| 14 | Two Down |
"Seriously, I don't think we would be surprised with anything else now," Ojiro announced.
"Is that so? Well, it's starting once again." Midoriya nodded, smiling as he held Eri next to him.
"I wonder what the title means." Honenuki faced Monoma who was praising Kodai for the scheme.
"I dunno."
More codenames!
From Team Villains: Kaminari is Pheon, Sato is Mega, Falcon is Shoda, Iterator is Shoji, Laser is Tokoyami and Honenkui is Rabbit.
"Why am I Rabbit?" Honenuki scratched his head trying to find any similarities between him and a Rabbit.
"Somehow seeing Shoda as Falcon makes a lot of sense." Kendo complimented.
"Ah, really?"
"D*mn! My codename sounds so bad*ss!" Kaminari cheered.
From Team Heroes: Zero is Bakugou.
"I have a feeling someone just insulted me," Bakugou said.
"Deku do you think this is some type of joke?!"
Kirishima instantly intervened trying to make sure no one gets injured.
"Hey! Wouldn't that means that you're higher than #1??" Bakugou looked at Kirishima with dead eyes.
"I rather you telling me that I got a sh*tty name than you trying to make it sound good."
"Oi, Deku! Choosing Zero from Ground Zero isn't smart, yah hear me!!!"
Meanwhile, as the Heroes were stuck with the fake nuke, the Villains were ready for their next move. Or maybe their next moves.
"Hey, wait a sec what do you mean bro?" Tetsutetsu asked.
On their way to the backside of the bank building of Ground Beta were; Kaminari, Sato, Honenkui, and Monoma. Once reached their destination - the back of the bank - they started to put the plan into action. The first part of the plan was something they considered using only when necessary. Brute force.
"Monoma is being used a lot in the groups."
"That's just like a piece of cake." Monoma shrugged.
"...I guess it was because of the harsh training Midoriya gave us." Mina ignored the blonde and continued talking to Komori.
"That makes a lot of sense~"
"Don't ignore me!!" Monoma shouted.
Sato consumed about five grams of sugar from one of the small containers in his costume's belt and activated his quirk. He punched the wall a couple of times before it broke down making an easy entrance for the Villains. The four boys moved in and scattered off in further groups of two. Sato with Honenkui and Kaminari with Monoma. Kaminari and Monoma to the group of three Heroes while Sato and Honenkui to the objective.
"Without context or knowledge of your quirk that looks like drugs." Muscular exclaimed pointing at the sweet tooth.
"Eh me?!" Sato blurted surprised by the sudden call.
"It really does. - No it doesn't!"
"Ah, I see..." A depressing aura soon enveloped Sato which began to suffocate those near him.
"You make really good treats tho!"
"Falcon, what's the situation?" Midoriya asked as he neared the grey-haired boy who was currently on the computer.
"On-" Fukidashi started but was interrupted by a hand.
"Don't. Say. It." Shigaraki threatened which Toga looked at the two curiously.
"What shouldn't he say?"
Momo soon caught on to what the speech bubble was about to quote.
"ON YOUR LEFT!" Sero cackled as soon as he noticed the vein mark on Shigaraki.
"We've successfully made a proper map of Hero Team's base. I've marked the quarters with green, the control room with blue, and the Leaders room with red. The objective is marked with black. Hopefully, we've secured everything here. May I turn off the camera on Bondo?" Shoda asked as he took out a print of the map.
"Wow, that looks really efficient."
"Thank you."
"Of course you can. He is no use to us anymore." Midoriya replied as he took a look at the map that was just printed out. While Shoda pressed a few buttons, resulting in the self-destruction of the tiny camera on Bondo's shoulder.
"Mi...doriya?" Bondo asked, he was really confused now. Maybe he shouldn't have fallen asleep.
"Damn, Leader really said that you're just his pawns." Mina slouched on her beanbag as the Heroes looked back at him.
"No, I didn't say that! Ashido-san don't just add your opinion on me!"
"But wasn't that what your alternate self said?" Overhaul inquired.
"Do you really think it would work? I mean... I'm not saying that it won't!! But still, do you think that they'll really... Fall for this?" Shoda asked, hesitating a little.
"I mean we already have," Kamakiri announced.
"YEAH!! No one expected a nuke, especially for it to be fake so you should win as long as there aren't any accidents!~" Mic yelled.
"You are way too noisy," Aizawa grumbled.
"Hey Sho- aren't you feeling like all your patterns were stolen?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm talking about how they got your binding as well as your erasure quirk!"
"I don't think Monoma has Erasure anymore." Ectoplasm said whilst he scratched his head.
"Don't you worry about that. They aren't able to tell the difference between us so far. Considering that, they will fall for it. So, stop worrying and get to the next objective. The Heroes are distracted right now." Midoriya replied as he grabbed something white-colored from a nearby table.
Now that I think about it, was this a foreshadow? Alisha thought rubbing her temple.
"Midoriya is really assertive huh," Reiko spoke.
"A-Alright!" Shoda said as he walked out of the room.
"So cute!" Midnight swooned over the excited boy.
It didn't take Kaminari and Monoma a long time to find the Heroes hiding behind a wall, assumingly they had already evacuated the building and now they were figuring out how to get past the nuke and get to the objective. And their job was to hold them down. Unfortunately, Bakugou was at the peak of his anger and wouldn't go back without taking down some Villains. The only thing left to see was how it would play out.
"Mr. Deku?" Eri called unto the greenette who was conversing with his teammates.
"Yes, Eri-chan?" Midoriya looked down towards the petite fairy.
"Why don't the Heroes go through the back door?"
"Ah that, it's because they do not know when the "bomb" will explode or how it would," Midoriya explained adding a few hand movements.
Kaminari was the first one to move but his foolish self gave the Heroes a chance. He accidentally made a noise by hitting his arm on one of the black metal poles which gave Bakugou a sign of their presence and he didn't hesitate about the nuke but came out with an explosion ready.
"You idiot!"
"You numbskull!"
"You absolute fool!"
"Wait, who called me a fool?"
"Baka! That's your priority?!"
"Wait guys don't get angry! I was jinxed by Present Mic!" Kaminari bellowed before being crushed by Team Villans.
"Ha! That's for being so high and mighty!!" Bakugou laughed.
"Thanks, Sparky."
"Hearing that from you alone gives me the creeps."
Did I say that out loud?!
"Kaminari you only had one job!!"
"At least it wasn't jamming your toe to the metal." Sero attempted to liven the situation.
"Well, it doesn't matter now."
'You fool!' Monoma thought as he quickly hid behind a wall.
"So it was you!!"
An ominous whistle echoed throughout the studio.
With a sharp yell of 'die,' Bakugou jumped on the metal poles and maintained his balance while aiming at Kaminari while Monoma hid himself well behind the opposite wall. Bakugou without wasting a second attacked Kaminari with an explosion of a fairly large level.
"Yep, I died. I definitely died." Kaminari chanted.
"Have some faith in yourself! Didn't Midoriya teached you and Mineta to be stealthy?! So you must be more agile now!!" Shoda barked at the blonde.
"Y-yes, sir!"
"Bakugou, the nuke-!!!!" The other two Heroes tried to stop Bakugou, fearful about the nuke but were too late as Bakugou already landed his attack.
Kaminari, however, ducked but his right side wasn't very lucky. His right arm and some chest got caught in the explosion as he yelped in pain.
Most of the audience had thought one thing in common.
"There'll be no more hiding...! I'm gonna kill all of you...!" Bakugou said with a grim look as he started to make his way near Kaminari who was trying to stand up again. Monoma, on the other hand, cursed underneath his breath while staying at his position. They knew Bakugou would be here. They knew he would attack regardless, not caring about the nuke. But what they didn't know was about Kaminari's awful mistake.
"Sorry guys."
"It's okay."
Masaru recalled the words of the title. He soon understood what the title was talking about. "The Villain Team is going to lose two members today."
"Wait for real?!"
"Finally Karma is going to strike them! Maybe they'll lose Kaminari and Monoma?" The Hero Team was in an uproar.
Clearly now the Heroes knew the nuke was fake. If it was real they wouldn't be even alive by now! And with newfound hope and confidence, the other two Heroes also activated their quirks and Joined Bakugou. Destroying, breaking, and slashing through the metal poles as they made their way closer to the Villain.
But just as they reached Kaminari, Monoma stepped in.
"Go, Lieutenant!"
Meanwhile, with the Heroes all distracted, a group of three Villains tip-toed their way to the next objective, oh so stealthily it was doubted that even the cameras would have seen them.
Shoji, Tokoyami, and Shoda, otherwise called as Iterator, Laser, and Falcon for the time being, stealthily entered an underground parking lot in the center of Ground Beta.
"What do they mean, "for the time being"? Do they have more codenames?" Uraraka asked.
"I hope not! I don't think I'd be able to remember that much." Tsuburaba admitted.
Tokoyami and Shoji used their quirks to locate the objective while Shoda kept an eye for any Hero nearby. Shoda's job throughout the war has certainly been like a falcon. He pinpointed the enemy and attacked with anything giving his teammates a pretty good chance of escaping and bringing the plan into action.
The Trio we never knew we wanted. Sato thought.
Not so sooner, Dark Shadow found the blue objective, and the three Villains were now waiting for the other group to secure their objective before they could swipe up the green card.
"I miss, Dark Shadow." Toru pouted.
"Same, she was so fun to talk to." Uraraka sighed.
"Wait hold on, she?!"
Hell did the Heroes expect Monoma to come up with another Pro Hero's quirk? Absolutely no. Just when Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kamakiri were about to reach the Electrification-quirk user Monoma showed up and used a new quirk. Voice.
"HAH?!" Yamada yelled surprised.
"Why are you surprised? He bumped into you as well." Midnight stated the facts.
"True, true-"
"I feel sorry for their ears."
Monoma yelled at the top of his lungs and heavy yellowish sound waves emerged, Making the Heroes cover their ears and backing off from Kaminari. Monoma didn't stop yelling, just to make sure that the Heroes didn't stand a chance against him and in the meantime, Kaminari also recovered and although he was suffering from Monoma's extremely loud yelling, he managed to stand up and readied himself to shoot a beam of electricity towards the Heroes.
"Argh!! How is the sound so deafening from a screen?!" Muscular yelled covering his ears.
"I'M DEAF!!" Toga yelled however it ironically went over deaf ears.
"The screen is about to crack!"
"Sorry, y'all!" Mic apologized for his quirk. He didn't think Monoma would be so awful at handling his quirk...
"There is no such thing as a God, he has abandoned us." Jirou chanted.
"Don't talk like that!" Ibara tried to snap Jirou out of her resentment.
All For One was suffering, especially since he couldn't move his arms because of the life supports.
In summary, everyone in the room was suffering from the noise and Mic was the only one who wasn't suffering as much. He felt a little bad for them.
The voice soon toned down to a bearable noise. Everyone turned to their Hero. Who was Alisha she gave a cheeky smile while simultaneously raising her hand in surrender?
"Sorry, sorry."
Bakugou was certainly not the one to back off so easily as he prepared another explosion and this time bigger and stronger than before. Hell was that this attack was gonna bring on the room.
"How in the world was he able to move during that?!" Kendo yelled still trying to get her sense of hearing back.
"HOLY WOW!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?!?! I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!? THE NUKE WAS FAKE?!?!?!! AND TEAM VILLAIN'S NEITO MONOMA HAS MY QUIRK TOO?!?!" Present Mic asked more than he announced as the rest of the teachers were also pretty surprised by Team Villains' amazing strategy and Monoma's stealthy quirk copying.
"Seriously what has Midoriya been teaching them? I need to know." Vlad King stated as he noticed changes in Monoma's fighting style as well as changes in his ego. Though the latter was only for Team Villains.
"That can be arranged." Nezu laughed.
"No Sir, I know his methods already," Vlad spoke.
'At this point I think Young Monoma might have One For All as well...' All Might thought as he sweat-dropped.
Thank God that he doesn't. All Might sighed, he doesn't think it would have been a good thing to see limbs flying off with every punch.
"This is wonderful." Nezu and Midnight said as the entire thing was being recorded by them.
"Those two are amazing." Toga laughed.
"Awe, thanks hun~" Kayama winked at the blond.
"You two are way too relax with this." Thirteen sighed.
"You shouldn't sigh! Your lifespan would shorten." Kayama warned her friend. Aizawa sighed behind her.
Sato and Honenkui found the objective hidden near the staircase in the building. They thought it would be like in a locker or something but look like the Principal was giving their leader's smarts some competition. However, they found it by connecting to their main base, and thankfully their leader was so prepared for a competition like this. He figured that out that the hidden objective might not be in any specific hidden location that came first to everybody's mind but it would be somewhere else. UA is what we're talking about. They had to place at least one tricky objective.
"Yet you still found it! Very remarkable." Nezu smiled.
"Thank you, Sir." Midoriya bowed.
As they were just about to swipe the card and secure the objective, they heard the noise explosions coming from the room with the nuke.
"Wait! Shroom, don't stop!" Komori warned them.
"Wait? Are you telling me Zero doesn't care that there's a damn bomb here?!" Honenkui asked.
"Not anymore I don't!" Bakugou roared.
"Seriously Kaminari, even Mineta did better than you!"
"Thank you for your compliment, Mina." Mineta rubbed his nose with a satisfied face.
"Ew, kero. Don't get too happy."
"That's Bakugou for you. Let's get this done and get there fast!" Sato exclaimed in reply as Honenkui nodded and secured the objective. Just then, Present Mic announced their victory for the fourth objective. Now even if they all got eliminated, they would still win as they had completed four out of seven objectives successfully without losing anyone.
"Does anyone else think the air is getting warm?" Tsuyu asked.
"Yeah, Bakugou is furious that Midoriya is the closest to winning."
"He became a heat generator like the Todoroki's! ... and Dabi," Toru added.
"I'll roast you first then, Cena!"
"Eep! You're not my type!"
"Let's go help Larceny and Pheon," Honenkui said as Sato nodded in reply.
Present Mic announcement was enough of a signal for the three Villains hiding in the underground parking lot as they all nodded at one another and Shoji did the honors of securing the fifth objective by swiping the green card on its dazzling blue surface.
"See? My comments are useful here!" Mic empathizes with his friend.
"Thanks!" The Villain Team smiled which Mic became sheepish too.
"Is no one going to comment about the sped they are running at?! Bakugou might not even be able to face off Midoriya."
"Don't be so sure."
3... 2... 1...
"Who's counting?"
"They are more united than the League of Villains themselves." All Might sweatdrop.
"Of course, we have Midoriya with us!"
"I think we just gave UA enough shocks for the year," Shoda said.
"No, you didn't!" Spinner shouted.
"Yes, they did."
"Hey, hey! This is really interesting so make more!" Hado requested.
"Please continue," Nezu asked.
"Please stop," Aiwaza said, knowing what the Rat was about to scheme.
"Mr. Aizawa?! Why???"
"Oh, there's more than they think they'll get." Dark Shadow replied.
Half of the audience cheered. The parents were almost neutral since I nearly forgot to include them.
With Monoma's yells deafening everyone, Kaminari's electricity and Bakugou's explosions collided and had effects of theirs own as Kaminari and Monoma both were now injured due to the explosion and were on the ground. Injured but not defeated. Kirishima, on the other hand, activated his hardening quirk and made a shield for himself and Kamakiri as he couldn't do the same for Bakugou who was electrocuted in the attack. Electrocuted but not defeated.
"Hey, my yells are not sounding like a dying cockatoo anymore!" Monoma smiled.
"It wasn't meant to sound like that in the first place!"
"Where's the comradeship from earlier?" Monoma inquired heartbrokenly.
"Sorry, I guess Sensei's quirk was more difficult to use."
"I can use my quirk to protect myself you know," Kamakiri replied.
"But are you resistant to electricity?" Kendo asked him.
Just as the large-scale attack ended, Sato and Honenkui entered the room. Broken Metal poles, debris, smoke from Bakugou's explosions, and fire.
"It's the battlefield," Kuroguri mumbled.
"Wait when did you sit next to me?" Stain asked the vape cloud.
"I feel like someone just insulted me," Kuroguri spoke.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! You guy ar-!" Sato didn't get the time to finish his sentence neither he got anything to consume sugar for the activation of his quirk when Bakugou propelled himself upwards and took out the gun to kill the Villains. Unfortunately, Sato became the first target and was no longer in the war.
"I'm sorry guys." Sato bowed.
"... don't worry, we will avenge your death! Right Koda?!"
"Rabbit, create an escape route!!" Monoma yelled as he ducked watching for Bakugou. Honenkui nodded and touched the ground beneath himself and Monoma, resulting in it softening at the point of becoming quicksand. But Bakugou was in the mood for a killing spree as he took down Kaminari as well.
"I couldn't even atone for getting us caught," Kaminari grumbled bitterly.
"Avenge me!"
"Wait didn't a parent said earlier that two Villains were going to lose?"
"Oh yeah! Whose parent was it?" Setsuna asked.
"My old man." Katsuki pointed at Masaru who was talking about theories with the other Dads.
He's nothing like Bakugou! Is what they thought.
"Get down now!!" Honenkui yelled as he grabbed Monoma and went inside the floor. Softening everything as he moved further, Honenkui created a path for them to get out of the building as he quickly used his quirk on the soften land to make it hard again, just in case so the Heroes won't follow.
"Swift movements with no delay." Cementoss complimented Mudman's quick moves.
Breathing heavily, Honenkui looked at Monoma who was sitting on the ground, holding his throat.
"Little listener are you okay?"
"Yamada, does he look okay?" Aiwaza deadpanned.
"First pro quirk, made me wary of my sense of sight and I'm sure my sense of hearing is bad with the second pro quirk." Monoma sighed.
"You had it, rough dude," Mineta spoke.
"You should leave the area and head towards Peach, I'm sure she'll have a remedy for your throat."
"I'm gonna have a sore throat for some time."
"You were still bad*ss tho."
"Sorry guys for this miss updates. Wattpad us working better now so here's the new chapter. I'm very sorry."
"Did someone just hear a voice?" Midoriya asked Mirio who was next to him.
"Huh? No, I didn't."
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