Criticize Me part 1
Be as harsh as you like. This is important for my improvement.
Chapter 1
Cole Anderson cut through the water like a knife. He carved a path through the cool, clear liquid effortlessly. He allowed his head to come just above the surface and inhale a short breath of humid air before delving back into the water. Soon, the warbled call of a sharp whistle reached Cole's ears. He firmly placed his feet on the slippery tile beneath him and stood up. He shook his black hair out of his face, and removed his goggles, allowing his azure eyes to take in the scene before him.
His coach motioned for him to leave the comfort of the water. Cole obediently waded towards the edge and hoisted himself up.
"Nice job." His coach complimented, giving him a pat on the back. The wet slap reverberated around the empty natatorium.
Cole smiled at the kind words. "Thanks coach." He responded, taking a towel from a bench to the side. He rubbed the towel all over his head to dry his straight, charcoal hair. It fell at odd angles across his face.
"So." The coach started. "I noticed that your form has been slipping, but it's an easy fix."
Cole politely put a hand up to signal he wished to talk. "Sorry coach, but I gotta hurry and shower and stuff. Maybe we can talk about it later?" He suggested.
His coach frowned. "Alright, hurry on your way."
Cole grinned and rushed to the boys locker room. Being the only one there, he was in and out of the showers fast. He swiftly changed into a red shirt, stylish blue jeans and his black and white letterman's jacket.
With a quick swipe of a comb through his still wet hair, he shoved through the doors and out into the cool, crisp air of November.
Cole stepped onto campus and was immediately swarmed by his normal posse.
Max Richards, his best friend shoved through girls and boys and flashed a grin at his buddy, his chestnut, curly hair all askew.
"Hey man!" Cole greeted, holding out his hand for a hand shake.
As soon as Max had gripped his hand, Cole pulled him in for a man hug.
Suddenly, the bell rang. Everyone scurried to the doors and flung them open. Cole and Max were shoved down the hallway and to their classes.
As soon as Cole opened the door to his household, his father shoved a water bottle in his hand.
"Soccer practice has been moved to 4:00, so hurry downstairs and change!" Mr. Anderson informed.
His son nodded. "Alright, I'll be right up."
He hurried down the stairs to his room in the basement. Cole wasted no time flinging open his closet. He scanned the contents before reaching for his soccer uniform. As soon as his hand had touched the hanger, another hand, pale and cold, grabbed his wrist with alarming strength.
This hand pulled him into the closet. Cole cried out feebly in surprise as he collided with another body on his much larger than he could recall, closet. Another hand clamped itself over his mouth, and a face emerged out of the darkness.
This face was obviously female, with sparkling green eyes and a few freckles across the bridge of her thin nose. Short, black hair framed this face, with bangs slashing across the forehead. A dyed strip of green stood out in these bangs.
"I swear." The perfect lips said, the voice very feminine and very British. "If you make a single sound, you will find your spine as my new staff."
Yet another figure appeared, this one male and very tall, approaching 7 feet. His hair was brown and shaggy, matching his brown eyes.
"That was a bit harsh, don't you think?" The face said. He had a very weird accent Cole had never heard before, only best described as turtle like.
"It doesn't matter, Nixxon!" The female face snapped. She studied Cole.
"I'm going to remove my hand and you are not going to scream." She very, very slowly removed her hand, and fixed him with an icy stare. Her lips moved, and a barely audible whisper seemed to fill Cole's ears.
He opened his mouth to scream loudly for his dad, but his throat clenched unwillingly, causing his voice to be dashed away. The pain in his throat made him to cough violently.
The girl smirked approvingly. "Try it again and it will be worse."
Cole obediently kept his teeth firmly pressed together. The girl grabbed his shoulder harshly and began shoving him towards the back of the closet. He wasn't surprised to find it was much larger than he had originally thought.
The tall man, Nixxon, paused after a few steps. "Masks." He droned, pulling out a handkerchief seemingly made out of pure light. He tied it over his mouth and nose.
The girl did the same with her own light handkerchief, then tied one around Cole's mouth and nose area.
The cloth was pleasantly warm. He lifted it up a bit and tried to ask what they were for, but his throat refused.
"Here." The girl said, supposedly understanding Cole's confusion. "The darkness is literally suffocating."
With that, she shoved Cole in front of her and into the deadly darkness.
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