(Warning: mention of death, car accident, injuries, ambulance)
So to get this started, I was sitting in my house, drinking my coffee when I got a knock on my door. I have lived here for years without a single disturbance and someone decides to break that now of all times. Groaning, I climbed out of my blanket fort and made my way to the door. I flung the door open, making sure my wings were wrapped in my hoodie. Unfortunately, I was not wearing pants.
"Can I help you?" I asked with a bored voice. "Uh yeah! I am your new neighbor Patton! I wanted to say hi!" The man said with a wide smile. "Uhh... Hi. Im Virgil or whatever." Let me get something gay, I am not trying to be mean. I have social anxiety, one of the wonders of being a night Reaper. "Well it's nice to meet you!" Patton said before waving amd leaving.
"Humans get weirder and weirder every century." I murmured before closing the door and climbing back into my fort. I was trying to catch some shut eye before my job tonight. Apperently I was supposed to take out a man named Roman and it wasn't going to be pretty.
Time skip to a few hours later.
I was all ready to go, slipping on my leather jacket. I quickly walked down the hall and opened the broom closet. Yes, I keep my sythe in the broom closet. I pulled out my skeleton sythe and outstretched my wings. I murmured "Time to go" before sneaking out the back door amd taking off into the air. The target wasn't far from my house so it was a breeze getting there.
Landing in a small alley way, I peek around the corner to see a man wearing a red jacket with rather princely looking hair, walking down the street while on his phone. 'He's pretty cute. What a shame.' I thought before continueing to watch. The man wasn't paying attention and turned right into the road.
I took my chance and made my way into the street, staying a good enough distance away so I wasn't caught. Crouching down, I watched as the man stopped literally in the middle of the road, laughing at some text or meme. "What an idiot" I murmured. I stood up straight, starting to make my when over when suddenly, horns blared behind me.
I whipped around, but before I could do anything, I was struck hard with a car. Luckily, my sythe disappeard back to my house as soon as it hit the ground and my wings tucked into my jacket so I wouldn't be caught. Bad side, I was struck with a car, meaning that I was now laying on the concrete, moaning and groaning in udder pain.
I bet your thinking "Virgil! Your a god! How can you get injured?" Well to put it short, being a reaper is a dangerous job. We may heal faster than humans, but we still get hurt. So there I am, laying on the ground with my body throbbing amd ears ringing. When I finally got my senses back, I opened my eyes to find two humans standing over me.
Of fucking course, one of them was that new neighbor that came to visit. "Im so sorry! You came out of nowhere!" That's the point genious. Of course he was the one to hit me. "Ill call an ambulance." Roman, my target, said as he pulled out his phone. So that was how he was supposed to die. Get hit. Shit. I took his place.
"Ugh..." Is all I could manage to get out before the ambulance pulled up. The paramedics hoisted me up on the stretcher and into the ambulance. They let the other two humans ride along. Perfect, I might not only be revealed to the paramedics, but also the two humans that caused this. I tugged my wings in tighter, flattening them the best I could.
"P-please... Don't take me to the h-hospital..." I begged, feeling pretty pathetic. "Sir we ha-" I cut them off. "No! I c-can't." I continued to beg, grunting by a sudden shock in my leg. "Fine... We'll fix ya up in here and take you home, but your going to need ti be watched." The first paramedic said. "We'll watch him!" Both Roman and Patton said much to my dismay.
The doctors got to work, fixing my ankle and wrapping my wrist. Soon enough, I was cleaned and bandaged up. As promised, the ambulance dropped me, dumb, and dumber off at my house. They were nice enough to bring me inside and lay me on the couch.
So there I was, stuck with two idiots in my own house, full of anxiety that they would find my sythe. All I could think was 'I'm fuckin screwed'.
I hope your enjoying this story so far and I hope your having a great day/night.
Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!
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