There was nothing. Almost mirroring the soldiers own eyes. Cold, guarded and void of any emotions. They were piercing though.
Neither gave each other time to breathe as the man with metal hand struck again. The soldier blocked his punch, impressed by the man's strength as he realised there was a massive amount of power behind that one punch. His opponent swayed for a millisecond, either impressed or confused about the way his metal hand was blocked.
Another strike from his left made him swirl and block it with ease. The soldier knew what they were doing, trying to overpower him two to one. It was obvious immediately that these two were enchanted. They had to be. They came on him with raw port, surging forward with calulctaed, power packed punches and jabs.
The soldier kicked the dark blue suited man away, making him stumble back slightly, he didn't give the man with metal hand much time to think before he crouchet lower and attempted to swipe the man's legs underneath him, it was a dangerous dance.
The movements were very fluid, calculated, packed with power and years of knowledge.
The soldier realised the man, his opponent, was more skilled in martial arts than he had thought at first. The level of danger raised startlingly fast and for the first time, the soldier had a feeling if he as much as slowed down or got distracted, he would end up losing the fight.
He struck the man, aiming for the head. He ducked skillfully and the soldier heard a very quiet whirring sound in the air, making him step aside and grab the large thing that had been throw at him. He swirled to slow it down, his legs slightly spread as he raised the shield up to his face, supporting it with both of his hands when he saw the metal fist coming at his face. He grunted at the power behind the punch, but then he looked at the other man, like really looked. The one who had cautiously tried to aid his first opponent.
And sudden rage burned in the soldier, a dark feeling, a coded mission. The fire that burned in him seemed to turn his brain to ashes as he looked into the mans eyes briefly.
A mission, eliminate the threat, betrayal, enemy.
And he knew, in this moment the soldier knew, this man, the one in blue needed to be dead. The emotion was so strong he almost growled out, and something, for the first time in what felt like forever, made his eyes sting.
This one, little distraction was enough for the man with a metal hand to punch him. The fist landed in his face, making the soldiers head snap back as he gasped, the shield in his hands falling on the ground with a loud, echoing bang. The metal fist connected with his ribs, making the dazed soldier be slammed into the wall with loud crack.
He gasped for air, sliding onto the floor among the tiny pieces of debris as he felt the blood, his blood, soaking the scarf covering half of his face. He couldn't feel the pain, not yet.
“Yes, we handled it. No need to come.” one of them, the one he couldn't help but feel disgusted by, said into the comm. So there were more of them.
He didn't move, keeping his hands spread and neck bent in odd angle slightly, waiting like a spider in a web for the stupid insect to fly in.
The one with metal hand inched closer cautiously, making the soldiers hands itch. Oh how he wanted to return that punch. The blood kept flowing, making him unable to breathe through his nose. “Wait Buck.” the second man said, the one who had been jabbing the soldier from dark corners, the one who had relentlessly been aiming for his legs.
He walked closer, picking up the shield as he squatted in front of the soldier, hesitantly reaching for the blood soaked scarf wrapped around his lower face. It was a tense moment, and in the back of the soldier head, there was a clock ticking away. He knew there wasn't that much time left until this place blew up, or at least part of it.
Before the man's calloused fingertips could even graze the blood soaked scarf, the soldiers blue orbs snapped open and in a swift movement, he had dug the combat knife into the man's torso. He twisted it, the fire in him still roaring, a turmoil of emotions causing a storm in his chest. He couldn't identify all of them, but he knew this was something that was coded in by the ex-organization. It must have been. He only felt that way when he had been given missions.
The man's eyes were a light colour, he could see that even in the darkness. They were wide, startled.
He removed his knife, forcefully kicking the man aside with his foot, jumping up. “Steve!” he jumped aside, avoiding the man's, Bucks, knife that was now stuck in the wall.
The soldier ignored Steve's hand that was stretched out as he tried weakly to grab a hold of him. He ran away, avoiding another punch as he started running towards the entrance.
“No, I'm fine, get him Buck. Don't let him get away” he said, trying to sound strong. But the soldier knew the poison that was now in his blood system spread like a wildfire over weath fields and dry forests.
The man with metal hand didn't follow, too concerned about the other man and the bitter smell of poison that hung over them.
As the soldier pulled himself above the ground, he briefly though about placing something over the entrance, as the way to slow them down, bury them in the base.
Leave them behind.
He didn't though, he kept telling himself it was because he was running out of time and didn't want to make his ears ring from the explosion.
Nothing else.
He ran, feeling the adrenaline running through his veins as he glanced over his shoulder one last time before dashing into the thick forest. He needed to get to the car, hoping they hadn't found the abandoned vehicle.
He didn't even flinch when he heard the explosion in the distance.
He didn't care, forced himself not to.
The trees blurred by as he ran steadily over the soily ground, jumping over the fallen logs and ducking under thick branches.
But something in those emotions really made his insides churn and brough a lump to his throat. He hated that one man, he really did. And he hoped he wouldn't see him.
And even if he did, he would kill him.
Did you thought they would recognise each other immediately? In a dimly lit HYDRA base? Well..
Oops? But hey, they did meet though 😏
Okay, now, I wanna do something. Make your choice!
Kiss, marry, kill
Bruce, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man
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