| 24 - 4 | Win Over |
"Huh what could they mean by that..." Inko wondered.
"This gets me so excited!!" Mina pumped her fist in the air, narrowly missing her shark teeth friend.
That was dangerous. Kirishima felt his side getting cold after the slight kiss with death.
"Oh sorry Ei-chan."
The next few days seemed to fly by as the students of UA High were once again busy with the preparations for the festival after an approval of their principal, Nezu. As for right now, at dawn, Midoriya was sitting with All Might in the Teacher's Lounge, both of them discussing the current situation.
"I just realized how often you are in All Might's office." Todoroki hummed.
"Well... uh- Todoroki-" Midoriya was interrupted by a hand.
"Midoriya-kun is All Might's successor, it's natural if they spend time together." Iida hand-chopped.
"Plus it's All Might he's like everyone's fun uncle."
"I'm sorry. I didn't get a chance to talk to you, since everyone's been so busy lately." Midoriya scratched the back of his head as he apologized to his mentor.
"Ah, it's not your fault, my boy. Life has its ways..." All Might replied, waving it off.
For a good few minutes, there was silence between the predecessor and the successor as they could not find the correct words to begin the conversation about All For One.
"I'm still surprised Midoriya is All Might's successor," Kuroiro spoke.
"Why? They both have similar quirks, it's should have been obvious that All Might would have chosen Midoriya as his successor." Monoma responded.
"The thing we should really be surprised about is Bakugou not being angry knowing Midoriya is All Might's successor." All eyes fell upon the nuclear Pomeranian.
What should All Might say? That the boy wasn't prepared enough? That he doesn't want to lose him like he lost his Master? That he doesn't want Young Midoriya to be involved?
All Might flinched as the screen showed the image of Nana. Midoriya sucked in a breath, that was the same woman he saw in his dream... Tomura stared blankly at the screen. How was he supposed to act? His grandmother, the mentor to All Might!! The same oaf he attempted to kill!
"Woah she's really hot, look at all those musc-" Mineta paused as a chill drafted through the enormous studio. As I couldn't help but make Mineta shut up, after all, he went too far when he viewed Nana in that way. Anyways~
All Might glared at the midget, daring him to continue his sentence.
"Ah is that still a sore topic for you... All Might?"
"That lady looks similar to your Mother, Midoriya." Endeavor spoke which caused Midoriya to look at him wide-eyed. Normally he would have brushed it off and taken it as a compliment but Endeavour had the Todoroki genes in him...
Huh, look at that outfit, was she a hero? Kayama thought peering at the screen.
He knew his boy would be, one way or the other, the villain's ultimate target. He knew they would come for him. Now, who doesn't want to eradicate all possible problems in their way? He didn't want that. Not one bit. But what could he do about it? How could he protect his successor?
"Don't mind me, I'm just fangirling over this Dad Might scene." Mina gushed.
""His boy"..." I'm onto you guys. Endeavor spoke. Shoto, who trusted Midoriya, instantly denied the question that Endeavour was going to ask.
What should Midoriya say? That he wasn't ready with One For All but he would fight All For One if necessary? That he would break himself again and again just to keep everyone safe? That he would sacrifice himself to stop the Symbol of Evil?
"Izuku..." Inko cried at the thought of her child covered in many bruises.
"Young Midoriya, I don't what you to break your bones..." All Might gave a silent hug to his successor, words not performing properly.
"I wouldn't!" Midoriya defended.
"So you aren't worried he might die??!" Sero yelled flabbergasted. He was shut up by a slap to the head.
"Eh who?!-"
"Look around you Soy-face!! If Deku was going to die he'd die years ago so shut up!!" Bakugou yelled. Sero looked around to make eye contact with Eri who was trembling at his proclamations.
Ah, sh*t. He thought.
Yeah, no, All Might already knew that much. Everybody knew that much. And clearly, they didn't want him to step in this matter now at all. And what about All Might himself? Sir Nighteye said he would die this year or the next. And now that All For One himself was out again, Midoriya didn't want anything to happen to All Might. But he wasn't ready yet. It was not his time yet. He knew it. But he would still do his best in any case.
The studio was silent once again. Midoriya's breath hitched as he realized another secret was blown. Would Alisha-san help them this time?
The League Of Villains was flabbergasted. All this time, they were trying to kill All Might, trying to show society that their pillar was fragile, that society is nothing without their heroes yet what is this sudden development?!
They were fighting yet failing at a dead man? Someone who already had one foot in the casket? How embarrassing.
Did master really lose to a corpse? Shigaraki scratched his neck in annoyance.
"Haha... What bullsh*t is this? Is it another one of the multiverse sh*t?" Bakugou questioned. But... he knew that was just lies. The only changes were Deku having a backbone and outsmarting him, the league of villains breaking out the strongest and dangerous out of the most secure prison, nothing else was different... All Might's going to die... The strongest...
"I'm sorry guys..." All Might bow his head as most in the room burst into tears. It was true... All Might's going to die...
"Midoriya, you knew this all along? Even as his successor? You hid this?" Iida asked facing his rival.
"I-I'm sorry, the first time I heard it I was also shocked. No one was supposed to know that All Might would die in a year even if he's retired many would be devastated... B-but! He told me he would live on! He wouldn't let what Nighteye say come to pass!!" Midoriya stuttered as he felt the harsh gaze of his friend.
Ochaco, sat still as she recalled Nighteye predicting that Deku would die. Yet, here he was in the same room, calming down the raging dam. She looked back at Tsu who keroed in understanding.
"We believe you Deku-kun, and we believe that All Might would twist fate."
"Okay, this got sad really quick... Let's continue. Um, parents, there are tissues at the back you can use them to dry your eyes." Alisha quickly smashed the play button on the remote. After all, the author was fairly bad at angst.
"All Might," Midoriya was the first one to break the silence, his mentor looking at him as he said, "You... I know that you're worried about me. I know I'm not ready yet. I know that he will target me and... And I want you to know that... Even if anything happens, I won't fail you!"
At this, the green haired boy stood up.
"Young Midoriya—!"
"I know what you're thinking, All Might! But, please, don't worry about me! You don't have to... I-I will train harder than anyone else! I will increase my training time and I will enhance myself! I will try my best to use One For All properly and not get injured! I promise, I will train harder to control this quirk! I promise you... I won't give up. I won't fail you... I don't want to... I will stop him with everything I have!"
Are they still in shock from the All Might reveal? "Hey Deku!! Can you ease the tension here?" Alisha signaled to the teen.
"... All Might's favorite food is Udon."
"EH?! Young Midoriya?" All Might stuttered, alarmed by the abrupt announcement. However everyone else was interested, it wasn't a tale to say everyone was curious about his private life, especially since he keep it hidden.
"He always eats his lunch in a bunny or flowered wrapping," Uraraka remembered that one day, covering her mouth to block her giggles.
"Pfftt-" Spinner lost it. The nonlachant tone in Midoriya's voice was too much, especially after imagining the once strong hero walking around with a bunny-wrapped bento.
Those who had similar thoughts to the gamer bit back their tongues to avoid laughing. Stain was in a state of confusion.
"Saturday's around the mid-afternoon All Might would read old school novels to a plant he grew in the school greenhouse."
"Wait we have a greenhouse?" Mic asked confused. Midnight only facepalmed at that.
"All Might-san, could you invite us when you're reading to the trees, I wouldn't mind listening." Those who loved reading asked the embarrassed adult.
"AhahaHAHAHA!" That was it, that was the catalyst that caused everyone to start laughing, from mock just to plain shock by how random this all was.
"There was this one time during the summer when All Might was at a rental movie store and he held up the line because he didn't know whether to choose a romance movie or an action movie, we brought an anime movie at the end-" A large hand swooped over Midoriya's mouth as a red face Toshinori came to view.
"Hey! Hey! What's with the sudden announcements?!" All Might attempted to whisper? Midoriya only smiled in return as the joyous laughter filled the room.
"...I can't stay mad." All Might faltered slumping unto the floor.
"Young man," All Might could see the small tears forming at the corner of Midoriya's emerald eyes.
Was he scared?
"Nah, he's just going to fight the strongest villain in Japan that gave you trouble, why would he be scared?" Mirko asked the retired hero.
"I- um..."
"You're actually a dork huh All Might-san," Inko asked from her throne- seat.
"Nah fam, why would Midoriya be crying at this?" Mina asked. Based on her tone alone you could tell it was sarcasm.
"The nerd always cries this isn't surprising." Bakugou tsked.
"Nah, we can all see they're just going to have a chess match and some tea then say goodbye there's nothing he should be worried about," Shigaraki rolled his eyes at the obvious answers.
"You're wrong - they are going shopping for Villains and Heroes." Twice interjected.
"Hey, hey! Wow~ the comments are so salty~" Neijire disclosed as Mirio snorted in response.
"Hado- no," Tamaki interjected.
"Hado yes."
"She isn't wrong though, the responses are dry, they do know that it was more of a rhetorical question right?" Kayama asked worriedly.
All Might stood up from his seat as well, and walked over to Midoriya. The boy didn't notice him until the blonde ruffled his hair. The green haired boy then looked up at him and the ex-number one smiled.
"I know you won't fail me... You never have and you never will." All Might grinned as he patted the boy's head.
Midoriya ignored all the obvious stares he got from his peers, just like he ignored the teasing his mom got from Aunt Mitsuki.
"A-All Might..."
"Just be safe, okay? I just... don't want anything bad to happen to you, my boy."
"Awe this is just too sweet!!" The girls cooed as a few guys agreed.
"Don't worry All Might Sir! Mr. Deku will stay safe!" Eri affirmed.
Midoriya immediately wiped away the still tears from his eyes and gave a big smile to his predecessor as he clenched his fists.
"I promise!" He beamed. At this All Might smiled too.
He has the best successor.
Yep, that was it. I guess karma came back sooner for embarrassing All Might earlier. Midoriya thought as he hide his blushing face.
That was so embarrassing!!
The large chants of cute didn't help his embarrassment. He looked at All Might who was chuckling at him with a smug yet satisfied face.
"Wait a second!" Midoriya exclaimed, "Then I should start training right now! If I want to increase One For All from 20% onwards without hurting myself, I should work with my legs first. Wait, shouldn't I first get used to using 20% all the time. Then, maybe I can increase it up like before. I should also make more powerful moves with my legs. Should I talk to Iida about this? He must know about something I don't! Maybe I follow some of the Pro Hero Mirko's moves. I have to increase my flexibility and reflexes too. I know! I will ask Monoma! He can help me in all fields easily! And then we can create com—!"
"Young Midoriya, you're doing it again." All Might interrupted him, sighing.
"Your onscreen self has way too much stress."
A chorus of "Yeah." resonated throughout the room.
"Well, he is going to defeat the most powerful villain in Japan."
"Wait do you practice my moves?" Mirko asked surprised.
"I'm still a little peeved he has been using less than a quarter of his strength here," Kaminari admitted.
"Huh, I guess five days was all it took for Midoriya to feel close to Monoma that he can depend on him." Kendo hummed in surprise.
"I feel flattered," Monoma smirked.
"O-Oh... Sorry, I didn't realize I started muttering. Sorry." Midoriya apologized, scratching the back of his head.
"It's fine. Just go get some rest now."
"Is he really going to try and disobey All Might?"
"You can train tomorrow."
"I'm calling Aizawa."
Aizawa's ears perked up as he started back at All Might with slight interest.
"Why was my name called?"
"W-well... Err.." Toshinori avoided the red gaze as Cementoss stifled a laugh.
"He pulled out the Aizawa card!" Yamada laughed at how quickly Midoriya's onscreen self changes expression.
Those in Class 1-A simply laughed.
"D*mn he really did that. Wait how is d*mn a bad word?" Sero asked confused.
"... I'll see you tomorrow. Good night."
"Good night."
"It was effective."
"Is this really the same kid that brought the Hero Team to ruin?" Shigaraki asked his babysitter.
"Yes... he is, Tomura." Kurogiri declared.
Midoriya was walking down the halls of the building of UA High towards his dormitory when he realized something and immediately slowed down his pace.
'I still couldn't talk to him about the nightmares...' He thought.
"Eh?" Midoriya questioned confused.
"Wait what does he mean by nightmares??"
"Woah, he has them too?" Shinsou asked. Midoriya looked at his friend worriedly.
"No... I don't have nightmares Shinsou-kun..." He slowed down however when he remembered the dream he had before they arrived at this reaction room...
"That pause is really suspicious."
Yeah, his nightmares. They weren't specifically 'nightmares' as he wasn't sure if he was even sleeping during them. He just started calling them that but he never talked to anyone about them. They started about a few days after All For One's escape and to be honest, he could feel the Symbol of Evil already playing with his mind...
Wasn't that similar to the 'dream' I had?!
"Wait a sec, who's growling?"
But he didn't want anyone to worry about him. He didn't want them to be concerned for him. He didn't want them to do anything for him at all. He was fine. He would be fine. He was fighting the invisible battle already set for him against the villain he was destined to fight. But still, he couldn't find the cause.
"Mr 10,000,000... I think you need a therapist." Hatsume spoke, after being forgotten for a few chapters, a few hesitated but nodded along to what she said.
"Would you mind taking lessons after classes?" Hound dog asked the broccoli.
"Oh! No thanks Hound Dog, Sensei... I'm fine, honest!" Midiriya smiled at those who were still skeptical.
Besides, I wouldn't have enough time to train then.
"Izuku, I will always worry about you, I am your mother and you can confide in me, even if you wouldn't want to talk. I am here for you." Inko hugged her son as the other scene played.
Why did All For One choose this way.
Playing with his mind, showing him terrifying scenarios of endless deaths, saying things like he doesn't belong with the heroes, he wasn't supposed to be in UA, that's not his real place and trying to win over him.
"Join the dark side kid," Dabi gestured to the menacing league.
"No." Midoriya swiftly declined as Shigaraki deflated.
"Are you sure heroism is the part for you bra-kid?" Shigaraki corrected. Midoriya felt a sweat glad by his cheeks as he deadpanned at the man-child.
"You tried to kill me."
"Why would he want to turn Deku-kun into a villain?" Uraraka exclaimed after a lot of thought.
"I believe it's because Midoriya-san is a strategist," Momo exclaimed.
"Or just maybe he wants to see All Might suffer, showing a big L to his face saying that his successor is now a villain," Bakugou interjected.
Iida's mother raised a hand by her mouth. "Aren't they just first years? Why do they have to face these things?"
Every now and then, the most common thing he heard during those periods was; "Join us."
"I hadn't mentioned it then but there are a lot of Star Wars references." All for One spoke to Shigaraki.
"Please don't tell me he's going to join the dark side!!" Toru complained.
"Come on! It's Midoriya we're talking about, have some faith." Ojiro added.
"Mhm!!" Koda nodded.
"JOIN US JIMMY, JOIN US!! - Wtf was that?!" Twice flinched by his voice. Toga only hummed in 'Idk' as others looked at him weirdly.
"What? This is normal." Toga exclaimed.
Midoriya didn't specifically understand all of them, but he knew what this all was leading to.
'Should I even tell All Might about this...' Midoriya thought, 'He is already worried about me... Maybe I shouldn't. But then, what should I do about it?'
"Young Midoriya, I would rather you talk to me about this instead of hurting yourself." All Might sighed.
"O-okay..." Midoriya stuttered as his dream flashed through his head.
"Midoriya," A familiar voice interrupted him. The green head didn't even realize when he entered the dorms.
"O-Oh! Yes, Iida?" Midoriya asked, looking at the taller boy.
"It's Tenya!!" Tensei hollered out as Tenya hid his blushing face from anyone's view.
"Class Rep!"
"Tell him Midoriya!" Others yelled at the screen.
"I said dinner is ready but you seem to be lost in your train of thoughts!" Iida said, doing his usual gestures with his hands.
"...why... Why does he do that with his hands, Is he playing flight attendant?" Spinner asked curiously. Hawks overhearing soon fell from the ceiling in laughter.
"..are you okay?" Mirko asked the bird. Endeavor who was at the sidelines stifled his laugh for a cough.
"Class rep, one of these days you're going to knock someone out with those hands," Mineta commented.
"O-oh I'll try my hardest for that not to happen!" Iida exclaimed.
"Yeah... I guess... Sorry..." Midoriya replied, looking down before a hand stopped right in front of his face at a perfect angle.
"Anything the matter?" Iida asked.
"Class Rep being the Class Dad," Kaminari stated.
"Gasp yas!" Mina cheered.
"... Did you literally just say 'gasp'?" Sero Jirou deadpanned at her friend.
"Huh... It's nothing..." After that Midoriya smiled at him and started waving his hands, back and forth.
Uraraka and many others frowned at this.
"Problem child you're too selfless."
"Is that really a bad thing?"
"Don't worry about it!! I was just thinking about training! That's all!" He exclaimed, lying.
"Ah! I see! Just as expected of you, Midoriya!" Iida's concern also vanished, "I still expect you at the table with everyone!"
"F*cking dumb*ss how are you even in the top 5 of our class?! Even I would know it not just training cause what that d*mn nerd said was straight up bullish*t!!" Bakugou cursed out Iida who was silently taking it all in.
"Ka-KACCHAN!!! Don't tell at Iida-kun!" Midoriya intervened with a frightful expression.
"He's right Midoriya." Iida agreed bowing his head.
Well, now he had to figure out All For One's plan but also had to keep all of them from knowing anything about it.
"What's with the blank screen?" Mitsuki asked confused, Masaru shrugged in reply.
"Compress why are you bouncing on your seat like a child?" Kurogiri asked the trembling magician.
"THE TENSION!!! You can't tell me that you can't feel it!?"
Midnight nodded in agreement as Nezu sipped his tea with an evil smirk.
"MASTER I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SUCCESS!!" Giantomachia praised the edge-overlord.
For now that is...
"D*mn that tension!!" Midnight squealed as Thirteen patted her back.
"Shroom! I'm so excited!" Komori giggled into her sleeve.
"I just want to fight."
How can you guys be excited? I'm feeling nervous here. Ibara thought trembling.
"Well I'm actually pretty nervous, is he really going to fight against that tater head?" Pony announced.
Toshinori and Hizashi began to laugh at what the American girl said.
"Am I the only one who wants him to tell someone? Kero?"
"He can even write it in a journal, it'd still be considered as telling it to someone," Kendo added.
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