Steve growled out in frustration, closing the file as he leaned back into the soft couch. What happened William? What did you do? The questions were endless, they seemed to be in his mind days and nights, and it was starting to become a daily distraction.
"You look troubled." He tilted his head, looking at the woman standing in the doorway, studying him, analysing the emotions on his face, green eyes landing on the file that Steve immediately collected from the table. This had nothing to do with any missions, it was private.
"You've been reading this thing the whole day, complicated mission?" Steve dropped the folder into his lap, resting his hand on top almost protectingly. "Yes, " It wasn't completely a lie, so Natasha didn't ask any further. If she wanted to, she would have the answer by the time Sam finished hiding his Haribos in the kitchen, but he sensed Steve's unwillingness to discuss the topic. "Okay, if you need it, I'd be glad to help if there's anything I can do." He nodded, offering her a small smile. "It's fine, thanks Tasha."
"Are you coming to eat dinner with the rest of the crew tonight? Heard Bruce wanted to introduce some new Hawaiian dishes he discovered during his last trip." Steve shook his head before Natasha had even finished, making the woman even more curious. "No, I'll pass." he stood up, stretching his hands over his head and Natasha couldn't help but let her eyes linger on the exposed skin that was smooth, muscular and slightly tanned. Steve tugged the plain grey shirt back down, oblivious to the stare. "You sure?" she was met with a nod.
"Alright, I'll save you some then, never know when you might get hungry."
"I appreciate it, thank you." he grabbed the file, making eye-contact with Bucky who had been looking the exchange with interest. "See you tomorrow Nat." he walked past her, her green eyes following him as they flickered on Bucky for a second before looking back at the folder in Steve's hands.
They walked in silence, heading towards the elevator that could take them three floors up to Steve's room. As the elevator doors closed, Bucky allowed the smirk to appear on his chiselled face.
"Don't." Steve warned, only resulting Buckys grin to widen. "She fancies you." Steve huffed, avoiding Bucky's knowing gaze as he tried to get rid of the nervousness. "No Buck, she's just a friend. A good friend."
"Yes, of course, like the ones I used to have back in the 40s Steve. Seriously, can you not see it? You're so oblivious to some things." the doors opened and Steve was the first to step out.
"No, can you drop it? There's nothing there, besides, she's got Banner and they are trying to work it out so I would appreciate it if you'd stop it." Bucky hummed, following Steve into his room before closing the door and making sure no one was listening in on them. "A love triangle? My, my Steve, look at you, a casanova in 21st century? who would have thought."
"Okay, okay, no need to get a stroke you old champ"
"We are the same age."
"The mirror would not agree, that beard of yours is making you look two-hundred and not one hundred and seven. " Bucky sat behind the dark mahogany table, grabbing the beige folder Steve had tossed on the table before going to draw on the curtains.
"Let's just start working." Bucky sighed, all traces of playfulness gone, replace with a stoic, analytical stare. Steve pulled out a chair for himself, taking the iPad that had been sitting in the middle of the table for a while now. He opened it, staring at its bright screen as he tried to recall what Tony had taught him. A flash of metal made him look up at Bucky's emotionless stare, he handed him the device, taking the folder Buck had been reading.
The silence made Steve quilty, he should have gone with the flow, should have just joked along. Bucky's mood changed fast these days, he could just turn off his emotions as if it was a simple switch and that angered Steve.
“Hey Bucky?”
The ex-assassin raised his eyes over the iPad, waiting for him to continue. Steve looked back down on the files.
“I think you look older than I do, honestly. Wanda said no one ducks their shirt in nowadays, only businessmen like Tones.” there was silence and Steve hesitantly peeked up, somewhat relieved to see the small smile on Bucky's face.
“Whatever you say, punk.”
They stayed up late, which was odd because they were usually the ones who turned in early and woke with the sun. The next day, Steve, Natasha and Clint had been called in by Fury. Bucky was not allowed in, technically he wasn't part of the team. He didn't think this was something he needed, the sound of bullets, spying, stealing and assassinating wasn't something Bucky really thought he should be doing. Besides, he was over hundred, playing James Bond should not even be in his mind. He had been sitting in the silent living room, waiting for Steve to finish so they could drive to Brooklyn and see if they could find something from the local library. But then something or more likely someone ruined the peaceful atmosphere Bucky had been enjoying.
“Oh, it's you, Jamie.” the avenger said sweetly, dropping his gym bag onto the floor as he took off his shoes, walking into the kitchen as he left his nikes laying. “Yes, good morning to you too, Sammie.” he squinted his eyes, jaw ticked as he watched the mess Sam left on his wake.
He knew Bucky hated when things were messy.
Sam poured some milk into his cereal, not having a care in the world when some flakes scattered on the table or fell on the floor. Bucky turned away, knowing there was no need for him to get annoyed over someone like Sam. He kicked his legs up, placing them on the tabled in front of him as he sensed Sam enter the living room. Buck raised the folder up to his eyes as Sam stopped next to his legs. “Move your legs, I want to sit in the corner couch.” of course you do.
“No.” Bucky grunted, not even looking up at Sam who was glaring down at the ex-assassin. “oh fuck you.” Sam pushed forcefully Bucky's legs off the table, making him growl as some of the milk in Sam's bowl of cereal landed on his pants. “Oops, sorry.” he didn't sound sorry at all.
“Was it so hard to go around?” Bucky snapped, hating the smug smile on Sam's face as he made himself comfortable on the couch, taking a big bite and crunching it with open mouth. “yehsh” Bucky cringed, picking up the folder that he had dropped and decided to ignore Sam.
Easier said than done.
The man kept eating loudly, slurping the milk and crunching the cereal as if he was a ten-year-old kid. “Hey, Metalhead?” Bucky refused to look up from the file, ignoring Sam's presence.
“Did you take the climbing gear from my room?” It was Steve's gear, who had kindly lent it to Sam. But then Bucky had thought that he would want to use the climbing wall as well --he didn't need the gear like everyone else did, falling off high places would just knock the breath out of him-- but just to annoy Sam, Bucky had told Steve that he wanted to use the gear and therefore had taken it back from Sam.
“Yes.” Sam rolled his eyes, going back to eating loudly. “I knew I should have locked my door.” Bucky turned the page before answering lazily.
“Oh, it was locked. I just broke it down.”
Sam's head snapped up, before he could start yelling at Bucky, the elevator door dinged. They looked over to the three who didn't seem to notice the bickering duo.
“I thought we had finished with them a long time ago and now this?” Clint's voice was serious as he looked at Natasha. “I thought so too, but it could be a false alarm, no need to get too worked up now.”
Steve said thoughtfully, making Clint scoff and cross his hands.
“Cap, admit it. HYDRA will never die. We may keep blowing up their buildings, taking them all hostage but whatever crumbs we leave behind someone will always think its a good idea to try and start re-running it.” Bucky froze, his pupils constricted as he locked his gaze on Steve. How long had it been since there had been any news about them? He wasn't sure if he was even breathing.
Sam looked at Bucky closely, studying the tense shoulders and emotionless gaze that didn't seem to match his rigid posture “Clint.” Natasha warned, eyes flickering towards Bucky and Sam.
“Oh, hey Buckaroo!” Clint said happily, hoping he hadn't heard the short conversation between the trio, which, he of course had.
“They are still running the organisation?” his voice was calm, but Steve knew better. Bucky was master at masking his thoughts and emotions, so much that even Natasha got frustrated because she simply couldn't read him.
“Buck, it doesn't matter, they are almost gone, just a loose end on our part. Besides, as I said, it could be a false alarm.” Bucky didn't buy it, if it were a false alarm, why would Fury call three avengers to check it out? No, it was serious.
“When do we leave?” Steve sighed as the ex-assassin stood up, closing the folder as he looked at Captain expectantly. “You're not coming, it may--”
“When do we leave?” he asked again, he wasn't avenger, wasn't a SHIELD agent, but Bucky didn't care one bit. If it was HYDRA, he needed to be sure they were all dead. He hated killing, hated taking a life that wasn't his to take. But when it came to HYDRA, he could see himself making an exception. All involved deserved his wrath, they deserved to burn in agony and feel the life being drained from them, for all the pain they have caused. Not only to Bucky, but to many, many innocent who never had the fighting chance.
As long as HYDRA was still breathing, even if the breaths were shallow, Bucky would not rest and put his agent attire in the corner. He would fight until he felt he had avenged himself, even when he was tired of standing, tired of fighting, exhausted from killing... He would avenge those wronged by the evil organisation.
Sam's brown eyes hopped from Bucky to Steve then back to Bucky, studying the two and ignoring the heavy tension in the air. Steve could see it in Buckys eyes, no matter what he said, the other man would come along. Most likely latch himself onto the helicarrier somehow and just hold on, or sneak into the jet. And he knew not even Natasha would know until Bucky showed himself.
“Within forty minutes, we came to change and then we're off immediately.” he knew he shouldn't tell him, shouldn't even allow Bucky to come. It was dangerous. But he also knew Bucky better than anyone else, he would find a way, or go alone. And Steve didn't want that, he'd rather keep eye on him then find out that he was just... Gone again.
Bucky nodded, making Sam jump up and catch everyone attention. “I'm coming too!” he almost shouted, inhaling the last of his cereal before brushing past Bucky who didnt even curse him for it. Looks like Winter Soldier facade is back on.
“Sam.” Steve said lowly, but the Falcon didn't even acknowledge him before rushing down the hallway.
Bucky followed quietly, going to find his agent attire that he had hoped wouldn't see the daylight ever again. Steve followed closely, feeling concerned, he had to focus, and he hoped that it was simply a false alarm and nothing more.
Natasha hit Clint's shoulder, making the archer hiss and take a step back, rubbing the sore spot as he glared at Natasha. “Look what you did now.” she said, shaking her head in disappointment.
“How was I supposed to know the Winter Man was just sitting there!” he defended himself, however, he did feel guilty. “You're a spy, Clint. And besides, Sam was eating so loudly I'm surprised you could even hear your own voice over his cereal.” she said, walking away to go and change as well. She wanted to be the first in the helicarrier, just in case.
“On my defence, my hearing aids were turned to low so I wouldn't be able to hear Furys yelling!”
It took thirty minutes for everyone to get in the yet, twenty for Bucky. The man narrowed his eyes when he saw Sam jogging up the ramp, three minutes later than everyone else. “Let's get this party started folks!” he said, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere.
Natasha closed the ramp, telling everyone to buckle in for the take-off.
“So, where are we going exactly?” Sam asked, taking a seat next to Bucky who didnt seem to be listening to anything around him. Steve glanced over at his friends, feeling conflicted over the whole situation.
“Terra Lane.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
The soldier had turned off the car a couple of miles away from the secret base at Terra Lane and jogged closer to the destination that he had found from the safe house. It was very deep in the forest and there were no buildings, just a clearing in the middle of the forest. His eyes scanned the trees suspiciously, looking for traps, surveillance cameras or guards. He even scented the air for something that would alert him of danger.
But there was nothing.
He crept out of the forest, looking around as he slowly made his way in the middle of the clearing. He came to a stop in the middle on a concrete hatch. He waited, almost ready for a bullet to pierce his skin, but once again, there was nothing.
And missing was the feeling of being watched, which somewhat made him even more curious. His icy eyes scanned the hatch, trying to find a way to open it, but there was nothing. It was common for them to make it so that it could only be opened from the inside.
He looked at his arm, the small scars that littered across his knuckles and fingers being met with a blank space, no memories of how exactly he got them.
He didn't want to, really, he hated it. But it was either this or staying out of the base. He stretched out his fingers and pressed his hand against the light grey surface, watching how his fingers grew longer, skin darkened and dark grey fur spurt out from the hem of his jacket, crawling over his fingers and covering them in thick fur.
His hand had turned into something monstrous as he balled his fists carefully so the nails wouldn't pierce his rough palm, he pulled his hand back before slamming his fist into the concrete with a loud thud, making the ground shake lightly as pieces of it flew from the dent. Again and again he slammed his fist into the concrete, knowing it must have been pretty thick.
His balled fists flew through the surface after sixth hit, making pieces of it fall into the hole in the ground. He grabbed some pieces, tearing them off as his muscles flexed underneath the thick fur and skin. Once it was wide enough he pulled off his backpack and dropped it down before squeezing himself through and free-falling eight feet down.
He landed with a small thud that quietly echoed through the dark tunnels. He was crouched down slightly, balancing himself with one hand that had changed back to normal while the second was gripping a knife.
He didnt move as his eyes took in his surroundings, slowly he moved away from the light that shone from the ground above, noticing the small device in the wall that would have opened the hatch and raised the ramp.
He kept close to the wall as he moved further down, noticing how dark everything was. It didnt bother him, be saw better than normal humans did.
His steps were silent as he picked up some commotion further down in the base, bloodlust rising in him as he realised there was indeed someone still trying to work.
Not for long.
Half of his face was covered as he moved in the darkness, getting closer and closer to the surgery room, he could remember it, the layout was mostly same in the bases so he had an inkling of an idea where everything was. He noticed cold light shining into the tunnel from an open door. They spoke in English, someone cursed in Bulgarian as he was met with scolding.
The soldier slowly looked into the room, detecting seven people. No guards, no weapons, no protection at all. One was a doctor, while the others wore more casual, yet still formal clothes.
Danger level 15%
He studied them, seeing blueprints on the table, files popping up in computers. The surgery room had been changed slightly.
“I'm telling you, using this formula will get us nowhere. We need to think bigger, back then nobody thought about allergies or hurting people.” the man in white hissed, smelling heavily of agitation and stress as he pointed down on the table filled with papers. “Yes Mr Randall, but we need to stay humane! You and I have same goals, but we can't go around leaving behind corpses.”
The man, Mr Randall scoffed and rolled his eyes as the three who had been standing opposite of the table turned around as someone alerted them of disturbance.
“Hey, Sir? We received something troubling. The air is moving in the tunnels, yet we have turned off the AC around that part.” someone stuttered, gesturing at his computer.
“What? What is going on there?” Mr Randall demanded, ready to stomp over to the stuttering man and look it over himself, yet he was stopped by a cold blade that was firmly pressed against his throat. Mr Randall's breath hitched, drawing everyone elses attention.
The temperature seemed to drop immediately as they froze, eyes wide and looking at the muscular shape of a man who seemed so much larger next to someone like Mr Randall.
The soldier's eyes seemed to glow in the darkness as he lowered his lips closer to the man's ear. “Hello, Randall.” he said lowly, his voice raspy from lack of use, it sent goosebumps down the man's arms as he looked at the other six desperately.
“I'm back.” be growled out before sliding the knife across Randall's sweaty neck, the blood soaking the man's white clothes immediately.
A bit more lengthy chapter than usual, 3209 words
Question: do you read with a white or black background?
Question n.o 2: does Will want a dog?
Hope you enjoyed it and let me know your thoughts!
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