A/n quick shoutout to the person who gave me this idea >;)
Thefabulouspewds👸 has joined da group
Jackaboy has joined da group
Thefabulouspewds👸- hey bro imma add a few guys ok? :)
Jackaboy- oh okay! :D
Thefabulouspewds👸 has added Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑, Crybaby😭, Kennyboo🐻
Crybaby😭- Sup guys!
Kennyboo🐻- hey!
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- hey gurls! ;D
Jackaboy- oh hi guys!
Thefabulouspewds👸- so jack I added these guys cause we wanted to know if u actually like mark ;)
Jackaboy- u guys should know that already xD
Thefabulouspewds👸- we just want to make sure u REALLY do, so do u?
Jackaboy- oh ok and of course! I really do like mark <3
Kennyboo🐻 has added markimoo
Jackaboy- what?! No u guys weren't supposed to do that I wasn't ready guys!
Markimoo- do u really like me jack??
Jackaboy- umm...yeah.. Do u like me back?
Markimoo- I do......
Jackaboy- what? But I thought u did..
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- well he doesn't
Crybaby😭- BITCH!
Jackaboy- why are u guys being mean to me!? :'(
Kennyboo🐻- we never liked u JACK!
Crybaby😭- we felt pity for u
Thefabulouspewds👸- that's why we collab and talk to u
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- Ur just a worthless WHORE!
Crybaby😭- We feel pity for u,u dumb bitch!
Thefabulouspewds👸- ur accent is stupid and ur fugly hoe!
Kennyboo🐻- don't u show ur face here AGAIN!
Markimoo- I never liked u jack u were just a piece of shit to us! No one likes u!
Thefabulouspewds👸- ugh! Idfk why i did a shout out and put u in the video!
Kennyboo🐻- DO
Crybaby😭- ALL
Thefabulouspewds👸- OF
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- US
Crybaby😭- A
Kennyboo🐻- FAVOR
Markimoo- AND
Thefabulouspewds👸- KILL
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- YOURSELF!!
Jackaboy- is this what u all want? :'(
Markimoo- Goddammit just do it already idiot!
Jackaboy- ok then...
Shanedaqueenoftacobell👑- Yesss!
Kennyboo🐻- FINALLY!
Jackaboy has left da group
Markimoo- thank god!🎊
Thefabulouspewds👸- ikr! :D
Jacks P.O.V-
I-i couldn't believe it...I thought we were friends....I thought mark liked me back....
But I guess not-UGH! THIS IS WHAT U GET JACK! they feel pity for u!
I started sobbing and shaking I walk to the bathroom to get my pills that were expired and I go to the kitchen and grab bleach. I drink the pills along with chugging the bleach, my vision was getting blury. So I take a few steps back and I say in a shaky voice: I'm sorry guys, I still like u Mark, u guys asked for this.. I charge towards the end of the counter and I hit myself hard, I feel something wet on my for head so I touched it and blood was coming I smile as I fall to the ground and pass away(?) >;*
A/n sorry y'all >;*
But anyways if u liked it punch👊 that vote button🌟 in da face like a fangirl/fanboy and as always stay awesome bro's 👊 buh-bye!👋💞💋
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