The awaited game
When we turned around and saw... Dan and Phil!
Jack's P.O.V-
"Well,well,well what do we have here the youtube power cou-I mean Dan and Phil!" Pewds said chuckling "so what are you guy's doing here behind us you know..going to enter this strip club eh?" I say to them wiggling my eyebrows "oh see.. me and phil-I'm just joking guys come on! I said interrupting Dan and all of us dragging them in.
We go inside and see men dancing on poles, some giving men lap dances, a few women in here and well it's just fooking crazy and exciting! Way better than a regular strip club to be honest, I understand Mark and how he feels about them now. I don't think I like the regular strip clubs anymore, I love these clubs now it's so fun and lively! It seems I'm not the only one as the other guys are loving the place.
After all the craziness we did and saw, we finally got back to our hotel. I can't wait to go to bed as I was going to go in the room, Felix stopped me "Come here! We're waiting for you" he told me so I go enter his room to see that they were all in fact there waiting in a circle sitting
Felix's P.O.V-
"Alright guys, let's play some games yeah?" I got a few games to play and pop the question to these two guys, hopefully we get something from them two. "Let's start with never have I ever".
"Never have I ever passed out drunk in public?" Jack put one hand down
"Never have I ever kissed a guy?"
Mark, Phil and I put one finger down
"Never have I ever clogged the toilet either in public or a friend's house?" "C'mon guys surely it must've happened!" "Maybe to you it did" Jack snickered
As we finished the game, I told them another game to play and so after that I told them, Truth or Dare. Finally, this better work out well, for their sakes.
"Phil truth or dare?" "Truth"
"Is it true you have a collection of some sort?" "Uhm yes..? A Pokemon one and animal crossing not a physical one though" he answered
"Okay Jack, truth or dare?" "Uh Dare!" He yelled "I dare you in the hallway naked!" "What?!" He laughed "oh come on it's Vegas yolo" Dan told him and so Jack did, with us recording it of course.
"Mark! Truth or Dare?" "I'll go with truth"
"Is there someone you have a crush on?" "Oh great this typical question but I'll be passing on that one" "No can do brother, you have to tell us or do a dare" "ugh fine, give me a dare" "Give me your phone" I told him "No! For what?" "I'll tweet something" he gave me his phone and I go on his Twitter getting ready to think of something and Jack whispers something in my ear and I snort. I give back his phone and he reads out the tweet.
"Poopyhead p.s Jack and Felix was here"
"You guys are so immature and childish" He told us "Hush Maerk, you're just like us" Jack told him playfully nudging him lightly and Mark just smiles.
"Dan Truth or Dare?" "Dare" "Dare you to scream anything out the window" "Alright" "We're all rats!!" He yelled
"Jack truth or dare?" "Dare baby!" "Give someone in this room a lapdance" "Yeah no?, I'll pass" "Dammit okay, is it true you've liked the same sex and currently do?" "Yeah I've had like uh the robot guy, Chris evans, Ryan Reynolds and that guy who plays as Thor" "Chris Hemsworth, good choice" I tell him and he gives me a highfive "but you forgot the last one, is their a current one?" I add "I..I do but I won't say who exactly" He told us "Is he in this room" "You're only suppose to ask one question per turn"
"Mark, truth or dare" "Dare" "Lick your whole tongue across the sidewalk outside" "What never! That is disgusting and full of bacteria and germs, you could catch something!" "Then truth, will you ever confess to that person and try it out with them?" "Maybe one day, when it's the right time. I would like to try it out with them but I just don't know at the moment" He told us
"You shouldn't wait too long Mark cause they won't. Jacko back to you, truth or dare?" "Truth" "What is stopping you from asking them out? Why not just go for it?" "I didn't know these were gonna get personal. But I just don't know if he likes me that way or if he even likes men. I don't want to be rejected that'll totally suck balls-no pun intended and that would ruin our friendship, making things awkward with us two especially with us all when we all get together" He confessed but didn't know he just kinda exposed his secret.
"Uhm Jack, you just told us your secret.." Dan told him with a worried look
"What?! No I didn't! Did I...??" He looked scared "yeah you kinda just did.." Phil told him. "What but I- SHIT dammit! You know what, fuck it like you said Dan yolo, Mark?" Jack turned to Mark "I like you like a fucking lot, can we try it out?" " like me?? What the fuck" Jack closed his eyes "or maybe not- I like you too Jack! Yes, I would love to try us out." Mark interrupted him and Jack looked shooked "Really!?!"
"FUCKING FINALLY!! I THOUGHT YOU'D GUYS WERE GONNA DIE SINGLE BY NOW" I shouted out feeling relieved "Thank you Felix" "No problem, I couldn't let my Bros just feel that way for a long time and not do anything about it" They just smiled at me and pulled us in for a big hug "Mark I dare you to kiss Jack on the cheek" "Bet" He kissed his cheek and then on his lips as we cheered letting go of the hug
"Well that was something" Dan let out a chuckle "Totally well now that that's settled between you two, we'll go to sleep goodnight." Phil said walking out with Dan "Well guess that goes for me too, bye guys!" I wave at them and head out to my room. I'm so happy for them
It's been a long time since I added a new chapter and it's been years since I left y'all on a cliff hanger. But this story is finally completed about time, even though most of y'all are gone. I was gonna leave it like that but I just decided to just put it to rest.
Bruh what if this is me rn with this story/ship and just any of us few septiplier shippers left:
Anywho I won't be doing septiplier fanfics not because I don't ship it anymore and stopped, I still ship it. I don't watch them like that anymore like I used to, I watch a video or two if I come across their videos like recently their residents evil 8 gameplay, still subscribed tho and I still watch Felix and Ken. Also I'm years late to the party but uh I ship jelix.
Also I'll still be writing stories but it just won't be about YouTubers, I was gonna make a brobly one if any of y'all know that ship but I won't. I'll be doing kpop stories more so just NCT fics, If some of y'all like kpop/NCT and K-pop ships partically just NCT ships then you might want to stick around cause I have a lot of fanfics of NCT ships in the making woot-woot! So uh yeah, stay tuned.
Thanks for all of you guys for liking this fanfic, voting and commenting. And for those who have sticked around for this long for an update, thank you it's appreciated this chapter/ending goes out to y'all.
And for the last time,
Thank you everybody so much for reading, if u liked it punch👊 that vote button🌟 in da face like a fangirl/fanboy and as always stay awesome bro's 👊 buh-bye!👋💞💋
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