Chapter 4- Party Night
First to third period went without a hitch and now, lunch has arrived. Second class though, was quite appealing.
"Class, we have a new student," a male teacher in his late 30s bellows from the front of the class. "Nova, come in please."
I walk into the classroom slowly and take a glance at the students in my Biology class. The students were seated on regular chairs at a regular desk. I wasn't sure if this was my Biology class because at my old school, a prestigious private for both boys and girls was a lot more different. I remember always dreading the strict rules of that class, but I wound up finding myself missing it.
My previous thought vanished when my teacher began speaking. "Welcome to Biology. My name is Mr. Winlock. You may sit on whichever seat is open." I look to Mr. Winlock for help since I don't know anyone I should sit next to. "Ah right. You can sit next to," his voice trails off into the air as his eyes scan the group of students for an empty desk, "Jenisse," he finally says. "Jenisse please stand."
A girl with flowing raven hair stands up from somewhere in the middle and I walk towards her. She moves her stuff over so I can sit down and I notice a book with a bookmark sticking out of it. "Thanks," I say.
"No prob. I'm Jenisse," she whispers softly while Mr. Winlock is indulging on a lesson, "and you're just in time."
"In time for what?" I ask. I watch as Jenisse twists her body in her chair and glances over behind us and I follow her gaze. It lands on a guy who's seated across the room from us. He gives her a thumbs up and winks, and she zips around.
"Get ready." She says smiling like she knew a secret I don't. Chances are she probably does. "3, 2," she counted down slowly, "1. Watch." She points down to our teacher and we sit there staring at him. I don't know what to watch for but I got a feeling that assured me I'll know when I see it.
"What in the name of Einstein!" Shouts Mr. Winlock, scurrying to turn off the TV which magically shot on and showed a scene with a male and female in a make out scene. "Alex Burns, office! Now!" Mr. Winlock manages to find the TV remote before any further advances could happen and I swear I heard boys mumblings 'awes,' but some laughter could still be heard from the struggling Mr. Winlock went through.
The boy who winked at Jenisse grabs his backpack from off the ground and walks out the door. "Later teach," he says smiling.
"Who's that?" I question Jenisse who was staring at Alex the whole time. She continues staring and I wonder if she even heard me. "Jenisse."
"What?" She says shaking her head. She appears disoriented and confused so I try again, "who was that boy?"
"Oh," she says waving her hand with a laugh. "I forgot you're new. His name is Alex Burns and he's about as hot as the bad boys get. He's always causing some time of stir up for the class." She looks off into the distance.
Realization hits me. "You like him," I say.
She laughs. "That's no surprise, lots of people do."
"He's off limits."
"Does he have a girlfriend?"
Jenisse shakes her head, reaching for her books to stuff into her bag. "No."
"So why exactly is he off limits?"
Jenisse laughs like this is the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. "His 'ex,'" she says making air quotes. "She's second head captain of the cheer team and according to her deluded self, she believes Alex still wants her."
I pick my bag off the ground and sling it over my shoulder. "Does he?"
Jenisse shrugs, turning away from me. "No one knows, really. It's not like it's some Nancy Drew mystery, but he basically sleeps with everyone. What he calls 'business.'"
"So she's trying to change him back," I say, finally making sense of this situation. "Interesting. It is kind of like a Nancy Drew mystery."
The bell rings and we all get up to leave. Kiana and Norven are by the door when I get out and we all walk to lunch together. While Kiana's talking about how her PE teacher is creepy, Norven is smiling ear to ear. Kiana stops talking and finally says, "who's the girl."
Norven's smile grows even more, if possible. "This girl I met in Anatomy named Lianne--"
"Who's Lianne?" I interrupt.
"A girl on the cheer team, now can I finish?" He doesn't wait for an answer and continues anyways, "she invited us to a party at her house."
"A party?" Kiana asks excitedly. I raise a brow in question.
"Yep, it starts at around 6."
"She invited all of us?" I ask.
"Yea-well no," Norven says, scratching his head. "But it's a party and you're my sisters so obviously you're coming with me."
Kiana snorts. "I'm not going as your date, sorry Norven."
I gag. "Me neither."
Norven rolls his eyes and grabs a tray from the stack. "Gross, why would I ask you to be my date?" Kiana crosses her arms after grabbing her own tray, shooting him a glare. "That was one time, okay? The guys gave me no choice," he shake his head. "What I meant was that we'll go together but not as dates."
I reach for a tray and pick up a salad. "Sounds good to me."
"Awesome." He glances at Kiana. "You in?'
Kiana smirks. "You know me, I'm down for a party."
Just as I'm putting on my black high top converse, Kiana walks into my room. She steps in front of my full length mirror and admires her silver belt, adding a nice tough to her black skater skirt. Patting down her skirt to rid it of wrinkles, she spins around and stops when facing me.
"You're for sure going to catch all those guys eyes," I say in awe. She has a gold sequined long sleeve crop top with her black skirt and black heels.
Kiana rolls her eyes but smiles. "Nova you look just as lovely." She walks over and hands me a pair of gold earrings. "Put these on. It'll add a touch of glam to your outfit." I put on the earrings as told then take a long stare at myself in the mirror. I have on an aqua lace crop top with a black skater skirt as well. Honestly, I prefer shorts but skirts and I are good friends.
Standing next to each other in front of my mirror, I'm reminded by how identical we both look to one another. I figure even Norven may have trouble telling who apart because we look that much alike, that is, unless he looks at our different shoe choices. Converse before heels any day.
"Kiana! Nova! You guys done yet?" Norven yells from somewhere downstairs. Kiana and I share a smile and walk out the room, arms linked.
"Finally, I thought you guys were never gonna come," Norven says, lifting his head to meet our eyes. "Whoa," Norven responds, clearly off guard by how identical we're appearing. "Identicalness on high."
Kiana and I both grin, slowly taking the stairs down to the floor. "We look gorgeous huh?" Kiana asks, wiggling her brows.
Norven chases after us, beating us down. "Well since we're identical triplets, I guess so because look at this." He gestures to his face then body.
We roll our eyes. "Yeah, no." I laugh and pull open the grand door.
"No but seriously I thought you guys were gonna taken another century," Norven exclaims, making a beeline to his car.
"Oh," I say placing my hands on my hips. "If you wanted us to take so long, why didn't you say so? I could've worked more on my--"
"Forget I said anything," Norven mutters, slamming his driver side door. I take backseat while Kiana climbs into the passenger's.
"Be back by midnight, sweeties!" Mom calls from the porch of the house.
"Okay, bye, mom!" I yell back with a wave.
We get to the party within 10 minutes, following the instructions that were given, but honestly, if we were lost, all you would have to do is follow the loud sound of a beat being blasted from a lit up house and boom you're there. I start to wonder why her neighbors aren't filing complaints. Probably used to her parties.
"Hey, guys!" Someone's voice greets. I look to see Lianne standing in front of us with a red Solo cup. She takes a sip, "come on, the parties lit out back."
We follow her out to her spacious backyard and she's right; lots of things are going on.
I walk over a guy sitting on the floor with beer spilling from his mouth. Lianne glances over at him but continues on, "Just ignore him."
She walks up to a bar and grabs us three Solo cups and hands them to each of us. "Here you guys go."
"Thanks, but I don't drink," I say, pushing away the cup and leaving it in her grasp.
"Oh come on, Nova," Kiana whines, "let loose."
I shoot her a dismal look. "Someone's gotta be the designated driver, and that someone is me."
"But it's my car," Noven cuts in. He takes a sip of his drink.
"Yeah, but I'm the driver." I say firmly. He shrugs but doesn't argue.
"Okay, see you later!" Lianne struts off, pulling Norven off with her. Before disappearing behind the wall of the house, he shoots us both a thumbs up.
"What a--" Kiana starts.
"Boy," I interrupt, finishing her sentence.
"Hey, hotties," someone calls. We turn to find a guy with dark hair. The hanging Christmas light hits his eyes, lighting them up.
"Hi," my sister replies smiling.
"Could I get you something?" He asks. "Perhaps a drink?"
"Thanks, but I already got one." She holds up her cup, "I'm practically set."
He laughs nervously. "Right." I thought he was going to leave but he tries again. "I'm Derick Reed, a junior at Northpoint High."
"I know your grade, I have you for math," my sister says smiling.
"Yeah. You're the new triplets right?"
"Well, 2 out of 3 as of right now," I respond, looking around for something to do.
"Another sister?" He asks raising a brow.
"Brother." We both say in unison.
He laughs and nods. "Cool."
It gets quiet with him staring at my sister and her staring back. I could feel they want some privacy to get to know each other better so I make an excuse and leave.
"Meet up later?" Kiana whispers to me as I tell her I'll leave.
She hugs me. "Thanks, N."
I hug her back and leave. I walk over to the side of the house that's hidden by the trees. I push through the leaves and branches and get to an alcove. Inside there's a hammock tied to two trees and I walk over and sit down, rocking back and forth on it.
With my eyes closed I sway lay back and imagine my life in New York if I hadn't moved. It's so quiet that I don't hear movement of anyone else with me.
"What are you doing here?" Someone voice asks in my quiet area.
I look around to see where the voice came from. I lean my head back to see a guy sitting on a thick tree branch, swaying his legs back and forth.
"Um, hi?" I call to whoever it is up there. I stand up so I can have a better view of him. It's gotten slightly darker since I arrived but the lights just outside from us do little to help my sight. "What are you doing up on a tree branch?"
My vision adjusts to our surroundings and I see him move around from atop. Leaves fall as he climbs down the large trunk.
He jumps from the center where all the branches merge from and lands with a thud. "Nova?"
"Kayden?" I ask surprised. I get off the hammock, landing upright on the ground. "What are you doing here?" I ask again.
He shrugs. "Parties are great, but I'm not really feeling it right now, you know?"
"Yeah, I do," I reply with a helpless shrug of my own. "It's only worse when you know no one except for your other halves."
"Ah, right," he says awkwardly. Funny, I thought he was so smooth and easy going. "I'd offer to introduce you but that's lame and boring."
"Definitely." I gently finger comb through my hair, suddenly feeling nervous. I lean against the strong trunk, crossing my arms over my chest. "Is your school uneventful or something?"
"What?" He lets out a laugh. "Total opposite. But, it may not be the kinds of events you're looking at."
"So, you have one of those schools full of cliché rude cheerleaders, a classic player, hot jocks, and shy nerdy girls who end up with the popular boy?" I question earnestly, "because if so, that's a classic cliché teen fiction novel right there."
"What a bookworm." He sits up to get a better look of me. "Nova," he says slowly, "books can never depict the actual life of a teen's years of high school itself, especially parties like this," he says gesturing to the alcove. I raise an eyebrow but am sure he can't see it. "Besides, if that's the case, I guess the popular kid doesn't always meet the nerdy chick, but the new student?"
"That's surely a plot twist," I say with a laugh. "Or, are you suggesting you're that popular dude? How disappointing, I was thinking of something more," I say teasingly. Oh my gosh. Was I flirting? With my neighbor in the dark? Sure I'm a party girl and have had a boyfriend before, but something about talking to semi-strangers in a dark shaded alcove during a party seemed awfully suspicious. I would've loved to read about this in a book, but I'm not so positive I want it happening to me, at least not now.
"Maybe," he laughs, a smirk playing on his lips.
I roll my eyes and head to the area from where I entered from. "Don't get too cocky there."
"Where you going?" He asks. I hear the hammock swing back as he steps off it.
"Out. My eyes will surely be dead if they don't see some sort of light soon."
"How dramatic, bookworm." I feel him right behind me, his body heat radiating off himself and washing over me in a wave. I take a deep breath, inhaling his cologne, a sudden blush forming on my cheeks.
"Gross," I manage to say through coughs, "that's a little to much cologne, Kayden." I push through the leaves I went through to get in. Once out, I rub my eyes, squinting for them to adjust to the still going party. Just then, I feel a hand yank me back into the alcove. "What are you doing I ask?"
"I know you love it," He says with a smile playing on his lips. He lowers himself to my height and leans in close to my face. "But if you want to know, we're going into the house." His tone was light and husky, his breath a warm puff of air that warmed my cheek, sending chills down my spine.
I shoot him a warning look. "What?" I spit out.
He smirks, knowing fully what thought was going through my mind. "Hope you like movies." Was all he said.
Hi guys! So here's chapter 4! I may be starting on a new story because ideas are sprouting for it and I'm excited for it. I know I said I'll work on this one fully, but I'll figure it out as we go.
Keep reading to see what happens next! (:
Votes, comments, and critiques would be appreciated (:
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