It was nothing but a fancy house hidden in the forest. It wasn't guarded, and the only cameras he had found, were fake. And a sign saying private property was most definitely not keeping anyone out.
This must be the lowest Hydra has ever been, there were barely any security there. It was insulting, he was convinced if Ward or von Strucker had been alive to witness it, they would commit suicide to escape from the shame of HYDRAs downfall.
He had scouted the area, realizing there weren't that many people visiting the house. He wondered what exactly was it that they trying to cook up in there? Probably trying to scout out new people, trying to bring it alive again.
He could go the easy way and blow it all up, make sure they all burned in the flames.
Or, he could enter the building and demand they give him some answers. He hoped the people from the last base wouldn't magically appear again. He was convinced they weren't with HYDRA, but they were strong. And he, as much as it pained him to say it, was lucky he had managed to injure one of them, making the second agent stay behind.
He was also convinced he had blown them up, but he couldn't be too sure. Besides, he had stabbed and poisoned the one in a blue suit.
He had left the dog locked a couple of miles down the road, in a cabin, her leg needed to heal. He realized fast that the dog didn't heal as fast as he did, it would be unfair to even bring her to a place like this.
He frowned at himself, was it really necessary for him to take the mutt? He promised himself to get rid of it the first chance he found, until then, she would have to stay with him.
He rounded the corner, stealthily running up the stairs to the back balcony, keeping his back towards the wall so there would be a smaller chance of someone jumping him. The weather was scorching hot, he could feel the sweat running down the side of his temple and into the scarf that covered half of his face.
The door as open, long curtains flowing in the warm breeze.
Will frowned, such carelessness was so unusual. A couple of cars on the driveway weren't even hidden, just parked there. For a brief moment he started wondering if it really was a HYDRA base. It was modernized, sure, but there was no surveillance, no guards. Nothing.
But he got his confirmation when he heard someone walking towards the open door, speaking hurriedly.
"No, Bran. I told you I won't be home today, maybe tomorrow. Yes, yes babe. Things are crazy in the office. No! How many times do I have to tell you I'm not cheating on you!-" the man walked out to the balcony, taking a drag of his cigarette as he rolled his eyes to the sky.
Oblivious to the burly man standing right next to the open door, not even attempting to hide himself. The white lab coat gave it away, Will had indeed found a right place. The ugly red logo almost screamed attention.
However, the young doctor seemed to be wearing only shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. Even his hair was a mess. Carelessness was oozing out of him, and even Will felt ashamed, he hated the organization, but this was ridiculous.
"Listen, I swear I'm just writing this- babe, calm down. You're being ridiculous." he sighed, obviously agitated as he took another drag.
Will stood like a statue, making sure he listened for other footsteps should there be more people nearby. The man swirled around, shrieking in a high pitched voice as he suddenly jumped back, falling over a flower pot as the phone fell from his fingers along with the thin cig.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck!" he whispered under his breath, eyes wide as saucers as he looked up at the hooded figure towering near the door.
The phone was still on, as was the call. William glared at it, taking two slow steps closer to the frozen man.
He stepped on the phone, crushing it under his foot. The speaking stopped and heavy silence hung over them.
His attention was on the young man once again. He was trying to back away, but fear seemed to have paralyzed him.
William lunged, his fists curling in the mans Hawaiian shirt as he pulled the whimpering man up. He begged, trying to make Will let go.
He slammed the man against the wall, piercing gaze never wavering as the doctor groaned in pain.
"P-please! I-I can help! Don't-don't kill me! I have a husband!"
William grabbed his knife, pushing the man into the wall as the tip of the knife was pressed dangerously close to his windpipe.
"P-p-please Soldier!"
He was straight out crying now. So weak, Will could have yelled at the mans face and he would have most likely gotten a heart attack.
"How many." he growled out, his voice slightly raspy. He dragged the blade carefully down his neck. Not piercing it, but simply making a red, angry line. His adams apple bobbled nervously as he tried to keep as still as possible.
The stuttering was starting to annoy William, but the man was willing to give out answers.
"What are you working on." he asked with a deadly calm. As if he was just discussing every day topics over a cup of coffee. The man hiccuped, snot running down his chin. He was in hysterics.
He couldn't even finish the sentence before he let out an ugly hysterical cry. Will added more pressure now, so close to drawing his blood.
It would fit perfectly with the red logo, he thought.
"regrouping! And changing! We-we want to change things!" he cried out, seemingly running out of air.
"You-you're him, aren't you? Th-the-the Wild Soldier? Right?"
His eyes hardened at the boy, the knife didn't move an inch.
"d-d-down." he just hiccuped.
William roughly pulled him to his feet, turning him around and pushing the edge of the knife to his back. He froze, possibly reliving his whole life before William muttered for him to move.
The dishevelled man whose fear oozed off him in waves made Will just want to kill him faster.
They entered a wide and open living room, there was so much glass. Glass walls, glass tables, glass vases. To Wills horror there were tons of scented candles that masked so many other scents. On a cupboard was a statue of a laughing fat man who was meditating.
William blinked at the interior, wondering if this was actually one of the last HYDRA bases and the home of Ward. He also noticed a pair of katanas adorning the white wall.
"Weapons, where are weapons and extra clothes? I need one of the organization cars as well." William stated, getting so tired of the mans sobbing. He hadn't attempted to escape, not even once.
"We-we-w-we don't have weapons, ex-except the katanas. We got rid of them. And-you-you can take my clothes! My car!" he said in a high pitched voice, pleading William not to kill him. The soldier grunted and forced him to keep on moving towards the room they were cooking up their... Whatever plans it was they worked on these days.
"I swear, we want nothing bad, but-but just to change the world, you know?"
"Where are the others?"
The man raised a shaky finger towards an ajar door that led deeper into the house. He could hear the talking and light hearted laughter coming from down the hall, ugly, colorful paintings adorned the white hall.
"Move." he grittted through his teeth, pressing the knife through the thin layer of clothes, making the man jump and shirek quietly. He sobbed as he started making his way down the hall. Will glanced over his shoulder at the deadly calm before following him silently.
The laughter got louder. It was a short corridor that suddenly turned to right. He couldn't see the room, but the man stopped on the doorway, probably looking horribly pathetic as he was crying his eyes out in front of them. William stayed put, still pointing the army knife at him. The room became silent.
"Jorge? What happened? Did you broke up?" a concerned voice asked, and William knew they were sincere.
Since when are HYDRA doctors sincere? He wanted to sneer at them, but refrained from doing so.
"n-no, I wish!" he hiccuped as tears and snot streamed down his red face.
William heard footsteps coming closer, he pushed the knife deeper, making him whimper and tense his back.
"No! Don't move! S-stay where you are!" he yelled at everyone.
"Jorge? What's going on?" William placed his hand firmly on Jorges shoulder, sinking his claws into his flesh as he pushed him into the room.
"Fuck." he sensed the fear that overtook the awfully bright room filled with flowerpots and sunlight.
"Marcos, its him! I thought he was dead!" someone said and hid behind a stool. He counted, and like Jorge had said, there were seven heads for him to rip.
"Keep calm, everyone! I remember in the old books, he can be controlled. Just keep calm. Soldat!" within the blink of an eye and a flash of a blade, the old man with a beer belly fell down with a thud, the pen he was holding rolling over the floor. The silence in the room was suffocated by the mans gasps and gurgling as he tried to grasp the hilt of the knife that had pierced his windpipe. The blood poured out of his neck in red wave, coloring the white tiled floor. It dripped down his chin with the mixture of drool as the whites of his eyes showed.
No one would control Will. Never again.
Someone tried to run towards the open window, only to yelp as another knife pierced his back and spine. His muscles tensed as he sunk to his knees, rasping out a plea as he fell down, his body conquered by spasm as life slowly oozed from his body.
Everyone else stood still, too afraid to even breathe.
But Williams blood was already bumping the scent the blood had already reached his nose. He could feel the shift in the air and claws that threatened to pierce Jorges neck. He could feel the mans pulse.
Two seconds and the six would be dead, they would join the hundreds of HYDRA doctors from the past. And thousands of innocent soldiers who did not lose their lives honourably on the battlefield. No, those soldiers were chained and made into doctors' play things. Experiments. No one ever cared for those soldiers, because no one ever knew. No one but those dead men, those dead boys and nurses who were forced the endure this madness!
"We swear we mean no harm. Please, listen to us!" begged a young boy, almost as young as William had been when he first joined... How old had he been? Why did he...?
First red line, a drop of blood ran down Jorges neck as Williams blue eyes turned red, the same crimson colour that made a rather stark contrast against the white tile floors, flowing from the warm bodies.
He felt it stir within him, the blood thirsty beast that had earned him the name. The thing they made him to be.
But suddenly something shifted, and he scented the air.
The window shattered and a tiny ball the size of a plum rolled over the floor, it was stopped by the pool of blood. Williams pupils dilated for a mere second before pushing Jorge forward as he shot down the hall. The smoke bomb went off.
He untrapped the gun from it's holster, with the other hand he grabbed a grenade from his belt, he bit the pin with his teeth and pulled it out, spitting it on the floor as he raised his hand, ready to throw it. He knew the grenades would become handy.
He listened carefully for the footsteps and the vibrations of them. And that was all it took, he detected them immediately, the scented candles could have perhaps hidden one agent, but a group of them was almost like smelling a wet dog in a very closed space. It stunk.
Without giving them too much time to think, Will threw the grenade and bolted to the window that shattered as he made contact with it. He rolled over the flower bed as he started running towards the dense forest.
The living room exploded and the side of the house went up in flames immediately. It would have to be enough of a distraction for few seconds. Shots rang out and he tucked, slightly turning to aim at the SWAT squad that had fixed their target.
It was his luck that the forest was so close to the house, he immediately allowed the monster within him to come forward, he felt the change in his body, the longer limbs, snout... The hideous creature he was. But it gave him speed, stamina.
He heard the rumble of motorcycles and the chopter flying ahead, he was going to get rid of them, he knew he was.
An arrow pierced the air, nicking his shoulder. He growled angrily as he glanced up at the flying chopter that didn't actually resemble a chopter. A man with bow was most definitely aiming at him.
Will tucked under the thicker trees, cutting away the mans sight of him.
The chase begun, and William cursed himself for not waiting until nightfall when creatures like him thrived.
Okay so. There's that. I wanna say that school is starting again so the updates may not be as frequent anymore (honestly, uni is a bitxh. There. I said it)
Also, there's... That.
I don't think I have to say anything, but knowing me, I'll still say it.
So, I've been working on a little something. It's a bonus book for War Boys series, since everyone seemed to be taken by the grumpy English lad named John, I decided he needed his own book. BUT I won't, most likely, publish it until I'm at least halfway through.
Also for those who are afraid I'll stop writing this book because I sometimes don't update for months (hit me with Caps shield), don't worry, I won't leave this unfinished.
QOTD: who do you think Will should encounter first, Steve or Bucky?
Also do you guys realise that y'all are helping me write this book? Literally? All this feedback is for one, motivating and secondly, giving me hell of a lot ideas.
Until next chapter
Stay safe
Lots of love xx
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