Good Byes
Please note that there is a sexual assault scene. Its a small one, more suggestive I would say but I decided to insert this warning anyhow.
Weeks turned into months that follows, Taehyung and Jungkook would spend after hours at the office after everyone has gone home. It was an unspoken sort of plan, but they always end up waiting for each other on the same day, same time, and doing the same things. Jungkook would bring the food, and Taehyung would bring the booze. Taehyung couldn't help but be drawn to the younger, and soon considered him a friend. Jungkook however was still relentless, always trying to ask the older on a date, saying Taehyung doesn't know what's he's missing out on. In those moments, it was clear to Tae that he hasn't laughed as much or felt so at ease in a long time. Jimin stopped waiting up for Tae in his room. Instead he tries to drown himself with free booze at the bar offered by strangers. He would dance on anybody and try to get so messed up that the world would just spin under him, so he could try to wash all the confusion and pain away.
On this night in particular Jimin was courted by some random guy who couldn't take a hint. Jimin wasn't in the mood to sleep with anyone, after all.... the only person he wanted touching him was his best friend.
Jimin was sitting on a bar stole trying to ignore the ignorant bastard while taking down another shot of tequila.
"Look sexy lips. I bought you a drink earlier.... The least you can do is pay me back..... look lets just head to the restroom and you can give me a little something back.... Whata ya say hmm?", the man towered over Jimin and he looked like a cheap mafia wanna be.
"pfttts... HA! Youuu got meH wwaaONe drink. aNd itss wazz cheAp vOdka. GO suck yoUr own dddicK", Jimin was drunk and slurring his words as he looked through his contacts, still sober enough to wish for his best friend to come save him.
The man got aggressive as he starts putting his hands on Jimin's thighs and pulling him into his arms. Jimin pushes and shoves but he was too gone to do much about it. He scans for help, but everyone was drowning themselves in the music and alcohol, so no one paind any attention. Jimin accidently dials Taehyung contact.
".....all I'm saying is we've been secretly meeting and its like the 20th time now..... You should really consider letting me take you out for some real food instead of burgers", Jungkook says smiling so big, his big round eyes turned into little crescents and the smile lines appeared at the corners of his eyes. Taehyung couldn't help but reach over and pinch the younger's cheeks.
"ohhh look at the little baby trying to ask me on a date. Oh Jungkookahh you are too adorable. I might just say yes", Taehyung stuck his tongue and winked.
"Oh really now?", Jungkook says happily as he feeds the older some fried chicken.
Just then Taehyung phone started to ring. At first Taehyung wanted to ignore it, seeing that it was Jimin. But they hadn't talked in weeks as Taehyung had been avoiding him, and he knows Jimin would only call this late if it was something important. So reluctantly he answers.
".... *muffling sound/ struggle* Lehht mee Go...."
"mmmmpphh. STOP!"
"Jimin?! Hello?"
"....get OFF..... please... some....one...mmmm".
Taehyung quickly hangs up the phone and pulls up his friend gps finder. They both had installed this in their phones to always keep track of each other when Jimin was away with Yoongi. He sees Jimin location at a local bar near Taehyung work place, 10 minuets away.
"Taehyung... whats wrong?"
"I have to go..." Taehyung franticly grabs his jacket and keys.
"Whats wrong? Let me help" Jungkook stood up as well, looking at Taehyung who was frantically look for his wallet.
"Jungkook.... Not now... Ji-Jimin is in some kind of trouble... and i.... I"
"Look. I have my ID, give me your keys, I'll drive"
Taehyung looked at him helpless, something that was rare. Jungkook looked at him a moment longer and Taehyung nods in agreement and tosses him the keys. They both rush down stairs and to the car, as Taehyung gps the way to Jimin's location. When they got there, it was clear the bar was at a rough part of the city.
People were hanging outside as some couple were in the ally way making out. They both made their way into the bar and splits up looking for Jimin.
Taehyung ran into the restroom knowing, most people do the deed there shamelessly. Right when he stepped in he heard a familiar voice.
"stop. I don't want this!"
"Come on sweetie, I'll give it to you good.... I bet your lover can't do it like me"
"You're disgusting! Let go!"
The voices was coming from the last stall at the end. Taehyung quickly kicked the door open to see a big man hover over Jimin. Jimin's shirt was slightly ripped with tears flowing down his face. The man looked like he was trying to unbutton his pants and it pissed Taehyung off.
"TAE!", Jimin cried even harder seeing his best friend.
"Look pretty boy. Go mind your own damn business. This one is all mines", the ugly, bulky man smirks and turns his attention back to Jimin.
Taehyung reaches in and yanks the man out of the stall and throws a punch right into the man's face, slightly making him stumble over. Taehyung quickly pulls Jimin out of the stall, checking to see if the other was ok.
The man touched his nose to make sure it was still intact, as he started to growl and charge at Taehyung. Just then Jungkook came in between them and kicked the man so hard he slammed against one of the dirty sinks and chipped off the edge. The man felt like his head was spinning as Jungkook threw his fist one more time for reassurance and knocked the man out cold.
"We should probably go before he wakes up", Jungkook says looking at the two who were huddled up together.
As they stepped outside, Taehyung and Jungkook convinces Jimin to call the cops which they did. The cops were willing to let Taehyung and Jungkook go for hurting the man because of self-defense. The man himself was arrest for sexual harassment.
Taehyung was in the back of the car with Jimin, trying to sooth him as Jungkook drove them home. Taehyung looked at Jungkook through the review mirror and mouthed the words thank you to him. Jungkook just gives him a knowing smile as he drove in silence. When they got to the apartment, he helped Taehyung carried Jimin to bed and let the older tuck the small man in. Jungkook awkwardly waited outside of the living room, noting that both men must be really rich to be living in such a lavish looking apartment in Seoul.
When Taehyung was done, he made them both some warm tea and decided that he owned Jungkook some kind of explanation.
"Look.... Tae....if its uncomfortable for you to tell me..... you don't have to", Jungkook says reaching for the other's hand.
Taehyung looks up at him and allows himself to also tighten his grip on Jungkook hands for comfort.
"No.... I need to talk to someone about all this. I've been holding it all inside and I think I need to just let it all out. You've been so kind Jungkook. An unexpected friend in a time when I just really needed a friend", Taehyung gave him a small smile.
"well....as long as im not totally friend zoned", Jungkook jokes, trying to lighten up the mood which earn him a little giggle from Taehyung.
"hmmm, not really appropriate at this veryyyy moment but I'll keep that in mind", Taehyung took a moment longer before he continued.
"Its my fault that Jimin is like this. We've been best friends since we were kids. Soulmates, Jimin would call us. When we got to high school that didn't change, but what did change was I realized I was also into guys and Jimin realized he was not interested in girls at all. So naturally we decided to date", Taehyung paused as he took a sip of the hot tea. Jungkook looked at him intently, still holding on to his hand.
"After all, we started to feel this attraction for one another. First it was small gestures, like holding hands, but pretty soon we were each other's first everything. But senior year happened, and we had a huge argument because I decided I didn't want to just live in our bubble. I didn't want to be glued at the hip. I didn't see why we had to attend the same college or have the same friends. He would be jealous or mad when I made new friends and didn't introduce him as my boyfriend right away. -
So, I ended it, hoping we could just be friends again. But he refused and didn't talk to me for two whole years. In that time, I met a girl..... her name was Mitsy. She was amazing. She was outgoing, a prankster, and always kind to everyone. It was love at first sight and we got pretty serious, pretty fast. It was silly, but at the time I thought she was the one, so I bought a cheap ring with the money I earned myself and was planning this proposal. We agreed to meet at this café where we first bumped into each other but..... she never came", Taehyung eyes started watering as he looks away trying to hold it back.-
It was raining hard that day and.... A car lost control and crashed into her as she was crossing the street..... right in front of me. Just like that. I lost someone I thought was the love of my life. I was devastated. After the funeral, a mutual friend of mine and Jimin's reached out to him and I guess told him what happen. Soon Jimin came back into my life and became a big comfort to me. After a while, it was clear that he still loved me in that way, but I wasn't sure what it was that I want or even felt. So, I asked for some time and that was 6 years ago. During that time, even though we were best friends again, we were also more than that. We'd sleep together, kiss, act like a couple at times. I tried to hold back, but Jimin..... I can never say no to Jimin.-
But he got tired of me not doing anything about us, so he started dating this guy named Yoongi. At first, I was beyond jealous, but after a while I realized that my feelings for Jimin were just that of a best friend. I couldn't give him what he wanted. Just recently, Jimin finally came clean to Yoongi about cheating on him with me all this time. Yoongi gave Jimin an ultimatum, me or him. Jimin wants me to fight for him, but I truly think Yoongi can make him happier than I ever could. Also, its clear to me that the one Jimin truly loves is Yoongi. He's just so caught up in the past that he's not seeing what's in front of him. I... I thought if I distance myself from Jimin, he'd give up and see the truth. But tonight? I think I just made it worse", Taehyung lets go of Jungkook hand and decided to pull out a drink that was much stronger than just tea.
He opened a bottle of whisky and poured it over some ice as he takes it down his throat. Letting it slowly warm up his insides. Jungkook was silent for a while until Taehyung looked at him with sad eyes and he walked over to him and pulled him into his arms. At first Taehyung just stood there emotionless, but he slowly pulled the younger in and started sobbing into his shoulders.
"Tae..... it isn't your fault. You've done the best you can. If I was in your shoes, I would also be at lost. You've been through a lot and tonight.... Tonight, was an incident that happened out of your control. If it wasn't Jimin, bastard would've picked a different person to harass. Jimin is ok now. We got there in time", Jungkook says as he strokes the other's soft brown hair, soothing him with a kiss on the head.
"But what if...what if we had gotten there a moment later? Jimin would've.... And i..... I would blame myself forever. I almost didn't even pick up his call. What kind of best friend does that?", Jungkook pulls away slightly and cups Taehyung's face in his hands delicately. He looks at him in the eyes as he wipes his tears away.
"No. stop blaming yourself. Jimin is ok. You're ok. Stop taking everything on yourself. Stop letting what happen to Mitsy, and Jimin make you feel like you have to keep beating yourself up like this. They wouldn't want you to be like this. You deserve to be loved Kim Taehyung. Do you understand me? You need to love yourself and forgive yourself. Stop hiding and just be honest with those you care about" Jungkook strokes Taehyung cheeks, as he looks at him for an answer.
Taehyung tears were still silently falling but he nods as he felt Jungkook kisses him on the forehead softly. He then kisses him again on both eyes, his nose, then the corner of his mouth. He lingers there, unsure if he was allowed to kiss him on the lips, until Taehyung himself kisses him, and lets their lips stay like that a moment longer before pulling away.
"Thank you, Jungkookie. For tonight.... For everything. You should probably go home. Just take my car. You can return it to me tomorrow at work. I'll.....probably be late", Taehyung says giving him a small smile.
"That's not really something new," Jungkook teased.
He looked at Taehyung and slowly grabs the keys on the counter, "Are you sure about the car? I can always get a taxi".
"I'm sure. Please be safe. I'll see you tomorrow.... Jeon", Taehyung takes him by the hand and walks him to the door. They held on to each other's hands, almost not wanting to let go but eventually Jungkook gave the older a reassuring smile and left.
The next morning Taehyung woke up on the sofa to find two large suitcases sitting at the front door and Jimin holding a glass of whisky in his hands. He was deep in thought, sitting at the breakfast counter waiting for Taehyung to wake up.
Taehyung slowly got up and walks over to Jimin and pours himself a glass of water instead. They looked at each other silently, unsure of who was suppose to speak first. Taehyung knew that there is a change now in their relationship, and he was afraid to find out what kind of change it was.
Jimin clears his throat, "I um.... I thought it was time to leave".
Jimin looked down at his glass as the ice slowly melts and breaks apart.
"Jimin, you looked for a place like this for months and you decorated it yourself.... I should leave....."
"No. please. I can't stay here. This place. When we got this place together..... I thought it was going to be a place where we'd eventually raise a family together. This place was where I saw that kind of future for us...", Jimin smiled bitterly.
"Jimin... please. I'm sorry"
"There's nothing to be sorry about Taehyung. It wasn't you. You tried to tell me to move on but I.....I'm a hopeless.... Hopeless romantic and an idiot. I was so consumed by those thoughts that I..... I became someone I don't even know anymore...."
"No.... I should have never indulged those thoughts. I would be lying if I said I never thought about us in that way. I just.... I just..."
"You just weren't in love with me anymore. Not after Mitsy anyways. You knew that, and deep down I knew that too. I just dreamed that one day you would. I guess I'm a fool just like Yoongi. We're all fools", Jimin drank the rest of the whisky in one go and placed the glass cup back down. The glass hitting the marble counter top sounded heavy and over baring just as the tension that was between the two friends.
"Jimin I will always love you. You have to know that. I just want you to be ok. I want you to be happy and Yoongi..... Yoongi can make you happy" Taehyung sighs as he sees his best friend's eyes tearing up.
"And I will always.... Always love you too Taehyung. I don't know if it can ever be just as friends, but you will always be my one and only soul mate. And I will be ok..... one day. I'm going to call Yoongi after I leave, I decided that I need time to myself to figure it all out alone. If he can wait for me....then we can try again once I get back. I'm going to go to Paris to teach dance at a performing arts school there. I think it'll be good for me to ..... be away".
Taehyung shifted in his spot, now feeling like he needed a real drink.
"Jimin..... are we..... will we still be friends?"
Jimin looks up at the boy who owned every piece of his heart, and a small yet sad smile shown on his delicate face.
"Of course. What is Park Jimin without a Kim Taehyung? And how will you live without me....? You know you can't. right?", tears were now on both of their faces as are bitter sweet smiles.
"Right. I wouldn't be who I am without you Park Jimin. Please don't be away too long. I hope you find whatever it is that makes you happy again Jimin"
"And I hope that you, Kim Taehyung.... Learns to let the past go as well. I hope you learn to love again and that the person who can help you do so.... I hope he gives you all that you need", the two walks over to each other and pulls themselves into a tight embrace. Jimin pulls away and plants a kiss on Taehyung cheeks.
He smiles at Taehyung dazed look and walks towards his two suitcases waiting for him by the door.
"I'll have my younger brother come by and collect the rest of my stuff later. You don't have to worry about packing it up for me. I'll miss you bestie. I hope the next time we see each other..... we'll both be happy in our lives, yes?"
Taehyung smiles at his friend one last time, "Yes. I'll miss you until then. I love you.... Jimin".
"I love you too.... Tae", and with that Jimin takes his things and turns away to leave. It was hard on both of them, not knowing if things will truly turn out for the better in the end, but this was bound to happen. Taehyung felt a pang of hurt grew deeper the further Jimin walked on, he wanted his friend to find a new and happy life but saying good bye was never easy.
When Taehyung reached work that morning he found Jeon Jungkook was at his desk working diligently, not even noticing Taehyung walking past him. As he entered his office he sees a paper bag and a cup of coffee on his desk. There was a small note that was held down by his car keys.
*Note reads*
[Hey, I got you a banana muffin and a cup of coffee. I know you probably didn't sleep much last night and probably rushed to work with nothing in your stomach. I hope this helps. P.S. I know what you're thinking, 'wow he's so sweet, I should totally give him a chance'. And you're absolutely right. Let me know when you're free? ;) – boyfriend material.]
Taehyung laughs to himself as he looks out his office window to see the boy staring back at him intently with a smirk. Taehyung rolls his eyes and sits down to try to do some work, but still.... He couldn't help but look up to catch a glimpse of the younger boy who keeps making goo goo eyes at him. He doesn't know why he does it, but he reaches for his phone and text him.
Ya. Jeon. You know people offered me gifts like jewels or Gucci when asking me on a date right? What do you have in mind anyways?
Oh. But did those dates work out though? Also... It's a secret where im taking you.... You'll just have to see. That is.... IF you say yes ;)
Hmmmmm...... I don't know...... I don't really like surprises.
If you don't have a good time with me.... Then I swear, I'll never bother you again about why pineapples on pizza is a sin.
=.= ..... really tho? I thought it would be more on the lines of you giving up on asking me out.
Look. Jeon Jungkook isn't about to give up when the grand prize is so close right in front of him.
Right. And what is this Grand prize pretty boy?
You ask me to be your Boyfriend. {;
Wow. Is that the confidence you or the delusional you speaking? But fine. I'll bite. Pick me up this Sunday at 12pm.
"YESSS!!!!", Taehyung looked up through his window to see Jungkook yelling out with joy until he got embarrassed by everyone laughing at him. Taehyung himself couldn't help but laugh, and the thought of going out on an official date with Jungkook already has him feeling like his life was starting to move along once again.
Sunday came, and Taehyung didn't know exactly what to wear. When he asked the younger what should he be expecting, all he got back was just dress casual and comfortable. Taehyung didn't have casual and comfortable, everything he owned was extravagant and one of a kind. He threw everything he didn't like on the floor of his walk-in closet in frustration. Never in his life did he have to go through something as hard as picking out an outfit for a date. He couldn't understand why he was so nervous and worried about a date that he didn't even think would ever happen. After all, Jungkook was cute and hot yes, but he also had an innocent and pure aura to him. Taehyung was always drawn to the bad type, the ones that makes you want to get in trouble. Jimin was like that, Mitsy was also a wild one also, always breaking the rules and all of his past flings were versions of the similar. But here he was, about to date this boy who thinks he's experienced but Tae knows he's still just a baby. Taehyung finally decides on a loose cream colored sweater that slightly falls off his shoulders and some loose slacks with slip on Gucci slides. He ruffled his wavy hair just lightly, trying to make it look effortless as possible. This was as casual as Kim Taehyung could get, and it made him giggle a little bit knowing Jungkook was probably in joggers, an oversized shirt and a bucket hat. He then received a text from Jungkook saying he was outside, so Taehyung grabbed his bag and rushed through the door.
When he got outside Jungkook was just standing there with the exact outfit Taehyung had predicted while holding a backpack and what looks like a picnic basket. Taehyung looked around a bit confused, seeing how there was no car at all.
"Hey Tae! Oh god it feels good calling you Tae outside of work. You ready?", Jungkook says as he waddles up to the older showing his big baby boy grin.
"Um.... Guk. How did you get here? And how are we getting to where ever you're thinking of taking me?"
"I took a bus here. I'm just a new Junior designer Tae, I can't even afford a luxury apartment with parking space, let alone an actual car. Besides, I think its good for you to be out and about. When was the last time you took public transit?"
"umm...... college?", Taehyung gave the younger a little bit of uncertainty look. He remembers the train being packed and having to give up his seat for elders when it was too crowded. He remembered having to rush here and there just so you don't miss your stop. And worse of all..... all the stairs. Jungkook chuckles as he sees Tae's dreaded facial expressions.
"Come on princess, its not that bad. I know you'll enjoy it once we hope on the train"
"I have a car you know. We can always-
"NOPE! Come on! I see how you live. It's boring just living so fancy and comfortably. My plan is to take you on a mundane kind of a date. One that you probably haven't had one in a long time".
Taehyung still looked skeptical but slowly nods, earning a cute smile from the younger. He holds his hand out, gesturing for Taehyung to take it.
"what?", Taehyung said still clueless about why Jungkook want to hold hands.
"It's a date Tae. And on MY kind of date, we hold hands. Come on. I promise my hand isn't that sweaty", Jungkook teased as Taehyung sighs and grabs the boy's hand. Jungkook gripped on to Tae's slimmer hand and held it with care, making sure to interlock the fingers. Taehyung surprisingly like how it felt, holding Jungkook's warm hands and having him lead the way. He was telling Taehyung how they were going to go have a picnic at the park, near a lake and then go to a local art market that just opened up. He would pull Taehyung's hand up and down every time he was describing something or got excited over about how much Taehyung was going to love it. It made Taehyung feel warm all over, basking in Jungkook's light. He made Taehyung feel like all these things were going to be an adventure, even though this wasn't as extravagant as other dates that he has been on. Taehyung tighten his hold on the younger's hand as they continued on to the subway.
As soon as they got off at their stop, the sunny sky disappeared behind grey clouds. Rain started pouring down and everyone was running for cover. Without saying a word, Jungkook grabs hold of Taehyung's now cold hands and ran to a picnic table with a sheltered roof. After putting the stuff down, Jungkook looks over to Taehyung to realize he was shaking from the rain.
Jungkook quickly takes out the big table cloth he was going to use for the grass and puts it around Taehyung instead.
"I'm sorry. Its not a blanket but at least it'll keep you a little warm. I feel so bad, the weather guy never said anything about rain. If I knew.... I would have taken you somewhere indoors", Jungkook furrows his brows and tries to dry Taehyung's hair with a small clean towel he had in his backpack for when he'd go to the gym.
"Its ok. Its Seoul, the weather is always off. Also I'm not that wet from the rain, its just the wind makes it a bit more chilly. At least we found this picnic table with a sheltered roof".
Jungkook still looked upset that the date he had planned for Taehyung was ruined. Still he tried to make the best of it by spreading out napkins in place of the picnic cloth and spread out the meal he prepared himself. There was kimbap, rice cakes and fish cakes, and fruits cut into heart shapes. He pulled out two thermals, one with hot tea and the other cold juice.
Taehyung looked at everything with wide eyes, how meticulous everything looked. It was all so colorful and beautifully arranged, he could tell Jungkook had put a lot of effort into.
"I didn't know if you'd want tea or juice, so I brought both, but considering how cold you are, how about I pour you some hot tea?", Jungkook looked up at Taehyung with a shy smile after seeing his reaction.
Taehyung nodded as he sat down on the bench and observed the younger's nervous hands as he pours him the drink. Jungkook sneezes and that's when Taehyung realized he must be cold himself.
"Guk-ah, why don't- why don't you just sit down next to me? We can share the picnic cloth. I know you must be cold too".
Jungkook was hesitant at first but this was a chance to be close with Taehyung so he wasn't going to refuse. He huddled up next to the older and Taehyung wraps the cloth around him. Taehyung was shocked at how freezing Jungkook skin felt against his.
"You idiot, if you were cold, you should have said something. Look at you, your hands are ice cold. Pour yourself some hot tea now!", Taehyung says as he was touching Jungkook all over, trying to warm him up.
Jungkook smiles brightly and instead of pouring himself a drink he took out a plate and started putting food on it for Taehyung instead.
"Look, I worked hard on this meal to impress you. So I want to see your facial reaction before anything else. Besides, its just the cold. I'll live".
"Jungkook...... You idiot, im already impressed. This whole meal looks like a work of art itself. No one has ever put this much thought into making me a meal before. I'm super touched ok?" Taehyung gives him a little playful slap on the chest.
"Whatever. I bet your mother made you better meals", Jungkook says giggling at the Taehyung's cute actions.
Taehyung paused as he shifted a bit in his seat, and no longer smiling.
"My parents got divorced when I was pretty young. I lived with my dad because my mom wanted to start a new family with her new husband. My dad remarried too, but I was never close with his new wife. She had her own kids from another marriage so.... Yeah. I mean my dad loves me but he was always busy working and running his company. And my mother, well she calls me once a blue moon. She also has her other kids to care for. I mean, its whatever but yeah.... Besides the maids who took care of me growing up, you're the first to ever really made me this kind of meal. Jimin can't cook to save a life, and well.... With Mitsy.... I cooked for her. Well, at least I tried too. I'm not very good", Taehyung tries to laugh at the end but Jungkook knew that it took a lot for him to tell Jungkook all that.
"Well in that case, I'll cook for you every day. I'll make sure every day you get a home cooked meal, so you know there's always someone thinking about you. My mom..... she always did that for me and my older brother Namjoon even though she was always working day and night. Our father .....passed away when I was pretty young. He had a heart disease, and because we were poor, my parents delayed getting him the right treatment. So my mom had to take up three jobs, while my older brother basically raised us both because my dad had gotten so sick. He would try to work but it put a toll on his body. When he passed away, it was really hard for a very long time after. My brother had to work part time as well, while going to school and looking after me. But you see, my brother is a genius at music. Pretty soon he was picked up by a company after sending out so many of his home-made tracks. He signed to a label when he was only in high school to become a producer. After making it big in the music world behind the scenes, he started making pretty good money. So, he would send most of it home to us, and that's when we started living a bit more comfortably. My mom doesn't even have to work anymore. Only thing is, Namjoon hyung is now in America working so... I don't really get to see him much. He wants to send me money, so I can be better off in the city, but I refused. I saw how hard my mother worked and then my brother. I wanted to build my future with my own two hands like they did. Ahhhh sorry, I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I just keep rambling and once I start.....", Jungkook chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment.
Taehyung then grabs his hands and squeezes it.
"No. I love hearing more about you. It seems like I keep unloading all of my issues and life story onto you, but I have no idea at all about your life or struggles. I wish I was brave as you are about doing everything yourself. Though I slightly resented my parents for being selfish on how they raised me, I still depended on their money to get me through school and the first few years of my adult life. I think the only time I tried working in college was to purchase that wedding ring for.... Well you who. Anyways.... I still use their connection sometimes for certain things as well to this day. You, Jungkook are much more admirable than I could ever be".
"NO! don't say that, you're so very talented. You're designs can be seen all over the city and your campaign ideas are always so driven. All of your ideas push out of the box thinking and innovations. I mean. You're amazing. My favorite pass time is reading through your old drafts, and trashed ideas. Even though they never were approved... just seeing your detailed notes about why something worked or didn't.... I mean I can see how hard you are on yourself Tae.....Please know that you don't have to be like that. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're allowed to make mistakes, and to me at least, you truly are amazing", Jungkook was speaking so fast and passionately that he didn't noticed how close he had moved into Taehyungs space. Their lips were inches apart and it made Taehyung's heart flutter.
Taehyung could feel the heat rise in his cheeks as Jungkook had unknowingly placed a hand on Tae's thigh and squeezed it every time he was making a point about how great Taehyung was. He never wanted to be kiss by someone so bad as he did right in this very moment. Jungkook who seems to finally notice how red Taehyung was looking, realized where his hands were and how close he'd gotten to the other. He liked how Taehyung's thighs felt in his hands, and slowly moved them up closer to the inner thighs but then pulled away once he heard Taehyung take breath in. Jungkook felt heat on his own cheeks and pretended like he was picking a piece of lint off of Taehyung's pants.
"umm... Thanks Guk. It means a lot to me that you said all that", Taehyung got shy as he played with the ends of his hair. Jungkook reaches over a brushes one strand of hair that was out of place because of them running earlier from the rain. Taehyung could smell the boy's clean smell mixed with the rain as he inches closer, hovering over him. Taehyung swallows his spit as Jungkook's neck was super close to his face while still trying to fix his hair.
"Guk.... Its ok. You-you don't have to-
"No, I almost got it. I know how you like to look pretty so... I mean you already do but-
Jungkook froze as he could feel Taehyungs warm breath on his neck. He mentally kicks himself for getting too comfortable again and setting himself up in these kinds of situations. He wanted to take things slow with Taehyung. One, because it wasn't good for his heart when Taehyung was this vulnerable looking, and two because he wanted Taehyung to trust that he wasn't just some young co-worker with a crush. Jungkook moves away but he could have sworn he saw disappointment in Taehyungs eyes.
"I got it. You look perfect as usual Tae".
"Thanks Kookie. Um... well tell me more, about you. You never mentioned a past girlfriend or boyfriend. You know all about mines....so tell me, was there ever someone who made you as flustered as I do?" Taehyung tries to take back the upper hand as he teased Jungkook. He scooted in closer again and made sure their legs were against each other. Jungkook notices the other's attempt but he just smiles and pretend not to notice.
"hmmmm well honestly. No. I mean, I've dated here and there. I realized pretty early on that I liked boys, so I've never been with a girl. Although some has tried. The few guys that I did date.... Well they were nice, but it just never got serious for me. I've always been the person to know what I want, and they were never it. You're the first person that made me want to put this much effort into".
Taehyung looked at him with a raised brow after hearing his confession.
"So you're telling me..... Jeon Jungkook, the sweetest boy in my office can do alllllll this for me but hasn't done it for ANYYYYBODY else?"
Jungkook rested his chin on one hand and nodded, still smiling sweetly at Taehyung.
"So what about ME that got you so worked up Guk-ah? Hm?"
"Well for one thing, and it's the most obvious one. Your smile. Second thing is, even though you act tough and like you don't care... I know for a fact that you do. You're the kindest person I know. I mean, I can sit here all day listing things, but its just everything about you Taehyungie. Everything about you makes me feel like nothing ever before and I just..... want... ", Jungkook unconsciously had moved super close to Taehyung's mouth. His eyes were on the other's soft pink lips as he could almost taste the strawberry lip-bomb sent that was still there. Taehyung made the first move as he leans forward and pressed his lips on Jungkook's own. Their lips lingered there until Jungkook moves his lip, peppering the kisses in between small breaths of air. He could taste the sweetness coming from Taehyung's mouth and soon their tongues found each other. The kiss was slow and sweet, nothing like Taehyung had before. This was even sweeter than the kiss the had the night prior. Jungkook didn't rush it, he caressed Taehyungs face and kissed him a bit longer before pulling away and resting his forehead on Taehyung's forehead.
Taehyung holds the hand the that was still caressing his face and couldn't stop smiling.
"wow. Not so bad Jeon"
"hmmm.... I didn't want to rush into us, but....... I can't resist when it comes to you Taehyung. I..... I really like you", Jungkook closes his eyes, not wanting to see Taehyung's reaction.
Taehyung laughs, not giving him a replay, but tries to move on from the statement that needed an answer to.
"So, it looks like it stopped raining, lets finish our meal and go to that art place you were going to take me".
It hurt a bit that Taehyung played off Jungkook's confession, but at the same time Jungkook thought at least it wasn't a rejection. Their kiss kept lingering in Jungkook's thoughts for the rest of the day.
Jungkook was happy that Taehyung loved the artist ally/ market place that just opened up. He was even able to buy Taehyung some hand-crafted jewelry as a gift for going on the date with him. When they would walk close to each other, sometimes their hands would brush past each other and Jungkook wanted to reach out and continued to hold hands like earlier that morning.
But after his confession, Jungkook didn't feel as confident as he did before, not know how the other actually felt. Taehyung notices this and felt bad, so by the time that Jungkook took Taehyung to the last surprise location, he reached out and held his hand as they were riding the bus. This made Jungkook happy again, as he went on talking about how much Taehyung would love where he was taking him.
Jungkook had taken Taehyung to an observatory. This was something Taehyung had never done before, even though it was something he always wanted to try.
"I used to do this a lot with Namjoon hyung. It was the one place we would go to, to remind ourselves of how big the universe is. That possibilities are all out there, scattered like stars. I know its cheesy, but you know, those possibilities are just waiting for you to take it. I think... us being together could be one great possibility.... It could be the one, do you know what I mean?", Jungkook reaches out his hand to Taehyung as he pulls him over to look into the telescope. Taehyung again didn't answer, but he let the boy show him how to look at the sky, and introduce to him to all the constellations that was visible to them that night.
Taehyung was taken back by how beautiful the stars was shining and glistening. Being in Seoul, it was hard to see stars at night because of all the busy city lights. But this was spectacular, seeing the night sky like this, and being there with Jungkook. Taehyung then feels Jungkook wrapping his arms around his waist from behind him and resting his chin on Taehyung's shoulders. He snuggled up to nap of Taehyung's neck and breath in gently, sending shivers down Taehyung's spin.
"Gukie.... "
"You've been avoiding all of my confessions all day and that's ok. We can take it slow as you need. But can we please just stay like this a bit longer?"
Taehyung smiled to himself and nodded gently as Jungkook pulls him in even closer. They stayed like that a while longer and said nothing at all until it was time to leave.
When it was time to go home, Taehyung insisted on going alone to save Jungkook on time, but he wasn't having it. Jungkook got them a cab and throughout the ride back to Taehyung's apartment, Jungkook had a wide bunny smile on his face. When they got there, Jungkook asked the taxi driver to wait just a moment as he walked Taehyung to the door.
"Jungkook, I had a really good time today. Thank you". Taehyung bit his lips as he realized he didn't want Jungkook to leave just yet.
"Thank you for agreeing to come with me today, even if it wasn't to your usual five stars fusion restaurant".
"Well, I'm actually glad it wasn't the usual", Taehyung leaned forward and gave Jungkook a kiss on the cheek, "good night Guk-ah, I'll see you at work tomorrow".
Jungkook was in bit of a shock but then he shook it off and ignoring his burning red face as he back hugged Taehyung again as he was turning to leave.
"Remember to take some cold meds before you go to bed, you might catch a cold from this morning otherwise. I'll see you Tae", Jungkook kissed the back of Taehyung's head and rushed away to leave, already feeling flustered by his own actions. Taehyung felt giddy like a happy school girl and went inside his own apartment. He's never been this happy about anyone before that night, Taehyung drifted to sleep with Jeon Jungkook in his dreams.
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