Conversation #6
Thefabulouspewds👸 has joined da group
Jackaboy has joined da group
Markimoo has joined da group
Thefabulouspewds👸- bro's I wanna show u guys someone! :D
Jackaboy- Sure! :)
Markimoo- Alright!
Thefabulouspewds👸 has added Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- hey! what's up u guys?
Jackaboy- the sky XD
Thefabulouspewds👸- 😂
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- haha real funny
Markimoo- queen of taco bell? So I assume u love taco bell right? XD
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- Yassss bitch! It's fucking delicious!
Markimoo- suppose it's also 7/11 day?
P.s where's the logo? :/
Jackaboy- shh...just go along with it and yea.
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- oh so ur that cute but loud bitch called jacksepticeye right? And cutie ;*
Jackaboy- oh thank you and yes I am!(*^▽^*)
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- so have any of y'all tried taco bell?
Markimoo- I have
Jackaboy- not me...
Thefabulouspewds👸- same jack
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- oooh gurl when u and Felix come to L.A, I'll take u straight to taco bell.
Markimoo- so Shane, how have u been?
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- alright why?? :/
Jackaboy- it's ok Shane u don't have to lie to us, u can tell us what's going on.
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- da fuq bitch?!
Thefabulouspewds👸- it's cheer up the lonely day so we wanted to cheer u up and ask how u been? XD
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- oh I've been so great thx for asking, just here eating (allot by myself, Icrieverytime)
Jackaboy- ur not the only one who is alone Shane :)
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- is it u gurl?! ;)
Jackaboy- oh no not me it's mark!
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- yay! Now I don't have to be miserable eating and laughing by myself!
Markimoo- omg same!
Thefabulouspewds👸- see! That's why me and jack are going to cheer u loner's up! XD
Markimoo- fuck u guys! XD
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- hey can I see a pic from u guys?
Jackaboy- sure!
Markimoo- yea
Thefabulouspewds👸- want some nudes with that? ;) jk XD
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- hot ;*and ur eyes gurl! <3
Jackaboy- thx ;3
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- fucking cutie and hot ;* (I'm bi just so u know)
Markimoo- well thank u Shane ;p
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- hot ;)
Thefabulouspewds👸- thanks ;)
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- well that does it for now guys but hopefully I'll see or talk to u guys ;). Bye!
Markimoo- bye shane and sure! Gtg also
Thefabulouspewds👸- ohhohohohho 😏going to Shane's house mark?͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- my house is always open mark (same goes for u guys) ;)
Jackaboy- I think mark is just going to do something on YouTube (Idk)
Markimoo- ur right jack I am and thx shane maybe I will ;)
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- Yasss! ;*
Jackaboy- Bye Shane!
Thefabulouspewds👸- shaneiplier/shaneplier away!
Jackaboy- I don't think they will like dat idea
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- no I do like that ship gurl ;p I might tell my other friends about u 3 ;). Is there going to be a ship about me and u pewds and/or u jack? ;D
Thefabulouspewds👸- shanesepticeye and shanediepie! :D
Jackaboy- I gtg alright guys see ya!
Jackaboy has left da group
Thefabulouspewds👸- gtg bro's bye! :)
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- k gurl bye! I need to go to Food is calling me
Markimoo- alright bye guys!
Thefabulouspewds👸 has left da group
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑 has left da group
Markimoo has left da group
A/n yes I added shane! I was thinking of adding Dan but I just went with shane. did u guys like da name I made for Shane? XD Also did I do well on shane:o? I might add other ppl/youtubers I dunno. Also for some of y'all jack left cause he was jealous and mad, mark was also jealous a little bit but then shrugged it off. But anyways if u liked it punch👊 that vote button🌟 in da face like a fangirl/fanboy and as always stay awesome bro's 👊 buh-bye!✋💞💋
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