Toxic Negativity
*Dedicated to Stephanie Simm, Matt Penfold, and everyone else that was ever victimized for their illnesses or kind hearts.*
What happens when
People try to help others
And in return are
Sucked dry by trolls
Both in real life
And online
Happy people get
Torn apart by
Leeches who feed off of
Their insecurities
When in reality
They are
Diaper babies
Who need to get
A life that isn't
Someone else's
Social media
Is not real life
If a troll
Doesn't have an
Can't spell
Never left his town
Yet proclaims
He knows it all
And thinks he
Can be someone's
Trophy husband
It's laughable at best
Someone who threatens
Suicide just to make people
Feel sorry for them
For female attention
Is a despicable alien
Who doesn't deserve to
Be considered human
Considering how many
People sadly lose their
Lives that way for real
Every day
A mental institution
Is needed
For sociopathic
And narcissistic
Behavior such like that
Time to out
These freaks
They don't deserve
To grow their egos
Behind a keyboard
The world should know
Who to commit
People like that
Are the epitome of
Toxic negativity
Time to take out
The trash
There are different
Types of leeches
Some take chronically ill people
And turn them into
Laughing stocks
Just because you don't
Understand what is like
To be bedridden
To stop breathing
To become homeless
Doesn't give you the
Right to make fun
You're radioactive trash
Getting your rocks off
By taking something
Like asking for prayers
And making fun of it
The best way for those
Of us who have been
Treated like we were
Servants to others
Like we were
Like our lives didn't matter
Is to understand
Karma is around the corner
That forgiveness is key
But first separate
The toxic negativity
From your soul
Call in the hazmat team
Block the leeches for good
Let the universe deal with them
While you work on
Healing your soul
Even these leeches
Who think they are all that
Will get theirs
When it's time
Do not give them even one breath
Of yourself
Every experience is a
Lesson learned
Take away a piece of self growth
Toxic negativity
Filthy aliens
Will be disposed of
By karma
Just concentrate on your
Own happiness
Smiling for being alive
In the meantime
Take what you have learned
Grow from it
Keep those who love you close
You deserve peace
Plenty of love
With letting go of all
Toxic negativity
Your soul
Will feel like
Atlas gave the
Earth to gravity
Never be afraid to speak up
To protect your soul
Always remember
You are worth it
G-d Bless
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