Prison Break
Chapter 7
The explosion threw Steve and Tony to the left; Abi, Fury and Thor to the right and Natasha and Bruce went through the floor. Steve and Tony scrambled to their feet and went towards the engine. Thor pulled Abi up and Fury to his feet.
"Check on Loki." Fury said to the two of them before running out.
"Your head is bleeding." Thor told her.
She put her finger to her head and saw that it was. "It'll stop in a minute. C'mon." She grabbed him and they ran towards the prison block.
They heard rumble as the hulk and Natasha came crashing through the walls. The hulk hit Nat to the side and Thor ran straight at him and took him through into the flight bay. Abi ran through as well after seeing that Nat was fine.
Thor and the hulk started to fight as Abi moved as many people out of the way as possible.
"We are not your enemies, Banner. Try to think." Thor said as he tried to stop the hulk's fist.
That ended in Thor being thrown across the room and through some boxes. The hulk turned to Abi. She tried to figure out how to bring Bruce back by getting inside his head. He ran at her but she jumped and used her powers to keep herself in the air. She grabbed stuff with her powers and threw it at him as she waited for Thor to get back. She pushed him through the same boxes as Thor using her powers. Thor was waiting with Mjolnir on the other side and hit the hulk in the jaw and sent him crashing into a plane.
That seemed to make hi angrier as he ripped off a plane wing and threw it at the pair. Abi grabbed it with her powers and sling-shotted it back. He broke it in half but Thor threw the hammer and the hulk tried to catch it. It sent him flying back. He attempted to lift it but got nowhere. Thor picked it back up and began riding on the things back like he was at a rodeo. They went through another wall and Abi pulled the hulk off Thor with her powers. Thor moved back to stand next to her.
"This isn't going well." She stated. Thor looked at her.
They carried on fighting and they both ended up getting thrown across the room. A jet appeared in the window and opened fire at the hulk. Abi reflected the bullets with her powers and grabbed Thor. They ran out of the room; once again headed for the prison block. Engine one began to shut down as well so the carrier began to tilt. The made running harder and the pair began to stumble.
They ran into the prison block in time to see the door opening. They ran in and straight for Loki. Abi noticed the problem too late. Thor went straight through the hologram and a force then pushed her through as well. She knew Loki had 'magic' so she knew that's how she ended up in the cage. The door shut before either of them could get to their feet.
"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asked as Abi and Thor got to their feet.
Thor hit the glass with Mjolnir and it cracked. But the suspenders holding the cage also released slightly. Abi steadied them with her powers but knew if they tried to escape they would take a twenty-thousand-foot plunge.
Loki laughed. "The humans think us immortal. And you, my dear, seem to be able to heal your wounds as well. Shall we test your endurance?" He walked over to the control panel.
"Move away please." Agent Coulson said as he appeared pointing some kind of massive weapon at Loki. Loki raised his hands and took a step back. "You like this?" Coulson said referring to the weapon. "We started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you want to find out?"
Suddenly Coulson had a sceptre sticking through his chest.
"NO!!" Thor and Abi screamed in unison.
The Loki in front of the panel disappeared as the real Loki, Abi was sure of that now, pulled the sceptre out of Phil's back. Phil fell to the floor as Loki once again walked to the panel. He flipped open the ox and flicked one switch. The floor under the cage opened to reveal the drop to Earth. Loki's hand hovered over the release button as Thor and Abi stepped away from the edge. They glanced at each other before looking back at Loki.
Loki pressed the button and they began to free fall. The cage spun as it hurtled through the air. Abi and Thor struggled to find purchase on anything. They kept bashing into the walls as they tried to find some way out. Thor grabbed Abi with one arm as he finally caught his feet on the wall opposite the one he had crashed. Abi grabbed onto him as he pushed off the wall and went straight at the other. She added her powers and they went crashing through the window. Abi surrounded them in a protective bubble with her powers as they crashed into the floor.
They bounced multiple times but eventually came to a stop. They both laid in the dirt; all the breath knocked out of them. Abi sat up first.
"We have to get back up there." She said before using her powers to lift herself off the ground and send her hurtling back towards the helicarrier. Thor stayed where he was before getting to his feet and attempting to find Mjolnir.
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