| 30 - 10 | Track It Down |
"I really love this story, it's so bad*ss!" Kaminari announced in the broken room as Toshinori swallowed the uncomfortable about of laughs and blood that was trickling from his mouth.
"Indeed Young Kaminari." His attention faced the bubbly brunette who was huffing in accomplishment, a feral-looking smirk on her face as her parents grew pale with every passing second.
"Ahem, Young Uraraka, you should probably sit next to us in the meantime." He gestured to the short woman at his side who was struggling to contain her giggles, finding the situation just as amusing as him.
Leaning a bit, she looked to see who he was talking about, eyes practically beaming like a supercluster of stars as she hopped toward Inko.
'OMG!!!' Mina's hollowed sclera expanded as she shook Kirishima furiously against UA's therapist.
"She roasted him!!! She deep-fried him till there was no crust!! Ochaco you rock girl!"
"Hey Todoroki, we need ice over here... This room is getting way too hot." Sero huffed as Shoto looked at his right palm before he was quickly stopped by Midoriya and Iida.
'How dare she insult Master!!' Giant teeth slammed against one another as he glanced at his boss that was wiping the insult off as if it was a brown stain on a white suit.
'Yes... There must be a reason.'
The next morning, the green-haired boy opened his eyes and stretched his arms. And like any other normal person who was kidnapped and being held captive by the Symbol of Evil and a bunch of villains, he looked around to see the time on his All Might-themed alarm clock. But he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw nothing on the desk next to his bed.
"Does Mr. Deku miss All Might?" Eri asked as her eyes clenched shut when Midoriya ruffled her hair giving a slight kiss on her growing horn.
Her pure happiness that fell from her mouth captivated those nearby as they unfroze from Uraraka's previous barbeque.
"Yes I do, but I believe it's more like a force of habit."
Midst on the opposite side of the room was a chaotic choir filled with gremlin noises to a high-pitched cat wheezing, yet all these noises were made by humans. People who were amused by Izuku's actions as well as trapped in their stupor from Ochaco's grill fest.
"Why do they sound like they're inhaling powder?" Toga hummed, her words lighting a fire as their intensity grew.
"The fact that I can see him doing this scares me ya'll," Yamada announced.
"I want that clock!"
He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes.
Oh yeah... He almost forgot.
"How?! Seriously bro, HOW?!"
"Months of planning, just to say you forgot?!"
"I'm not in my room, I'm in the villain's base..." He mumbled to himself as he replayed the previous events in his head. He was now in his new room. It looked pretty plain if you asked him. Well, everything looked plain without All Might to him and he was 100% sure that any of these people aren't gonna let him get some of All Might's merchandise.
"Well yeah." Shigaraki nodded as if that was the most obvious thing.
"You'd never know, maybe Spinner would get one for you." Compress shrugged as the greenette eyes sparkled.
"No, I wouldn-" his mouth was covered with a robotic hand.
"Don't worry Boss! Once you beat their emo *sses you could return to your dorm filled with All Might merchandise." Awase agreed to what his chaotic classmate said giving the greenette thumbs up once they shared eye contact.
"Hmmm, I wonder why." Mitsuki deadpanned as Mirko snorted.
"Ya think?!"
He might be playing a villain but it didn't mean he was no longer All Might's number one fanboy. Ha, jokes on the villains for thinking otherwise. Now coming to think of being a fanboy, he had to get that limited edition All Might figure that wa—!
"Hm?" Green eyes blinked puzzled at their sleep-deprived friend.
"Now is not the time for that, can't you just ask All Might to order one for you??" Shinsou questioned, as Midoriya gave a betrayed look.
"I would never use All Might-san like that!"
A knock on his bedroom door made him come out of his morning thoughts.
Kurogiri opened the door as soon as Midoriya said it was open. The man told him to get dressed and eat his breakfast because today would be his first session.
'Session?' Midoriya thought to himself. Regardless to say, he followed Kurogiri out.
"Ugh, school." Toga gagged.
"Shut up, High school dropout."
After a while, the green-haired boy found himself following Kurogiri down a flight of stairs that led them to the underground part of the building. On his way, he figured out it was about time when All For One used him for the real purpose he was kidnapped in the first place; providing quirks.
"How the f*ck did my dumb self read it as "found himself falling for Kurogiri down a flight of stairs" like why???" Mina groaned as Kaminari gave her a sympathetic look.
"...Ashido you're temporarily banned from reading romance novels," Aizawa interjected, ignoring her sorrowful wails.
'Impatient.' Midoriya mentally noted down. A characteristic of the Symbol of Evil he had seen twice by now.
He just received the duplication quirk yesterday and he already was going to get started with taking quirks from him? Does Midoriya even have the quirks he required already? Perhaps he wanted a quirk that originally belonged to someone from UA? Or a Pro Hero Midoriya had interacted before? Could it be another villain? Or maybe a civilian too? Maybe Aizawa's? That could be really beneficial and if it was him in his place he would proba—!
Several eyes fell upon the handless man behind them, Kai glared at the unwanted attention as some students from UA began whispering among one another. Soon, even a few members of the LOV joined, which irked the man as he noticed the obvious finger-pointing at him.
"Why are you whispering about me?"
"We were just wondering..."Toru spoke up, pointing to herself and Neijire, using her sleeve before continuing.
"Since they took your quirk in the beginning, are they going to give it to Midoriya?"
The greenette's ears perked up at her question, starting at the prisoner deep in thought.
"It wouldn't be necessary, however, I can still analyze his quirk which would make me be able to use it."
"I saw the news, that quirk was really creepy."
"I'd advise you to let the topic rest, as our young heroine doesn't feel comfortable." Nezu chirped, gesturing to the horned girl that was lost in a trance.
"Ah! My bad Eri!!!" Toru yelped, waving her sleeves frantically.
"Is it a habit of yours?" Kurogiri asked.
Hawks peered at the teen with slight interest as he whispered to the heroes nearby. "Isn't he an oddball?"
It wasn't a question, but Endeavour caught himself replying too late.
"That habit of his may be useful in some circumstances but there's a lot of negatives that are included. At least... He should be aware of his surroundings."
"That's quite an observation Endeabour-san!"
Midoriya smiled awkwardly realizing that he was mumbling this whole time.
"Yeah... You can say that." Midoriya nervously chuckled.
"Well, here we are," Kurogiri stopped and pointed to a metal door in front of him, "He's waiting inside."
Midoriya only nodded as he walked in the room after Kurogiri left.
All For One was standing near a metal chair that certainly did not look very comfortable. A wicked grin appeared on his destroyed face as he saw the green-haired boy.
"I-is he trying to torture Midori-" Mineta was unable to continue as he noticed Eri's eyes tearing up.
"Wait no! I didn't mean it like that Eri! Midoriya is strong, really strong that won't do anything to hurt him!"
Quickly defusing the system Mineta sighed, unintentionally saving himself from Aizawa's wrath.
Midoriya gulped.
It was safe to say he still felt a little scared near that man.
"Valid!" A parent yelled from the crowd as a fee nearby chuckled at their enthusicness.
'Midoriya is so brave, I would've pissed myself if I was in his situation.' Mineta thought with a slight shudder as Monoma lightly tapped Midoriya's back as if he was a baby.
"Don't worry Boss!" Midoriya tilted his head as Monoma continued with a dramatic shrug.
"Soon he'll become the one scared of you!" Hoarse laughter followed suit as Midoriya smiled thankful for his lieutenant. Featuring to a glass of water nearby.
"I'll take your word for it, Larceny." Izuku hummed, as Compress gave an annoyed grumble at the display.
'That blond kid is starting to irk me.'
Endeavor had tracked down all five of the phone numbers, who they belonged to, last phone calls and current location.
"Waahhh, how did he do this so fast???" Toru admired, failing her sleeves about.
Nedzu's ears perked at this as he faced the transparent girl with a satisfied grin.
"The person you're looking at is one of my intelligent alumni... It's such a pity that he left before I can adopt him as my protege." He sighed as Enji quickly dismissed his words.
"Woo, who knew Endeavor had eyebags." Hatsume hollered, adjusting the goggles on her head.
"He looks so vulnerable... What if I fire a flame attack at his throa-" Dabi hummed, failing his legs about like an excited child.
Spinner simply placed at his comrade with an exhausted expression, exhaling a long pleading sigh before glancing at the subtitles above.
And by the looks of it, whoever gave him that book certainly wasn't sure of which one of the five would be actually beneficial to him. Only if he knew it was just a first-year student trying his best for Japan not to get utterly and completely destroyed by the hands of All For One.
"For real." Toru waved her sleeves as Kendo's voice overlapped hers.
"I know right?"
Three of the five were just random citizens who didn't even look like they were even remotely close to being connected to this mystery of Izuku Midoriya's kidnapping case.
The fourth and fifth, however, belonged to an unknown person and a Pro Hero respectively. Via the call history and recorded calls it was confirmed who the unknown person was. It was none other than a member of the League of Villains; Dabi. And the Pro Hero was Best Jeanist, who has been reported to be under recovery.
What connects these two?
"A fast food restaurant? How am I supposed to know?" Kaminari guessed as Sero spun to face his electric friend.
"And how did you come up with that answer?" He quizzed his smile, which echoed his teacher's, bright as he prepared himself to hear the stupid yet hilarious reasoning.
Kaminari perked, not expecting the sudden call as he closed his eyes, trying to recall why that answer fled his lips.
"...hm, Dabi uses fire and Jeanest uses thread, you know how they make the meat stay juicer? They bandage it with thread! So what if they need a cook for the LOV, since Dabi is a bad chef and so they want to create their restaurant using Jeanest's help, they'll have to overcome many challenges like not getting expelled from the cooking school and surprising the god tongue but-"
Kaminari was interrupted by Sero's poor manner of covering his face as the others eavesdropped on the absurd theory.
Dabi himself was quite furious with the sudden title of being bad at cooking and to need help from a pro hero was like salt on his scars.
Best Jeanest blinked confused at the proclamation, emitting a resigned sigh as a response. 'Teenagers, so filled with imagination.' He thought, faintly hearing someone snickering below him.
Katsuki Bakugou wouldn't deny that this was probably the only time dunce face made him laugh, the idea was too ludicrous after all. 'Kaminari that's so f*king stupid.'
Hawks sat with a strained smile as he played with his feather.
'The connection is me-'
Endeavor then turned to another page of the book and started decrypting it.
After a minute or two, his eyes widened. After reading what was written there Endeavor made a personal call to UA, requesting them to hand over the case of the kidnapped student to his agency.
"Nooo! Tell me what he saw in the book!!!" Mina wailed.
"How can you manage to be a pro hero if you're this impatient?" Compress asked with a tut.
"Shut it magic can!"
"What!? How do you even know a student was kidnapped?!"
Present Mic's concern was reasonable. Only the Hero Course students — they didn't know about Hatsume — and the staff members knew about the incident. How did he know?! Did a student report him!? Was it Todoroki?!
"No." Todoroki immediately shut down.
"So, it's true... Considering that, the other things written in that book must be true as well..." Endeavor mumbled to himself, not caring if he was still on the call.
"What book!?!" Present Mic yelled.
"Mic, calm down—!" All Might said.
The teachers and the principal were in the meeting room and it could be said that they were on a group call.
"Endeavor, will you kindly explain how you know about our student and why you wish to take the case?" Nezu asked, quieting down everyone else.
"Wouldn't be surprised if Nezu figured it out before everyone else." Midnight chimed wiping the popcorn stains off her mouth.
Cementoss glanced at his co-worker as he hesitantly dismissed her idea.
"That may be true, but it was All Might who realized something was wrong even before Nezu!" Toshi genuinely smiled at the compliment.
"Don't expect that big blond oaf to do any else mind-boggling," Aizawa muttered as said person deflated more than their skinny body can handle.
They heard the flame hero sigh, he said, "Listen, someone sent me this book with cryptic messages and I don't know why or how but whoever sent this knew about this situation before it happened. They have written certain things to follow for a safe path to solve this case. And judging by the loud cockatoo's reaction, everything written is so far true."
"And who are you calling a loud cockatoo!?" Present Mic slammed his fists on the table.
"You." Aizawa retorted. Dang Shota why are you coming at everyone's throats?
"I- that's a low blow bro!!"
"You." Aizawa replied.
"Pft- he when said it here-" Hawks cackled alongside Mirko.
Midnight started at her Kohai solemnly, giving him the remaining half of her popcorn.
All Might gave him a knowing pat on his shoulder as the Voice hero teared up, knowing that he wasn't alone from being roasted by his childhood friend.
"That was just cold - weeaak!" Twice hollered.
"Savage," Sero commented with a larger smirk. Capturing the youngest Todoroki's attention.
"Facts." Toga giggled at her mental image of a bird flying around and bursting everyone's eardrums every time he sings. The amount of blood that'd shed...
"Hm... Is there anything that shows from who that book could be, Endeavor?" Nezu asked. Present Mic could be seen hissing at Aizawa in the background like a rebellious five year old.
"...why are you hissing?" Shigaraki questioned confused.
"So immature." Shinsou groaned.
"My first and only guess is the Commission. There's a sign on the last page." Endeavor replied. Well, when Midoriya worked hard to put those messages in that book, he knew that the heroes would definitely get suspicious if it was from a random person. So, to make them follow the book properly, Midoriya left a fake signature of the Head of the Public Safety Commission. The Head shouldn't have signed every Provincial Hero Licence if she didn't want her signature to get faked or copied though. Oh, well...
"Midoriya-kun! Forging someone's handwriting is against the hero code!!! Not only is it immoral but it's a bad thing to teach Eri!" Iida berated with a disappointed hand chop.
"Wait- That isn't me!!"
"Damn-" Giran smirked at the ordeal as Alisha thought to herself.
"Bro I didn't even know this-" Kirishima blinked baffled at how far ahead his classmate's actions were in only a month!!
"You didn't? I assumed everyone knew, although the idea of forging never passed my mind..." Momo rested her cheek on her palm as she pondered on the disadvantages of public signatures.
'What about me, if I sign autographs? Would someone use my name to create heinous crimes???'
Her eyes widened as she glanced at Midoriya before shaking her head.
'But what he did was for the greater good...'
"The narrator is quite a savage one!"
"Well, that's stupid of the commission," Muscular exclaimed.
"I know how that feels, my signature was forged once too... Which was why I made it complicated enough that only I can make it." All Might shrugs.
"At least you listened to my advice. I warned her many times that something kike this would happen, such a shame she isn't present to see this." Nezu sighed.
"Oh my God Izuku." Inko gasped surprised as the greenette tried to prove his innocence, again, although his teammates were giving a great struggle.
"Mom- I wouldn't try doing something like that!"
"That's our Boss committing identity theft as if it's a daily routine!" They chimed as Izuku swore he saw his grave. Or the shadow of his absent father.
After a few minutes, Nezu replied and gave Endeavor the case. But he told him to keep this situation under wraps, even after Midoriya was back safely. Hopefully, he'll be back safely.
Unknown to the staff members, Kyoka Jirou had heard all of the conversation via her Earphone Jacks and was now heading back to the dorms.
"Jirou!! My punk rock melody!" Someone yelled in the back as the normally composed musician burst into a cherry red.
'Punk rock melody... cute.' Kaminari huffed. Mineta studied his friend with a knowing gaze as he smirked looking away with a hopeful expression.
'Get your girl man!'
"At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire villain team knew about his plans." Thirteen hummed.
"Grrruf! So much for keeping it a secret." Hound Dog puffed.
Soon, she found herself in Yaoyorozu's room with the said girl and Shinsou.
"Endeavor got the case already. Change of plans. We're heading out earlier." Jirou informed.
The other two nodded in agreement.
It was time to tell the others, as said in the journal.
"Hahaha!!! How does it feel to be pawns in Midoriya's chess box!!" Monoma cackled, hooping his arm alongside Uraraka's.
"Eh?" She stuttered before she sat on a throne of pillows, similar to Mama Inko's.
"Wh-what the...-" Awase gave a prod smile as he explained their motives.
"You're a part of our group now!" Before he could finish he was interrupted by Tsubasa.
"Not only did you grill broken piece over there," he pointed at All For One who was chatting with his bodyguard. "You also voted for us instead of your team!!!"
Uraraka blinked surprised by their reasoning as an angelic laugh fled her lips, amused by their actions. They were so in sync!
"Midoriya truly is a mastermind. He managed to make them all walk on his palm... Even Endeavor!!"
Endeavor grumbled.
"I can't wait to figure out his plans!!!"
Endeavor ended the call and placed down his phone. He then got up and left his office. He needed some more heroes on this. Probably Hawks or Mirko.
"IT'S US!!" The chaotic duo high five another one, a lot more content to be the first on dial. While the other's battle tendencies were skyrocketing.
"JINX!!" They clamored as the studio became silent.
Mirko's teeth grind against one another as she gave a battle-frenzy smile.
"Ugh, we're under a roof, you idiots." Enji sighed exasperated.
Though, there on the desk lied the note that told him to do so. It read,
"All For One is planning to create an army of Nomus capable of talking and thinking which means they can strategize too. Clearly, more powerful than what's been seen before. If I'm not wrong then this is his plan for now. And to start it off, his first Nomu to start off the army will be Best Jeanist. Dabi will take him soon. Follow them. Take the case of the missing student as well. He'll be there too. He is collecting information. Take Jeanist and leave him there."
"So bad*as!!!" Tetsutetsu clamored.
"How is our leader so cool!!"
"So we're only gonna talk about how epic our leader is right? Shroom!" Komori questioned.
"Mhm- wait they're gonna do WHAT to Jeanest?!"
"The f*ck!!! I would have rather the restaurant theory!!"
"Not Best Jeanest!!" As many protested at Izuku's message, Bakugou stared at his mentor with an unreadable expression.
Midoriya stood in front of the Symbol of Evil with a stern face, hands locked behind his back as he waited for him to say something.
Everyone quoted down once again, you could only hear the occasional gasp. But other than that they were glued to the contents of the screen.
And soon, following his thoughts, All For One said, "Should I take it that you already know what you're here for or do you need an explanation?"
"Not everyone is as dumb as you so move on, it's enough that I breathe the same air as you." Chiyo rolled her eyes once again causing many to start wheezing.
Breaking part of the tension but not all of it.
At this, Midoriya's eyes searched the room. There was no sign of Best Jeanist or anyone else either. It was just the two of them which meant All For One wanted something else.
Speaking of it, how did Midoriya know about Best Jeanist in the first place? Well, it's really easy to catch on to it when your enemy always leaves hints about his future plannings in your head while mentally torturing you.
'I still can't fathom how he's been ruling the underworld when a literal child can read him so easily.' Chisaki narrowed his eyes remembering his defeat to said "child".
When no reply came from the green-haired boy, the man spoke up again, "Well, you see, we will be starting to create Nomus soon and our first volunteer will arrive sometime tomorrow. So, today, I'm sending you with the others to collect a few special quirks. We will start tomorrow."
Midoriya only nodded.
So, he had to get some people to attack him with their quirks? Noted. At least he got to go out of this place. He already joined hands with them so he didn't need to act like he was kidnapped, right?
"But before that, I would like to test it out first." All For One smirked.
And before he could say anything else, Midoriya understood what he meant. He was going to test out taking a quirk from Midoriya.
After the 'session,' as Kurogiri called it, Midoriya was glad he was used to immense amounts of pain because it felt like his head was going to explode any moment after All For One took Todoroki's quirk.
"Ugh, school." Toga gagged.
"Deja vu?" Compress pondered.
"My baby..." Inko murmured as she looked away from the screen. Izuku noticed his mother's discomfort and held her hands reassuringly.
"It's okay Mom, I'm here... safe and well."
"My baby..."
"Godd*mmit!! Why did it have to be Shoto's quirk!!" Enji cursed.
"Yeah! How dare you create a monster with Class 1-A prince's quirk!!" Some of the girls screamed, confusing the poor teenager who was in the center of it.
"I'm... Not a prince?"
"Wait if All For One used, his quirk on Midoriya doesn't that means Midoriya has All For One too????!" Mineta theorized before turning pale at the conclusion looking at everyone who stared at him with a blank expressions.
"I KNOW IT SOUNDS STUPID BUT AT LEAST SAY IT!!!" He wailed as many dismissed his cries.
"No way that actually makes sense! Mineta, you're a genius!!"
"Bud, I think you're onto sumthin'," Kaminari smirked high-fiving the midget.
"Wouldn't that mean Young Izu- Midoriya has AFO and that weird "One For All thingie" this AU of him has?" All Might commented, also turning pale as Mineta.
'Get used to it...' The green head thought.
"With that f*king high pain tolerance of yours, I wouldn't expect much." Katsuki tsked.
"I wouldn't be surprised if it doubled-"
A special chapter coming soon!
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