| 18 | Aftermath | •[100k Special]•
"Hm, Aftermath?" Hawks repeated starting at the screen confused.
"Hey, Endeavour do you understand what this means?" Hawks asked patting the number one Hero on his shoulder.
"Stop that! ...I believe they are talking about the Aftermath of the war."
"Ah? Really! Thanks for what to expect from our number one~"
Y'all didn't expect this, did ya? I didn't either. But thanks for 100k and enjoy this short chapter! And hopefully, I'll write the sequel too or a story that follows the same timeline.
The very next day, after the Civil War had concluded with a perfect victory to the Villain Team, doing as instructed by the Principal himself, Hitoshi Shinsou made his way to Class 1-A.
"Ah, so we're starting from Shinsou-kun." Uraraka hummed sitting once again with the Dekusquad.
"It makes sense since we ended with him, the previous episode," Momo spoke.
"Why are you walking so stiffly?" Toga asked watching as the rigid teen ambled down the hallway. Both her and Jin were now under Nezu's control so for starters they sat closer to him.
Why can't I go back in time?! Sorry, Jin.
Today would be his first day in the Hero Course and through to be told, the purple-haired boy was kinda.... nervous.
"Oh, never mind then." Toga dismissed.
"I can relate, the day before we got to UA I couldn't sleep." Midoriya chuckled remembering how he watched the All Might debut on repeat until he fell asleep.
"Izuku, we can't forget how the week before you got the letter, you were so nervous you stared at a fish for twenty min-"
"Ah-ah-ah! Mom I remembered..." Midoriya, who blushed out of embarrassment, hid his face from view while his friends chuckled at him.
Yeah, sure he knew half of the class closely as he was part of their team, but the other half... Yeah, not very good. Considering the fact that he played one of the major roles in the Civil War that helped the Villains win, he could only wonder,
'What will the ones from the other team think of me..?' He thought.
"No worries, Shinsou-kun! If I had a grudge against someone for just playing their part then I'd be a huge hypocrite." Uraraka reassured while Tsu keroed in agreement.
"Uh, thanks I guess," Shinsou replied.
He feared that they would see him as a villain or something. And he never wanted to be in that situation. Not after remembering the words of his middle school classmates.
"Middle school can just die." Midoriya sighed causing others to look at him worriedly. Although you could see Bakugou flinching in the background.
Kirishima joined in with an affirmative huff. "I know right bro! Although being shut down for a year is enough for me."
Shinsou, although he was rather confused by the two lack of respect for middle school couldn't help but agree.
"Elementary school should just jump off a cliff." Midoriya breathed making sure no one heard that statement. Wow, my chest feels lighter!
Lost in his thoughts, he accidentally bumped into someone on the way. Quickly, helping the person to get up and apologizing, he saw who he bumped into.
Just his luck, it was their own Support Technician, Mei Hastume.
"Woah." Nearly all the students breathed out while the teachers hang their jaws lose.
"No way, there's a God?!" Power loader yelled causing the Villains to look at him weirdly.
"Why are you guys overreacting?" Toga asked with Spinner leaning in curiosity.
"Hatsume-san never wears her school uniform unless she was forced to. So we are surprised to see her voluntarily in her school uniform." Midoriya explained while Hatsume was in the background explaining how she didn't have time to deal with bathing when she could be making babies.
So Hatsume managed to get herself on the "Top Five of people not to get even 5 meters radius to", yep Overhaul was petrified.
"Well, someone's certainly in a hurry." The pink-haired girl said.
"Well, uh, you see, it's my first day in the Hero Course and I-I'm kinda-!" Shinsou tried to explain but was cut off by Hatsume herself.
"I was talking about me, Hypno boy, I am in a hurry. Judging by how slow you are going, looks like you have loads of time. Which is not called being in a hurry." Hatsume replied.
"... eh?"
The ones who were victims to Hatsume bluntness only sighed looking at one another and shrugging. "Don't worry, Shinsou-kun, she does that often."
Okay, but Hypno boy????
The league was just laughing at the pink-haired's antics, nothing much.
"No, no sorry. I should get going," Shinsou said as he pointed in the other direction.
"Okay!" Hatsume shrugged as she started to walk her own path.
"Oh, and one more thing, Hatsume," Shinsou called her out.
"Are you going to brainwash her to say something?" Toru asked which made Shinsou flinch at the invisible girl's question.
"When were yo- um I don't think so?"
"Yeah?" She turned her head and asked.
"Please, never call me 'Hypno boy' again," Shinsou said.
"Oh that, but it sounds so cool!" Kaminari exclaimed.
"It sounds childish." Shinsou retorted with a simple glare.
"Gotcha, Hypno boy!" Hatsume replied as she went towards her classroom.
Most of the audiences were on the floor either laughing at the situation or because they did an anime fall.
"This gives me the; "Don't call me Sir Sero." Sero began but was interrupted by Mina.
"Okay, Sir Sero." Like Mei is simply savage!"
"She's a gangster with a lot of questionable weapons."
"Dammit... Should've brainwashed her and then said it..." Shinsou gritted his teeth. Sighing, he rushed towards Class 1-A.
"Yeah you should have, but you didn't." Setsuna taunted.
Okay, so, Shinsou did not expect this...
The Big Three and those who weren't in class 1-A looked at the screen in confusion.
Aizawa was in his sleeping bag, taking a nap, by his desk. Apparently, as the students said, it was completely normal.
"Yes, Mr. Aizawa always sleeps in class. But he tells me I can't sleep in class." Eri nodded while Midnight teased the adult.
Shinsou didn't know if to feel disappointed or not.
"If you sleep almost all the time, why do you look like a hobo? - Is it a trend?" Twice asked pointing at Aizawa, Shigaraki, All Might, Dabi, and All For One.
Their reply was a pillow to his face.
And then, there was the class' welcome.
First off, there were nine of his teammates there. That was okay for him. Not that big of a deal. He met Aoyama before in the nurses' office, so that wasn't a problem either. Thankfully, he was now fully healed.
"Aoyama is still looking at the screen."
Kirishima told him that he was really manly during the Civil War. Bakugou was unusually quiet. He looked lost in his thoughts. Midoriya and Yaoyorozu gave him a warm welcome.
Then, there was the rest of the class. Most of them didn't say anything. Except for Iida who said a lot of things.
"Of course he did." Sero sweatdropped.
"Welcome to Hero Course, Class 1-A, Shinsou. I'm your class rep, Tenya Iida! I hope for you to follow the rules properly and form a good and friendly bond with the rest of our classmates! If you ever need anything, just ask me, or anyone you're comfortable with! If there is something bugging you, please report it to me immediately! As class rep, I want you to feel completely at ease! So, please, make yourself comfortable and try to meet the high expectations of our institution! Thank you very much!" Iida exclaimed while doing his mechanical gestures that sure didn't make Shinsou comfortable.
"What are you? A robot?" Shigaraki asked facing the class rep.
"Hey! That's my mechanical brother you're talking about." Tensei joked before confronting the crusty manchild.
"Since when have we ever followed rules, Class rep?" Mina asked with the others nodding behind her.
"Well it is true we are prone to incidents and are usually found breaking the rules." Momo agreed with the alien.
"..." Tenya couldn't say anything due to the fact he broke the rules more than twice.
Stain sat in his seat, watching as Class 1-A chatted amongst themselves.
"Yo, Iida, chill out or you'll scare him. That won't be manly, bro." Kirishima said.
"Too late for that," Shinsou muttered, those near him laughed at his response.
"Pardon?" Iida asked not hearing the insomniac's words.
"Oh, it's nothing Class rep."
"I apologize!" Exclaimed Iida.
"Anyways," Ashido began, "You know where you're gonna be sitting Shinsou?"
"Am I supposed to? Don't they have a paper on the blackboard that states your seating arrangements?" Shinsou asked them confused.
"No, not really."
"Uh... Where?" Shinsou asked tilting his head.
"Front seat, dude! Next to Hagakure!" Kaminari replied.
'Well... That doesn't help my anxiety...' Shinsou rolled his eyes and sat on his seat.
"Well, that's just a huge mood." Kuroiro grinned as Tokoyami nodded.
Soon, the bell rang and the homeroom began.
The day went on and it wasn't that bad for Shinsou. Surprisingly, he found a soft spot for himself in Aizawa's heart - which was impossible. The other lectures were fine. Like English and Maths, they were the same. The only thing he was falling behind was the main thing; hero training. Though he knew the basics from the practice for the previous training session. But he was still not up to the mark with it.
"Wha- how?!?! It's difficult as it is to get praise from Mister Aizawa!!" Sero blurted alarmed.
And he was talking to me about favoritism. All Might huffed.
During the lunch break, the purple was sitting with Class 1-A which was mostly talking about the Villains' yesterday's feats.
"Pfftt- the purple..."
"Which one? You got two purple heads in your class now." Muscular asked.
"They are talking about Hypno boy the one we've been watching muscle brain."
"I still can't believe I couldn't tell the difference! I really thought it was you!" Uraraka exclaimed from her seat.
A chorus of same fled throughout the studio.
"Well, we couldn't have done it properly without Jirou malfunctioning the power system. So, I'm not much to credit really..." Midoriya replied, rubbing the back of his head.
"Deku-kun, I'm going to say this once so please listen." Uraraka slowing mouthed while standing in front of her friend. Watching as Deku nodded in understanding.
"Deku didn't you tell them what to do?" Eri asked.
"Eri, although it's rude to interrupt someone who's talking, you said everything I wanted to say but simpler. Don't cut yourself short okay Deku-kun?"
"Yeah, bro! We lost due to your commands on your team who at first didn't want to be there. That's manly."
"Midoriya if it wasn't for you that version of me wouldn't be in the Hero course," Shinsou spoke in an affirmative tone.
"Ah shut up you sh*tty nerd!! It's your f*cking strategy and team coordination that made us lose. What the f*ck are you talking about you're not to credit?! Eat dogsh*t or else accept that you won because of your f*cking abilities." Bakugo growled at Midoriya who was nodding his head furiously.
"Hey, Bakugou! You didn't need to be so vulgar! But yeah I agree."
There were words of agreement in the background and Midoriya smiled at everyone.
"If you ask me, it was the entire team's coordination that helped us," Shinsou stated.
"The only way for Midoriya to take some credit," Aizawa spoke watching as the onscreen Midoriya smiled sheepishly at Shinsou's words.
"Oh yeah! You may have been our opponent but let me say this again; Shinsou's part was really manly! I mostly heard about it from the other students talking. That was really awesome, bro!" Kirishima said, giving the purple head a thumbs up.
"Uh, thank you?"
"I heard Nezu even recorded the entire thing for personal amusement. Maybe we'll get to see it?" Sero added.
"Of course!" Nezu announced with a simple clap. "Young Alisha, you said you were recording this? Is it going to stop once this chapter is over?" Nezu asked.
"I- well yes?.."
"They shouldn't count on it, he only recorded like half." Midnight whispered.
"Actually, I was recording a piece for myself to analyze once it was over, but I didn't expect I'd need to record one for the staff to enjoy, so yes my onscreen self has a personal copy." Nezu smiled behind Midnight who shrieked and moved three beanbags away from the Principal.
"I'd rather not see it..." Todoroki said quietly.
"Ah yes, Todoroki was brainwashed for most of the event." Mina sweatdropped.
"F in the chat for Todoroki." Denki grimaced.
"F." Twice responded.
"F," Sero replied.
"F." Mina nodded.
"F." Toru sighed.
"Sorry about that Todoroki-kun." Midoriya apologized.
"It's okay Midoriya, this just teaches me to be more attentive."
"I'm sorry, Todoroki. About... You know..." Midoriya said to the heterochromatic boy.
"It's fine. I should've been paying more attention..." Todoroki replied.
"Pfftt- they did the same thing as these two."
"You should not be feeling down, Todoroki!" Iida exclaimed, "As a matter of fact, the only thing that matters for right now is that the training session has concluded and Shinsou got a chance to enter the Hero Course! We must keep no hard feelings and work hard to overcome our weaknesses that were displayed in the Civil War! We must learn from the winning team about coordination, strategy, and a quick way of thinking and acting! You must keep in mind tha-"
Iida was cut off by the entire class.
"Woah even Bakugou?!"
"Iida I think you hang around Midoriya way too much," Mirio announced.
"Hey!" Midoriya snapped his head at his senpai looking betrayed.
"We get it, Iida!" They exclaimed.
"Are we sure he's not a robot?" Shinsou asked.
"See even our online selves thought so!"
Iida blushed in embarrassment.
"We're still working on the theory," Ashido replied, laughing.
"I can help with that," Hatsume said facing the bluenette. "But I'll need my tools first, Alisha-san can I get it back now?"
"Thanks for calling me by my name but no."
The rest of the lunch break went on with the students chatting with each other and eating their lunch.
Later that day, in the afternoon, while heading back to their dormitories, Shinsou stopped Midoriya on his way to talk to him about something.
"What is it Shinsou? Everything Alright?" Midoriya asked him as he saw the purple head behind him - standing straight, looking down with his fist clenched on his sides.
Todoroki looked at the screen having a minor flashback to the sports festival, is Shinsou gazing to say something important to Midoriya?
He looked at the green-haired boy before speaking.
"I just wanted to thank you," he said surprising the other boy. He continued, "If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't have been in the Hero Course today. It was a great experience for me. If you wouldn't have asked me to join your team then I don't really think I had that much of a chance. So, I just wanted to thank you!" Shinsou said whilst bowing politely.
"Shinsou-kun you don't need to thank me, it was your own heroic deeds that allowed you to be in the Hero Course. I don't believe I said it as yet, but Welcome to Class 1-A! Shinsou-kun." Midoriya gave a similar warm smile that was basically contagious.
"Welcome to Class 1-A Shinsou-kun!" The others repeated give Shinsou a huge hug.
"Welcome to the Hero Course!!" The more energetic ones replied pumping their fist into the air.
Shinsou looked down with a slight blush on his face. "Thanks." It was a small response but those who did hear smiled even more.
"Shinsou..." midoriya said, "That's not true..."
Shinsou looked at him, surprised.
"Oh, we're basically going to get another sappy version of this onscreen then." Toga pointed at the dogpile in front of her.
A little blood would make things much cuter tho. Toga pouted.
"You earned it yourself, Shinsou. You deserved to be in the Hero Course. Rather, I should be thanking you because... We couldn't have secured the last objective without you! So, please don't thank me. I didn't do anything...!" Midoriya said, smiling.
"Why is the room so bright?" Tamaki asked blocking his eyes. Eri looked at him confused. "It was only Deku smiling?"
Ah, someone of his same caliber of cuteness wouldn't see the blinding light. Tamaki thought.
Upon hearing his words. Shinsou smiled as well.
It was a good start for his Hero career he wished too long for...
"Everything is really too sappy, jeez most of us can't even react due to smiling so much." Compress spoke.
Later, the students sitting in the Common Area of the 1-A Heights Alliance Dormitories were startled due to the loud bang coming from the front door.
"Ooo! Some action finally!" Mirko jumped in joy.
They looked back to see Ashido and Kaminari literally dragging Shinsou to the dorms.
"..Not what I expected honestly, what in the world happened???"
"Why are you guys dragging me?"
"We don't know ourselves!"
Twice spoke up. "Maybe you guys were playing that game where you dragged the other in mud - no they are too clean, he probably was too heavy to move."
"Oof!" Kaminari cackled.
"What happened...?" Ojiro asked.
"What most of us were thinking!"
"You wanna know? Then listen!" Ashido exclaimed, "We're coming from the General Course's dorms dragging this idiot all the way back to here, and what's his excuse?! He forgot!"
There were the sounds of facepalming in the studio.
"Wow, dude."
"I know how you felt Shinsou, on my first day at U.A. I sat in Sero's seat since that was my seat number in Middle school." Kaminari gave a thumbs up.
Sero looked at him surprised. "Wow! That was the reason you sat in my seat?"
"Yeah, bro."
"So no one is going to take into account that Young Shinsou probably was going for his luggage?" All Might asked.
"Um... I don't think this is that big of a problem?" Shinsou stated.
"It isn't Young Shinsou." All Might reassured.
"Those idiots just like to exaggerate things," Aizawa spoke, rolling his eyes as Mina and Kaminari comically fell in mock hurt.
"Wow harsh,... and they just proved his point." Toga huffed sitting next to Ochako and Izuku.
"Ehhh?!" Both said students jumped from their seats in alarm. Toga smile slyly at them.
"Why are you there??" Ochaco genuinely asked looking at Toga's previous spot near Twice that was three rows away.
"I erased my presence! Since I'm now in custody, I thought 'Why not spend time with my two favorites... Ochaco-chan and Izuku-chan! Tehe!" Toga giggled as Ochaco sweatdropped.
"Ah. Right...."
"W-woah! You can erase your presence?!" Izuku asked intrigued. Can't blame him tho.
"It's fine, Shinsou. They're just exaggerating." Yaoyorozu said.
"Yeah, it's fine," Midoriya added.
"I guess they just like to give surprises then..." Shinsou pondered.
"Yep! But please no jumpscares." Mina said slumping on the floor.
"Agreed, we had way too much of that this past year." Sato groaned rubbing his head.
"What do you mean?" Shinsou asked them confused.
"Villain attacks and Aizawa Sensei." Class 1-A spoke in unison causing the teachers to look at Aizawa who hummed in acknowledgment.
The parents however felt a little uneasy while the League whistled innocently.
"Oh, I sure hope you're used to being surprised-attacked by villains otherwise it can get bad, ribbit," Said Asui.
"Yep, our Class comes with a Package deal. Get Class 1-A, you get attacked, by Villains. Fair deal right?" Kaminari hummed.
"No, I'd rather be in Class 1-B then." Shinsou bluntly stated.
"Too late dude! You already stepped foot in both our class and dorms!" Kirishima pumped his fist.
"You should have read the fine print," Koda spoke as loud as he could without shouting.
"Indeed." Yaomomo nodded.
"Why are they so casual about this??" Mirko asked confused.
Coping method? Best Jeanest thought.
"Wait what?!" Shinsou asked, shocked.
"Welcome to Class-1-A, dude."
'Aight so I'm adding this side note to inform y'all that there's is a sequel to this book called "B O U N D" on my profile.
"Are we going to watch that next?" Eri asked.
"Nope! First I'm going to let you walk around. And then allow you to eat, and guide you to a much bigger room where we have a special guest waiting."
"Oh okay."
"Hey, hey wait! Before you end the chapter... what about those who won the bet?? Can we get back our quirks?!" Mineta asked.
"Yeah what he said!"
"... fine."
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