Chapter 1
"Usnavi, get up, or you're going to be late! Again!" Alexander called for his cousin, who had once again, stayed up too late worrying about everything. "I'm not going to wake you up a third time today! I will make your sorry ass walk to school!" he warned before pouring his glass of apple juice. Seriously, the things he did for his cousin.
"Okay, okay, I'm up! Geez. Stop making such a big deal out of it, primo," (cousin) Usnavi shouted back, and Alex chuckled as he heard a thud.
"What was that?" he asked, though he already knew.
"My shirt fell," came the response.
"Then why was it so loud?" He stifled a laugh.
"...I was in it when it fell," Usnavi replied with a laugh.
"Smooth move, U.S. Navy!"
"Oh, shut it, Lexi!" Usnavi came down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab some breakfast.
"So, you gonna ask Vanessa out today?" Alexander asked happily, taking a bite out of a piece of toast. He smirked as he saw a blush creep onto his cousin's face.
"N-no sé," he responded. (I don't know.) "I doubt it. She is waaay out of my league."
"Dude, just talk to her. I mean, come on, how hard can it be to just walk up to a girl and say 'Hey, wanna go out sometime?'"
"Wait until it's your crush, mi amigo. Then tell me how easy it is."
"Yeah, whatever. C'mon. We gotta get to school," Alex said, grabbing the keys to his black Chevy Impala. It was an older model, sure, but he loved it. He'd always had a thing for the older cars. So he and his cousin left the house and climbed into the front seats. Alex put the keys in ignition and started for school. He smiled softly as Usnavi started messing with the radio. "What are you trying to find?"
"Good music." He landed on a station playing some classic rock music. "Well, it's not the kind I usually listen to, but it's better than the shit they play these days." So he turned up the radio, blasting Hotel California through the car.
"I feel like the song 'Highway to Hell' would be more appropriate for where we're headed," Alex joked, which caused Usnavi to laugh.
"That's true, but this song is cool."
"Yeah, I like it." Alex smiled at him before turning his attention back to the road. And then the song ended, and Bohemian Rhapsody took its place. Both Alexander and Usnavi started singing along loudly. After all, no one has lived until they've heard that song at least once.
They continued listening to the station until Alexander pulled the car into the student parking lot of the high school and killed the engine. He waited for just a moment before facing the inevitability of another school day.
(Time skip to lunch)
When Alexander sat down with his cousin and his friends, setting his tray on the table, he smiled as he heard what exactly the conversation was about.
"I'm just saying that Hell is going to freeze over before Trump convinces Mexico to pay for a wall to keep them out," Benny was saying.
"Yeah man. I mean, the dude's gonna get himself impeached. Hopefully soon," Usnavi agreed.
"You know, I respect him as a businessman, but he is just not fit to run the country," Sonny chimed in.
"Thank you! I mean, the guy knows nothing about government and politics."
"Now let's not get overzealous here," Alexander said calmly. "I mean, it's all true, but he's still our president whether we like it or not."
"Holy shit, man, when did you get here?" Usnavi asked, jumping a bit.
"Around the same time Pete did," Alex answered, watching Sonny immediately blush. He knew about Sonny's crush on Pete, just like he knew about Usnavi's crush on Vanessa. He was about to say something else when something, or someone, caught his eye. He was sitting alone at a table, just reading a book. "Yo, who's that?" he asked, pointing to the kid.
Usnavi looked in that direction. "I dunno. New kid? You could ask Daniela, I guess. She knows everyone in this school."
"Or I could just go talk to him. Because you know how Daniela is. She'll start talking about who's doing who and why before she gives you the answer you're looking for."
"Ha ha, true. Alright. Have fun talking to him, then."
"Yeah, uh huh." He stood and walked over to loner boy. "Hey, you new?"
"Hmm?" The boy looked up from his book, startled. "Oh, uh, yeah. I'm John. Uh, John Morrison."
"Alexander Russo. Pleasure to meet you. So tell me, what brings you to Sherwood, Ohio?" Alex asked curiously.
"My dad got a new job, so we moved here," John explained.
"Oh, cool. So what are you reading, then?"
The new kid showed him the cover of his book, revealing the title to be "The Clockwork Prince."
"Oooh, I love that series. Have you read the originals, or are you reading the prequels first?"
"I read The Mortal Instruments first," John replied with a grin. "So you've read it?"
"Only like seven times. It's one of my favorites."
"And you are officially my friend."
"Awesome," Alex chuckled. "So, John Morrison, would you like to come sit with me, my cousin, and his friends?"
"I would love to, Alexander Russo," John said, marking his place in his book before following him to his table. And so the beginnings of a new friendship came into the midst.
Okay, so a lot of people asked for a sequel, and so that's what y'all are getting. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter to Rebirthing! Please tell me what you think, even if you hate it. Trust me, I can take hate. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being horrible and 10 being oh my god this is amazing, how would you rate this? Is there a point in continuing? Because if there isn't, then I'm just gonna work on my other stories. Okay, until next time, Mishamigos!
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