(Warning: swearing, music performed by me)
(Ps, The art at the top is mine too lol)
Remy, Deceit and I all walk into my house. "Welcome to my little hell hole." I threw my stuff down on the couch. "So which one of those dolls was Logan?" Remy asked, turning towards me. "The one who made the face when he was declared my mom." I said, voice filled with annoyance. "He should be over later." Remy and Damian nodded, making themselves at home.
"So where do you live Remy?" I asked after a while. "The alley way behind Emile's Therapy." Deceit stopped playing on his phone and I gave a worried look. "You dont have a place to stay?" Damian asked. "Nope. Just a queen living by a dumpster." I lost it. "You're staying here from now on! I wont live with the fact that you live in an alley!" Remy looked surprised then nodded. "Cool".
A few hours passed and Logan knocked on the back door. "Come in!~" Remy sang/shouted. Logan walked in, carrying journals, pencils, a measuring tape, and a few other things I didn't recognise. "Alright. Are these two..?" I nodded. "Yes, they are both reapers. Remy is a night one like my and De is a day reaper. The nerd opened a notebook and took a few notes. "Alright. I'll start with Damian. Come here please. I watch Damian get up and stand in front of Logan. I never noticed how tall Damian was until he was towering over a 6'3" man.
"Okay, we will start with the basics. I need your height, wing span, and age." Logan opened one of the three journals titled Damian. "6'8", 7 ft each wing and three hundred and two years old." He said casually. "Three hundred and two?!" Logan said in surprise. "Not the oldest out of the three of us babes" Remy spoke up, getting up and walking over to my coffee maker. "Alright then. Let me just write down your physical appearance." Logan said, quickly jolting down a sketch and a few things about Deceit.
"Now Remy, your turn." Remy sipped his coffee and walked over, setting his drink on the table. "Same questions for you." Remy nodded. "6'1", 6'6", and plain ole two hundred." I was getting bored. "Yo Rem, don't forget to take off the sunglasses" I reminded, pulling out my phone to play 1010. Remy pulled off the sunglasses, causing a gasp from Logan. The nerdy man quickly sketched Remy, writing down a few more things.
"Alright Virgil. Your go then we can talk personalities." That is when I groaned and got up. "Im 5'9", my wing span is 6'2" and I am seven thousand, eight hundred, and six." Logan went wide eyed. "Yeah! Im an older reaper. Nothing new." Logan finished writing things down. "Okay. What kind of talents do you have?" I shrugged, really not knowing what the hell I'm good at. Then it happened. Remy brought a ukulele out of literally no where and started playing a song.
After a full two minutes and thirty seconds of song, Remy put down the uke and went back to drinking coffee like nothing happened. Like what the fuck? Well Logan wrote down a few more notes. Thank god I have a job to do, because not long after, Remy and I went out to collect the souls of the dead which Logan asked about.
Finally some quiet as I worked. Until there wasn't.
There you go. Figured I'd get into character for the video too lol
I had to post it in youtube first before I could put the video of me playing uke because my phone is weird.
I hope you guys enjoyed this small chapter and I hope you enjoyed my singing. (Wasn't that good)
I hope you have a great day/night!
Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!
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