| 19 | Quirks & Memes |
Hello guys! So I'm finally in the groove to start back writing in this book. Yay!
I was planning on starting next year but seeing others were commenting more than usual made me want to post more chapters just to see you guys comment more. I know, selfish aren't I?
I was also planning on making memes, but... I'm not someone you'll see making memes. So I decided to use those that aren't mine. Credit to them. Now onto the filler chapter!
Aoyama twinkled activating his quirk in glee. "☆Oh, how I missed the shine that was moi!☆"
"Wait, why was Aoyama the first to get his quirk!" Mineta yelled, seeing it as injustice.
"Because he's a shining star, plus I need him to help announce who gets their quirk, in style," Alisha responded sheepishly.
"I guess that's fair."
"☆Oui. Now, the persons I call shall walk forward and receive their quirk, or quirks.☆"
Aoyama took the list from Alisha as a spotlight shined down on him. "☆Ahem. In first place, we have All Might-san, who donated, $9,871,000,000,000 U.S. which was the main reason why he's in first place. Is that amount of money even possible? Could he rival the Royals with his money alone??☆"
"Bw-what?! And you said that was your pocket change???" Uraraka yelled baffled.
All Might who was walking towards the stage sheepishly rubbed his nape as he stood next to Aoyama. Suddenly a puff of smoke appeared.
"Congrats! You've got back your quirk!" Although I doubt you can even use it.
"Haha! Thank you, Young Alisha!" Toshinori laughed stepping back.
"Even if it's just a simple betting game. He manages to come out first." Kaminari hummed.
Kirishima and Tetsutetsu both cried. "So manly."
"Now, second place goes to... Mama Inko! Managing to climb up to the second spot by promising to cook her specialty Katsudon!" Alisha yelled as the spotlight donned on the unsuspecting mother.
"☆Come on up, Mademoiselle~☆" Aoyama sparkled. Katsuki and those who had tasted Inko's Katsudon only nodded understanding why that caused her to get second place.
"Is Midoriya mother's cooking that valuable that it came second compared to Master's bet?"
"T-thank you all! However, I hope you don't expect me to show off my quirk since I'm rather unstable at using it." Inko bowed at the crowd before stuffing towards the back.
"Awe, I guess we know where Deku-kun got his shyness from!" Uraraka exclaimed.
"☆Now at t-third place, we... phew. We have the dark lord; All For One! He had donated ¥2,010,000,000.50! And we see the Uraraka household rushing to their fainted daughter, mon Dieu.☆" Aoyama stuttered. However All For One couldn't move from this spot being attached to the life machines so Alisha sighed snapping fingers.
"Finally, I could now talk without being forced to breathe."
"That's great Master!" Shigaraki praised.
"At least we know how reliant you are for regeneration quirks now." Kuroguri hummed.
"I'm still pissed you didn't even care to give us some of that money you betted." Compress admitted.
"Woah who knew you were the salty type, Compress~" Toga teased.
"Says the one who was the most upset."
"Thank you for this." Midoriya yanked away one of his life support systems and connected it to Uraraka.
"Are we going to ignore that?"
"Is that even sanitary?"
"Can I get some of her blood, please?"
"Fourth place! Team Villains, come on up for your quirks!"
Once all the members were on stage, a binding light encased them before Mineta plucked his hairball and began hoping on it.
"Oh, I missed you my sweet quirk!"
"Ah, my eyes!"
"Finally! I thought I'll never feel this electrifying surge ever again!- ow!"
Jirou's ear jack slowly retreated to her ear. "Jirou?! Come on! Why was I the first person you decided to use your quirk on?"
"Thank the heavens my gift is back once again."
Midoriya smiled, activating 1℅ of OFA before stopping.
Soon a Dark Shadow began to form until a bird popped up. "Hey bitc- guys I'm back! Missed me?" Dark Shadow called out only to be tackled by the girls and to receive a thumbs up by Hawks.
"☆Alright! Make your way to the back as I call the Villains on stage!☆"
"☆Dabi, Toga, Twice, Shigaraki, Spinner, Compress, Muscular and... Stain?☆" The respective members walked up to the stage. Alisha once again snapped her fingers and a blinding light encased them.
"Woah, I never knew I wanted to feel this burning sensation more than now!" Dabi chuckled at the irony.
"Are you an M?" Toga asked curiously.
"What no!"
"You guys should try to not annoy me, I can kill you this time." Shigaraki declared.
"Yeah, yeah manchild. - Please don't I have a family!"
"We ARE your family." Spinner said as if it was the most obvious thing.
"☆Next is the UA staff! May... Nezu, Midnight, Power Loader, Aizawa-☆"
"Traitor!" Present Mic screamed.
"I expected Nemuri but you too Shota???"
"I- fair." Nemuri nodded with the cockatoo.
"Who else do you expect to keep the kids in line?"
"☆- Recovery Girl and Hound Dog.☆"
"Now there are students or members of U.A. who aren't the villain team that voted for the villains! Let's see who they are can you guess?!"
"They are...."
"Uraraka, Eri, Neijire, Mirio, and Amajiki!" The Hero Team faced the brunette with betrayed looks.
"Hey, I was thinking like a true gambler here. You should be impressed I was correct!"
"You betrayed us," Toru responded her voice shaking.
"Nope, all I did was an investment."
"Plus I asked Mom to vote for the Heroes while Dad and I voted for the Villains."
"Talking about parents, let's call out those who are listed."
"Uraraka-san's dad, Iida-kun's dad, and all the Villain Teams parents... That's all!"
Iida faced with father with the look of betrayal. This father only responded by tapping his head.
That's all?!
Eh?!?!?!!! Katsuki looked at his Parents in surprise. He believed they would vote for Deku.
"Lastly, the Pro Heroes who voted for the villains! Come on up; Mirkro, Ingenuiem, Hawks, and Best Jeanest!" Alisha announced.
"I can't believe Hawks didn't believe we could do it." Toru sulked. Tsu patted her sleeves with a sad Kero.
"Iida-kun everyone except your mom voted for the Villain Team, are you okay?." Koda asked the president.
"I think I understand why. The Villain Team showed stable teamwork while Bakugou's team was all over the place and weren't united. An example could be when discussing quirks and plans. Midoriya-kun made sure to establish authority and allowed the others to voice their quirks making them feel much more comfortable before setting them up in groups where his plan of adding Shinsou to the team was implemented. However, for Bakugou. He attempted to display authority but allowed the frustration of not getting a support technician to plague his mind. And with his short temper, he didn't listen to his teammates, and the cooperation after that was built on them relying on Kirishima-"
"Oh SHUT UP FOUR EYES!!! YOU'RE MUMBLING JUST LIKE DEKU!!!" Bakugou yelled, pissed.
"Oh? Ah! I'm sorry! I know how uncomfortable you guys are when listening to this yet I-" Iida was interrupted by a waterfall.
"Eh?! You guys are uncomfortable with my mumbling?!" "Gomen-ne! No, wait, gomen-nasai!" Midoriya apologized bowing at a 90° angle.
"I am a little uncomfortable with the energy I have created in the studio today... So! I've decided to lift your mood by memes!"
"Quick reminder, I have a horrible sense of humor. And no Aizawa you cannot curl up in your sleeping bag."
"Why?" Aizawa started poking his head from his sleeping bag.
"Or else I'll put memes of you," Alisha stated as if it was obvious.
"No, I meant. Why?"
"Woohoo! We're watching memes now!!" Kaminari cheered high giving Mina.
"Lemillion-san, what is a meme?" Those who were near Eri looked down sadly realizing she doesn't know the joy of memes.
Once the memo of that sunk in. They glared daggers at Overhaul who glared back.
"Why are you looking at me? I didn't even know about memes until I was 18!" He declared and suddenly half the glares he got were turned into pity.
"That's just sad man." Tetsutetsu sighed.
"Well Eri-chan, a meme is a picture with words that makes others laugh once they see it." Mirio simplified it for the precious bean.
"Oh really? Then I want to see these memes!" Eri smiled.
"What Eri wants she gets, prepare for some memes, everyone!" Alisha smashed an orange button on her remote. Suddenly the screen started to flicker before what was dubbed as a meme appeared.
"That isn't funny."
"I know right?"
"Maybe it's because we are reacting to Midoriya being a 'Villain' so we don't find the humor in it," Shoji explained but his voice was mixed with Shigaraki who was saying nearly the same thing.
"Aren't we reacting to the brat being a villain?" Shigaraki get nods from where he was before someone began coughing. Loudly.
"A-all Might-san!! Don't start coughing up blood now!!"
"So you do think about if All Might was your dad." Todoroki's monotone voice didn't help Midoriya feel calm. And months of being his friend made him know that Todoroki was teasing him.
"Me and All Might?!" Inko buried her face into Mistuki's arm. The blonde grinned with amusement.
"I guess the reactions are what makes it funny." Shinsou hummed while Denki snickered at their reactions.
"So this is a meme!" Eri said giggling.
"Umm, can you change it so something else, please?" Midoriya asked with flushed cheeks.
"Okay, okay." Nezu who got back the remote laughed.
"Umm, Tokoyami-san?" Midoriya looked at his friend with a completely confused look.
"It's because Fumi hasn't met anyone who can look as pure as you... Well, there are some exceptions." Dark Shadow announced.
"Cease your blabbering Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami shouted feeling flustered.
"You're no fun sometimes."
"Wow, Tokoyami Look at your face."
"Oh, I remember that day!" Thirteen hummed.
"Oh, how I remembered it well~." Sero sang which angered Bakugou even more.
"And you ask me why I like Izuku! I mean his broken, bloody body looks hotter but he's so cute! As well as Ochaco! She's adorable!!" Toga gushed.
"This is the same kid who planned the demise for the Hero Team right?" Shigaraki asked Kuroguri.
"Next!" Nezu announced.
"Pfftt- hahaha! When did that happen?!" Sero and Kaminari laughed? While Bakugou looked like he was going to have a seizure.
Aizawa and All Might sighed remembering that night clearly. Why did I have to help with paying for the city buildings? Aizawa sighed.
"If they share one brain cell why did the Pomeranian suffer badly during the test?" Compress wondered. Mitsuki laughed at Bakugou being called a pomeranian.
"Oi Shut up!! And you Old Hag! If he calls me that it refers to you as well!" Bakugou growled.
"Deku-kun when did that happen?" Uraraka asked her best friend.
"Oh umm... That's the night when Kacchan and I got housed arrest." The villains' ears perked up at that while the parents look on confused.
"But your emotions do match up with Bakugou's... creepy, kero." Tsu blatantly stated.
"Unto the next one!" Midnight announced pressing the remote.
"I'm feeling unsafe." Mina shivered.
"Non Madam, you mean ☆unsafe.☆" Aoyama gleamed.
"Deku-san why is your face like that?" Eri asked.
"I-its probably because they took the photo at the wrong timing?"
"Why are you putting water on the snow?! Why???" Kaminari yelled hiding behind Kirishima.
"What do you think?!"
"Have my one week of training left no impression on you?" Best Jeanest asked.
"It's not that bad guys, you'd be lucky he doesn't use his quirk to amplify its speed," Midoriya announced.
"And he wanted to be a Hero," Shigaraki grumbled.
"Next one~" Midnight who had the remote now sang.
"I never knew Bakubro had fans?" Kirishima mumbled.
"What the Hell is that supposed to mean?!"
"He looks rather calm in these memes." Ojiro pointed out.
"Yeah except the first one. Kero." Tsu whispered.
"I heard you Frog!!"
"Yeah! I was scolded by Kendo because she told me sitting like that was improper, especially if I was wearing a skirt." Pony huffed as steam came from her head.
"It was because your skirt is very short!" Kendo defended.
"Sitting like that is considered as cute?" Toga questioned before shrugging and sitting on her beanbag in that position.
"This wasn't funny, more like shocking since we found out their others who favor Bakugou."
"Oi!!! What the Hell does that mean?! Hah?!"
"Next meme!"
"Wahahahah! I can't believe they said that!" Jirou snorted.
"Am I the only one who noticed that Young Midoriya is in each photo?" All Might asked.
"Nope, the last one looks like he wasn't even aware of him being in the photo," Uraraka mentioned.
"Wow Izuku, you managed to counter your fear of cameras." Inko cried.
"Am I holding an All Might trophy?" Todoroki questioned. While Midoriya looked at him in slight envy.
"Pfftt he took your bad photogenic traits Masaru!" Mitsuki covered her mouth trying to not laugh too hard.
Masaru only chuckled, admitting that he was indeed bad at taking photos.
"Kyaaa! Todoroki-kun in a suit! I repeat Todoroki-kun in a suit!!!" Tori fangirled with a few girls agreeing.
"Next meme!" Present Mic announced since Midnight was busy fangirls with her students.
"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bakugou wheezed at Todoroki's face.
"Oh no, what happened to his face?!"
"Shoto, do you even know how to cook?!" Rei asked her son.
"I had practiced during the training camp. But I wasn't able to practice more due to villains kidnapping Bakugou." Shoto started starting at the vanguard action squad.
"Why is Todoroki in a chef's outfit such a mood?"
"Next meme before this turns into a "mood" chain!"
"Pfftt- oh my God he did that-" Dabi fell off the beanbag.
"Hey, are you okay? - Shut up so annoying." Dabi only responded by historical wheezing.
"Hey, All For One! Can we use one of your nine breathing machine thingies?" Toga asked the dark lord.
"...go ahead?"
A loud facepalm was heard throughout the studio as Endeavor looked at his son in worry.
"Are you not happy with my decision?" Todoroki asked his father. Rei was in the background trying to not laugh at her son's face.
The students and some parents were too busy laughing to give adequate reactions.
"Why Todoroki..." Midoriya mumbled.
"Hahaha! Next meme!"
"Omg, he can be unstoppable," Alisha muttered.
Todoroki emitted a soft gasp as if he had just figured the meaning of why his dad was a bastard. "I never thought about that..."
"Hahahahaa! Todoroki-kun no!" Iida laughed, holding onto his stomach as he saw Todoroki making his thinking face.
Class 1-A stared at Iida big-eyed.
"TENYA?!!" Tensei called out surprised to see his brother genuinely laughing.
"Oh no not the hand- pfft- crusher! Hahaha!" Midoriya laughed holding onto his mother who was surprised to hear her son laughing after so long.
"I don't get it," Shigaraki grumbled.
"Shoto you have three quirks? When?!" Endeavor asked his son baffled.
"Of course you wouldn't understand, it's an inside joke for us three," Midoriya explained.
"Next meme then."
"I'm a little upset this was the most recognition us villains had got." Spinner admitted.
"Psssshhh-" Sero fell forward not expecting that.
"I understand the Pikachu but why that bald head?" Kaminari questioned.
"Is he a monk?" Ibara questioned curiously.
"Pffft- joined together they make Kaminari's 'whey' mode!" Jirou snorted at the thought.
"Why do you always bully me??"
"Does anyone know who that is? - Oo! I know his name starts with S!!" Twice said.
"His name is Satima."
"Todoroki?! You read mangas?!" Sero asked amazed.
"I read a few during my free time after training," Todoroki admitted looking down.
"Well, what 'Roki said here! He's an overpowered character named Satima from One Punch Man." Sero explained.
"Ah! He used to have brown hair right?!" Midoriya asked with glowing eyes.
"I never knew Todoroki was into Mangas..."
"Next meme!"
"Relatable." Tsubasa sighed with a slight finger gun.
"Sounds like our Ochaco." The Uraraka's said with a closed eye smile.
"Oh, why did they take my photo at such an angle I look hilarious!" Uraraka blushed, blocking her face. Whilst forgetting she had her quirk back and was now floating in the air.
"Uraraka-san looks cute!" Eri mentioned which Toga turned to her with a giddy smile.
"Mhm! Mhm! Especially her blood." Eri shifted away from Toga once again. When would the blonde learn?
"Well unto the next meme." Mic finger gunned.
"I- what?" Stain asked completely confused.
"Oh, it was a play our Class, class 1-B made for the School Festival!!" Monoma explained before ranting on how well their play was.
"We messed up a lot during the play like I forgot that I was supposed to be dead." Tetsutetsu chuckled at Kirishima looked at him baffled.
"How do you forget that you're supposed to be dead??"
"I don't know man, everything was so messed up!!"
"Well, it does sound interesting. I'll pay you to recreate that scene." AFO bargained with Shoda, who was now dubbed as class 1-B's negotiator.
"Shiozaki-san you look really pretty!" Toru complimented.
"Next meme!"
"That does sound like me." Shinsou nodded.
"Hey, that's me!"
"Kamikiri? I feel like you and Bakugou would get along well while gaming?" Kaminari asked the humanoid insect.
"Oi! What's that supposed to mean?! Don't tell me you're referring me to that dog??" Kamikiri said in disgust.
"Hah?! Last time I checked bugs weren't considered as classmates." Bakugou responded with a tick mark.
"U-um! Tetsutetsu-kun! Why would you chuck your controller at the tv?" Midoriya asked trying to defuse the two from fighting.
"Man, it's frustrating if you come last place and chucking it at the television was rather satisfying."
"I feel sorry for the controller." Shigaraki sighed.
"I don't want to hear you Shigaraki, every time you lose you always disintegrate the controller!! It's annoying getting new controllers every game night you know!" Spinner snapped.
Shigaraki gasped. "I'm sorry I'd need to learn how to play with four fingers and that my quirk is constantly active- And I do not destroy the controllers every game night!"
"But you admit you do!!"
"I don't want to hear it from the person who threw the f*cking PS5 out of the window!!! It was vintage you... boke!"
"I said I was sorry!"
"Yeah like I'll trust that smirk on your face."
"Wait Shigaraki can play??" Ojiro looked at the guy who needed a lotion in shock.
"So what? I have a life too."
"Let's just skip to the next meme..."
"Bakugou was expected." Sero nodded along.
"Deku-kun... why?!" Uraraka asked her friend.
"I-I don't do that anymore! When my arms were slimmer it was easier to get what I wanted." Midoriya began before pausing.
"Hang on, why did you punch/kick the glass?? Using your hands is much simpler!"
"Why aren't you questioning Ojiro then?!" Mina yelled behind the brunette.
"I don't think you should talk since you do the same thing but worst," Kendo admitted.
"Hey wait! Did they switch me with Shinsou?!" Mineta cried.
"Maybe because he's more likable." Tsu bluntly stated.
"Fumi would try to shake the vending machine for his drink before asking someone for help. It's like he's destined to fail at vending machines." Dark Shadow admitted which caused Tokoyami to get flustered once again.
"I never knew that." Jirou hummed at the newfound information.
"Haha! Shota you never change!" Kayama laughed at his decision.
"Next meme!"
"That was harsh Aizawa!" All Might sweatdrop.
"TSU-CHAN-KUN?!?!?!!!" Iida yelled surprised.
"Woo, who knew the frog had some sound in her." Dabi whistled.
"My name is Asui," Tsu grumbled.
"Why is my name in you will??" Monoma asked confused.
"Cause it sounds like you," Kendo announced.
"Oh please don't," Amajiki shivered at someone dying for him.
"Hey, it's that uber hot babe from the Provisional license!" Mineral pointed out with a little drool.
"Huh, Camie?" Todoroki and Bakugou said in unison. Bakugou takes it afterward though.
"Oh, I remembered her! Her blood was a little bland. Not my taste." Toga shrugged. Midoriya, Uraraka, and Sero stared at the blonde in shock.
"Let's be honest here. We can all see Midoriya, Kirishima, All Might sacrificing themselves." Refinery girl spoke.
"Shoji-kun as well, if it wasn't for him the training camp could have been a lot different," Midoriya exclaimed.
"Omg! There's Emi!!" Kayama cheered.
"Emi? You mean Miss Joke?" Mina asked curious as to how familiar her teacher was to the hero.
"Next meme please," Aizawa begged.
"Wait no! I need more!"
"Monoma no!" Midoriya exclaimed with a horrified expression.
"Don't worry, I won't sabotage the game."
"What is a monopoly?" Eri asked Nejire.
Shoji and Sato sighed before smiling at their Class reps.
"Of course they are the ones to read the rules first."
"I don't want to brag but never lose when playing monopoly with those my age." Uraraka puffed out. Bakugou faced the brunette with a competitive gaze.
"Hah! Well see, I'll make sure to buy the railroads so you'll have to pay me!!"
"Oh yeah! We all know we'd be placing bets!!" The trio cheered.
"Awah, Jirou looks so cute."
"Next meme!"
"GAH!!!" Muscular yelled falling off his seat.
"Kid, I rather see your smiling face than, ... Whatever that is."
"Even without my eyes for once, we both agree on something." All For One sighed.
"Are you making fun of me Deku?!"
"I...I'm sorry.." Izuku looked down mildly embarrassed by his expression.
"Wait you can make your face look like Bakubro's?" Kirishima asked amazed.
"Yeah but Kacchan gets mad when I do that." Izuku scratched his neck.
"Next memes!"
"Eh? So his hands and the fake, real? His hands can play? Is water wet? Is fire hot? What is the meaning of life?" Denki soon after that shortcircuited.
"You crusty little f*ck!" Dabi grumbled at his leader.
"What?? You thought I was going to let the person who threw my vintage PS5 out of the window play with me?" Shigaraki snapped.
"Wait that was you?!"
"Pfftt yeah I'm going to try that the next time some asks to play with me." Tokage laughed slapping her knees.
"That was savage, I respect that." Mirko punched both her fist together with a grin.
"Dabi's face tho-"
"How- no seriously how???"
"Hm... Aha! Thanks this gave me a new idea for a baby! Hey, Mr. No hands!! I need to use you as my lab rat okay?" Hatsume called out signaling overhaul.
"NO! I mean... You stay away from me. It's obvious by first glance you don't take care of your body."
"Teehee! The hands can play as well! That's funny." Eri giggled.
"I can't unsee it- I CAN'T UNSEE IT!!!"
"Next meme!"
"Could this be considered a meme- gah!!" Midoriya began before he was tackled by Toga.
"Izuku! Look! I'm wearing your school uniform! That means you, me, and Ochaco can be together!" Toga responded before latching unto Uraraka.
"We can be in the same class~"
"Sorry to burst that bubble of yours but you'll be their senpai." Compress blandly stated crushing all the delusions Toga had.
"Wait a sec- is that Stain?!" Kamikiri pointed at the screen.
"Woah, he's a UA teacher!" Pony yelled amazed.
"Why would I be a teacher??" Stain asked wholly confused.
"If Stainie was going to be a teacher then I'll go to UA!"
"Huh, Dabi looks nice in our school uniform," Toru spoke for the girls.
"Yeah! Shigaraki gives off Bakugou vibes no matter how you look at his uniform."
"Hey, hey! Why are you guys laughing? Did you find the funny part in this meme?" Nejire asked the villains.
"Hahaha! Me? A hero??! That's sounds hilarious."
"You still have the hands even as a hero in training."
"I don't know about him but I burned up those dreams a long time ago."
"Haha! Is that so? I had my love for heroes beaten out of me." Shigaraki sighed.
"Pfftt just got it-"
All Might look at the two villains with worry.
"Next meme then."
Everyone nearly broke into laughter not expecting something like this after the sad one.
"This is what we have to deal with every day."
"Welcome to Class 1-A!!"
"Why the f*ck would they kidnap me again??"
"Why would I want to kidnap a rabid dog like you?" Shigaraki groaned.
"After all, he failed the first time," AFO spoke.
"Ooo~ drama! - Are you okay?"
"Welp, next meme."
"Hey, hey! Why are we not seeing any more memes?"
"Ah sorry, we had reached the meme limit."
"Eh? Is that a thing?" Koda asked curiously.
"It sure is. Now I want you to take your bean bags and follow me so you can see the other guest!" Alisha responded with a light tap.
Phew, so I'm finished with the memes. There were barely many reactions because I believed I chose the wrong types of memes.
Word count: 4248
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