(Warning: swearing)
I am deffinently screwed. It has been a couple days since Logan found out about me. The other two humans left me alone after I proved to them that I was fine, but they still come to visit almost everyday. It wasn't until just now that I realised I was absolutely fucked.
I got a message from Damian. Another reaper except he's a day reaper, meaning he stays at head quarters. He said something about "The big guys is not happy with you" and "you need to get here ASAP". So here I am, preppy my wings to fly back to Command to get a lot of shit from the big guy.
About four am, I took off. Flying to HQ was always a pain in the ass. I get there around five and as soon as I do, I'm met with off putting looks and glares. Perfect. Avoiding anything else to give me more anxiety than I already have, I hastily made my way through the large pillared halls towards the doors.
Stopping just outside, I knocked quietly with my eyes closed. "Enter." A voice said from the other side, causing my to sink into my leather jacket as I opened the door. "Virgil. Come here. Now." The voice spoke again. I nodded and walked in, looking up at the figure flying over head.
"Hey Thomas..." I tried, smiling a very nervous smile. "Virgil. I understand you broke the rules of secrecy." Thomas spoke, landing in front of me. "Getting right to it as always heh." I joked anxiously, earning a disappointed look from Thomas. "Virgil, you know our law. You have told a human by the name of Logan about the reaper kind. Why?"
I took a deep breath to calm down before speaking. "He saw my sythe and wings. I was hit with one of their cars and two humans took me home. Well they brought Logan over and I managed to convince them to leave so I could hide the sythe better. Logan came back without my knowing and saw my wings and sythe." I explained, my heart rate picking up from increase anxiety. "You were hit by a car?!" Thomas asked frantically, ignoring everything else. "Uh yeah... That's another thing. I was supposed to collect the soul of one of the human who brought me home, but I accidentally took the hit instead of him. Roman I think his name is. Pretty hot... Anyway. I was hit by a new neighbor named Patton."
Thomas face palmed hard. "You do realize this is going to cause a lot of trouble?" I nodded slowly, looking down. "I guess it's fine... It is not the first time a reaper interfered with a humans death. There is nothing we can really do about this Logan. Just be careful out there Virge." Thomas said, patting me on the shoulder. "Yes sir." I said, saluting him before leaving.
As soon as I got out, I was tackled by my two best friends. Remy and Damian. "What happened?! Are you getting demoted?! Killed?!" Damian asked frantically. "Yeah babe! Spill the tea sis!" Remy said. I groaned, still aching from being hit and now from being tackled. "He let me off easy this time. You guys wanna come back to my house? Someone there would like to meet you."
Damian and Remy sighed in relief before nodding. We all stretched oir wings out and took off out of command.
~Meanwhile a bit of third person~
Patton, Logan, and Roman walked up to Virgil's door and knocked. After a couple minutes of no reply, Patton knocked again. "Do you think he's not home?" Roman asked. "Nonesense. Of course he's home. He only goes out at night." Logan said without thinking. "How would you know that?" Roman asked, raising an eyebrow. "You hitting on my crush?" He added on, earning a surprised look from Patton and an annoyed one from Logan. "No. He is just so obviously a night person." Logan said, covering up his mistake with knowledge.
Roman nodded, turning back to the door. "So then where is he?" The three looked at eachother with worried glances. Suddenly they all felt a gush of wind, causing them all to whip around. There stood Virgil and two others, Virgil's arms around both of them to stay up from his "broken leg".
~back to Virgil POV~
"What are you guys doing?" I asked, staring at ths three humans who wont leave me alone. "Just checkin in kiddo. Who are your friends?" Patton asked my too cheerfully. "Uhh... This is Damian and Remy." I introduced, worried how they would react.
You see, Damain is half snake. Scales trail down half his body and he has one glowing yellow eye with a pupil much like a cats. We call him Deceit back at head quarters. Remy is a night reaper like me, but is different from me. His pupils are little black skulls with glowing red eyes. Both of them have fangs like me, but longer than mine. I made sure Remy put on sun glasses before we landed.
Logan gave me a knowing look while the others just stared in awe at the two. "Nice to meet you!" Patton suddenly shouted, leaping to meet both of them. I could tell Roman was on edge about meeting them. Figures. "Nice to meet you babes." Remy said with a smile, shaking Patton's hand. "Yo Virge. Is this your dad?" Damian asked, looking Patton up and down. Oh great. Now he's done it. Patton squealed loudly. "I will gladly be your dad kiddo! Logan can be your mom!" He shouted, earning an odd look from Logan. "Well, we gotta head inside. We'll see ya around." I said, trying to get Roman and Patton to leave so Logan and take a look at Damian and Remy.
"Alright kiddo! You hang in there." Patton said with a beaming smile, dragging Roman and Logan along with him as he headed towards his house. I shook my head with a smile before leading the other two reapers inside. "Welcome to my place!"
Ree eee eee eeeeee
I hope you're enjoying this story so far and I hope you're having a great day/night.
Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!
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