IT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE END and no one knew it. The day had just begun when Rin found out about Justin Foley had gone out with Hannah Baker. Rin didn't know much about the new girl and hoped that Justin wouldn't be a dick... like usual.
Sadly, her hopes were shot down when Rin was walking the hallways and found Justin, Zach, Bryce, and a few other jocks hollering in the hallway. She scrunched her nose, watching them crowd around Justin and thought they were looking at porn– until Bryce snatched the phone out of Justin's slim fingers.
"Public space." Bryce told his buddy, hitting his arm, amazed. He pulled the phone out of his friends hand, "that's hot."
She saw Zach touch the screen, looking at the phone as well and she knew something was wrong.
"Oh yeah, we're sending that shit around." Bryce told them and Rin sped walked from her position at her locker towards the boys.
"No, Bryce. Stop." Justin told Bryce but the other boys with them grabbed him to hold him back. "Hey, Bryce, stop! Hey!"
Rin finally got there, pushing the last person walking past away.
"What the fuck did you do?" Rin hissed out, grabbing the blond jock by his letterman jacket.
"Not much," Bryce told her cockily as he stared down at the small Asian female. He didn't see her as a threat, more as a hot piece of ass that he wished Zach would let him have. "Only wanted the world to be graced with this image of Hannah Baker."
A slap resonated the hallway, "that does not mean you had a right to do that."
Bryce stepped forward, a menacing glare sent her way. "What are you gonna do about it now, huh, Rin?"
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RIN WATCHED FROM HER SEAT, her hope in society sinking as the picture of Hannah Baker spread across the classroom.
"You gonna hit that again, right?" Someone asked Justin and Rin felt her stomach squeeze with disconfort.
"Sure," Justin shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes turned to Hannah.
"Oh my God. Seriously, Justin?" A girl asked, staring at her phone. Rin reached for the girls phone, grabbing it out of her hand to stare at the image. "Why would you send that?"
He shrugged.
Mrs. Bradley walked into the classroom, yanking Rin's attention away from the drama and to her teacher. She knew that in her heart she wanted to defend the girl but her mind knew that studying and passing this class was what she needed.
"Okay, everyone, settle in." She began, "today we're discussing ways to navigate difficult interactions. Uh, people, at least nod in the direction of our no devices rule, okay? We're talking about ways conflicts with your peers, all right? How can we communicate more effectively without the use of emojis? Alright, I need two volunteers for a little roleplaying exercise."
The phones kept on incessantly buzzing and Rin felt hers blow up from texts. She hunched down in her seat, pulling her phone out to see ten texts from Zach and one from Montgomery. She knew what the text from Montgomery was: the picture of Hannah. She scrolled through the texts from Zach, noting his apology before she shoved her phone away.
"People, phones otherwise they're going away. Last chance. Yes Sherri. Thank you. And you in the back? Yes. And Rin, you'll be my volunteers. I'll get the scripts, sit tight. Everybody's gonna get a turn."
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WHEN CLASS ENDED SHE RACED OUT, wanting to get away from the drama and especially Zach Dempsey. Throughout class he had been blowing her phone up, trying to get her to talk to him. But no, she wouldn't even look at him. Not after he let Bryce send that picture around. He willingly let his friend slut shame a girl.
"Hey!" Zach called after her as she pushed her way through the crowded hallway, "Rin, come back!" Rin glanced back to see his large figure above the crowd and knew she had to get away fast before he got too close.
She ignored the tall boy and walked until she was at the cafeteria. Rin inhaled the smell of greasy food. After she went through the line and got food, she sat down at a table away from the jocks. She felt the gaze of Zach on her and she stared down at her food, ignoring his heated gaze.
"Can I sit with you?"
Startled, the young girl looked up from her latte to see Hannah Baker standing awkwardly in front of her. Her nimble fingers played with the end of her jean jacket as she stood in front of the Asian girl in her grade. She was desperate for some company after Clay insulted her. She just didn't want to be alone.
"Hannah, right? My name is Rin."
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