(Before prolouge)
Lastname: y/n
Alignment: lawfully good
Nickname: waste of space, useless, monster
Father: D/n [not forgiven]
Mother: m/n [forgiven after prolouge]
[forced into giving the abuse to y/n]
(After prolouge)
Name: y/n
Last name: pendragon
Age: 19
Species hybrid: direwolf faunus etc
Eyes: golden heterochromia , blind
Nickname: Father husband ,hunnybun, baby , healer , savior , mama's and seras lovers lil psycho , io , oracle , theresa, fortune teller, Jackie,angel ,Devil, BEAR , BEAST , MONSTER , ASURA , loki , goddess , radio demon
Autistic: asperger's syndrome , sensitive depressed numb emotionless
Occupation: childea or hyperion
Job: singer , musician, artist, wealthy , cop , swat , solder , spartan , odst , marine , unsc , hyperion, pandora atlas , hacker legend, deadsec
Power: stands , time stop , healing resurrection , destruction, legendary sayian , dovah rah , human martial arts , gojo's power , phantom lantern etc ,zombie horde , siren , conduit , all for one , ultimatrix, unlimited powers , gates of babylon , enkidu power , (assasin creed) jack ripper powers , assasin creed powers , jedi , sith , grey jedi , rinnengans , sharingans ,mangekyuus , all Kai, all devil fruits , heroic spirits powers abilities , asura's wrath , esper ,marionette, etc
Allies: US army , jostars etc , apothicons , Dr monty , shadow man , primis and ultimis crew
Weaknesses: none , to damn angry and enraged to die
Title: goddess of death/life/all creation , dimensional timelord, God of Destruction, tiamat , grandmaster , shirai ryu/lin kuei , mob boss , crimelord , o5 group-115, Queen of locusts/other species, Allmother
Inhumane strength: speed ,agility, strength , muscle , rage , super speed , super smash , immortal , goddess
Scp:20115 , object class: [redacted]
Description: don't anger or provoke or even aggravate scp 20115 under any sorcumstancess it will be aggravated or enraged to silence or shut up the instigator
Most powerful of all: BUZZ AXE RAMPAGE
(Actual biological parents)
Father: merlin pendragon
Mother: artoria pendragon
Uncle: gilgamesh ,hades , satan , true death , slanderman
Father figure: Scarlet king
Little sis: mordred
Friend: jaysen (JayWW3)
Adopted baby sis: Lilith (s/n)
Adopted siblings: kiba , asia
Adopted daughters: eri , kanna tiny Tina
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Loyal lovers: raynare,kalalwat, matlet, erina,exenovia , Sonia , sonia' peerage, Risel, risel's peerage , daisy Bunbun , yang, blake,Coco, coco's team, helltaker girls, commandments , diana, dcu girls, marvel girls , mk girls , lady death and goddess life isis , tyreen , terias odison , enchantress , ozma,evie frye , eve , ada , roma , salem , toga , akeno , toujou sisters , nora , Jane, pyrrha, ren , team crdna , ndgo, mha girls , deku twins, fatego) servants , emiya , hela , scps ,scp foundation , etc
Like: Loyal lovers, friends , biological family , daughters , friends food, pet dog Riley and max butch
Hates: so called "family" and "friends" "lovers" , almight
Bros: crdnl, sssn, mythical gods , other gods , mortal kombatanents , zues , God, League of doom , LoV pychos , calypso twins , calypso twins' parents , serzechs , ironwood, rias parents , ozpin , nezu , oobleck , Jacob frye , Adam, adam Father of humanity , mercury , Roman junior tyrian , League of villains, all for one , jnpr , mha bros , izuku deku midoriya
Harem: raynare kalalwarna , mittelt , exenovia , Sonia , sonia's peerage, artoria an merlin (incest wincest), izumi , izzu, izuki, Risel , risel's peerage etc
Quote insanity "nipple salads?... NIPPLE SALADS !!" "I'm the conductor of the poop train!" "mmm~... i see red~" "THE NONE PRETTY LADIES HURT THE LITTLE GIRL!.... SHE'S CALM AS A NIGHT SKY AN SLEEPING BABY BUT AFRAID OF THE PAIN OF STABBING BEHIND BACK !" "Must protect her from behind her from being hurt we agree to be whole again away from me from... MEAN LADIES!"
Quote sanity: "is she alive?.. did she get hurt?" "Are my lil precious angels okay recover girl and midnight?" "Dekus my lil angels?... are you guys alright?" "Alright jackie listen to me someone will get us and our lovers out of here.. of this damned hellhole then we can be normal person with them again before all this happend"
Causal clothing:
Main weapon:
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