Chapter 2- Meeting the queen of compasses
..Never leave
..You will never leave
..he does not want you to leave.
Don't leave Falice.
Stay with us.
Falice's eyes open slowly, her head hurts..
What happened? The last thing she remembers.. was..., Falice gets up as she touches her head, surprisingly.. nothing hurts! she slowly takes in her surroundings.
She wasn't in that town anymore, she sits in a bedroom...a quite fancy one really. The bed she's sitting on owns a dark red bed sheet, most of the items colour in the room where somewhere close to red.. or is just red. Where was she..? And where was Peaberry?? Oh no- she had left her with all those guards!
Falice jumps up from the bed, she has to find her! Maybe Peaberry was somewhere in the house.. maybe she's in her house? As Falice looks around the room, she notices a dressing table.. the mirror almost the size of her. She looks at the girl in the mirror, she sports long dark blue messy coloured hair, wearing the same pinafore as before. Wait.
Her hair was.. dark blue? Dark blue and her hair was a mess.. everything else was still in tact. Why was her hair blue..? She was.. quite sure she had black hair- How'd they know she even liked blue?
Oh jeez- does she really look like that??
Wait, wasn't her hair also in a braid? Falice touches her hair as she looks around the room for a hair tie. The hair tie sits just on the dressing table as she picks it up.
Falice sighs to herself, "Mom helped me tie that braid.." Falice looks back at herself in the mirror. "I don't know how to tie a braid.. maybe.. maybe somebody here can help!" Falice says to herself, she runs through the big wooden door of the room leading her into a long corridor.
"Wow.. if this really is Peaberry's home.. then she must be really rich!" Falice mumbles to herself as she walks around in search of somebody. The hallway's walls are a dark shade of (guess what) red with golden lines flowing across it. And the walls weren't empty! They're mostly covered with paintings, photos of some aesthetic scenery or plants in marble pots.. this person must be really rich.
Falice marbles at the sight of the place, she wasn't used to a house being this big.. and filled with this much stuff.
She runs into something! Falice looks up, a woman stares right back at her. The woman has long yellow blonde hair, as she dons a dark maroon dress with some fabric being the colour yellow and black. A long red cape covers it all up nicely as it flows behind her figure. She looked rather annoyed by her.
"Oh sorry for bumping into you! I wasn't looking where I was going-" Falice apologises as she notices the lady's hairstyle. Some strands of her hair were fixed into a braid as it wraps around to the back of her head.. braid? "Do you know how to do a braid?" Falice asks again, not even letting the woman speak.
The woman stares at her a bit confused, "yeah.. sure?" The woman mumbles. This is good news. This is very great news to Falice. "Well- hey! Can you help do my braid for me?" She asks, once again she is met with utter confusion by the older lady in front of her.
"Your what?" "My braid! You see- my mom always does my braids for me and I wanted to learn how but I never got the chance to!" Falice explains, info dumping on this stranger she had randomly just bumped into. ".. can you do it for me?" Falice asks, making a face. "Well- I'm a bit busy and you--" "please ma'am please??" Falice clasps her hands together as she continues making a face, a face that her mom had always failed to deny to.
The woman looks back at her, Falice has obviously won- "I'm busy" The woman turns around and is ready to walk away, "Please???? Please please please-" Falice repeats, The lady in the dark maroon dress sighs to herself as Falice continues repeating the same word.
"-And then I fell off the roof top! I don't know how I don't have a traumatic brain injury or at least a head wound from it but I'm not complaining!" Falice continues, as the lady finally finishes braiding the kids damn hair. "There I'm done" She tiredly mumbles, as Falice looks at herself at the dressing table's mirror.
"Wowwwww, it looks so nice- thanks lady!" Falice thanks with a sweet smile on her face, acting as if she hadn't just forced the lady here to do it for her. "Yeah, yeah.. let's just go have breakfast now- god I'm starving.." The woman mumbles as she straightens her back, "breakfast? There's breakfast?" Falice's ears perk at the sound of food, "yeah.. I have been telling you.. for the past.. 8 minutes.." she complains, leaving the room.
"Did you make the breakfast?" Falice asks, walking alongside the woman down the corridor. "No I can't cook.. it was the cooks" She explains, Falice looks at her odd. "Cooks? You don't cook it yourself?" "No.. I can't cook" She repeats. Falice thinks to herself, "so you hire people to cook because you can't cook yourself? Sounds like a waste of money"
The lady holds her temples as she groans, "well I didn't hire them to cook- they just do as they please.. which is to cook. For me. So I don't die... maybe" She explains bluntly, "you didn't hire them?" Falice continues, much to the lady's dismay. "So they don't get any money?" "Nope" "..." working but getting absolutely no money? That's horrible. "Oh thank god we're here"
The lady mumbles to herself as she opens up the two large doors to reveal a huge room with a long table with multiple chairs. However only at the end of the table is the one filled with food, lots of food for Falice.. the food on the table consisted of many types of breakfast food such toast, scrambled eggs ect.
Falice stares in shock at the scene, not only has she seen such a huge dining room- but the food too??? That was like 10 breakfasts for her! "Take a seat- you can take whatever you want I can never finish them" The lady says, as she takes a seat at the very end of the table. Falice stares a bit more before sitting down besides her.
"That's.. a lot of food.."
"Yeah.." The lady answers, as she continues chewing. "Is there.. a party or something? More people?" Falice asks, looking over to the other chairs in the room. "Nope just you and me" Falice stares in shock once again, as she looks at all the food. "You k?" Is all the woman asks as she stares at the little girl who is still. In a state of shock.
"I can eat all of this.. right?" Falice asks once again, the lady nods. "Yeah eat till you can't anymore, I don't care" Falice stares at all the food now with sparkle in her eyes, "I love this place.."
After a few minutes, Falice was full. She has eaten more than she had ever eaten in her entire life. And this was just breakfast to the lady? My goodness she must have lots of money.. oh her family! Falice remembers as she looks at all the food she had eaten, there's still some left- maybe she can lie and say that she didn't eat a lot.. and she was generous to think about them first.. yeahh.. that'll work.
"You done?" The lady asks, now behind Falice's chair. She had just finished talking to a guard with good news apparently.. since she now has a light smile on her face. "Yup! I'm all full.. but hey uh just a question!" Falice asks, "Can I.. bring some food home?" The lady tilts her head in confusion, "why so? The food is best if you eat it fresh" She says. "And if you're hungry later the chefs will just make more food"
"No- not for me, but for my family!" Falice gives a smile, they would be so happy when they see the food. So happy that.. that they would completely forget that Falice was gone for.. for how long? Maybe.. a few hours? Few hours late. "Your family? You have a family?" The lady asks, confusing Falice. "Yeah..? I have a mom.. and my dad waiting at home and I've been away from home for a long time!" Falice exclaims as she check her watch, which is sadly still going haywire.
Falice sighs at the sight, as the lady notices the watch. "You have to set the watch after coming to Wonderland.." She mumbles as she presses a few buttons on the watch, buttons that Falice had thought did nothing. "It's 11:40" eleven.. ELEVEN FORTY???
"NO WAY IT'S ELEVEN FORTY" Falice randomly yells, looking back at the watch and towards the wall clock the lady was looking at earlier. All said the same time. Eleven forty. Not only has she completely missed school- she was almost gone for an entire day! "Mom and dad must be so worried- oh no.." Falice mumbles, The lady stares awkwardly. "Your parents?" "Yeah!" Falice answers, slightly paranoid. She's so gonna get lectured when she get home..
"You.. how long have you been in Wonderland?" The lady asks, curious. "Almost an entire day- God.." Falice answers, as the lady stares a bit. "You haven't.. talked to him?" She asks, Falice stares a bit.. confused. "Him? Who's him?" The lady stares silently, thinking silently to herself. "You know.. him. Uh him.. up there.." She tries to explain, pointing to the ceiling. Falice stares confused as she shakes her head. "That's off-"
"Your majesty!" A guard exclaims, popping out of the large door. "The thief, she demands to see you" The lady scoffs at the reason. "Did you tell her I was busy.. eating?" "Yes I did, but she still demands.. it's getting annoying" A giggle comes out of Falice as the lady sighs. "Fine sure- I'll be down there right now" The guard nods at this.
They follow the guard out of the room, "Majesty?" Falice repeats, looking up at the lady. "Yeah?" "I didn't know you could get people to call you that" Falice continues, still under the impression she was staying over at a wealthy persons house. " ARE supposed to call me that?" The lady repeats. "But aren't those for like.. royals? Like those kings or queens?" The guard in front of them steals a glance from behind at this.
"..yeah? Because I.. am a queen?"
"....?" Falice stares a bit, before her eyes wandering off to somewhere. That explains some stuff.. "you-- you didn't know? What??" Gold asks, in bewilderment. No way the girl's that stupid. "I just thought.. all wealthy people's houses were like this.." "my god." The woman mumbles to herself- looking away, she turns back towards Falice.
"Well then, I'm Gold. Queen of.." Gold starts, pulling out a- "compass? Compasses?" The guard turns back yet again at this, god the disrespect. "No- this. This is a pendant." The queen answers firmly as she opens it up to reveal a heart. "Heart. Queen of hearts." "Ooooooh sounds cool" Falice says, looking at the heart.
"And I'm Falice. Kid.. who is lost"
Gold claps for effort.
"Okay.. we're here.." The guard explains, towards another large door unlike the other however it was more.. worn down.
Entering the dungeon, the dark red and yellow walls are replaced with cobblestone as they walk down a flight of stairs. Instead of ceiling lights, the way is illuminated with flame torches, hung against the walls.
Something about the place felt so.. scary. A complete contrast to the castles atmosphere from before. They reach an area with prison cells, lots of them however almost all of them are empty. Except two at the end, one holding a lonely man sitting in the corner. And the other one having guards stand in front of it- making it hard to see the person in the cell.
"Guards!" Gold yells once, stopping the quarrel the guards were having with the prisoner. At once all the guards move aside, bowing. Revealing the person in the cage...-
"Oh my GOD- Peaberry???!" Falice exclaims, the cat in the cell stares at the girl in horror. "Oh god not that kid.." she mumbles, covering her face. "...peaberry?" "Yeah Peaberry! That's my friend- hey what're you doing in this cell, Peaberry??" Every mention of that name is the equivalent of a knife stabbing into the cat lady's body.
"Your peaberry here is a thief, kid" Gold bluntly says as she stares daggers at the cat lady. "Really L'Shire? Peaberry? That's one of the dumbest names I've ever heard.. and I hear a lot of names.." .. Leshire? "Whatever.. it's better than being named GOLD" Shire laughs, as the other guards sigh under their breath. "WELL. AT LEAST IT MEANS SOMETHING. anyways right-" Gold continues, trying to leave no space for Shire to speak.
"L'Shire. The markets thief for almost an entire year has finally been caught. Yeah that's a great headline for the newspaper- hold up" Gold whispers something into a guards ear, as they suddenly hurry away. "Anyways. Let's see here.. you have stolen a lot of stuff.. thievery.." Gold starts, putting up her first finger. "Disturbance of peace.." she puts up another finger. L'Shire scoffs at this as Falice listens intensely.
"Bribery, Arson to the castle once, Fraud, hate crimes-" "oh my god- shut up!!" Shire yells from her cell. "....vandalism, and disrespect to the queen.. okay." Gold looks at her fingers out, "that's eight." Falice keeps switching her glances between Gold and Shire. She believed a thief.. that's embarrassing.
"Okay L'Shire that's a long sentence for you.. but take that sentence.. then minus some facts like the fact that you did apologize and do community service from burning my castle.. and the fact you are my friend and you helped me catch that rat that invaded my room that one time..."
"Your sentence will be THREE DAYS. No entertainment, no good food and no.. no good things" ...three days? Falice stares in bewilderment as L'Shire stares in complete horror. "WHAT. THREE DAYS?? FULLY???" She yells, "yes" "NO. NO- I CANT LIVE HERE FOR THREE DAYS!! WHAT WILL I DO- ARGH IM GONNA DIE HERE!!!!" She yells.. a bit dramatic much.
"Well, I suppose that's what you deserve for stealing.. and all the other stuff you did that I already forgot- whatever you can rot there idc"
Falice sits on a bench, with Gold- as they both look at the flower garden, a garden Gold was proud of.. because she did actually plant some of the flowers- not all of them- but some of them.. yeah.
Falice seemed to not be as awkward as she thought she would be.. you know, cause she's talking to the QUEEN. "That cat's a lying thief!" "Wow really?" The queen sarcastically replies. "Now knowing her real name.. she probably lied about more stuff too- what a bastard!" The queen seemed a bit interested now because of that.
"Really? What else did she tell you?"
"She said that I was on another planet! And that stealing was okay- and then I got chased by guards!!" Gold chuckles a bit at this. "The other planet thing is bullshit. I mean. I mean-" The queen tries to correct herself, as Falice sighs a bit, was it in relief..? Or something else.. "Oh it's okay, I'm fine with swearing" "oh thank god"
Gold sighs to herself, "the kids here don't often condone with swearing so they always hit me in the head about it.. it gets soo annoying" Gold vents. "But.. aren't you the queen? Can't you like- punish them? Or something.." Falice asks, curious. "I- well..I can't really, since swearing isn't in fact really good so it wouldn't make sense if I--" "No about the hitting your head thing" "no they don't actually-" Gold sighs, as she holds her head in her hands.
"You're really dumb if you thought you were actually on a different planet though" Falice makes an offended face. "Aw- well how would I know I wasn't?? A person with cat ears was telling me that! How could I possible not believe her??" Gold chuckles a bit more. "You're dumb if you could talk to frickin god and still think your on a different planet" Gold continues chuckling as Falice stays quiet.
"God?" Funneh repeats, Gold stops chuckling. "Well uh- yeah, you know.. him?" Falice shakes her head, was she talking about the 'him' from earlier? "Ah- jeez I forgot about haven't met him yet, right?" Gold asks, Falice nods. What- was she supposed to talk to god?? She wasn't religious. Who was she even supposed to talk to.
"And you said. You said you fell from a hole right? Nothing- like you didn't.. hit the ground or anything you just, fell through a hole.. into Wonderland?" Gold repeats from their conversation from earlier when Falice forced the damn queen to braid her hair. "Yups, then I fell down a long hole that lasted for.. some minutes" Falice explains, trying to remember how long it was.. she did count.. she was sure.
Gold thinks for a bit. "Who the hell falls into a hole that takes them to-"
Gold and Falice stop talking.
Falice stares at Gold. Gold stares back.
Gold turns behind, "what in the hell..?"
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