got tagged
heyy u guys! This isn't an update sorry >~< but, i wanted to say that i got tagged by septiplier_sapphire u guys should check her out and her stories, their awesome! (she's nice and cool :p). so idk how this works so sorry if i made a mistake :p. here are the questions that I'm supposed to answer:
If u could live anywhere, where would it be?
I would probably say Ireland (ya know) cause of jack but also, i would like to see how it looks like, the temperature,etc. I was thinking about Guatemala to see mah cousin's, aunt's, uncle's, and my grandma.
What's ur favourite game character?
*sighs* idk u guys i had one but i freaking forgot what was it 😖.
Who's ur perfered alter ego, Dark or Anti? Why?
Both :p. There fucking sexy&hot😍 and COOL!
I couldn't choose just one cause there both freaky-cool.
Indoors or outdoors?
Uhhh.. I would say either since i hang out with my friends outside but if they weren't hanging out with me i would be inside on da Internet :p
Tiny box tim vs. Samsepticeye?
BOTH! There so freaking kawaii and adorable! (-^〇^-).
What's ur dream car?
Hmm.. Mustang or Lamborghini probably for now..
Greatest/worse fear?
Oh boy... ⊙︿⊙ ehh i have trypanophobia= fear of needles.
Social anxiety disorder/glossophobia= fear of social situations/public speaking. And I have a little bit of acrophobia= fear of heights (like jack). I used to be scared of: barney, Muppet's, Thomas the train,etc., but not anymore XD (when i was little). I don't really like thinking about death or hearing about it, like about my family's or friend's death but for other ppl idc (except y'all) and yea i have no heart... Also I'm scared of my dad going to race (fast car's) cause there can be an accident :'( and i don't want that to happen.
What villian would u want to capture u? Why?
Cat woman, Harley Quinn,fuck there was another one but i don't remember his name.
A/U vs. Oc's?
Sorry if it seemed boring or lame. Next time i might do it again but u guys can ask me da question's😜 ok! I'll inform u guys when I'll do it. But anyways if u liked it punch👊that vote button 🌟 in da face like a fangirl/fanboy and as always stay awesome bro's👊 buh-bye!👋💞💋
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