Naruto (Leave her alone!)
The cold wind blew harshly as you, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were sent to deliver a scroll to the land hidden in the snow. Your nose glowed a faint colour of pink from the cold. A quiet rustle came from the bushes behind you and within an instant, your kunai knives left your fingers and were lodged in the foreheads of the intruders. A moment later, eight ninjas from the village hidden in the mist had you surrounded.
"Well shit!" Naruto stepped back as an idea popped in your head. Sasuke and Sakura stood, battle ready. "Shadow possession jutsu!" You had all the ninja captured under your movements. Sasuke sucked his teeth as you called Naruto's name. "Already on it!" Naruto called on a shadow clone justu and a pair of his clones appeared behind each ninja. "Ready?! Rasengan!" Each pair pushed a ball of chakra into each ninja. Muffled groans and unconcious bodies hitting the ground was all that could be heard. You released your jutsu and sighed. "That was close-" "And fucking reckless." Sasuke interrupted you and sent glares your way. And thats when he snapped. Nobody has never really seen Naruto lose his cool with his friends, but he did.
"Shut the fuck up Sasuke! You never have anything nice to say when it comes to her! What we did was flawless and you're sitting back all jealous!" Sakura's eyes widened in suprise as he shouted.
"You're mad aren't you? About what?! That she's stonger than you? That she can pull off more rounds of chidori than you and she didn't have to be taught?! Sasuke if she fucking wanted to she could put you and that shit sharingan to shame! " Naruto continued to rant until you grabbed his arm.
"Leave it be Naruto!" You sat Naruto down with a shove and Sasuke stood glaring at him. Sharingan blazing and breathing deeply as if he were ready to attack. Sakura held his hand trying to calm him but he snatched it away.
To be honest, everything Naruto said was true. Anything you did, Sasuke has always said something negative. It's not that you were looking for someone to come pat you on the back and say good job everytime you did something. But, the simple fact of that he chooses to say something rude except for saying nothing at all, irritates you. He talks so much shit to you that Sakura and Ino don't like you because Sasuke talks to you more than he talks to them.
Naruto grumbled and walked off in the direction of our destination and you followed right behind. The sun was setting and you all pitched tents.
"Listen (y/n). I dont want you near Sasuke. Ever. So you'll stay in the tent with me. Sakura snd Sasuke can work out where they'll sleep by themselves." A faint blush consumed your face . "O-okay.. sure." You didnt like Sasuke anyway. So not being around him, didnt bother you. You got your sleeping stuff ready before going into the tent and sitting beside Naruto. He was your best friend. You were really his only friend he had while in the academy and the same goes for you.
~Flash back~
You guys met one day while you were wondering through the streets of Konoha and Naruto was running away from Iruka-sensei. He bumped into you causing you both to fall and he helped you up.
"Heh sorry about that. " He rubbed the back of his head with a cute grin spread across his face.
"Im Naruto Uzumaki! I've always noticed you in class but I never really had the gut to greet you i guess. So who are you?" your eyes widened a little then you smiled.
"Im (y/n) (l/n)."
"Great! Lets go before iruka-sensei catches up." He grabbed your hand and took off running with you keeping up besides him.
You sat besides Naruto before he turned and rested his head in your lap, eyes closed. You looked down at him and took in his features.. The way his hair was sprawled across his forehead because his headband wasn't there.. the whisker like lines that marked his cheeks.. Without you really noticing, naruto had his eyes open and was staring at you, the same way you were staring at him. Then he kissed you.
Blush ate at your cheeks as you kissed him back. Naruto held you close, with one hand caressing you cheek. You both slowly pulled apart and he rested his forehead against yours.
"I love you, (y/n)..." your eyes widen and your heart skipped a beat. "I-I.. I love you too, Naruto." He then kissed you again, the kissed was filled with passion and a small hint of lust. You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck. Moments went by before you pulled away for air. "Lets get some rest, yeah?" Naruto asked as he stroked your hair. "Y-Yeah.." You both laid down and Naruto wrapped his arms around you as you nuzzled into his chest. Naruto kissed your head and soon you both fell asleep.
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