First Day
Hi all. :) so i wrote like 5 different stories and this one was the only one i felt like completing. I'm not going to lie, i rushed it a bit at the end but still tried to make it 'make sense' as much as possible. I really didn't know where i was going with it, as i usually have things planned out ahead. So this was new to me. lol
I tried to go back and do some editing but i didn't try too hard. So for give me if you catch any errors or typos. I apologize in advance. I actually do like how this story turned out, so i hope you enjoy. :)
The sound of a high pitch alarm woke Jungkook up to his first day as an adult. With his eyes still shut, he searches for his phone somewhere on his bare bed. He just moved into a small apartment in Seoul, so he hasn't had the time to actually put things away or furnish the place for that matter. Getting his portfolio ready and winning a job interview was priority for Jungkook. So, it came to a great relief when he got the call about getting the position of Junior designer at Creative Minds Design firm.
Once he went in to sign the contract, he immediately told his family in Busan and then found a reasonably priced apartment he could afford, which if he was to be honest, wasn't much. He quickly got out of bed and went on with his morning routine.
He looked in his closet for something first day appropriate, but since he owned majority black, and casual type fits, it was like finding a needle in a hay stack.
'ugh.... Why didn't I invest in some nice work clothes', he thought.
He found a light-yellow button up that Namjoon got for him one birthday and decided to pair it with some nice black jeans and boots. He tucks the shirt in as he brushes his hair back with one hand and checks himself out in the mirror.
'You'll be fine Jeon Jungkook. You can do this', he gives himself a little pep talk as he grabs his bag and makes sure all-important things were inside. He was early, like an hour early but being late wasn't in his character. Once again, he takes a deep breath and walks out the door.
Kim Taehyung gets to work when he feels like it. It's one of the perks of being Creative Director/ Senior Designer at his work place. He was one of the youngest and hottest up and coming talent and he knows any company would be lucky to have him on board. It just so happens that his boss, who happens to be a good friend of his owns the company he currently works for.
*Phone Text Convo*
Hobi Hyung (BossMan)
-You're late..... again.
-You could always fire me.
Hobi Hyung (BossMan)
-Trust me. I thought about it. But you're in like 5 projects deep and I'm about to go on vacation, so I need you to handle everything while I'm away.
-WOW. Expect my resign letter on your desk by next Monday.
Hobi Hyung (BossMan)
-I'm telling Jimin.
Hobi Hyung (BossMan)
-Bitch you better do better. Now stop by and get me a churro on your way to work and all can be forgiven.
-Good thing I already got you one J. Be there in like 5 min.
Hobi Hyung (BossMan)
-Alright I guess that means an hour later. Also remember you have a new underling to train. BE NICE. DON'T FIRE HIM ON THE FIRST DAY.
-No promises. Lol
When Jungkook got to the front desk, he was directed the third floor. There he was shown to his new work space, a small cubical with a little welcome note from his new boss, which he hasn't even met yet. Seeing how the boss here seems to care that much even for a new employee, made Jungkook feel a little bit more at ease. Everyone seemed really nice and started introducing themselves and making small talk with him. Even considering all the hustle and bustling around as everyone was trying to meet their deadline, he appreciated the warm welcome that people were giving him. He was suppose to be waiting for the senior designer to come talk to him, and show him around, but after an hour and a half had passed he wondered if he was for gotten. Two cups of coffee later, he decided to ask the girl next to him, Jin.
"Hey umm... sorry to bother you but.... is Mr.Kim even in today?"
His eyes was still glued to the edit she was working on but she snickered and said, "Oh sweetie..... He'll be here. He's usually late so.... You might be waiting a while. Also, fair warning, don't get distracted when you first meet him. Don't even think about it. Just know it ain't gonna end well if you fall for it".
At this point Jungkook was confused, fall for what? What was this warning all about? Jin glanced at Jungkook's confused face so he answered, "You'll know what I mean when you see him. He has this effect on everyone. But he also doesn't take anything seriously so... if he comes on to you, just know that it'll probably be a fling or a one-night deal. I'm warning you because.... You look like his type".
Jungkook raises an eyebrow, "His type? And what is that exactly?"
"Oh I don't know.... Doe eye, sweet yet manly looking. Don't get me wrong, he swings both ways but.... I've seen little newbies like you come in here all the time, and some fall for it and within a few months either quits or is still drooling over him. Like Bogum over there. The idiot still thinks there was something between them".
"Wait so people actually quit because of him?"
"Well its either that, or you suck and he fires you. He has high standards for us all here. He expects everyone to do better than their best and meet deadlines. He may be late to work all the time but with project's deadline he is always ahead of schedule and expects the same from all of us. That damn slave driver", Jin says rolling his eyes.
Just then they both heard a 'AHEM' behind them.
"Talking bad about me again Jin hyung? To the new guy? You're breaking my heart you know", it was the man himself, standing there with a pout on his face.
Jin playfully rolls his eyes, "I just wanna spare the new kid any trauma that you're known to inflict on all of us. Did you bring donuts for us today?"
Taehyung grins playfully, "Of course......but its only for the underlings that don't insult me behind my back hyung".
"Well, you love me for it.....besides, hate to break it to ya but all of your underlings talks behind your back, we still love and adore you though", Jin says batting his eyelashes.
Taehyung jokingly hits him on the shoulder and giggles. The whole time this exchange was going on, Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes. He finally understands what Jonna warning was all about. This man was oozing with charm. From his ever-changing facial expressions, to his attractive demeanor, it was hard not to notice and want to be noticed by this man.
Taehyung finally shifted his attention to Jungkook and flashes him a boxy smile and held his hand out.
"You must be the fresh meat, I'll be your lord and savior from now on. It's nice to meet you. Sorry for being so late, but it's kind of a bad habit of mine. You can ask me any questions while I show you around. You ready?"
Jungkook was still in such a daze that it wasn't until Taehyung gave him a questioning look and did a small tilt with his head that it literally melted Jungkook even more. Causing him to swing his arm over the desk clumsily and knocking over the cup of coffee all over his shirt.
Jungkook was in a panic trying to find anything to clean up the mess, grabbing random sheets of paper, trying to dab away his coffee stained shirt and feeling the heat rise up in his cheeks. He hears a ring of laughter coming from the other that it brought him out of his embarrassing accident. 'god, even his laugh is attractive. How?' Jungkook thought.
He looks up to see Taehyung laughing and Jin shaking his head chuckling. Everyone in the office seem to know the feeling Jungkook was going through and gave him a sympathetic smile.
"Oh honey, why are you so flustered? You don't have a little office crush on little ole me already do you?", Taehyung says as he tries to hold back more giggles
Being called honey made Jungkook red face felt even hotter, if it was even possible.
"N-no....i just.... It was just an honest accident. It has nothing to do with you", Jungkook lied as he furrows his brows.
Taehyung gave him a curious look and stops laughing.
"hmm... ok. It was only meant as a joke. Come on, I'll find you a different shirt to change into. I always have extra clothes in my office".
"N-no....I'm ok. You can just show me around.....sir", no matter how attractive the man before him was, Jungkook wasn't about to be made a fool of. His pride was too strong for that.
"Well, we have a dress code policy, which is clean and presentable. Doesn't matter what you wear, but it matters how put together you look. And right now, a giant coffee stain on your shirt doesn't look very presentable. If I was to send you home right now, I wouldn't allow you back....so whats it gonna be? Let me help you or get on my bad side the first day of work?"
Whatever cheerfulness and jokes that was there is now out of the window. This Kim Taehyung turned serious and authoritative like a switch and Jungkook would be lying if he didn't feel a bit intimidated.
"I'll take the shirt.....sir, thanks for the offer".
And just like that Taehyung was smiling again, "Good. And please. Call me Hyung. Sir just sounds so stuffy and not friendly at all. I like to feel close to everyone in my department".
Jungkook nodded as Taehyung lead the way to his office which wasn't far from his own cubical. It was parallel to his little corner, where he could peak inside the window if he wanted. Inside the office was all white and spacious but had modern art painting displayed here and there, kind of like a small exhibition. There was a small wardrobe lined up next to bookshelves against one side of the wall where Taehyung was rampaging through. Jungkook awkwardly stood there not knowing exactly what to say, but he continued to admire Taehyung's figure from the back. Noting how curvy the older looks even in loose slacks and a fitted button up.
Taehyung made a sound of eureka as he pulls out a black silk button up with somewhat of a see through back.
"Um no", Jungkook says immediately as Taehyung looked for his approval. The other gave him a little pout which almost made him change his mind until Taehyung pulled out another simple fitted black tshirt with a deep v-cut neck line.
"You're no fun, but I think this is the only thing I have that isn't too revealing for your more subdue taste", Taehyung let out a little sigh and handed Jungkook the shirt.
"Do I even want to know why you have so many revealing outfits in your work closet? Also... who has a work closet?"
"Well now... aren't you a bold one? Questioning your superior all these questions as if we're even the same age. If you must know, these are all gifts from...my best friend. I hide them here, so he doesn't make me wear them. He has a kink for that kind of thing".
"He sounds like a boyfriend", Jungkook said with a touch of disappointment in his voice.
Taehyung smirks catching the younger's tone, "hmmm..... well I don't have one of those but shall we get started on this tour? I'll step out of the office, so you can change-
Before Taehyung could finish, Jungkook was already unbuttoning his shirt and stripping. He did it so casually that it took Taehyung by surprise.
"We're both guys.... Why do you have to step out?" Jungkook says with an innocent smile. Taehyung eyes him up and down, taking in the other's honey smooth skin and defined body.
Taehyung licks his lips as his eyes traces the v on Jungkook's hip all the way to the slight bugle that is shown through the tight jeans. As Jungkook slips the black shirt on, the cut in the shirt was low enough to show Jungkook's sculpted chest and collar bone.
Taehyung broke away from his thoughts as Jungkook looks up at him again with innocent doe eyes, "Ready?"
"Um... yea... lets go", Taehyung says as he tries to not think dirty thoughts about the new employee during the whole tour.
When Taehyung got home that night, he quickly tossed everything on the floor and landed himself on the sofa. He laid there just thinking about the new hot piece of ass that is Jeon Jungkook. The kid was different from all the new faces he's seen. Yes, the boy is obviously swooning over Taehyung, even though he's trying his best to not show it. It was refreshing to see someone young and cute as Jeon Jungkook who doesn't take shit from Taehyung for once.
The whole day, every time Taehyung would flirt or tease him, he would either come back with a smart remark or is too oblivious to catch on which is super adorable. And when Taehyung first assigned him a small project to work on, he was serious as ever, putting all his concentration on the task. Unlike the other new comers who would either try to kiss Taehyungs ass or is too dependent on others for guidance.
Just as Taehyung's mind was filled with Jungkook, Jimin steps out of the living room. He obviously just showered with his hair still wet and only a towel covering his lower half. They both look at each other and smiles, Jimin quickly runs over and hops on Taehyung lap, straddling him.
"I'm back. Did you miss your soulmate?"
Taehyung bops him on the nose, "why didn't you tell me you were back? I could have left work early to come pick you up at the airport and taken you out some where".
"hmmmm I know that you would, but Hobi hyung told me how you've been super late to work again since I've been out of town", Jimin says stroking through Taehyungs hair.
"That's your fault. You left me. You know you're the only one who can wake me up Jimin-ee", Taehyung looks at his best friend with nothing but adoration.
This was their relationship. It was complicated. They were best friends, but it would be a lie if they both weren't attracted to each other. Taehyung knows deep down this is all wrong. Jimin has a boyfriend, a long distance one but nonetheless a boyfriend. Taehyung doesn't really do relationships, but every time Jimin invites his boyfriend over on one of his visits to Seoul, Taehyung does this thing where he brings back a one-night stand just to prove a point. He knows Jimin doesn't like it. They both get jealous when the other is with someone else. But at the same time, they can't commit to one another, at least not on Taehyung's side anyways.
Taehyung could feel Jimin's warm breath drawing in closer as both lips were inches away. Jimin starts by brushing his soft lips across his friend's wet ones, then sucking on the bottom, biting it gently. This draws out a low groan from Taehyung as he feels Jimin starts to slowly rocks his hips back and forth, grinding on his clothe dick. Taehyung grabs Jimin's ass and pulls him in closer as their kiss starts to deepen and tongue starts to fight for dominance. Jimin grabs hold of the Taehyung soft brown hair and yanks his head softly to the side, giving Jimin more access as he trails kisses and soft purple marks down Taehyungs neck earning him moans of approval.
"Jimin-ah....mmmm I missed you"
"I .....ahhh.. do...mm.. too.. Taehyungie", Jimin says through small breaths.
Taehyung could feel the other's dick grow harder, laying on top of his own aroused bulge. He wanted so bad to flip Jimin over and fuck him, but there was line that he didn't want to cross. He couldn't, not again, so he slowly pushes Jimin away.
"I know....", Jimin says softly
"I'm sorry", Taehyungs pecks him on the cheeks one last time.
Jimin sighs as he slips off of Taehyung and walks back to his room, but before he left he looks at Taehyung again, "You know..... I think... I think Yoongi is going to ask me to marry him soon".
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