Friends - UPDATED
I was walking around the Celestial realm with my best friend. Both of us being silver keys, and practically useless we weren't expecting to be summoned any time soon.
"Where are we even headed?" I break the silence.
"Who knows. We just go where nature takes us."
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Just 'cause your power has to do with plants; don't mean I live by Mother Nature too." I complain. I looked around the celestial world and see different spirits wandering around. Some in groups, others, alone. But something else caught my eye.
"What's that?" I point to Lilly's arm. She quickly covers it with her hand.
"Must have been from when I tripped over a rock." She said nervously.
I knew she was lying.
"She hurt you again. Didn't she?" Quickly, Lilly looked away, too ashamed to face me.
"Don't worry. We'll get our revenge. I promise you, no Celestial Mage will ever hurt us- or any spirit ever again." I hugged her tightly, feeling terror sink in me as my thoughts drifted to..
I let go, noticing my body started glowing brightly, illuminated in translucent light. I sigh knowing she is summoning me.
Whenever our bodies shine in a gold aura it means our slave owner wants us.
"Be careful,(Y/N)." Lilly whispers, wiping away tears. I give her a reassuring nod and my body starts floating up to the sky as the gold shine swallows me.
I appear in the room I despise. A pink room, filled with only the most expensive furniture. She was laying on her red sofa, fanning her self.
"How may I help you, mistress." I say with anger in my voice and quickly get on my knees and bow in a worshiping manner. That's how we were taught to greet our 'Master'. Disgusting..
"Get me some food." She mumbles under her breath.
She summoned me.. to server her fucking food?
"Of course...knowing you, you'd be too lazy to anyway.." I whisper that last part under my breath.
"What did you say?" She stared daggers at me. Apparently not low enough.
"I said, Yes Master. What would you like?" "Give me some- grapes. Peel them and feed them to me. Dismissed." And flicked her hand back in forth as a way of 'dismissing'. I sighed but was thankful I wasn't staying at that room.
I left as fast as I could and ran to her guild hall. (It's the only place she eats grapes from.)
I was greeted with kind smiles.
Lamia Scales.
A kind guild indeed. Besides Sarha. That's my owners name. I tried to tell the Celestial Spirit King to ban her but he insisted otherwise. I walked to the bar section of the guild where I ran into Sesame, she was the bar tender of course.
"What may I get ya, (Y/N)?" She asked while cleaning a milkshake bottle.
"Just grapes." She frowned.
"It's not for Sarha is it?" She stopped cleaning and came up to the bar table where I was at.
I nod.
"That girl. I love her- she's my sister- but she is such a total.. monster when it comes to you guys. No wonder Matt left her. Anyway here. Fresh grapes- just how she likes them." I don't say anything about her I just ask,
"And a bowl too. Or plate I don't know." She looks confused.
"She wants them pealed so.." Sesame rolled her eyes, obviously agitated. She herself wasn't a celestial mage, but she cares for us deeply.
"Here. I'm going to have talk with her And how she treats her spirits." She walks out from behind the bar and heads to the door-
"No- Stop!" I grab her by the hem of her dress.
"Please don't, Sesame, you don't know what she's capable of-"
"(Y/N), a celestial spirit doesn't deserve to be treated like that!" I hid my face and stare at the ground.
"A silver key.." I mumble.
"She won't care! She thinks all Silver Keys are useless! I don't want to be abused any more than I already have to.."
She didn't say anything for a while, it was as if she was debating on what to do.
"If that is what you want.." she reluctantly agrees. I hug her, thanking her for her understanding.
"You're late!" She marches up to me and slaps me across the face making me drop the grapes. "Look at you! You're so clumsy!" She pushed me- and I tripped over the coffee table knocking her one of a kind blue 1,500 year old vase.
I feared for my life..
I hated being a celestial spirit more than I hated Sarha.
We can't die unless our key is destroyed, so we're forced to feel pain, to suffer, to feel alone-
The gold's get to go back willingly if their pain level is too high, but of course- we can't.
"How dare you!!" She grabs my hair and pulls me up to where I can only look into her eyes. Too afraid to move- too afraid to speak-
"You're worthless. A disgusting pig. How could anyone want your key?" And then she let me fall giving me one last kick in my jaw.
As she left the the room, I laid on the floor, shivering, scared, traumatized... What could I do? I looked on the floor my her bed and saw our keys.
My key.
Celestial spirits can't summon other spirits, but I know what we can do.
Destroy them.
I could end this- all of this. No more agony, no more fear.. but..
What would Lilly do? We've been together since as long as I can remember. I can't leave her. I force myself to stand after what seemed like forever.
I heard a knock.
"Sarha? It's me, Sesame. Can I come in?" I stay quiet, it hurts to even speak.
"I'm coming in." I heard a gasp. I don't know what happened next, everything went blurry and before I knew it- I saw nothing but black.
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