Thefabulouspewds👸has joined da group
Jackaboy has joined da group
Markimoo has joined da group
Dem nudes tho(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)😏👌
Thefabulouspewds👸- hey bro's I'm going to get cry ok?
Jackaboy- ok! :)
Markimoo- I'm also actually going to bring someone else too ok.
Jackaboy- oh ok who? :/
Markimoo- Shane! :)
Jackaboy- oh,uh ok!
Thefabulouspewds👸- alright then! ;D
Thefabulouspewds👸 has added Crybaby😭
Markimoo has added Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑
Crybaby😭- Sup guys!
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- hey there!
Thefabulouspewds👸- sooo what should we do bro's??
Crybaby😭- u don't know what day it is!? O_o
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- ikr! gurl it's....
Crybaby😭- National
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- Nude
Crybaby😭- Day! ;D
Jackaboy- well for sure it's going to get hot in here ;)
Markimoo- u betcha ;*
Thefabulouspewds👸- alright,alright,alright! ;D
Crybaby😭- so where's dem nudes??
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- oooh Yesss!
Thefabulouspewds👸- Alright! Who's first? ;D p.s don't be shy now;)
Jackaboy- jeezus pewds! U sound like a perverted grandpa! XD
Markimoo- u mean Herbert the pervert XD
Jackaboy- yea him xD
Thefabulouspewds👸- whatever -_- I'll just go first
Crybaby😭- alrighty then ;) I'll go after u
Crybaby😭- hot ;)
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- sexy;)
Thefabulouspewds👸- cry ur next
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- he's probably jerking off ;p
Jackaboy- ikr XD
Thefabulouspewds👸- Cry!
Crybaby😭- huh? Oh yea?
Markimoo- yup he probably did it XD
Thefabulouspewds👸- ur next cry and yea of course cause I'm a pretty girl
Thefabulouspewds👸- cry -_- that isn't a nude we need to see everything ;)
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- pewds has a point ;)
Crybaby😭- then how come u didn't show everything??
Thefabulouspewds👸- because Marzia was the one taking the pic
Thefabulouspewds👸- Hehe alright😏
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- mmmm sexy ;*
Crybaby😭- u guys like?? ;D
Jackaboy- omfg u guys! O_o
Markimoo- u guys are so thirsty XD jeez!
Thefabulouspewds👸- yes...yes we are ;p alright, who's next? ;D
Markimoo- I'll go..
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- YASSS! I've been waiting especially for u and jack! ;*
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- Fuck! 😍 hot and muscular damn! <3
Thefabulouspewds👸- right?͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
Jackaboy- oml.. O_o
Crybaby😭- well damn
Markimoo- 😏 Jack ur next
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- oooh bitch! That's Hot 😍
Markimoo- fuck;o
Thefabulouspewds👸- hot deodorant ;)
Crybaby😭- lol XD
Jackaboy- fuck u pewds XD
Thefabulouspewds👸- alright guys I guess that's it for now ;) bye
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- aww fine! DX bye guys! :)
Crybaby😭- wait how come Shane didn't show some nudes?
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- oouf u don't want to see XD
Thefabulouspewds👸- cry I'll tell u later ok.
Markimoo- bye guys! :)
Jackaboy- see ya!
Thefabulouspewds👸 has left da group
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑 has left da group
Crybaby😭 has left da group
Markimoo has left da group
Jackaboy has left da group
A/n alright I hope u guys liked it ;) Btw I put 2 song reference in there tell me if u got them ;)
Also Sorry for that one person who said add phan idk bout that cause first I don't ship it not saying that I won't ;)
Oh and mark,jack,pewds,cry,and Shane got a boner. But anyways if u liked it punch👊 that like vote button🌟 in da face like a fangirl/fanboy and as always stay awesome bro's 👊 buh-bye!👋💞💋
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A/n Wtf did I just do??! I need bleach.. O_o
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