Harry and I immediately had to fly back to Philadelphia after being in London for a total of four hours.
Anne offered to come with us on our trip, but Harry told her that she really didn't need to. She must've sensed our nerves and shock that there was a verdict this quickly. Things had seemed like they were in our favor when we left the U.S and we could only hope that they had stayed that way. The court was meeting the next morning at nine.
Gemma was going to house sit for us. It wasn't right for us to force Cat back onto a plane and then leave her in an empty house while we went to court. Besides, her and Olivia seemed to greatly enjoy each other's company and it felt wrong to have to separate them. She wished us well and reassured us that everything was going to work itself out.
Harry, whose demeanor had become very serious, got us a private plane. We didn't have to pack up our belongings because they were still sitting in suitcases. He held my hand protectively and kept me close as people took pictures and rushed up to us at the airport.
"I'm very sorry, but we have to catch a plane quickly," He apologized to the fans asking for pictures. They seemed disappointed but understanding. All of them had most likely seen the pictures of us having to travel back and forth to meet with the court and they were respectful about us being in a hurry.
We got on the plane and sat down beside each other. Harry never let go of my hand the entire time. I turned to him and he ran a hand through my hair. We were both nervous. Neither of us had expected our homecoming to be such a shortlived trip.
"Our attorney has complete faith that this was a good sign," he comforted me.
"But it's still impossible to not be nervous," I said meekly.
"I want to warn you," he spoke gently. "--that this might very well explode in the media. But hear me out, Mia, people are on our side. I haven't spoken to a single person that wasn't."
"That's inevitable," I agreed. "I knew that would be coming."
"You saw what the fans at the airport were like. They're supportive of us, of you. Your family, Matthew and his family... they were once powerful. They don't have any of that power anymore, and they especially don't have power over us."
I nodded. He reclined his seat and cuddled against me as I stared out the window. The sun had set long ago. It was nearly two in the morning. By the time we got off the plane and settled back into the Air B&B, it would be time to leave for the courthouse. This time was crucial for us to get some rest.
"Can you believe this is our last trip to Philadelphia?" I asked.
"We haven't exactly had much time to think about it. It'll be nice to come home tomorrow night and disappear for a while, don't you think? We can stay in London for as long as we want."
"I thought you wanted to stay in LA, since the weather is so much better there?" I teased.
"But London is home," he admitted. "and Los Angeles is busy. I'm sort of ready to unwind a bit and take it easy for a while."
"It's a good idea. You know, before the movie comes out and all." I added.
"That too," he said, burrowing his face into my shoulder. "Right now I just want to be here with you. Life seems to be too busy lately."
"You've got me, H," I reminded him. "Don't think about the movie and the album release just yet, okay? The trial is what's in front of us right now, so that's what we should focus on. Life isn't too busy unless you make it that way.
"So we'll come home tomorrow night," I continued. "No more long flights and back and forth trips. We can work on the garden in your backyard and you can write songs. We can go back to Cheshire and visit your family anytime you'd like. No matter what happens in the next twenty four hours, we still have a home to go back to."
"I think you're my home," he smiled. The inside of the plane was dark, but I could still see his face in the moonlight. He looked sleepy. "I mean it, M. I don't think I could face the world if you weren't by my side."
My heart soared with his words. How was it that I had found someone who complimented me so greatly? Life had thrown many hardships in my way, but when Harry was by my side we were able to conquer them all. And when things seemed to get too tough, or too complicated, we took a step back from reality and helped eachother through it. Sometimes being in the company of one another was enough. I didn't know how I navigated through life without him.
"I'm in love with you," he said. His voice cracked. "I'm so, so in love with you and the brave woman you've become."
I started crying. Maybe it was because everything we'd been through had seemed so surreal, maybe it was because I knew that the end of a chapter was approaching us. My chin trembled as I realized how thankful I was of him and having him in my life. He was my rock, and I was his.
"Don't cry, please don't cry." He said as he held me.
"I need to cry, I think," I told him honestly. I laughed. "Because I'm realizing everyday how lucky I am. We need eachother, Harry. And it's so comforting to know that--" I sniffed. "--that through everything, I know at the end of the day I have you. I can't even think of what my life would be now without you in it."
"And you don't have to. You never, ever, have to picture your life without me." He looked at me like I was his world and I knew that he was mine, too.
We held eachother for a long time. And after both of us stopped crying, we fell asleep together. From outside the window we could see the tops of thin clouds and a full moon. Up here, with nobody else to bother us, we could simply be. The man in my arms had a complicated life of fame and rumors and accusations. Some days were harder than others for him. But what kept him going, at the end of the day, was the love he received from myself, his friends and family, and his fans. And I knew that, as long as we had eachother, we could keep moving forward.
The plane landed at around seven. By the time we went through the airport and to our temporary place in the city of Philadelphia, it was eight fifteen. We had eaten breakfast and gotten ready to go on the plane and in the car. My stomach seemed to be doing flips inside my chest and my heart was beating so hard that it made the fabric of my blouse move. Harry knew I was nervous. He held my clammy hands and promised me that everything would be fine.
"I don't know if I can walk in there," I said, shaking my head and slightly rocking back and forth. "I can't do this."
"You can do this!" He encouraged me.
"I can't see them. I can't see their faces."
"So don't look. Listen, we've gotten ourselves this far. Remember what we talked about early this morning? No matter what happens, we'll be on a plane and headed back home in no time. This seems overwhelming now but we're almost through it. We're almost through it!" Harry held both my arms and shook them lightly.
"I still feel sick to my stomach."
"It's the anticipation, Mia," Harry reminded me. "Once we get in there and speak to the attorneys and lawyers... you'll know. You'll know that we've won this thing."
"I just want to get there so it can be over with. I hate having to just sit here and wait." I complained.
"It's almost time, don't you worry. I'm right here and I'll be by your side the entire time."
At least Harry was with me. If he wasn't with me, and I was facing this all alone, I wouldn't have been able to get through it.
Eventually it was time to go. We spent the drive in silence, and when the nerves seemed to skyrocket, we took deep breaths and held eachother close. Word must've gotten out that we were back in Philadelphia, which confused many people, and eventually led them to realize we were going back to court. There were swarms of people outside the government building. It made me even more anxious until I saw the signs and heard what they were chanting. They were chanting my name.
"See? Told you so." Harry grinned before we stepped out. He helped the bodyguards shield me from some of the chaos and I thanked people as we walked by. The bystanders had nothing but positive words to say.
We sat down before my family had even gotten in the courtroom. When they did enter, I dared to look over at them. They were still dressed very businesslike. The expressions on their face were barren. It broke my heart. Not because I was feeling pity for them, but because as soon as I looked at them I thought of Harry's family. His family was accepting and loving. It hurt to know that, no matter what, the people that I watched would never love me in a way that Harry's family loved him. It hurt to know that my children would not know their grandparents.
"Everyone please be seated, the court with now be in session." The judge said. I gulped and Harry smiled at me reassuringly.
The judge went on a long spiel about coming to a verdict quickly. Every single crevice of my body was perspiring. I could hear my heartbeat. My hands were shaking. All I wanted the judge to do was read the verdict and get it over with. I was either going to celebrate or be completely devastated. Knowing that my future was in the hands of one man was slightly terrifying.
"Please rise for the hearing of the verdict," he called. I shakily rose to my feet. A pin could have dropped across the room and I would've heard it. Harry never let go of my hand for a second.
"I, Judge Michaels, find the defendants guilty--"
My mouth dropped and then rose again in a smile. The team of attorneys and lawyers turned to us and silently cheered. Harry wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head numerous times. I covered my mouth with my hands, the beam on my face never disappearing for a second. The crowd of people who sat behind us, witnesses to the trial, even had a reaction of their own. Some of them cheered and some of them clapped. It was a moment that I was sure to never forget for as long as I lived.
The judge continued to read all of the crimes that they were individually found guilty of. I looked over at them, and for a second met the gaze of my mother. Her face was still cold and heartless. The evil in her eyes was still there. She was still the woman who stood by my father's side and let him get away with everything. And now they were both paying the price for their repulsive actions.
Matthew looked angry. His jaw remained firm and his fists were curling and uncurling. I had no sympathy for him. What he did to me was unforgivable. I was finally getting the justice I deserved.
Leaving the courthouse that day seemed like a dream. Word had spread to the people outside and when we left to get into our car, they cheered and screamed and went ballistic. I laughed as I walked in between them, with Harry unable to keep his hands off me as he shouted and kissed my cheek. He opened the door for me and did a dance as we entered the vehicle.
"You are crazy." I pointed out.
"And we are going to celebrate!" He exclaimed. I laughed and leaned into him once more, kissing him hard on the lips. I couldn't believe it. The moment we were in felt completely surreal.
Anne and Gemma called us straight afterward. They seemed to be having a party of their own back in London. Gemma held Cat up to the phone just to show her "how excited and happy she was for us". The annoyed look on the large cat's face told me that she missed Harry already.
"We'll have the champagne ready for your return!" Anne said.
"I'm so ready to go back," I said to Harry. "Let's get the hell out of here!"
People in the streets recognized our car and some were following it back to our Air B&B. Lots of them held signs and seemed to be just as over the moon as we were. Harry rolled down his window and called to them, still buzzing from the good news. We were ecstatic. I couldn't stop smiling and kissing him as I thought about how we were completely free from the legal drama that had been a large portion of our lives for so long.
"You did it." Harry said.
"We did it." I corrected him.
He grinned and dimples were bigger than ever. "We did it. And I am so in love with you."
"And I love you." I repeated for the millionth time that day. We kissed and kissed and didn't think twice about our driver, who must've thought we were absolutely crazy. We were high on life and the drunk on the moment. It seemed like nothing could ever tear us down.
"That was insane," I said, shaking my head as we retrieved our luggage from the suite and left nearly as soon as we arrived. We were eager to get back to London to celebrate with Harry's friends and family.
The airport was a madhouse. We were jostled around a bit by the crowds but we didn't mind. We made it back to our private jet and settled in. Harry's phone had been buzzing and dinging nonstop from messages full of love and positivity. It was then that I remembered that I had a phone call of my own to make, and a specific person that I needed to speak with. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and found the number quickly before pressing the device to my ear.
"Mrs. Hawthorne," I breathed. "Do you have a sec? It's Mia Roden."
"Oh my-- Ms. Roden? From the wedding?"
"Yes," I laughed. "You did my hair and makeup. And you told me about your marriage and honeymoon in Cancun?"
"Mia Roden," she seemed to be awestruck. "You-- you're all over the news! Congratulations on winning the case, Ms. Roden. I can't believe this... Ron! Mia Roden is on the phone!" There was some shuffling in the background and I giggled.
"I wanted to give you a call," I started again. "Because I called you when I was in New York City a while ago, right after I had ended my almost-marriage. I asked you if I'll ever get a love like you and your husband have. Do you remember?"
"Of course I remember. It's the strangest phone call I've ever received."
I smiled. "And do you remember what you told me? You told me not to look for love and just let it come to me."
I glanced up at Harry. His hair was unruly and his green eyes were wide. His lips were parted slightly and the most perfect shade of purple-pink. Small hairs were growing around his upper lip and chin. He held my hand and rubbed the back of mine with his thumb. He looked at me in a way that every woman should be looked at-- with adoration and nothing but the utmost love and respect.
"I just wanted to call you and let you know... I think I've found that love."
I've got to tell you, I have cried a few times while writing this. It's so hard to believe that I have been writing this story since 2014 and here we are, in 2017 as this story is drawing to a close. I am SO THANKFUL for each and every one of you. You have no idea how much it means to me that you all have put so much love and faith into this story.
Mia and Harry have truly become people I hold very dear to my heart. It's sad for me to have to let these characters go, but I know that whenever I miss them I can just open this book again and they'll be waiting for me. They've been through a lot together and with me. It's insane to think about, but as a writer you truly feel like you have such a bond and connection with your characters.
I could go on and on about how thankful I am for my readers. THANK YOU, to those of you who clicked on this story. THANK YOU to the people who voted for this story. THANK YOU for making my day with funny and meaningful comments. THANK YOU for the endless amount of messages about this story. THANK YOU to the people who translated this story so that people who speak other languages could have a chance to experience this as well. This story would not have ever been what it is now without your incredible love and support, so from the bottom of my heart I say THANK YOU. Now I can add a little green check mark to this story.
And so, farewell. I love you all, and I hope that you all find a love like Mia and Harry's one day.
-Delilah Mae (_HakunaMatata_)
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