What happens when
Everywhere you go
Inside a building
Feels like bad ju ju
Oozes out of every wall
A place where
People live
Weeks at a time
Captures the energy
Of those staying
And departing
Oppressing hotel
Houses negativity
Within every nook
And cranny
It messes with
The mind, body, & soul
All comes to a head
When tears form
Want to leave
Turns out that this time
It wasn't a spiritual
But a human one
Which started
With a big lie
On a website
Turns out that the
Hotel doesn't need
An exorcism
But just a massive
Management overhaul
They rig their own ratings
Online through
Beginner's websites
So people choose them
Then it starts
The room smells
Like a wet dog
There are roaches
That are treated
Better than the guests
An Israeli version
Of a solarium
That is one the roof
Where people lie nude
Separated by gender
Not just to be closer to G-d
But for serious skin conditions
That said
It's open at
All hours so who
Cares about the guests below
The food hits
The stomach like a brick
Is about as easy to digest
For humans
As any type of meals were for
Twilight vampires
The 8th floor smells
Like the septic system
Rooms don't get cleaned
Properly on time
Or between guests
Every problem is met
With contradiction
And deflection
You would do anything
To rid yourself of this
Oppressing hotel
And know when you leave
There will be one
Rating on the web
Telling the truth
In the meantime
Treatment prevails
You change rooms
As well as floors
Reenergize and
Fight fire with fire!
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