A Fortress
When anxiety is something
You wake up with
The trigger like a
Booming cannon of sorts
Blasts outward from
A fortress
Onto the foggy street
That is your mind
The body freezes and bucks
Like a wild bronco but
Then celestial words
From heaven are heard
"Breathe through it"
The words repeat
So disaster can be averted
Even if the original trigger
Was a doctor to be seen that day
One mustn't let the monster
Of fear cloud logic
New Age music helps
As new images of serenity
Encircle my mind
As I am the child of the wind
Nature encompasses every
Atom of my being
I let myself drift away
To a dream landscape
A garden
A fountain, lake
In a deep Elven Forest
And then as the breeze picks up
I am carried along
From a flowery meadow
To an underwater oasis
One breath
At a time
Brings me closer
To freedom
From fear
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