Contrasting the design of most buildings in Windsdale, the one situated behind the clocktower was made out of a reddish material, and not of the rocks splattered around the area. Bricks insulated the insides and gave everything a sinister, red tint. After all, nothing about this situation was pleasant.
Morio, Genni and Ingo were led through the building by hand, without opposing anything the hunters said. Spare for a table or other rooms separated by locked doors with muffled conversations on the inside, the three were forced to take a turn at the end of the hallway, with the two other hunters disappearing, and only one remaining.
"Sit down, please," he informed. Ingo stared back, angrily, before turning to one of the chairs and sliding it from across the side. Genni and Morio sat down, with the former shaking, while Morio tried to remain calm.
The hunter clapped his hands, and three other guards stormed in. They quickly snatched everything the three held, and with a swift move, poured out the contents of their backpacks onto the table.
He whispered, taking a seat opposite to the three. The other hunter put Morio's stone sword down on the side. "This a Guardian Demon?"
"N-No," Morio answered. "It's a dull weapon."
"Definitely. Wouldn't kill someone with this even if I tried." he chuckled, taking it into his hands and walking over to Morio.
He pointed the tip at his face.
"Name's Hakate Yak'tun, and who do I have the pleasure of housing today?" The hunter stepped to the side.
"G-Genni Andi," Genni spoke, gulping.
"Southern name," Hakate uttered, sitting down again and putting his hands together. "You two?" he pointed with Victis.
"Morio Frisks." Morio bowed.
"Ingo." Ingo bellowed.
"Okay." he smiled, signalling the other guards to leave the room. As the door was shut, he raised his head, revealing the shadow covering his eyes. They were deep and red, matching the pieces of cloth wrapped around his braids. "Do you know why I came up to you three?"
"We caused a commotion," Genni stated, trying to reason with what she saw. "We're sorry about that. Our friend is short on temper-"
"Amongst other things," he said. "I was signalled about something. From one of the dearest members of the market. Guy worked here for seventeen years and when I came to be he always stood by my side. You do realise that you're not the first to be sitting in those chairs, although they weren't tourists." he smiled. "But people who refused to adapt to this changing world."
Morio blinked a couple of times, as chills went down his spine. As if the snow was warm in Shimori, and the sun was cold in Harabara. Ingo breathed out of his nose.
"I was informed that you were carrying contraband. Namely, Guardian Demons. Not the first time we've seen someone trying to sneak them in for various reasons, but this is only the fourth time I believe I'm inclined to talk with actual Demonears." he chuckled.
Ingo kept quiet, staring Hakate down.
"Did you know that we don't take kindly to your people around these parts? Started as a decreet sent from Prope Portam, but only elevated the values which Windsdale went for ever since its mayor took a deep breath," he spoke. "You aren't welcome."
"We're not Demonears." Genni tried acting dumb. "You've seen it, Sir."
"I was alarmed. Three taps on the side of a table. Two on the top mean illegal hunting equipment and rhythmical taps indicate thieves. Surely, the old man didn't make a mistake." he signalled with his hands, leaning on the chair with the same grin.
"Why?" Morio muttered, from under his breath.
"Why?" Hakate raised his brows. "Are you asking why Demonears aren't welcome?"
"I don't get it." Morio looked up. "T-They're the ones that help people."
"Really?" he uttered, in a lowly voice. "Never here, Morio. Through all the years I worked as a hunter I've seen strong people become weak and vice-versa. You'd never want to face a demon, and you'd never want someone like that to be your friend." he uttered. "I had a brother once. He too, vowed to become like all the great people in this world," he spoke through his teeth. "Then it fired back. He became a shell of his former, greater self." he stepped closer to Morio. "Much like those Demonears. Selfish, always grasping at the straws."
Morio furrowed his brows before Ingo shot up.
"One case amongst thousands proves absolutely nothing," Ingo said. "I knew people who became Demonears for the same reason."
"T-True!" Genni added. "Can't it work both ways?"
"Who am I to judge what the world tells me to do?" Hakate shrugged. "I only follow, a coincidentally similar path," he whispered. "It's only now that my hands happened to reach for that forbidden fruit. Now, tell me. Are you Demonears, or not?"
"No," Morio spoke, Ingo simply shook his head and Genni did the same, with twice more energy.
"Then I'm inclined to believe that the old man on the market lied to me?" Hakate asked.
"I was just asking him questions about the town. W-We were about to head to the inn!" Genni explained.
"All that fuss around nothing too?" Hakate asked, calmly, stepping towards the door and putting both hands behind his back.
"I-Ingo wanted to fix my backpack up," Morio muttered. "...and I misunderstood."
"You three are awful liars."
"We're not lying," Ingo uttered.
"Of course, you're not." Hakate beamed. "Come on, then, waddle out of this room." he pointed to the door.
There was a moment of silence between the four, all up until Morio slowly stood up.
Hakate turned, the weapon in his hands striking the table in the middle. A metallic chain, with a sharp end, revealed itself, and it smashed the furniture to bits. "Where are they? Where are your Guardian Demons?!" he uttered. "Where did you hide them?!"
"We're not Demonears," Ingo spoke through his teeth.
"Liar!" Hakate slapped his face, and Genni covered hers.
Hakate stepped back, eventually, breathing out. The chain retracted back into the handle, and the hunter stuffed it into his hands.
"I'll find out if I have to, Morians," he muttered. "...and when I have proof of your devilish acts, I will singlehandedly slay that demon like the world utters it to. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But I'll make sure to find out."
He swiftly opened the door, gesturing for the three to leave.
The candle's light flickered, with a light wind picking up through the ajar window close to the chamber's table. The muffled sounds of the nearby bars were only getting louder, but the conversations in the chamber grew temporarily silent.
"Bancho was a good friend of mine," Sebastian spoke, putting one leg atop another. "I remember the first time we met was during the day I took my father's throne." he looked up.
"How did he look back then?" Chyuuichi asked, and Atomu subtly rolled his eyes.
"Pretty much the same when I saw him last year. Old." Sebastian chuckled. "He was always old, as everyone told me. Mentioning that, he was one of the strangest people I met." he coughed out, harshly. "Back then, I was scared, in all honesty. Not knowing how things would pan out, but here comes this strange man telling me he snuck into the Goldenleaf Castle because no other Paladian in Saphrith was kind enough to lend him a tissue."
"A tissue?"
"He spilled some sauce over himself while eating." Sebastian smiled. "He didn't seem embarrassed though. Of course, I had thousands of napkins to give. I didn't understand why he'd ask me of all people, but he claimed that our family was made out of kindness." he shook his head. "...and he was so casual about it too. Everyone in my life always treated me highly because of my position. But here comes this old Morian strutting in like it's nobody's business."
Atomu breathed out, moving back into his chair.
"Maybe it was that attitude that made him so complicated. I could never read what he truly thought head-on. It was always hidden messages in overly kind letters or propositions to meet in places only the two of us knew. The more time passed, the more he confused me, up until today." he sighed. "I don't know why he'd make such a risky move to save you."
"Maybe he had no other way out?" Chyuuichi spoke up, while Atomu put a hand on his chin.
"The world wouldn't listen otherwise, ya know?"
"I get what you mean, Chyuuichi," Atomu spoke up, his finger almost drilling into the side of his lips. "I r-remember something he told me once."
Sebastian crossed his legs again, eager to listen.
"Sometimes you have to taint the truth to protect what you seek." Bancho shook his head. "However, that depends on the severity of your lies. Do you lie because you want things for yourself, or others? I think it's important to balance the two forces out."
"Ya saying that he lied only for our sake?" Chyuuichi asked.
"Both," Sebastian muttered. "While he didn't generally care what others thought, he made sure that the light shined elsewhere."
"So he did that by calling me a demon in front of the entire world?" Atomu shook his head. "To prove good ones exist among our ranks?" he uttered. "I-It doesn't make any sense."
"Looking back, he did mention you being great Demonears. There are not many people as brave as you in our world nowadays. If you knew him, you were crazy enough to keep up with his ideas." Sebastian seemed puzzled as well, before standing up and strolling around. "Whatever it might've been, we'll never know. We're in the present, and our time doesn't have Bancho to answer your question."
Atomu breathed out, and Chyuuichi patted his shoulder.
"But you do have wits, hunches and all." he looked out the window. "Starting, what about your friend? Maybe they knew more than you did?"
"Doubt it. Rowan's stupid!" Chyuuichi spoke up. "Smarter than the two of us, though!"
"So are they stupid?"
Chyuuichi folded his arms. "They wouldn't know much more because they already spilt out their secret!"
"Chyuuichi. Shhh." Atomu shushed him.
"What secret?" Sebastian grinned.
"Oh just-"
"It's n-nothing key to figuring out Bancho's words." Atomu stopped Chyuuichi's words. "Private family stuff."
Sebastian fixed his glasses, staring into Atomu's eyes for a little longer. Chyuuichi nodded as well.
"You're not lying." The King muttered, silently stepping back towards the two. "So, let's not dwell on this subject if there is no answer. Is there something else you two wanted to know?"
Chyuuichi raised his hand, and Sebastian pointed. "Is there a buffet?"
"Chyuuichi!" Atomu snickered, while Sebastian giggled.
"...and a toilet!" The Mirillian added.
"Of course." The King laughed. "Why wouldn't there be?"
"Where." Chyuuichi started sweating. "I can't hold it." he shook his head.
"I have maps for that." Sebastian smiled. "There's a lot of corridors, twists and turns in this castle." he opened the drawer. "So you might want to-"
Chyuuichi stormed out of the room after snatching about ten pieces of paper. Atomu covered his face, completely embarrassed, while the King laughed a little more.
"Your friend is quite the character, eh?"
"T-Tell me about it,"
"But, with the way he's looking at you, I can tell that bond extends further than simple friendship. You might have found a very important person in your life."
"So I'm stuck with him?" Atomu giggled.
"You don't choose some things in life," Sebastian added playfully. "What, do you not have any other friends or companions?"
Atomu looked up, opening his mouth a little. "I know lots of people. Some are better than others, and... I even met a few on my way to Saphrith." he started tapping his foot against the floor.
Sebastian straightened up, his expression slightly changing after a cough.
"You have a question, don't you?" he uttered.
Atomu breathed out again. "I w-wanted to ask about the knife. It was one of the many reasons that I was imprisoned. They considered the Kris' family weapon contraband."
"Kris..." he blinked. "Did you steal it?" Sebastian asked.
"No. A Paladian I met, Ranpa was convicted of killing Bancho. He wasn't sure if he was going to make it out alive and handed me his weapon as proof of innocence. H-He said that by passing it to the Filhemon family he'd make it out alive."
"Ah." Sebastian moved back, blinking a few times. The name seemed to ring a bell, but further away than he expected. "It... doesn't work that way."
"Ranpa would have to bring that weapon in himself. I've heard something passed through by one of my sons. I don't doubt that royalty living outside of Saphrith would know."
"D-Damn it," Atomu muttered.
"It's not your fault."
"But I..." he ground his teeth, clenching his fist. He recalled screaming out Ranpa's name during one of the more painful tortures. It was probably the same one that left that nasty scar, slitting through his eyebrow. "Do you know where he is, right now?"
"No clue, but if he is royalty, that means he'll probably be showing up in Saphrith for the ceremony," Sebastian explained.
Atomu sighed. "I guess we'll have to see. H-How is the crowning even going to work? Did you already find the trinket?"
"No, but we've got the plan down. It's going to be welcoming parties and certain events meant to bring certain people out of the crowd. I'm the one who's going to make the final decision after everyone down there voted." Sebastian explained. "Passed through Xard and the other guards, they'll supposedly head out. Where? Who knows? It's a hunch, but I'm sure they'll do it." he shrugged. "As far as the wind could carry them."
The Holy Crown Ceremony was to take place only now because the start of Herbes was the most accessible date for all rulers and royalty to safely make their way to Saphrith. The beginning of the second season was, statistically, the calmest time of the year, and with how invites were being sent out months beforehand, agreements were made.
Atomu nodded, acknowledging his words, however, he quickly caught himself thinking about something. Then, a small smile appeared as well.
"Did I say something funny?"
"Sorry, k-kinda." Atomu scratched his head. "As far as the wind could carry someone, and I'm back to thinking if Chyuuichi found that toilet."
"I'm not even sure if he took the right map." Sebastian turned to the drawer. "The mentioned wind might just carry him to the other side of the castle."
"Isn't that not a bad thing?" Atomu asked, furrowing one brow. "I mean... only a few hours passed since you freed us from prison."
"You're completely safe in these halls, and the whereabouts surrounding Oldenklow's gates." he nodded. "It's terrain under my control, even if I wouldn't like to hold so much responsibility." he scratched his head. "That being said, thank you for bringing this up, Atomu. I almost forgot why I dragged you here in the first place." he stood up, waddling to the window.
The King pressed his fingers against the pane, ever so lightly, as the lit insides of buildings seemed to tell different stories from the empty streets. Atomu stared at Sebastian with curiosity, but as well as reasonable concern.
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