ramen.
"What's wrong kid are you hurt?"
Sasuke looked Naruto over and he felt around the child's diaper but he was clean and not hurt.
"Wamen Wamen!!!"
Naruto shouted.
"(He's crying because he wants more ramen.)"
Sasuke thought to himself as grabbed another cup of ramen and he poured the rest of the hot water he had into the ramen cup.
"Okay, you will get some more ramen just wait."
Sasuke picked up Naruto from off the counter and he started bounce the toddler around trying to get him to stop crying but he was having no luck.
"Come on kid stop crying already."
"(I want more ramen now!!!)"
Naruto continued to cry loudly.
"Hey what's all the noise for?"
Suigetsu walked downstairs rubbing his ears.
"It's the kid he won't stop crying because of the ramen."
Sasuke said irritated.
"Give him to me I know how to make a kid stop crying."
Sasuke reluctantly gave the child to Suigetsu.
The white haired teen laid the child on top of the counter and Suigetsu covered his face.
Naruto was silent.
"Did that work?"
Sasuke said surprised.
"See I told ya I get him to.."
Suigetsu sighed.
Sasuke grabbed the ramen cup and he saw that it was ready.
"Thank God."
Sasuke got Naruto to sit up and he used his chopsticks to hold a small amount of noodles.
"Naruto here."
Sasuke held the ramen noodles in front of the child.
Naruto started eating the noodles happily.
"You weren't kidding about him and that ramen."
Suigetsu sat down at the dining room table.
"Yeah, apparently he loves it."
Sasuke said as he continued to feed Naruto.
"Sweet, just keep feeding him ramen and he'll be happy.
Suigetsu opened the cupboard to grab his own cup of ramen.
"I can't constantly feed this kid junk we need some groceries."
Sasuke looked inside the ramen cup to see it was empty.
"You ate it all, you must really like this Suigetsu hold the kid."
Sasuke handed the toddler to Suigetsu and he walked upstairs.
"So, how's it like being a baby."
"What a deep conversation."
Sasuke walked downstairs dressed in his day clothes.
"Where are you going?"
Suigetsu asked the dark haired teen.
"I'm going to get groceries watch the kid."
Sasuke walked out the house.
"Did he just ditch the kid on me!"
Naruto started tugging on Suigetsu's hair.
Sasuke was leaving from the desolate Uchiha district to the now busy streets of the leaf village and he was trying to stay away from the crowds but no one seemed to notice him and he was glad they didn't.
Sasuke was brought out his thoughts when he saw a kid on the ground in front of him.
"No, it's my fault I wasn't looking."
Sasuke helped the kid up and he realized the boy looked familiar.
"Oh you're big bro Naruto's rival."
Udon said as he looked up at the teen.
That's why the boy was familiar he was of the kids that would hang around with Naruto.
"The Hokage had said Naruto beat you up real bad and he brought you back to the village but then Naruto left to go train somewhere do you know where he is?"
The boy asked.
Sasuke was struggling on what to tell the boy he didn't want to put someone on the path of revenge it would just create another cycle of hatred.
"I haven't seen him after he brought me back."
Saskue said hoping the kid would buy his lie.
"Yeah I guess it would make sense because he beat you up so badly you don't remember but if he comes back tell him I was looking for him."
Udon ran off towards the training field.
The teen sighed as he continued to go find a grocery store and continue to think to himself about what would he do if any of Naruto's friends would confront him, would they want revenge or would they hurt someone else like the kid.
After walking for what seemed like an eternity Sasuke saw the groccery store he was looking for so he went inside to see that the store was big filled with asile upon asile of food.
"Alright in and out."
Sasuke grabbed a hand basket and he went to the produce asile to get some food that even he could cook and he then went to grab some more diaper and baby supplies.
"Alright that's everything."
Sasuke was making a beeline for the check out section but he bumped into someone.
The Uchiha said.
"It's all... it's you."
Sasuke was confused as he looked down at the kid he bumped into it was a genin who was wearing a long scarf and had a runny nose and puffy eyes as if he was crying.
"Hey kid you need a tissue?"
Sasuke asked the child.
"No I don't want anything from you!"
The child said angrily.
"Are you alright"
Sasuke asked the child
"The old hag told me about what you did to Naruto!"
Sasuke froze, feeling the guilt and saddness eat away at him.
"I'm sorry."
"I swear I will get you someday!"
The child said.
Then seemingly out of nowhere Udon and his friend Moegi grabbed the boy and covered his mouth.
"Konohamaru stop you're gonna ruin it."
Udon said as he Moegi dragged the brown haired child off somewhere.
(Everyone knows about what you did and you and your kid is gonna pay for it.)
Sasuke looked around him trying to find who said that.
"I need to get out of here"
Sasuke went to the check out section and he left the groccery store quickly heading home.
"Okay kid now you're gonna get it!"
Suigetsu started tickling the toddler's belly.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha no no ha ha ha!!!"
Naruto laughed gleefully.
"Ya know what kid I kinda enjoy having someone fun around this dump."
Suigetsu said ruffling the child's hair.
"(I like you too Dad is still the best though.)"
Naruto babbled gleefully.
Sasuke quickly opened the door and he came inside and sat down on the couch.
"Yo, you got the food?"
Suigetsu said.
Naruto reached his hands out towards Sasuke.
"Hey Naruto."
Sasuke placed his grocery bags on the floor and took the child from Suigetsu.
"Yeah I got the food and also tell Karin to cook tonight."
Sasuke said tiredly.
"You seemed exausted what happened?"
Suigetsu asked the teen.
"Nothing happened I just needed get here fast before I get any unwanted attention.
{Knock Knock}
"(Who could that be?)"
Sasuke thought to himself.
Suigetsu walked to the door and he looked through the peephole.
"Hey it's that pink haired chick."
Suigetsu opened the door.
"Sasuke the Hokage has called you about something you need to come with me right away."
Said the kunoichi who seemed somewhat nervous.
"For what?"
Sasuke asked a little suspicious about Sakura's behavior.
"To report for a mission."
Sakura said.
"Alright let's go."
Sasuke handed Naruto to Suigetsu.
"I'll be back okay kid."
"Dada dada!".
(You just came back don't leave again Dad.)
"I'll be back kid don't worry."
Sasuke left the house with Sakura.
"(Why does he always leave it's not fair.)"
"Why ya gotta do this to me."
Suigetsu sighed and he went upstairs to get Karin.
Sasuke was silently walking with Sakura.
"So, what's my mission?"
Sasuke asked the kunoichi.
"To come fix the training field that's why we're gonna head there now."
Sakura looked as if she was nervous about something.
Sasuke used his sharigan and after a short assessment on Sakura he realized what was going on and he quickly deactivated his sharigan immediately realizing what was happening.
After ten more minutes of walking Sasuke and Sakura made it to the training field the kunoichi stood in the middle of the field laughing.
"Are you alright."
Saskue said to the kunoichi.
Sakura turned around with smile on her face.
"I can't believe you fell for it."
Sakura was walking to the Uchiha district with a scroll in her hands that detailed a mission for Sasuke and his group the kunoichi made it to the front door of house and she heard the cries of a baby.
"Must be the baby."
Sakura knocked on the door and a few moments later she was greeted by a tired looking Kairn holding Naruto.
"It's you."
Karin said.
"Yes and I have a mission for all of you."
"Wait what."
Suigetsu ran to the door.
"Why did you come you were here earlier and you gave Saskue a mission already."
Suigetsu said confused.
"This is my first time here today."
Sakura said confused.
"You came here earlier this morning and you told Sasuke to follow you somewhere."
Said the white haired teen.
Sakura started thinking then she realized what was happening.
"Sasuke might be in trouble.
Karin said.
"What do you mean he might be in trouble!?"
"Can any of you sense chakra?"
Sakura asked.
"Yeah the big guy can."
Suigetsu said as he rushed upstairs and he came down with Jugo.
"Can you find Sasuke?"
Sakura asked the orange haired teen.
Jugo closed his eyes so he could. focus.
"I found him let's go."
Jugo said as he started to rush towards Sasuke location.
"Wait for us I need to save Sasuke and if I do he might marry me."
Kairn said as she putting on her shoes.
"No, you two stay if all three of you go it may seem suspecious."
Sakura said as she went to go follow Jugo and while she was running she couldn't help to think who would impersonate her
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