Confess - UPDATED
The spirits all left and I was left alone with the ginger. I sat down on the couch and he say next to me. I looked down at my lap, my hands laying on top.
The silence thickened.
"I've seen those eyes." He said quietly.
I didn't respond. I felt as if I did I would bust out in tears. There was a lump in my throat and no matter how hard I tried I can't make it go away.
"You've seen hell, haven't you?" He turns to me, and I nod my head softly.
"I lost my best friend.. if only I had been stronger.. if only I had protected her like I should have- she'd still be here."
"I believe everything happens for a reason." He said scooting closer.
"The one person I could trust.. the only person I loved- gone."
He didn't say anything. He just placed his warm soft hand on mine.
"Maybe it's time you learned to trust others. Maybe you could love more than one."
I shook my head, eyes shut tight-
"Maybe you could learn to love again?" His words pierced through my heart, and I let my tears land on his hand.
"Don't cry, (Y/N). I've been there. In your exact situation. I used to fear Lucy. And then I learned to love again- I learned to give her my all and she embraced me with open arms. She saved me, (Y/N). Let her do the same to you."
"What if I don't want to be saved by her?" I looked up, and I got lost in his hazel eyes. They were watery, almost as if he saw himself in me. His past.
His pain.
"Then let me save you."
I felt myself giving in, a load being lifted, my heart glowing. I could feel the walls that were guarding my heart, crumbling.
And then Lilly's dying face flashed in front of me.
And just like that, my walls shut tight.
"N-no. No!" I stood up, and pulled my hand away. I was shaking, and the look on his face. Sadness.
"(Y/N)- Listen to yourself. You need to trust me-" Leo tries to grab my shoulder but I pull away.
"Let us help you, let me help you!"
"Just Stop!"
It's been 2 weeks and Leo won't leave me alone ever since our talk. And I'm still stuck in this room! But things are looking up. We talk more, and I genuinely enjoy his company. As time went on we started to open up more. And now, we're friends..
something I thought I'd never have again.
"Do you need help?"
"Get away Perv! Aries told me all about how you hit on every girl." I grab an apple and go back to the sofa, taking a bite.
"But I haven't left your sight!"
"Leo! Stop!" He keeps crawling next to me. My heart races, my face burns, I can't move.
"Hey come on!" I manage to say, flustered. I kind of wanted him to continue..
"Nah- I like your reaction. It's" "SUCK THIS!" I yell and slap him straight across the face leaving my hand print.
"OWOWOWOWOWO!!! (Y/N)!!!" He cries falling on the floor holding his cheek. I couldn't help but laugh.
It was the first time I have laughed since her death.
Leo noticed.
"Now that's beautiful." He says calming down. I look at him and we just stare at each other. "Leo- I."
"Come. I want you to visit the guild."
"Who- what guild?" I ask as he takes my hand. "Fairy Tail!"
"Leo I can't leave the room!"
"In the celestial world you can only stay here. Lucy has enough power to summon 2 spirits come on!"
-Leo's POV-
"So this is the new key the King asked you to look over?" Evergreen asked. (Y/N) looked awfully scared.
"Yup! She's a little shy but hey!" I say wrapping my arm around her neck.
"She doesn't look like a man!" Elfman shouts. "She, isn't one." Lucy says laughing.
Why am I not trying to hit on Lucy?
Not that I ever really loved her like that's strange.
"She needs to loose some clothes." Gray said joining the conversation.
"Ice Perv!" Natsu yells starting a fight yet again.
"Gray-Sama! Is she my new love rival?!" Juvia yelled over their punches. Gramps walks up to us, wanting to meet the new gal.
"Hello, child! I've heard much about you from the other zodiacs. Im the master of this guild but call me gramps! You're family after all!"
"Family.." she whispers. She looks at me, and I could see her walls slowly breaking. I smiled..
she's amazing.
After we all introduce ourselves, Lucy heads over to make conversation.
"You seem really comfortable around us! Remember we are your family, so we'll always protect you!" (Y/N) doesn't say anything. I see Lucy sit closer to her but (Y/N) scoots farther away. I can tell Lucy sighs. I can't really hear over the partying the guilds doing to celebrate (Y/N)'a arrival. To be honest though, it sounds more of an excuse to party but whatever.
"I don't know how to say this the nicest way possible but- I'm not 100% fully comfortable with you yet..." She manages to say.
"O-oh! Right- sorry. I can send you back if you'd like."
(Y/N) nods, clearly worn out from all the pressure.
After (Y/N) left, Lucy comes over to talk.
"Can you stay close to (Y/N)? I don't want her to feel awkward around us, all of us."
"Sure Luce. I'll even convince her to start being more open with us." Lucy nods happily. I even tell her all about Lilly and (Y/N)'s past.
I know it's not really my place, but I feel as if this will really open up Lucy's eyes and see that (Y/N) doesn't mean any harm, and she's only defensive because of what she went through.
"I-I have no words.. thank you for telling me, Loke. I really want you to be by her side. You guys can support each other; as you've been through her pain. I'm sure she needs all of our support as a family."
"Oh don't worry, I'm not leaving her. No matter how much she wants me to." I smirk. She returns a kind smile and hugs me.
After the party, I returned back to the celestial world to I spent time with (Y/N). Just talking about random stuff, what we like, and how we are as people in general.
I feel so comfortable around her it's weird. Like she gets me. I haven't felt this way about anyone..
"Thank you Leo."
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