Phepa was a fancy word invented by a rather brainy Paladian a few years after the Second War ended. During such times, people were in dire need of a house, and when no one was to aid them, Mongola Braton stepped in and reimagined the concept of renting houses.
With Prope Portam now fully splitting away from Osmania, lots of the tents were either uninhabited or thrown away for the royals hastily moving back to Saphrith. This opened opportunities for those hurt by war to find a new place to settle in. Morians, Erans, Mirillians - it didn't matter, people needed to get back to their feet, at least, for a little while.
However, that little while turned out to be more than five years, and eventually, the kindness of Paladians seemed to be played as an excuse.
"Can I get a prettier carpet? Can I get some more meat for dinner?" were only two of the seven most common questions asked from the hurt, but then again, no one batted an eye until a couple of Paladians decided to go on strike, refusing to slaughter animals or harvest other foods.
Quickly, this became a rising problem, and the first who complained was the freeloaders. Mongola reached his hand out from the crowd, vowing that, a new system should be held in place.
Pheris, as in, borrowed, and Patent, as in... patent.
Soon, everyone in town, including those who lived for free, had cut down costs for general items, instead replaced with an overall tax concerning the entire city. This, in turn, strangely enough, spiked a growing interest in living in Prope Portam. "Freeloaders" who moved in years ago stayed for longer, with only a few instances of people moving house, and it seemed that tension among Paladians eased out.
Phepa spread itself across Mainland Errarion, even reaching the newly joined Shimori. Wendigo and Magna both had the system, including their already existing inns, which cost separate Silver instead of being included in the tax. However, in such places, Phepa was cheaper.
One Eran once thought that Phepa was so great that he tried directing the system onto others of the same race, living on the outskirts of towns or in remote areas, far away from civilization. His thoughts were quickly diminished with two other questions, one, mentioning that he was one of those Erans, and two, how would you treat places without any money to spend?
Orania was one of those places, and although not necessarily a town for people to live in, it seemed to promise housing for what one would refer to as freeloaders.
"Sorry for that." she giggled, hiding her mouth, strutting forward. Her ginger hair ended right below her shoulder blades and seemed to mix into her thick, white clothes. "The trees get a little feisty if they're not fed with the yolives."
"Yolives?" Rowan made a very strange face.
"Try and imagine very sour pears," she uttered.
"Lady, you almost killed us back there!" they walked up to the witch, shaking their fist.
"It wasn't anything the Klakunhoi, couldn't handle."
Rowan quickly breathed out. They fixed their glasses, folding their arms. The witch, once again, turned around with a chortle. It seemed that, wherever she stepped, lights appeared, illuminating the forested area. Dark greens quickly change into a soothing lime.
"Dude..." Chyuuichi strutted over to Rowan. "Did you see that?"
"Don't call me dude," Rowan whispered.
"She's glowing!" Chyuuichi pointed forwards.
Rowan rolled their eyes, as they landed on Atomu, who unsurely dug his hand between a few leaves. They had little drops of water atop that soon ventured down onto his skin, which had already begun healing. "I don't want to burst your bubbles."
"Eh?" Atomu raised one brow.
"We're still in the Black Forest. This could be a fairy, not a witch." they shook their head. "You never know."
"I've seen a fairy before." Atomu stood. "They don't... glow."
"Mum once told me of a fairy that almost tricked her into giving her all her diamonds!" Chyuuichi exclaimed. This didn't happen. It was a cautionary tale for young Mirillians.
"Oh, my One, Atomu! You're already losing your Paladian cool simply because she gleamed? Trees attacked us, damn it!"
Atomu scratched his forearm. "They weren't fed."
"My glasses are BROKEN!" they pointed.
"Are you coming?" her voice sounded from afar, and the glow extended towards the Klakunhoi.
"Yes!" Chyuuichi put a hand over his head and started running forward. Rowan stared in disbelief, while Atomu dared to show a small smirk.
"Try to stop him, then," Atomu added, following in the Mirillian's footsteps.
"All I'm asking you to do is keep being careful," Rowan growled, quietly.
"Uh-huh." he looked around.
"Atomu, listen to me, damn it!" they stomped. "We could've been tricked, once-"
"I understand your worries, Rowan." the voice spoke again, and the Tributal made an even stranger face than a few paragraphs before. "I'm glad to inform you there's nothing to worry about. You already proved so much by making it here, but... your Mirillian friend over there created a little ruckus."
Chyuuichi frowned. "Sorry..."
"How did she hear that?" Rowan asked, and a hand suddenly landed on their shoulder. They screeched. Loudly.
"What should a Tributal do in such a scenario? You've always been doubtful creatures, come and gone when there's too much of a hassle to go through," she commented, and Rowan turned to her smile. "But you're proving otherwise. You don't believe me, yet, you keep treading forwards."
Rowan fixed their glasses again.
"Why would you think poor old Mariam's a fairy?" she asked. Rowan didn't budge, but their eyes shifted towards the figure.
The mentioned witch spread her arms out, her face moving into a softer smile, which highlighted her wrinkles, crow's feet and what one would call imperfections, present on her face. Some of her teeth stuck out and her nose was a little crooked.
Yet, they didn't seem to scare anyone away. Her emotions were as genuine as the moment they were in right now. Pure, and real, despite an otherworldly presence. She put her guard down, looking at the three.
"Mariam Halfspade?" Atomu asked.
"Oh, crap!" Chyuuichi quickly fixed his hair.
"It's an old name, but I know you Paladians like to use it. Came from the half a spade I was supposed to clean this place with a long time ago."
"The Black Forest?" Rowan snickered.
She chuckled. "Orania."
One step forward, and the area itself started shifting under her words. Looking up, the various, thick-barked black trees turned into a warm, brown shade, easing into quiet greens, creating a dome above something else in the distance.
Vines spread beneath their feet and moved in to create a wall behind the Klakunhoi's backs. Furthermore, such soon formed a massive tree in the middle, and when I say massive, the thing was one-eighth of Mount Aria in height, and its girth was comparable to half the size of Soban.
Above, branches formed gargantuan bridges connecting trees that weren't as tall, spawning little domes. When the floating, lime lamps shone, eyes peeked out from around the tree, all focusing on the three standing below.
The pupils shifted slightly, as various, peaceful conversations sounded, perhaps cheers of joy, albeit, they were calm.
Despite the surprise that came with the sights, no stress grew in Atomu's heart. Despite the earlier threats, the thoughts which constantly stormed in and the worries about Chyuuichi's condition, nothing, at that very second, felt real.
Much like, in a dream. Rowan looked around, still a little unsure.
"The Tree of Erra," Mariam commented. "I saw a little spout back then, and eventually, with bits and pieces of my love for nature, it grew to exponential sizes. The tree created the very creatures you see climbing around Orania." she bore a proud smirk. "Does this look like the Black Forest to you?"
Rowan breathed out of their nose. "Magic," they muttered.
"Nature is, certainly, that."
Rowan breathed out again, folding their arms, but still keeping a watchful eye. The creatures gathered around the flowers and gardens, using water from nearby ponds to fill wooden bowls or simply admiring the sight with a smile. Such beams had the same energy when they faced the three. They were curious glances, but nothing which signalled danger. Oddly enough, Rowan, despite having second thoughts, started growing a little calm.
Chyuuichi stepped around, scanning back and forth. They were slow as if analysing every bit and piece, and he huffed a little with each step.
All of a sudden, Atomu bowed, his head going far, perhaps even too far. "T-Thank you!" he spouted.
Mariam was a little surprised. "For what?"
"For letting us stay in Orania!"
"We didn't have a say in staying here, Paladian!" Rowan bonked his head.
Mariam laughed. "I should be the one thanking you. A soul so pure that it found its way to primal, natural roots."
Atomu slowly moved up, with only one eye open. He breathed in, swallowing his saliva, shaking a bit. "I m-mean. I only heard about you in witchtales, and..."
"Witchtales, which pretty much means tales of witches. Did you think I wasn't real?"
Atomu unsurely nodded.
"Then again, you might find yourself doubting if anything, after this point, is real." she strutted forward. "I guess a part of that lies in what you believe will happen." she winked. "Because anything can."
Atomu gulped, and Rowan put a hand on their shoulder. "She's too cryptic!"
"Didn't you already get surprised that I knew all of your names?" she didn't raise her voice. "I am what you believed me to be. Therefore, I reached my hand out as well. Not everybody believes, but I guess you three do."
What is there to believe, if not for the things that are present? Paladians weren't necessarily of any faith or religion, so such a question, despite its lack of anything sinister, crept atop Atomu's mind.
Isn't belief just the thing that would cause one to cast a spell? Then again, he wasn't very good at doing so. He knew Chyuuichi and Rowan could, so they believed in something. Did they trust a notion hard enough to materialize into something that never really existed?
Even if he wanted to ask Mariam about the meaning of such words, his lips couldn't form any sentence, even though she curiously observed his every move, as if already knowing what he wanted to say.
"Look, Atomu!" Chyuuichi pointed to a green fruit, half of it already in his mouth.
As if awoken, Atomu blinked a few times. "Huh?"
"Do you want a bite?" Chyuuichi tilted his head. "It tastes like, um!" he snapped his fingers twice. He closed his eyes, in frustration. "Damn it, just try the thing!" he stuffed the food into his surprised hands.
After a few seconds, Atomu hesitantly took a bite, and the flavour soon stormed in. He recalled the luscious cookies they bought in Magna, a few days before setting out towards the Star Sun Cave.
He remembered eating them in a quiet moment, although Chyuuichi didn't seem to be hungry back then.
His eyes weren't shining, and he seemed... sad.
It's different now, however.
Chyuuichi gleamed in as much as Mariam did. The Paladian smiled, despite... not wanting to.
If Chyuuichi was gone, would he ever be able to tell that story? Atomu liked the way things always were. He didn't need changes, he valued him as the person he was and took notice when things were going dire.
He preferred a life where no pain would make its presence known.
Then again, The Mirillian's hands were pale, and when he touched the fruit, it absorbed the coldness of his fingertips.
Maybe, the thing Atomu believed in was that Chyuuichi was going to be cured in Orania. Maybe, he could live another day and reach Saprhith without a bigger strain.
Maybe. Again, more questions. They didn't hurt, but he felt like they should.
"Okay, Mariam Halfspade," Rowan stepped forward. "If you're not a fairy, then prove it!"
"Didn't I already do a good enough job?"
"No!" Rowan pointed. "Come on, hurry! Hurry before I change my mind!"
"Yer not the leader!" Chyuuichi raised his voice, Rowan quickly covered his mouth with their hand, further stuffing the fruit down his throat.
Mariam sighed, smirking again. Despite Rowan's cocky attitude, she didn't seem to care. A vine grew out from below, quickly caught in her hands, lifting something from inside the tree.
Vines turned into lush leaves, which, in turn, moved towards something resembling an open casket. Bancho's body lay on the soft grass, his closed eyes as peaceful as the way they were found.
Rowan stepped back, a little shocked.
"Bancho," she uttered his name. "Your friend here was the first who ever stepped into Orania." she beamed, squinting her eyes. Even though the sight of someone's dead body could bring them to tears, Mariam didn't cry.
She kept smiling, as if this was something to celebrate.
"I always knew about Errarion," she muttered. "Its stories, quirks, dangers along the way. But he was the only one who dared to tell me a different story. He was... lying." she smiled. "Lying in the face of someone like me. Powerful, stronger than the Wise, but then again, he had it in him to make up stories which never existed," she explained. "Tales of demons he didn't slay, lost parchments of a world far beyond Errarion. Beautifully fabricated, to surprise me. I admire him for that. Creating a domain where he was the one always avoiding pain."
Rowan furrowed his brows.
"He didn't change or become someone new under Orania's dome, but rather, showed me a part of what humans can create by themselves. I rewarded him for that, with something... holy. Who knows where it tumbles now? One thing's for sure, though. It's never coming back." she placed her hand on his face.
"The Holy Crown." Rowan thought.
"Precisely," she answered in her mind. "Something that sets apart aboves and below."
Atomu gasped, unsurely.
"The more you lie, the harder it is to accept the truth." she stared into Atomu's eyes. "Death is always true. You live your life for years, but it's eventually going to chase you down. No matter how hard you try, sooner or later. But I guess, it's worth giving it a shot." she straightened up. "Bancho fought for the crown, but I feel like the battle against the trees wasn't the same war he fought. Mastermind's plan, but something so, so simple." she reached her hand forward, but instead of letting any of the three touch it, she opened her palm, revealing a small, glowing light. "I'll have the courtesy to bury him myself if that's alright. For now, you three should rest. The Oran Paladians were already informed, and will take you to your cocoon."
"Cackin." Chyuuchi tried the last word.
Someone like Bancho deserved to be buried in the soil of Orania. Mariam's magic was already enough to prove to the three that this wasn't something necessarily concerning earthly matters, but a dome of heaven placed on this sunken globe.
Everyone deserved the 'right death', though. Elton was buried in Prope Portam, the home he abandoned to work for Demonears.
Atomu didn't smile.
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