-2- the wizard
Thor's pov
"What do you mean you can't see her clear?" I ask Heimdall.
My brother and y/n stand behind me.
"I mean what I say, I can't see her very clear."
Loki steps forward. "Like... she could be from another universe?"
Heimdall thinks for a moment "yes, that could explain it."
"But enough about y/n, we have to go to midgard."
He opens the bïfrost and we walk in.
I take y/n's hand, she could fall out of the bïfrost and I don't want that.
When we're on midgard I look at Loki.
"Lead the way" I say.
Loki says nothing and starts walking.
I see that y/n walks to him and they start talking.
Your pov
"So... you're from another universe right?" I look up at Loki.
"Yeah" I awser.
"And.. they made.. movies.. about us?"
"Yeah" I say again.
"Then what do you know about us? I mean Thor and me."
"I know very much, and more, because there are movies about the futere I know what's gonna happen." I see that Loki looks interested.
"No, I don't know if you're gonna be king, don't ask it. And i'm saying nothing, if I do everything will change and that's not good."
"Let me be more specific, do you know most of my secrets? Because I don't like that idea."
Don't worry, I will not tell your secrets. I do not know anything but I will not tell what I dó know.
Loki looks at me "thanks you for saying that."
I look at him "if you tell secrets they are not secrets anymore."
It's quit for a moment.
"What's your weapon?" I hear.
"What?" I ask Loki.
"A weapon, or don't you have one"
"I don't have a weapon, except the dagger you gave me. In my world I dreamed of a bow and arrow and I had one, but i'm not good in it. Maybe I ám good in it in this universe."
"I think you are, you are the first person that ever teleported from universe to universe I know. I think that makes you special, maybe you have some powers too!" He says.
"Hmm... maybe, it would be cool if I had power."
"We'll see and... what happened?!"
I look where Loki looks at and a small smile comes on my face.
"This is the place where you brought Odin." I say.
Loki walks to Thor and says "I swear I left him right here."
"Here in the street of here in the building."
"How was I supposed to know this was going to happen?! I can't see the future, i'm not a witch"
I just HAVE to say it before Thor does.
"Oh no? Than why are you dressed like one?" I ask Loki
"Hey!" He says.
An orange line starts making circels around Loki's feet.
"Loki? Wh-what are you doing?!"
Asks Thor.
"This isn't me" Loki says.
Now he's gonna fall, I think.
I jump forward right at the moment the portal comes, I push Loki away from it and I fall in it myself.
I put my timer on 29 minutes so I can be prepared when I fall.
And I start falling.
Loki pov
She pushes me away and I fall backwards while I see her falling into a portal.
"Y/n!!" I yell.
But the portal is already gone.
I walk to the place where it was and I see a card. I pick it up.
I turn to Thor. "We háve to go to that adress, she may be there!"
Thor looks confused, he has never seen something like this before.
"Thor! We need to get her! She says she knows the future, that's very handy for us!"
Thor nods "okay"
And we start looking for the adress.
When we're there thor knocks on the door and... disappears?!
I knock on the door too, when nothing happens I go inside myself.
I walk around "Thor?! Are you there?!" Before I know it i'm on another place, with... Thor and... some kind of wizard?!
"What are you doing here? I let you fall into a portal." The wizard says
"Well, guess what? You didn't, someone else pushed me away and jumped in it" I tell him
"What?! Oh god" he days.
He makes an portal and y/n falls out it. She falls on the ground, stands up, mumbles "I thought I would be falling for 30 minutes.. not 17", walkes to the wizard and says "Doctor Stephen Strange, nice to meet you, i'm y/n"
The wizard, who's name is Stephen, shakes her hand confused.
"Doctor Strange's cloak, nice to meet you to."
And she shakes hand with the cloak?!
How can you shake hands with a cloak?!
"Well, can you bring us to Odin?" She asks.
"Uh, yes" says Strange.
And he makes a portal to a beautiful place.
We all step in to see Odin, standing by a cliff, looking at the see.
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