Reviewers Useful Guidelines
When reviewing other's works, we should keep a few things in mind. Here are a few points to consider when writing your review:
Always watch the tone of voice in your comments. Diversity makes the world go round, so be respectful. Review the written work, not the author. Be open-minded. Be constructive and positive, build each other up don't break someone down.
Be mindful of your audience, and formulate your words appropriately. The review is not written to the author, but rather written so others can read it. Saying things like, "you", "your", or other things like that wouldn't be appropriate. We are reviewing a book, and not writing to the author. This will also limit the possibility of offending people.
Review the book you have read, and not the book you wish you had read. Don't tell the author what they should have done when writing their story.
Point out errors you may see, but do so kindly. It may not be appropriate to list every error, but let the reader know there were some. If the author wants to know what these errors are, they can always ask the reviewer to point them out in the story. Help with grammar, point out mistakes and give the correction or an explanation of why it's wrong. Education lasts longer than just a mention of fault.
When reviewing the plot – how did it make you feel? Were the characters believable? Was the story believable? Tell the person what you liked about their plot, characters, dialogue, emotions, and descriptions. This ensures positive reinforcement.
When reviewing descriptions – were things described in appropriate ways? Did the writing transport you to the place being written about?
Describe how the book made you feel. What is your opinion of the book? If it was just an OK book, say so. If you thought the book was absolutely amazing and without equal in the whole universe of the written word, say so.
Keep in mind that the review is your opinion. Be kind with your opinion though. If you didn't like the book, write about the book and not the author. Then again, do not bash the book. Just be kind.
If you point out something you don't like be kind and tactful, always give them a reason why you don't like it and make a suggestion on how to improve.
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