Chapter 7
He shouted at me as I sulked down even more my hair getting messy,"Why can't you act your age!" He shouted and everyone turned to face us,"Your nothing but a child in our family's eyes." I looked down, and narrowed them and looked up at him and titled my head in a intimidating way,"James shut the he'll up for once, were not in France, or Italy or even Herman! I don't care I came here to get away from all the rules of our family so you'll back of or you'll regret it!" I pointed at him and he grabbed my arm and pulled my outside,"James!" He slapped me,"Go home." I looked at hjm,"No." I walked back in and saw Damian he waved at me but I just ignored him and grabbed my pencil and sat down at the work area and began writing letters I set them to the side and handed them to the male man, I waved at Hamilton,"I need help with something." I explained to him my plan he looked shocked and nodded but I wasn't feeling all that great so he understood it and let me rest.
I woke up in a cold sweat with an ice pack on my forehead coughing I opened my eyes to see a doctor I sat up,"What happened?"
"Your awake." They pushed me down,"You've been in bed for three days." I was shocked I closed my eyes and flinched at an imaginary gun shot in the heart,"I still need to do something." I flipped my legs over the side of my bed and stood up,"Wowowow your not well enough." I shoved their arms,"Fuck that! I need to do something that's more important then my health!" I sat up and noticed my whole family,"I'll be fine," I watched them leave except for my one cousin who was very close and had a lover,"Ethan, how's your husband?" (He's gay 😁) he laughed,"Damian's great!" He said with his German accent,"That's nice," he helped me change and we left,"We need to go to the British side." He looked shocked,"Stay here if your so worried just don't tell anyone." I smiled and he frowned and left me to be I mounted my horse with everything I needed,"If I'm not back I'll be in good hands."
"Sure you will what if they kill you?"
"They won't!" I rode of for two days until I made it,"Hello mama can we help you." I pulled my hood of and smiled,"No I just need to talk to your general!" They looked shocked and helped me down they walked me in to their barracks,"So fancy."
"What you've never seen something like this?"
"Our barracks are simple, that's what I lie about it." I chipped my hands and was amazed,"The other side." He put his gun to my chest,"Yes. I mean no harm, I just wanna talk with my father again, it's hard pretending he's dead as m mother." They did this to protected me,"I understand."
"No your don't so shut your mouth." I said with cheerfulness,"What?" I walked up to my father and wrapped my arms around him,"I missed you!"
"So my little spy? Any new news?" I looked shock,"Well the family you gave me to is horrible, but the cousins still chat with me."
"No not that like where's the camp?"
"What? No I'm not betraying my friends and uncle." I placed my hands on my hips,"Oh I Tyler." He waved at a tall handsome man who was my lover but we weren't a thing,"(Y/n)!" He wrapped his arms around me,"I'm not gonna tell you." I shoved him,"I have a lover already! And I'm not gonna betray him!" Tyler was shocked,"But your my fiance!" He hugged me,"No I'm not! I love this man and your not fucking this up!" I looked st them all and left,"I will fight for what's right!" I shouted as I removed my saw to revel my blue uniform and my hair,"I am a renal!!" I shouted and I left,"I wish you were truly dead." I hushed and left as soon as I returned I was sad,"Lies allies he said? Tell me what there plans are he asked, were us there camp he begged! How dare he! He thought I'd betray them?" I shouted to myself as I walked back in,"Some father he is, wanting me to leave them and merry some man who hasn't talked to me for years? Wants me to be a general? Wanted me to kill my friend?" I raised my hands up and back down as I entered the bulging,"Wanting me to be a British soldier? Wanting me to were red? Like the blood that will spill on this field? Fancy clothing and weapons and tents? This is war not sum trip!" I stopped to see everyone whispering and then go quiet as I walked in."Wantinf me to capture someone be kill them." I mumbled to myself and looked up I was wearing a grey turtle neck with black leggings and shorts and boots,"Hwllo."
"Well if it isn't the traitor." Some men grabbed my arm I struggled in there grips,"What!"
"I'm sorry cousin." I looked up,"I trusted you! I told you I was gonna see my father again for the first time in a very long time!" He shook his head,"I would never betray you! Washington may be my uncle but he's the father I never had! I needed this war to prove I was more then some puppet!" The crossed my arms behind my back,"Let go!" I heard my friends voices,"I swear to god I'll-"
"You'll what cry for help." I cracked my neck as I turned it to face them with a creepy smile,"Or I'll brake your fucking arms." They looked fearful but straightened there backs as my uncle walked in,"What the bells happening?" He walked up to me,"Why are you holding her?"
"She's a traitor."
"No I told you I went to see my father, he thought I was his little spy, he brought an old friend into the. Saying lies that were like guns shots, every words was lie. I would never betray my uncle he raised me when my father was playing dead!" I struggled from there grip Washington motioned for them to let go I stuttered forward and rubbed my arms,"Thank you-" he grabbed my arm,"Oh my god!" He pulled me into the centre and pulled his gun out,"Probe your not lying!" He pulled the trigger and noticed he looted JT at some man I didn't know I jumped at him and talked them all down hurting my leg,"She say that comin-"
"Tie me to a post and burn me and I will manage to escape. Come out of a cave walking on my hands. I will do anything to prove my loyalty, I joined this war live or die. I will find a way to come back." A man threw a knife at me and I caught it between my finivers,"I am (Y/N) (L/N) daughter of Charles (L/N) and Niece of Goethe Washington one man of truth the other of lies." I let out a sigh as he parred my head,"That's gold." He laughed and nodded his head
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